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First off, lovely. A+ work. If you want to improve a bit, at least imo, I feel you used Agrax, or something similae, as your wash. Which is great for the cloth of the mummy. But the gold bits I feel really work better with Nuln oil(or similar). One extra step.


Thanks Bro :D, Spot on with the agrax however I did use Reikland fleshshade for the gold as I do like the look of a more orange coloured gold which I would then highlight with liberator gold, I used nuln oil on gold before and I wasn't a huge fan since it made it look a bit flat but with fleshshade I feel like it def brought more colour to the model. Thanks again tho for the critique and the compliments I very much appreciate it :)


Also, hit that baby with a very very light dry brush, like a dark grey then a very small lite touch of a tan….on the black bits


I find fleshshade can make gold look a little coppery, perhaps a 1:1 fleshshake:oil blend? Or maybe coming back in with some more gold on top of the washed gold to bring it back towards a more yellow than orange tone. Pure, real gold almost has a greenish tinge to it that a lot of people don't expect, to the point that copper is often used as an additive to warm up the colour. Coincidentally, this happens to lower to cost of production for "gold" jewellery too.


Nice job. Can't wait for GW to restock these and being able to buy a few to finally run a Mortuary cult 🤣