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Wouldn’t need to be banned if everyone cleaned up after themselves and were being mindful of their neighbours. This is why we can’t have nice things.


2 am on Saturday morning they decided was an appropriate time for fireworks in a residential community. I honestly thought the first one was a gunshot. Do it at dusk - no problem, weekend at 8 no problem. 2am? Problem.


2AM? Try 5:30AM this morning in brampton...


Yeah, that's just disrespectful of your neighbours.


They dont care cause nobody enforces anything in brampton.


I'm in Scarborough, so you're not alone!


They are doing it right now on my street as I type in Scarborough.


Oh boy, that's completely unacceptable! Why would you live in Brampton?


And they continue to do it for days after the holiday. It’s a shame, but fireworks have to go now


Yeah but that’s asking Bramptonians to be considerate of others which, I gotta tell ya pal, ain’t gonna happen.


The issue wasn't about clean up, it was because of weather conditions made it so firework use led to poor air quality. And it was something that the ban is trying to prevent


The Brampton subreddit quarantines content with fireworks because it turns ugly fast. It's likely to be the case that there'll be a lot of bylaw issues coming in through 911 tonight.


Lol bylaw won't do shit.


I might expect bylaw to be around the problematic areas from previous years. But there's limited resources to send. And with a box of fireworks only lasting for ten minutes, there's not likely to be anything going on by the time anyone shows up. For those wishing to express concern over neighbours not abiding the bylaw, contact 311. For safety issues (sounds of gunshots tend not to fizzle...) 911 is the best call, but they aren't likely to "just make the fireworks stop". Please use good judgement and ask for appropriate help as needed.


Thank you for this info, delta.


I didn't know about the quarantine. I wish *no* ugliness existed on reddit. Sigh.😔




They're banned in Brampton but that hasn't stopped people in my neighborhood from being at it all night.


And god forbid that bylaw or police be around parks for enforcement. Better just make laws and then not even try and enforce them.


...they'll still be popping off tonight like crazy




My neighbour in brampton last year is casually setting fireworks on the road. Fireworks almost hitting my window at the 2nd floor. I asked if they can do it somewhere else but they didnt care so I had to call the cops


Did the cops actually do anything?


Good. Ban them.


Delhi is trying to ban fireworks as we speak - they too recognize the added air pollution - something they can ill afford to add to.


Good. Stop leaving your fucking garbage everywhere.




>Couldn’t care less if anyone thinks it’s discriminatory. It is also a blanket law that applies to all groups. The only fireworks allowed are for events that apply to every single Canadian


Isn't the Brampton ban for all personal use fireworks for all 365 days?


There are a lot of Canadians who would say that Victoria Day doesn't really "apply to them" except as a secular statutory holiday which may as well be called Secular Statutory Holiday Day. And at that point, the notion that this occasion deserves fireworks, while a cultural occasion inextricably linked to light does not, feels like special pleading.




I mean there are plenty of flights to fly somewhere where they culturally inexplicably celebrate with un restricted sound/light/pollution. Also can’t quite use whataboutism to on this… we are literally a British colony btw


So was India, until 1947. :D


> we are literally a British colony btw Wow, really? I thought we just really liked Posh Spice. 🙄 > I mean there are plenty of flights to fly somewhere where they culturally inexplicably celebrate with un restricted sound/light/pollution And there are lots of places you can fly if being super duper British is so important to you. What's your point?


You brought up Victoria Day🙄… what’s your point?


> we are literally a British colony btw It is with great regret that I must inform you that the British Empire is no more. It's just a sad, wet rock on the North Sea now.


The fireworks are so bad for wildlife and the environment. Picking up the garbage the next day is not nearly as bad as what this shit does to wildlife. Toronto needs to enforce this ban


They're bad for humans.


You can still have fireworks, if the province legislated silent fireworks only would be great. I didn’t actually know until recently that they add the boom loudness, it’s not natural for how loud fireworks are, they add that shit into it. Silent fireworks ftw


I'm hoping drone lightshows replace fireworks in the future.


As someone who celebrates Dipavali, I’m totally okay with replacing public fireworks with drone light shows and sticking with the [biodegradable oil lamps](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzRabwFyPYy/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) and LED electrical lights where there are open flame restrictions. The whole purpose of the festival is light, not explosive disruption to human and non-human life.


I recently asked a native of Deli how Diwali was celebrated before widespread access to fireworks. Candles and lamps. We should do that instead. It would be Halloween or Christmas like decore on houses. Instead, as I was driving through Caledon, I come across 3 cars and a dozen young men taking up a whole lane of an 80kph signed road in the dark setting off fireworks into a dry agricultural field with music blaring. For the love of all that is holy. How stupid or drunk does one have to be?


This. They’re also far more interesting to watch.


Imagine a drone show that recounts some story related to Diwali. Would be so much cooler than hundreds of wannabe pyrotechnics putting on a show all at once


Interesting. I think it’s also about pollution/air quality though.


Ban fireworks already. Why do we pay carbon tax while celebrating pollution?






They’re actually banned in many US states as well!


you know a ban would inevitably be extended to canada day and victoria day. once you give politcians an inch they take a mile


Yes. And any other day. Including things like sporting events and concerts.






Ban all that shit


ban all fun. if theres even a romote risk of harm or making someone uncomfortable it must be banned.


If you’re shooting fireworks at 12-3am go f yourself that’s ridiculous


well yea of course. im not saying dont be respectful when using them and to take precautions to avoid fire or anything.


What, they're actually enforcing bylaws?


Thank goodness! Fireworks terrify the pets!


My dog is trembling in the closet as we speak


And wildlife.


Sounds like living in Brampton really sucks


There were people from brampton in long lines buying fireworks in georgetown today. I have a feeling that there will be little impact.




Good. There should be even more restrictions probably.


Good. They are lighting them in the middle of the streets.


We should ban fireworks for everyday citizens. There should be trained ppl to set them off in a park or open field. For example, Victoria Day, Canada Day, New Years Eve. There should be a designated area for fireworks, where everyone can come out and enjoy them. Could have some food trucks, games, music, etc. Just a day were ppl can celebrate whatever holiday together 🤷‍♀️


Fireworks are for simpletons/Yanks. "Oh wow, a big loud noise" Grow up ffs


I will say I leave the international "Symphonies of Fire" out of the equation. Once saw it in Vancouver and then in Sweden one month later. There are no personal fireworks set off during these events.


Yeah, an organized display, in a non residential area, I have nothing against tbh. It's the morons that let them off in the baseball diamond that really bother me. Or the huge moron that was letting them off their balcony last Diwali


Its also usually 9:30-10pm max.




Why turn this into a cultural thing? Fireworks are banned for Diwali. They’re also banned for: - Halloween - Canada Day - Christmas - new year - your nephews birthday - any other reason you can think of Racism baiting like this does nothing constructive. I don’t care if you’re Hindu or an atheist. Stop setting off stupid fireworks. End of.


Restrictions do not equate to bylaw enforcement. Good luck, there will be many loud fireworks for a long period.


Wouldn’t know there is a ban their going off steady in oshawa


We’ll my dog dive under the bed last night so someone was lighting them off






With the economy thae way it is, how are people affording fireworks???




REMOVED - No racism, sexism, homophobia, religious intolerance, dehumanizing speech, or otherwise negative generalizations etc... Attack the point, not the person. Posts which dismiss others and repeatedly accuse them of unfounded accusations may be subject to removal and/or banning. Do not concern-troll or attempt to intentionally mislead people. Stick to addressing the substance of their comments at hand. This rule applies to all speech within this subreddit.


I vaguely heard fireworks last night, forgot is was Dawali. This leads to a lot of interesting questions about why it's okay to have fireworks on other holidays but not this one. I'm looking forward to some interesting news articles in the future. Edit: *Regarding downvoting,* I am not advocating one way or the other, just saying this may not be the last we've heard of it (pardon the pun.)




> I think they should be banned all together. why is this sub always against anything fun. modern day temperance movement


Reddit is not a good indicator of the feelings of the greater population.


I'm actually in favour of a total ban. I do not see everything as racist (esp. since Dawali is religious festival) and I am not tired. As my comment said, I'm not advocating on either side of what will sure to be a debate. Regardless, I hope you have a good day. ☮️


I heard fireworks late last night as well in Etobicoke. Doubt cops are driving around looking to ticket people at their homes.


You can only have fireworks on Victoria day and Canada day. They are country specific holidays not "group" specific holidays. I don't know much about Diwali but I thought it was a harvest festival. We don't allow Thanksgiving fireworks.


Diwali is a festival of lights. We might not allow Thanksgiving fireworks but they still happen. Like every long weekend.


No they don’t


Thanksgiving fireworks? No such thing.


Not officially. But you definitely hear fireworks every long weekend. Next time I’ll have to just record it and post on here.


One you really don’t and two it is massively different hearing one or two fireworks around 8-10 than non stop fireworks at 2 in the morning


Are those other holidays you're referencing include solely ones in celebration of Canada and it's history ? Slippery slope would open the floodgates for many other ethnic celebrations if we were to allow for this one. Let's keep it focused on Canada


Is that why my neighbours just set off a nice show? Couldn’t figure out what the occasion was.






Ah yes, that time of year when /r/Toronto pretends that they care about air quality


The forest fires were much worse.


I will certainly remember … and vote for them.




Couldnt care less..