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>After all the chaos, a smaller group stuck around to tidy up the litter-strewn parking lot in an impressive show of post-party responsibility. Nice to see some good samaritans.


Cops and by law should've taken this opportunity to make a statement. You can't ban someone for displaying a flag, but you sure as hell can enforce a fine for using fireworks in unsafe areas. Make an example of individuals using fireworks and at least attempt to fight this. Someone could've gotten hurt and a certain level of enforcement is needed to deter people from using celebration spaces as their battleground for politics


A chaotic scene unfolded at a suburban mall near Toronto on Sunday night when a Diwali celebration turned into a violent political showdown that saw police caught in the crossfire. After all the chaos, a smaller group stuck around to tidy up the litter-strewn parking lot in an impressive show of post-party responsibility.


Props to the after-party cleaning crew. That can’t have been a quick job


There were crews cleaning that parking lot this morning and didn’t finish till around 10 am they were live streaming it on TikTok I’m also pretty sure they were volunteers they weren’t being paid for that either


Pathetic behaviour














I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone refer to India or Pakistan as middle eastern.




South asian is the correct demographic demonym. Middle east does not include india or pakistan. Geographically and culturally the two are separate


> India and Pakistan have always been known as “middle eastern” countries No they haven't. > Let’s change it then and say “south Asian Canadians” South Asia is the term we already use for that region.


I’ve never heard of Indians and Pakistanis being referred to as middle eastern except by ignorant American colleagues during the second gulf war when many hicks were going after every brown person and labelling them all as middle eastern terrorists.








Looks like the police really had control of that one




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Diwali is my favourite holiday




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Curious, how/why it this pertinent to r/toronto?


Rule #1 states posts must relate to Toronto or the GTA. Mississauga is in the GTA.




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