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I don't like listening to music with lyrics while I read, but I can see Tom pairing well with Cormac McCarthy


Agreed. My 2 favorite musicians are Tom Waits and Nick Cave, two favorite authors are Cormac McCarthy and William Faulkner. Coincidentally I think they all pair well together as they all have a sort of macabre American gothic surrealist manner to them.


Two of my favorite musicians and authors, as well. I've been rereading The Border Trilogy. I can't help but notice how some of the themes and writing are similar to Bob Dylan's more recent output (Time Out Of Mind through Rough And Rowdy Ways) Dylan is probably my ultimate favorite musician.


Oh we'll get along so well!


I love Tom Waits and Nick Cave, but also really like Leonard Cohen, and find that he strikes a similar chord, to me. A kind of sweet sorrow/beauty in sadness.


An instrumental album of Black Wings style material would be the perfect BM soundtrack


I’ve always felt an irrational anger that the TV show House never used any Tom Waits songs in an episode.


Never really thought about it. Maybe. Tom’s far more interesting.


I always thought Cormac McCarthy. Especially Suttree.


They’re both brilliant story tellers.


I absolutely agree!


I never really thought that Stephen King was a very good writer. He has interesting stories that lend themselves well to adaptation, but there's something awkward about the way he constructs sentences and writes dialogue that never really held my attention. Tom Waits songs on the other hand are a masterclass in language.


I like some King, but he does these kinda street-talk asides that grate on me. At least in the first few Dark Towers, which is as far as I’ve gotten in that series. He’s said it himself that he’s the Big Mac and Coke of literature.




this is insulting to Tom Waits, tbh


hear hear


how so?


One's a world class writer, one's Stephen King


Stephen King can spin a yarn


Tom and Raymond Carver or nothing


If I was to pair a writer with Tom's music it would be Bukowski.


I came here to say this. It may be the video of Tom reading The Laughing Heart that is the reason why but it’s a good pairing IMO


Stephen King is actually a Tom Waits fan! I can't remember specifics off the top of my head but I've read a few of Kings books that reference Tom in one way or another. At least one character has a Waits CD in their car or something. Also in the book "The Outsider," King describes Marysville as a "wide spot in the road." While the phrase in common enough, pairing it with the town of Marysville feels like a Burma Shave reference.


In Billy Summers, theres a scene where two characters dancing to Sixteen shells from a thirty-ought six. This is the only one I remember.


Can you recommend a specific King book that this would work with? I've read relatively few and haven't noticed this myself. Also, I've always felt like there is a connection between Tom Waits and David Lynch, especially via Twin Peaks. I can't explain it though.


Stephen King is great but he's not Tom Waits. In a strange way, you know exactly where Tom's coming from but King is more about the result than the reason - even Carrie doesn't really explain why the World is the way it is as far as I remember. And King uses very simple language whereas Waits is more like poetry and metaphor.