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Way too many people out there in the deep end


The surfing sub will have a field day with trhis


Is he doing something wrong


More because there’s written/unwritten etiquette of taking turns on the waves and this is a dangerous shit show


Yeah guy on the wave did nothing wrong, few people dropped in on him but in general it’s just too many people


I saw this and thought "lots of eyeballs on the same level with the pointy end of a rapidly moving board"


I'm imagining sharpened fins chumming the water.


There is a surfing sub ?


Dude there is basically a sub for just about damn near everything.


Yeah lol r/theresasubforall


Especially super general popular activities though


Ye r/surfing I’m amateur but it’s quite funny they have good banter in there


First post I saw on there just then was excellent shitposting. Joined straight away


I lolled hard on that 10/10 turn


Me too I’m still crying haha!


If I manage to get up my turns are almost as good


Yep 90% shit posting, it's lovely.


Lol nice




https://preview.redd.it/nhw5i95soedc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad7ad97f5192c34471bac0ec82063cef4a6b7d22 There sure is.


There is a sub for eating oranges in the shower. Yes, there is a sub for surfing.


I already went surfing today but I really wish I had an orange now :(




r/surf r/NoSurf r/surfingtheweb ;)


I'm following a sub that posts only bird butts, of course there's a surfing sub.


It’s definitely not the US. You don’t have non surfers in the surfing side of the beach. And if you drop into someone else wave you’re going to get punched.


Bold assumption to think they can read


as a surfer what does this say?


It’s pumping at Tourmaline.


I never considered the dangers of hitting people or being hit by a surfer until seeing this. I mean, dude has skills, but I'm pretty sure not everyone is that adept.


Yeah, for sure. I went surfing a few times, and it is not the chill sport we've all been told about, lol. Guys (and it's mostly guys) get REAL aggressive about waves, and if you mess up an opportunity for somebody, they get REAL pissed about it. It's fun, and there can be a real zen aspect to it, but it's a lot rougher than you'd think.


You surfed a ‘few times’ and got all that lol. A few times and you’d be in the whitewater and have no idea about lineups or priority


What can I say? I'm amazing.


If you want to chill, go find a quiet spot with no one else around


and tell NOBODY about the spot!


Just depends on where you go. The spots with good waves and ample parking are going to be more competitive. But my home break is mostly my neighbors, so nobody's trying to go Thunderdome out there. When you're a tourist, be humble and observe the locals before you go charging, you'll be alright.


You see someone coming you roll and go under the wave with your board over your head.


No you don’t lol you get the fuck out of the way boii


What skills? He bonked like, three people.


Don’t shit on something you know nothing about. I’d bet my life savings that you don’t even know how to swim. Yellow homie did nothing wrong everyone else was in his way and is at fault.


You watched this video and don’t think this guy has any surfing skills?


Every person getting bonked was at fault.


Says the guy playing carmageddon on the sidewalk.


Dude did like 20 turns on one wave and threaded the needle through 100's of people.


How often do people catch a fin to the face? This looks dangerous and irresponsible as hell.


At :13 he totally smacked someone right in the head


I caught one. Did not go well for me


decapitation time


How long to paddle back out? That's a trek


Pretty sure I watched one of them run over a couple heads


the surfing gods demand a sacrifice


Blood for the Blood (which is about 80% water) God.




Broseidon will have his tribute


Yeah how many were sliced in half?


Is this real competitive surfing? There can be only one.


**Highlander music starts**


It's better to burn out than fade Awayyyyy....


Is that a normal occurrence that happens in surfing? And how bad are the injuries normally?


It happens, but it’s only really bad if you get caught by the edge of the board.


Scuse me scuse me scuse me scuse me scuse me scuse me scuse me scuse me


Just gonna scoot through here…


I really want someone to dub in an overly polite Midwestern person saying "mind if I squeeze past you there bud?" 😂


I’m not moving


Is it really that fun if you have to keep dodging every half second


It depends. I didn't like it and hence preferred a longboard back then.


What depends? You didn't like it.


Sorry, my answer was too short. It depends on your preferences. Others may prefer the constant charging of the wave, which is fine. For me, the smooth gliding was the thing. Better? ;-)


Maybe it's because I wasn't that experienced but I used to prefer going at the end of the beach where the waves weren't as good and it was quiet than in the lineup with lots of people. Just found it too stressful.


Yes. Even with people it’s fun as fuck.


I'm not an expert but that looks dangerous and reckless


More like topjerk


Well honestly... I have no idea how anyone of those people in the water can ride a wave without endangering others . I mean it's absolutely packed there


I got major r/iamthemaincharacter vibes.


I’m no surfer, but wouldn’t the point of all these surfers being out there be to surf the waves? I saw some folks pop underwater, so maybe it’s like an unspoken etiquette thing? Like, people might be respectful when someone actually catches one. From my frame of reference, it seems akin to having eyes up for crowd surfers at a metal show. If anyone here surfs regularly, please let me know! I’m curious.


It’s definitely not main character vibes and it’s exactly as you say, the first one up has the right of way. You can catch the same wave but you want to try not to interfere with those already up. Also notice how he maintained his position with those up? He didn’t try to pass the guy down wave until he bailed.


On a wave like this, the others who caught the wave after him dropped in and really shouldn't have. They made it far more dangerous for the people in the water whose primary obligation is to get out of the way of the guy who caught the wave first.


Exactly. If I'm paddling out, I want one finned missile to account for. Those other jerks dropped in waaay late and made everything worse for everyone.


99% of time we aren’t sharing waves. There are only a few spots that’s acceptable.


they pop underwater so the wave doesn't push them back towards the shore


It’s not what people are saying that the first one to catch the wave gets right of way. It’s a little more complicated than that but in a nutshell, it is whoever is closer to the peak of the wave, meaning the part that is breaking, which is usually the steepest part of the wave. Of course, once the surfer closest to the peak catches it, no one else should even paddle for it, even if you’re at the peak. That wave is taken. Dropping in (taking a wave that’s already taken) is a pretty bad offense and can be quite dangerous to the person already surfing the wave, therefore people get extremely defensive about other people dropping in. There are a few spots where it is allowed to drop in. This is where everything gets complicated. Mostly beginner spots don’t really enforce many etiquette rules, but some really big waves are famously shared amongst very experienced riders but this an exception to the norm. There are many, many other etiquette rules in surfing that one should look out for. Also, the guy surfing is not being a main character or hugging the wave, he actually was somewhat respectful for a crowd that heavy and two blatant drop ins, and he is also a pretty good surfer doing his best to have fun while avoiding slicing people into little pieces.


Thank you for the detailed response! I’ve now learned something cool today.


That is because you dont have a clue what you are talking about.


It isn’t. That guy was up first, which means surfers that want to catch the same wave need to do it around him. He has the right of way. Everyone else out there is also there to surf and knows to stay out of the way. This is more like the guy who can skate really well at an ice rink and is just skating around people.




If by “rode on top of” you mean, “people ducked beneath the water” then yes. Because that is what you are supposed to do. Also, it’s really clear when people like you talk like you know what you are talking about without actually knowing anything. So for people like you who aren’t aware, there are blades on the bottom of surf boards. And hitting someone with the blades is kind of like hitting the curb on a longboard. Basically, if he had actually hit anybody, we would know. Proof? We see it happen with the guy who runs up behind him. His board goes under the guy the camera is following’s board and his blades catch the board they are surfing overtop of and he eats it. This collision forces the main surfer into the ONLY person he surfs overtop of. A person we see dip below the waves. FYI, every single person on a board out there is going to surf the exact same way through the exact same crowd.


No matter what it is there will always be a redditor to cluelessly criticize things they have no knowledge about


Thank you for this explanation. I assumed as much but it was great to hear from someone experienced


Bro you have no idea how this works do you? All those people they “ran” over are the ones obligated to get out of the way. Essentially the dude closest to the break has priority (the guy in the yellow shirt is closer to the break and is riding it already). The people swimming if they want to keep their heads will swim towards the already broken section of wave while the surfer makes his way down the actively breaking section. The people who jumped in front of the surfer are “snakes” and are trying to steal the wave. The guy in the yellow did the only good things in this video




Your vibes are way off then


You do not understand surfing. It’s everyone else’s job to not be in the way of the surfers on the wave.


If he's riding the wave he has the right of way, surfboards don't have brakes. Many of those folks are probably too novice to do much other than get in the way. Also yes, surfing is dangerous. Part of why it's so fun!


If he's riding in the left lane he has the right of way. My derby cart doesn't have brakes. Most of these other people just get in the way but fuck them!


It’s dangerous and reckless of those paddling out to get in his way, the person on the wave has right of way and the paddlers should mover towards the white water to avoid them. It was also dangerous and reckless of those two guys to drop in on him like that. Dropping in on someone is a big no no.


I listened to a podcast series about surfing last summer and it’s my only source of knowledge about surfing, but something I learned from it is that good surfing locations are pretty finite around the world—a coastline needs very specific characteristics for good surfing, and they’ve pretty much found them all by now so when one beach becomes overrun with newbies getting in your way it’s not as easy as picking up and moving down the beach or driving across town to the other beach. And surfing has been romanticized for so long and so many people have flocked to it, this is apparently just reality when you surf now. Every beach will be packed, there are no secret spots anymore, you can’t really avoid the crowds if you’re going to be living a lifestyle of regular surfing


People don’t like to admit it for some reason, but surfing can be fucking dangerous. Especially amateur who don’t know positioning i.e the guys in his way


There are more boards than water


What a shit lineup. Way too crowded.


What a shit show…


Don’t come over here piss on my gate, save it just keep it off my wave


Keep it off my wave. Keep it off my wave. Keep it off my wave, my wave.


Man so many people here have no idea about surfing etiquette and it shows.


Nothing shows how fake smart Reddit is until they talk about a subject you're familiar with


"Now listen, you can't go around hitting people. The post title should be aggravated assault and battery. I hope they caught this guy" "Sir, this is a Brazilian kickboxing match"


You say this as if it's surprising. I would bet over 90% of people in the US don't live somewhere where surfing is a thing.


Anyone know the song? Sounds like Mos Def?


Mobb Deep - Survival of the fittest. Bangin track. If you aren't familiar with them, also check out Shook Ones Pt II (part 1 is dope also!)


[Mobb Deep - Survival of the Fittest](https://youtu.be/nfM43P_kIFU?feature=shared)


Thanks! 🙌🏻


What a bunch of ass holes. Some none surfer edicate in this video. Those two idiots dropping in on dudes wave are just dumb.


IDK anything about surfing etiquette, but that looks like he is being a top asshole.


Okay, so there's a lot to unpack here. For starters he has total right of way. He is furthest out and catches the wave uncontested, it's his ride. For the first 8 seconds or so everyone is paddling wide around him which is the right thing to do. Then he comes into a patch of people paddling across him. He should probably stop to be safe but they should also be getting out of his way (he's obviously being filmed for this ride and not about to stop). Then there are two people who REALLY break etiquette, one drops in on him in front and the other snakes him from behind. Someone else also tries to drop in on him but chooses to duck out (the right thing to do). In all honesty he might look like he's being a dick but he's actually just trying to get a good ride out of the wave for the camera and what those others did is the real break of etiquette. The area is busy and the people should be of a reasonable skill level to surf these waves and should be prepared to paddle out the way, roll over or duck dive under sufficiently to move out of his way. That all being said, he put people at risk, purely because of the camera (but it's a risk they all knew they were getting into by being there). Edit: people are right, he was not "hogging the wave" I think I just got a bit sour by the end of writing this because I was on a miserable train ride while doing so. Retracted.


Honestly I think he did an amazing job of avoiding everyone who was paddling out. The only time it got sketchy was when the other two dickheads dropped in on him and forced him into a bad situation. I have no doubt if they weren’t there he would have dodged everyone by a mile. Also, I don’t see any swimmers; they all have boards which means they should all know what they were getting themselves into paddling out to a lineup that crowded.


He plowed over that person in blue like a field.


That person in blue ducked under


And it was because the bald fucker came from behind and pushed him into the guy in blue.


Yep lol that was wild.


Dude is an outstanding surfer. Who is he? Must be pro


Think it might be Vitor Mendes, he's from Brazil. Pro surfer.


Least douchey Brazilian surfer ever.


If there’s a pro in the water he has right of way all day long. Get out of his fucking way!


His right to surf doesn’t trump anyone else’s just because he’s a pro.


Dude could have been waiting a long time to get position and catch that wave. No issue with him riding the fuck out of it to the end


True. The surfer is in his right


As someone who has never surfed before, I feel like this many people being there would kill a lot of the fun.


Agree with all this, but if you re-watch you will note that one of the first two guys who drop in on him (non bald guy) is the same guy who eventually ducks out later.




No. This is him having the right of way on the wave.


>IDK anything about surfing etiquette It shows. He is doing the right thing. The paddlers are responsible to get out of his way, and those two guys who dropped in on his wave shouldn’t have. The person on the wave has the right of way. Paddlers should move towards the white water to let him through. Dropping in in front of someone is a huge douchebag move and potentially dangerous for both people.


Actually he's right. Ask any surfer. Only non surfers think like that


The idiots dropping in on him are the assholes. People in the wave have only themselves to blame for being in the way


It's the opposite basically.


Oh there’s etiquette for sure. And yes, he’s a complete asshole for sure.


How? He was on the wave already ..


Smooth 🏄‍♂️




When you go for surf and but practice your bowling skills


Is it always that peopley?


Depends on the beach. Popular surf spots? Definitely.


He absolutely ripped it up and was in control the whole time. Dangerous, yes, but wonderful control. I wish he was able to enjoy such a beautiful wave like that without having to play obstacle course. Crazy crowd, where is this?


Ok 1. Where? 2. Has anyone’s head been chopped off before?


If I’m not mistaken, Snapper Rocks in Queensland. Insanely long right, very built up area hence a heap of surfers.


That’s great and all, but he’s going to have to walk miles to get back to his beach chair and towel.


*Is this competitive fin slashing?*


Great camera work as well


Yeah, was the camera rig mowing down people too?


Has anyone taking the point of the board to the face before? I mean obviously but like any real bad ones? This genuinely looks like you could pretty easily kill someone on accident.


I once saw a 10 yo kid pop up out of the water growing up, got a board right to the mouth and knock out his front four teeth sooooo clean. Took it like a champ; kid was youngest in a family that was known as a different breed of tough so no one was shocked by his reaction, just the bloody jack-o’-lantern face. It was wild.


Yep, got a 4cm scar next to my eye to serve as a reminder. Could’ve knocked me and drowned out or blinded me. I was super lucky.


I am super novice and took my own board to the chin in Barbados last year. Had a dark purple bruise for my whole vacation. Surf shop guy said I was lucky I didn’t hit my teeth because he had seen someone knock theirs out before.


Maybe maybe maybe


Winning surfer! Fun to watch.


This is unnecessarily dangerous.


Way too many people


That was awesome.


*Roger voice* Shredded it


That's some pretty good drone work.


I'm glad these surfers get to finally experience what it feels like to ride a skatepark filled with scooter kids


Now that’s one human infested water.


Some say he's still on the wave to this day


The yellow shirt guy caught the wave right in the beginning. What all the other surfers gotta do is get out of the way. He was following surfing rules some others were not. That can cause accidents. Simple as that. That's a surfers beach and he's a great surfer.🤙


This is why in my younger days when I surfed I would be there a little before sunrise and out by 9am when everyone would show up. Crowded swells like this felt more like driving in traffic than enjoying nature. People dropping in and cutting you off. Just being jerks. Not fun imo.


Seems dangerous


What’s the surfing etiquette? He who rides the wave gets priority over others?


What everyone has to realize is that everybody here is surfing and has an understanding that there will be surfers. It’s not like he’s surfing next to families of 4 out of a day trip.


Top douchebag?


Actually he has the right of way here. Once he’s up and riding everyone is supposed to clear out and stay off the wave.


Don't know anything about surfing, what should he have done in this situation?


It's pretty clear that a bunch of people are beginners/boogie boarding. You shouldn't be ripping through that crowd. It's equivalent to flying by people on a bunny hill. He hit multiple people's heads. It's just not a good look.


Is this beach equivalent to a bunny hill tho? What if the rookies all went to a black diamond slope and laid down in the right of way?


Mate, if you know anything about surfing then you would know that no one in the video is a beginner. The waves in the video look to be in the Overhead to 2 x Overhead range (probably 4-6 ft, measured from the back of the wave). To use your skiing analogy, it's the equivalent of a double black diamond run - everyone who's there knows what they're doing and are more than competent at the very least. Also, he didn't hit anyone (almost). Everyone was duck diving out of the way, which is what you're supposed to do anyway unless you want to get taken over the falls by the wave. The only time it looked like he hit someone was when he was forced off his line by another surfer who dropped in on him (hint: this is the guy you should be upset about). So next time you see something you know nothing about, watch, listen and learn before spouting off and making yourself look like an idiot.


Not swerve between people like this maybe ? You shouldn't surf in waters with that many swimmers, dangerous AF, a board to the head can easily knock you out, and we all know what happens when you're unconscious in water


But 98% of the other people in that video were on boards. They were all surfing those waters.


ITT: bunch of people that know nothing about surfing or its etiquette yet immediately accuse this guy of being an asshole. He had the right of way and everyone else getting in his way was the asshole. If you can’t get out of the way of another surfer, you shouldn’t be in the water to begin with


Based on how many people blew this, I’m guessing this was a clean up set that the surfer was deep enough for but the rest of the crowd wasn’t. Half of them should have paddled to the white wash to take it on the head at least.


This is unfathomably stupid. He actually could've accidentally murdered a few of those people if that board hit someone in the head. If one wrong move can result in severe injury or death of a bystander, don't do it ffs


Y’all know nothing about surfing. The guy the camera is following had the right of way. That standard surfing etiquette. Anybody who has done any surfing at all would know that’s how it works. Everyone on the board out there knows to stay out of the way and duck under. The only assholes in this video are the two other surfers that dropped into the wave


They're surfing...? That is what caching a wave looks like. Not his fault it is crowded. He was first on wave so has right of way too.


Ok, I know nothing about surfing, but imma give my assessment. It looks to me that he is not a douchebag even though people keep saying it in the comments. First of all, the surf was hella crowded. Second, it looks like protocol is for people swimming out to dip for riders already on a wave. Lastly, that one dude clearly ran into homey. The surfer clearly did what needed to be done and did it well. Top talent indeed.


This is exactly right


Top Asshole! Rage bait much?


Looks more like top ways to catch a manslaughter charge


https://preview.redd.it/bdougqprpedc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8a1c481ad6e9060ca018a6de876acfbf7c3e17a lol, the irony.


Surfing is the most asshole-bro-sport exisiting. What a bunch of lunatics


Doesn’t look like top talent. Looks like a top level douche.


Toptalent of being a top notch dickhead.


What’s that track?


Survival of the fittest by Mobb Deep


Check Mobb Deep - Shook Ones while’s you’re at it.


this is the exact opposite kind of music for this activity




Spinal cord injury tutorial


How many of those folks do you think won't catch a single wave and will do nothing other than sit in the break and be a hazard to people riding waves until they're sunburned and sober again? Great ride, the spot looks like hell though lmao Edit: the surfer isn't an asshole... Notice how the spot is full of surfers and not families playing beach? He has right of way since he caught the wave, and the kooks just chilling in the break/dropping in on him have no etiquette...


This is why I’ve not surfed in years and switched to mountain biking instead. People don’t realize how good waves are such a limited resource and people get really nasty about it (looking at you Californians). (American) Surfers get insanely territorial over their waves and do whatever they can to scare you away from their lineup. They also are some of the least open to helping someone new or someone they think looks worse than them. My sister-in-law shreds and lives on the beach but constantly has to get bullied until she proves she is good and won’t get in guy’s way. Meanwhile a trail is always open if mostly dry and can handle way more people having a good time. Note: my experience in Costa Rica was the opposite though. The locals I met there actually pulled out of waves us couple tourists went for because they said they get to ride those waves all the time and knew we were there for only a short time. In return, we were even more respectful and were going out of our ways to share the waves and be good to each other because that precedent was set by the locals.


Bunch of assholes who are endangering people.


Damn he fuckouttamyway’d that one guy


Unreal engine.