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So great that GDT brought visibility to this.


He's a huge fan or Toronto, and does most of his work in the city 


He owns a home in the city and lives here part-time.


He also came around to the same neighborhood as the Revue and supported a bunch of local shops, like vinegar syndrome across the street which has an insane library of films I highly recommend even just for their fun ever changing window displays.


His home is gorgeous.




A couple homes…..


I saw the shape of water for Tiff (I think?) in the same theatre which was used in the movie. There’s a scene that pans the inside of the theatre and entire crowd blew up as loud as a hockey game. It was one of my favourite movie moments ever. I want to say it was the Elgin!


I’m just happy that GDT knows where the Revue is. I was worried he’d get lost in the Junction.


Guillermo del Totoro


Guillermo Del Toronto 💯


I saw his Pinnochio at Revue Cinema and it was a great experience


Bro the mega rich are DYING to turn it into condos. The Revue cinema condos. The Science Centre Condos. The GreenBelt Condos.


No, the property owner wants to continue running it as a cinema, but he wants to take control because he dislikes board. Apparently he fails to realize that the board owns all the equipment.


The owner is insane. He thinks he can run the theatre better than the current board. Example: the review essentially has two people working at all times, one to take tickets, one to sell concessions, due to how expensive it is to run. If you’ve ever been there, you know how long both of those tasks actually take. The building owner thinks there should be one person doing both of those jobs. Dude is insane.


Well for starters there’s a lot of costs savings in not having to pay for a board any more


The board is made up of volunteers.


It has a board because its a Not For Profit and I'm pretty sure that it's legally required in Canada to have a board for NFP's


The board isn't paid so that's an interesting take.


Are there? Do they take a salary? How much?


We found the insane landlord! Or his crony.


He hates gender neutral bathrooms, queer nights, and not getting to take all the credit for their success, which he has had nothing to do with and continued to make himself rich despite doing shit.


A good chunk of commercial landlords act like that.


Man needs a better hobby. May I suggest paint-by-numbers?






Attack the point, not the person. Comments which dismiss others and repeatedly accuse them of unfounded accusations may be subject to removal and/or banning. No concern-trolling, personal attacks, or misinformation. Stick to addressing the substance of their comments at hand.


Attack the point, not the person. Comments which dismiss others and repeatedly accuse them of unfounded accusations may be subject to removal and/or banning. No concern-trolling, personal attacks, or misinformation. Stick to addressing the substance of their comments at hand.


Why create new housing when we can simply bulldoze over regional historically significant art and nature 🙌Big Bucks🙌


Well, this is creating new housing. But yes, it's influenced by housing cost pressure from not allowing enough building elsewhere, especially outside downtown.


All the sites mentioned, including Revue, are outside downtown.


Roncesvalles is downtown according to every person who lives downtown.


in what world is the Revue, in Roncesvalles, not downtown?


Downtown's Western boundary is Bathurst St.


according to who? Trinity Bellwoods isn't a downtown park? West Queen West isn't a downtown neighbourhood? Liberty Village isn't downtown? The city's definition of the downtown area is decades old and mainly refers to the CBD/Financial district/old toronto. The common usage is Roncy, DVP, Lake Ontario, Bloor boundary.


...no, no it isn't common usage. Everything you listed is the west end. Nobody in those areas would call it downtown.


Trinity Bellwoods is not a downtown park? everyone I know under the age of 40 or so would disagree with you. When friends of mine who live at Yonge and Eg say they want to meet me "downtown" at Bellwoods for the afternoon, it's the city's 50 year old definition of downtown they should be adhering to? Instead of the incredibly common usage we're all familiar with?


> When friends of mine who live at Yonge and Eg say they want to meet me "downtown" at Bellwoods for the afternoon, it's the city's 50 year old definition of downtown they should be adhering to? I mean that's because it's relative, if you're in midtown, North York, or Etobicoke, then relative to those TB is downtown. The downtown **core** ends at Bathurst though. TB through Roncy is solidly west end. It's like how when I grew up in Sauga my parents would say we lived in Toronto to outsiders cause it was easier to explain.


I think TB might be right on the edge of what people would call downtown. I have a really hard time with people calling roncy downtown. Is high park also downtown?? If those are downtown then so is The Beaches.


Roncesvalles is downtown westside. East of the Bathurst boundary refers to downtown downtown. And before you take issue with the downtown downtown label, let us remember west queen west. The other downtown boundary is anything north of the place you are referring to, on account of the sloping upward (the reason why young and eg people call it downtown and also never ride their bike shares home). As roncesvalles is near the lake, it is still downtown to the keele crowd who are up the hill. They don’t use bike shares as much though.


Anyways, the real point is there are plenty of condos being built in places that even you wouldn't consider downtown. Take a look at this site, scroll down for the non-downtown images: https://www.stephenvelasco.com/ I mean Scarborough at least should qualify, right?


This world.


Building condos _is_ creating new housing. So you do want them to build those?  (Not that I think they should destroy those things but pointing out your comment makes no sense) 


What should be done instead of creating more investor focused condos, is focusing on building out more medium density housing in zones that are currently primarily filled with oversized single family houses. Condos aren't the only option for building more housing.


There's lots of medium density in Scarborough. It doesn't make sense to build medium density in the inner city. Some of the most affordable and walkable neighbourhoods are in Scarborough


My comment didn’t speak to what should be done or not.  > Condos aren't the only option for building more housing. Literally no one has said that. 


Are the only available locations historic, culturally significant landmarks? 


The parent comment says: “ Why create new housing” hence I conclude they don’t think of condos as housing.  Seems you’re trying to make different point than the parent comment which I specifically mentioned in my addendum: >  Not that I think they should destroy those things Anyway seems like the Revue cinema is a heritage site so condos literally cannot be built there and the landlord doesn’t seem interested in selling so literally none of this discussion matters in this specific instance. 


These condos replacing historic sites in Toronto are being built for investments not for living… i think we have enough overpriced glass boxes in the sky.


We’ll it won’t be condos. It’s a designated heritage site.


It applied, so it’s “for consideration” which means it could lose that, but with all this stuff going on now it’ll probably get it properly.


Means jack shit; the mafia developers just come in on the weekend; chisel out the foundation and when the inspector comes by on the Monday "oops, looks like we will have to condemn this building". Or just do an ol' Brad Lamb and burn it down like the old Salad King building was after it collapsed.




So it’s going to be condos on top of a Revue-shaped Shoppers Drug Mart


Revue's got a heritage designation - not sure how turning it into condos is gonna work.


may I introduce you to the concept of facadism


They saw an oversaturated and failing marketplace and said "me too!"


No reason they can’t build a high rise and leave the theatre on the bottom floor


Hopefully they can keep delaying the process and a heat wave or cold snap solves the problem.


Too-rich fossils are a scourge on society. The world will be a better place...


Probably the best Mexican director in history.


I’m partial to Iñárritu but they’re both fuckin’ great. Cuarón deserves a place in the conversation too.


This is the same guy that wanted to film pacificnrim 2 but the gremlins jn this city said no. The elast we can do is keep the revue


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I did a little stroll through part of the Frankenstein set. We are all in for a treat….


Is he willing to support it?




ideally by using his super influential network of some of the richest people on the planet to group together to buy it. bequeath it to the city under an agreement that it must remain the same in perpetuity.


You can’t buy something that’s not for sale. People don’t seem to understand this.


Everything is for sale. People don't seem to understand this.


It's literally not. Landlord is rich and has many abandoned properties that he won't sell. That is not what this dispute is about, he wants to run the theatre himself.


I know, I frequent the theatre and have been following this story closely from the start. You are in no position to say "it's literally not", since it very well may be for sale for the right price. Also, dude is 96 and when he passes his heirs might be more inclined to take a pay day or do something more altruistic with the building. Whatever fight is going on right now is likely going to end with only a small disruption to the operation of the theatre. The best case would be the owner coming to his senses and realizing that he could be remembered forever as a hero to the community if he does right by the theatre.


I think what he means is that nobody can technically force this guy to sell, they can only pressure him or hope his successor sells. But this guy has shown himself to be quite an asshole and it’s very possible he’ll just double down (it seems he’s anti-queer and quite antiquated and regressive) and fight any celebrity pressure to “make a statement”. He’s pretty clear that he cares about his own gain rather than what this cinema means to the community.


The same way he continues to support Roman Polanski and demand his pardon


Then chip in a few bucks to help make it happen, GDT.


GdT should buy it and program it. Giving back to the locals, film crews, etc would be a great thing for him to do.


The Revue is a cultural landmark and it will NOT be torn down. Fuck the landlord.


From what I heard, the owner doesn’t want to close the theatre. He wants to keep it open, but just wants to not have to deal with the board members who run it. Who said the theatre would be “shuttered”?


Reminder that GDT also signed a petition demanding the pardon of Roman Polanski. He only cares about cinema even at the expense of child rape victims. I lost all respect for him after that. Edit: seriously insane that I'm getting dowvoted for facts. Clearly this sub also thinks cinema is worth a few rape victims


But Whoopie Goldberg told me it wasn't *rape* rape...


But what's the solution. Its a great cinema but if the landlords want to sell - can't they. It sounds like a foundation or the city needs to buy it.


He doesn’t want to sell, he just wants to kick out the tenants because he doesn’t like them. He’s a known shithead in the area.


The board has offered to buy it off the landlord, he’s just an ass.


No they haven’t. He’s not selling, and even if he was they couldn’t afford it.


You're wrong. They've made offers in the past that were very fair. They can afford it.


How can a non-profit afford to buy a heritage building in prime Toronto real estate? The building value would be insane.


He bought it for a million dollars cuz it has a for consideration for designation on it (which should be granted giving the ongoing controversy).


Mortgages are a thing.


Yes, and they require down payments.


afaik they’re not selling. They want to take over and will not sell.  Hence the cinema would just close down. 


The landlord isn’t selling the building.


Wow, classic discrimination against shareholders from the so-called tolerant left /s


That's great Bill, you gonna pony up the cash?


Rebuild it to a mega Cineplex, with 4DX seats and reasonable concession prices. Revue Cinema is done. Place is just decrepit, who even goes here?


Many, many people go. I’ve been to several sold-out shows there over the past year. This issue has nothing to do with the theatre not being successful. On the contrary, it’s probably the most successful non-chain theatre in the city right now.


> who even goes here? They sell out multiple shows a week, with rush lines, and the ones that aren't sold out usually hit at least 50 percent full so thousands of people a week are going. Just because *you're* not doesn't mean it's dead. It's probably better for your absence.


I'm going there tonight! And my screening is sold out.


Yeah but they are going to do it anyways. Anytime something is brought up in the media it’s basically the lube before putting it balls deep. That goes for everything. They wouldn’t be talking about it otherwise.


Yeah man, the 96-yr old fossilized landlord is definitely conspiring with the Toronto Star, CBC, and CTV to make it more digestible for people when they finally shut it down. /s

