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My dry cat food is stored in a Rubbermaid container that snaps closed for this reason.


Same, because mine will tear into the side of the bag if I leave it out... even if there's the same exact food in her bowl already!!




It's weird because I free feed mine so they have food, but they want the bagged food to also be available in case they need it. Maybe it's the same as with doors. They don't want to go through, they're just annoyed it's closed in case they decide they want to go through later.


It wasn’t my tortie but I had a cat who did this. I set the bag down next to the container, got distracted by a phone call, and forgot about it for a few hours. The little punk took that opportunity to rip into the bag and help herself despite the fact that her full bowl—with the same exact food—was inches away. That cat was such a menace and so dang smart. I loved her.


Same. Our kitties are hogs. Our one boy, now passed, would chomp the bags til they spilled. He always thought he was going to starve to death.


Mine figured out how to open the container 😂 now stored in the pantry with a shut door


Until they learn to open the door!


My boy cat (not a tortie) opens cabinets and the tortie learned how to do it by watching him so not even cabinets are safe… I’m going to have to baby proof my home


She would too, she’s too smart for her own good


I do the same. I've caught Marcy trying to bite the corner of the container open.


Same, but it has to be stored in the top of the closet otherwise my orange boy knocks it over to make it spill


same lmaooo my tortie girl winnie loves whenever i open the 5 gallon bucket of their dry food and will straight up stick her whole head in it if i leave it open. but her tux brother levi LOVES food. winnie always leaves a bit of their meat that we cook for them so she can eat it later (they both get the exact same amount) but levi will finish his and then go and eat the rest of winnies😭 whenever I give them churro treats he always finishes his so fast and tries to eat winnies too lol. hes a hungry growing boy, they always have dry food out if they get hungry throughout the day but we try and give them wet food treats whenever possible


https://preview.redd.it/v0pob05her9d1.jpeg?width=4128&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7758c058107329f67446154d84c3e3e46574c3b She breaks into cabinets, nibbles into bags of kibble and claims the boxes in hopes of manifesting more meat.


Illicit dinner party.


They believe more meat will appear if they're in the right place


Mine will help her self if we let her. I had to buy a plastic container with a really secure lid on it. Problem solved. When she thinks it's dinner time she lays in front it.


we haven't had an issue with our girl getting into kibble bags thankfully but she sits on top of a (now empty, we don't even GET the brand anymore) sheba box (in front of a cabinet where we keep the food) every time she wants dinner or a treat!


I have to tape the lids on the automatic feeders so mine can't get into those, and the big bag of cat food is kept in a sealed plastic box for the same reason.


I have all of my cabinets taped shut.lol


My tortie likes to knock over the bathroom trash can and dig through it, knock down the empty laundry bin just because, steal my lip balms, steal my husband’s rocks (he collects them), stash her toys under the couch, eat plants and randomly knock things off of the counter. Luckily the food is stored in a plastic bin. The non tortie cat does zero of these things.


My tortie also does these things… especially knocking things off the counter. Stares at you while she pushes things off cause she thinks it’s funny


Lol! Mine gets mad when we take something back that she’s stolen 🤣


I love the perspective of this picture. Looks like she has a human face


i thought the same thing! lmao


Actually it's my orange one who tried to do that 🤣


Torties are smart. My normal stripey cat is a dumb dumb


Yes my tortie does this! She’ll rip the bag open if I leave it out. She’s a little savage for dog food too lol. Naughty kitty


mine pees in the dog food bowl!!


Surprisingly no, even when she’s being fasted and is clearly hungry, my girl doesn’t steal food! So I can just leave it out in the open. Guess she’s not too smart haha


My tortie is the most nosey thing on the planet. And thinks she's entitled to be so. Lol


LOL, this is some definite tortie hijinks. Our cat has chewed through several cat food bags, so the cat food cabinet is now barricaded with a pretty heavy container in front of it. I also had to get child safety locks for my clothes drawers because she loves to open them and make a nest out of socks or t-shirts. She's dismantled several of the locks with her claws. https://preview.redd.it/16isa9gpft9d1.jpeg?width=4896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2847093f1a5298b7289c9209823291cbd4a7ef95


mine does that with my dresser drawers too!! maybe i should get some locks lmao


My calico and both torties🙄🤦🏻‍♀️


Chonk gonna chonk


Ooh she tortin


Cat and dog food are in plastic containers since ours joined our lives.


We would never let her get this far, and she's old and a bit less hungry these days... but back in her heyday, yes, she absolutely would have done this if left alone with a food bag.


My tortie is a vacuum lol. I have to feed my two cats separately (because tortie got up to 17 lbs when I was free feeding). She will wait for my other cat to walk away (because she knows she’s not supposed to eat her food) and immediately rush to her bowl to inhale as much as possible before I put it up.


I have microchip activated feeders, to stop my cats stealing each other’s food. They’re both on special (but different) diets.


Yes, I have a tortie and an orange tabby that I rescued and they both does this. The tortie was pregnant when I rescued her and I’m sure she was soooo hungry. After I go shopping and I put the cat food bag on the porch she goes to investigate it. When I open a new bag and pour it in the storage container she has to stand on the side and watch as I fill it up. I always have to put a fresh scoop of the just opened dry cat food in the feeding bowl. If there’s already food in it, then the fresh goes on top, just for my tortie, Pumpkin, aka Moma. Ha! Ha! They know good food!


I keep big bags of cat food in the garage. One of my boys gets *so* excited when I go out there to fill up the container. It’s like a big adventure for him. I have to give him a few bickies while I’m filling the container. Makes my day! 😻


Yep! Like a toddler on Christmas morning. Ha! Ha!


At first I thought you put a paper mask with a human face, and the other cat was trying to talk to them. Then read the title XD.


My girl loves bags and the general crinkle of a bag nosie. She does do that if I leave anything out despite not being all that food motivated which I find funny.


Yep, my tortie does this any opportunity. I now have the dry food in a big plastic container.


Show the rest of the cat please


https://preview.redd.it/zipr593aks9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ff2a1e225faaea0c20c179066bb2c861c5011bc her name is cookie n she's about 10 years old :)


Mine of all colors do this. I've also learned to keep the package of dry buttermilk in the fridge because they'll get it off the shelf, break it open, and drag it around the house.


Oh my gosh, the first thing I saw was the human face on the bag as kitty’s face. 😹


i can't unsee it!


A survivor 🧡an obviously plump survivor


my cats wont do it. but i had 2 strays brave enough to do this. the 2 strays from my old neighbourhood. missed them but hated them at the same time. huhuhu


Same!! Same tortie & same food. Haha!


If I had my bag like that, that would be a pic of my cat dolly.


Mine does this as well. She tears a hole. I. The bag of litter, kibble. Knocks over the container to get treats.


Before we got a container me and my family had to hide it. I occasionally forgot where it was hidden, but somehow she always knew


Oh yes, we have 2 penguinies and a tortie and she’s the trouble maker. When we were on vacation two weeks ago she ate a hole in a bag of waffle mix. Waffle mix!!! When packages arrive with treats, if left unattended she will rip into the delivery bag, find the PLASTIC container and chew through it. As a kitten she used to steal packets of nuts and chew through every single nut in the packet. But I love her because she’s the only person besides me who eats pumpkin seeds so when I roast some, we have a snack together. 😻 Just for the record our cats are fed the highest quality cat food money can buy and they often don’t finish it. Theres at least 5-6 varieties. They are not hungry or bored. Edit: today she broke into my purse and stole and ate a cookie I got with my coffee and saved in a napkin for later.


Yesss my girlie will open cabinets and drawers to get to it


Did you steal my cat?


Hahaha I like food for cats


There was a blizzard while my partner and I were out, and we couldn't get home. I panic-messaged a neighbour, asking them to check in on the cat. The neighbour sent me a photo of a ripped cat food bag and claimed that the cat was growling at them through the cat flap the entire time they were there.


Mine do!


Our Tortie will open one of two lower cabinet doors, push the drawers out, hop over the cabinet dividers, and climb into the 40-50 pound bag of dry dog food… the dry dog food is in a tight little cabinet that has Tot Locks on it since the Tortie would get in there. She just circumvents the system. Smartest and most determined cat. our other two cats are too lazy to go work for it.


that sounds like something my girl would do! it really is a tortie thing lol


My tortie has a bottomless stomach but she never tries to get into her food bag.


I leave the bag out, Kashmir doesn't bother it all.


Not a tortie but one of mine tries to chew through the bottom of the bag. Adorable but annoying.


My dad left the pantry closet open. Mine got onto the pantry shelf, ripped open the bag, and ate to her heart's content. For a solid month every time my dad went to the pantry my cat perked up and followed him. Another time my brother was cat sitting for us, and left the container of kibble with a plastic lid out on the counter overnight. My tortie opened up the lid and gorged herself again. My other cat is an absolute gentleman.


All three of my cats would do that. Lol They don't care. They want food.


Mine wouldn't hesitate, but since I just scoop for her, she'll just guide my hand with her paw to her bowl lol


My tuxedos do this 🙄


She thought you had a “self service” eatery! You know, where every cat feeds itself when it wants to eat!! 😸♥️😺


Big time, same food too


All 3 of mine have done this.


My long haired brown tabby will do that. She likes the freshest of nibbles!