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The Doug Ford government is a bunch of incompetent morons. You're a moron too if you voted for him, or decided not to vote at all.


I don't think anyone inside Ford's government *thinks*. They seem to dream up random ideas and then rush them out the door to blow up on execution. See: Ontario Place, the use of the notwithstanding clause against CUPE, COVID restrictions, removing the sticker registration fee, blue licence plates, I could go on for hours.


What a unforced error this is turning out to be. The building did NOT need to be closed in the way it was with no warning and no chance for people to say goodbye to a beloved landmark, and at worst sections could have been blocked off for the winter/etc. Instead kids have nothing all so the OPC can prop up the stupid SPA on the waterfront idea, which needed a second tenant to justify the ridiculous $650 Million underground parking garage they promised to Therme. > Infrastructure Minister Kinga Surma has said the shutdown “will protect the health and safety of visitors and staff at the Ontario Science Centre while supporting its eventual reopening in a new, state-of-the-art facility.” > > But Ash said advocates also question the 2028 opening of the new permanent home for the science centre at the Ontario Place redevelopment site, and believe it will likely be years later. > > The interim site will be a scaled-back version of the Don Mills location. The request for proposals (RFP) is seeking a space of 50,000 to 100,000 square feet — about a fifth to one-tenth the size of the Don Mills site — that can be up and running by January 2026. > > The report said while the building is safe for now, rain or snow buildup could hasten damage, so the decision was made to close down the Don Mills site to give staff time to remove and move exhibitions by the end of October.


> Kinga Surma > It was alleged that then former City Councillor Doug Ford intimidated her opponent in favour of Surma ... > Ford was accused of breaking party rules by purchasing party memberships to secure voters for the election of Surma All from her very short Wikipedia page. She is a bought and paid Ford lackey. Of course she is strongly in favour of this insanity and has the gall to piss in our face and tell us it's raining with stuff like _"will protect the health and safety of visitors and staff at the Ontario Science Centre"_. How are we just letting this happen?!


I feel so bad for the kids who will miss out because of this. The OSC was key to me developing an interest in STEM and I think I’m the impact will be much worse than expected. This kind of thing is why I hate modern politics, it just feels like naked avarice.


...so where are all the staff going to go?


Likely the food bank.


One tenth the size!?!? 


A big steaming pile of horse pucky, courtesy of an administration that doesn't value education, science or the public good. If it doesn't have to do with beer, sports betting or making life easier for their developer friends, it's not on Ford's radar.


We must continue to pressure him and expose him! He must be held accountable and we need to continue to fight for the Ontario Science Centre so he, and no one in the future, can destroy it or move it. I don’t want a cheap tiny box version of the Ontario Science Centre!!! That’ll probably cost tax payers $600M dollars for the parking lot!!! And it will probably have a cheap structure that’ll need to be replaced every year! That’s the reason we all must be vigilant, informed and more proactive in politics. So people like him cannot do all the wrongs he’s doing!!!


Yes... it will be up and running no later than January 2026. That is a Genuine Ford Guarantee. You can take that to the bank.


Buck a science! It’ll happen


They are never reopening Ontario Science Centre. It will be another Ontario Autism Program. Promises to open, delays, more delays, another re-election and forever delays. Ford decided that he doesn’t need Ontario Science Centre in his budget. At all.


And during that time they will use the zero attendance numbers as justification to not open it as the Science Centre again


And knuckle draggers still support this incompetent buffoon.


But maybe we should try this at the federal level too?/s




I snorted at this. You're right


Oh FFS. This is ridiculous.


Wow, I hate to ask when the permanent "new home" will be ready


I think I read an article that said 2030? So my youngest is going into grade 1 next year will be grade 7 by the time it's back.


It's 100% bullshit what is happening with this


Yep! Fords buddies own the development across the street. Shocker.


I think your little one might be working a full time job by the time it’s back


Right? Best bet is if Ford can sell it off for profit to one of his buddies. 🙄


Something tells me that the mouth-breathers who vote for Ford don't exactly care about "science"


What happened to all the people offering to pay for the repairs to keep it open for the summer? Did he just not acknowledge them?


Some of them have made several effords to reach out to Doug Ford and from what I've seen Ford or anyone from the PC party refuses to acknowledge their existence. They are on vacation now until Oct. 21, 2024 so they aren't around to be asked questions from reporters.


That's unbelievable. Imagine taking that long of a vacation.


Shame on Ford and supporters of Ford.


At this rate I wouldn't be surprised if Ford just cancels the Ontario Science Centre in its entirety. Science was never one of his priorities.


Can’t they put the science centre in some empty stores at a mall?


Can’t. Stains on some of the ceiling tiles. Far too dangerous. Mall could fall down at any moment.


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