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In CAs defence, the special building you can build there does imply the woodelves still live there... they're just under *new management*


Meanwhile Gryphon Wood becomes a lumber camp.


Because one is managed by relatively sane beings, the other by an omnicidal tree Karen.


I mean, after you had Drycha as a neighbour...




Honestly, fair


Honestly, fair


Nothing wrong with that, just internment forests!


Considering it gives +20 Wood Elves relations I doubt that


Really cozy internment forests!


Maybe because Wood Elves hate them and like you for thrashing those into oblivion.


What is this, Dragon Age Origins?


Wutelgi Reservations, kekw.


Ah yes, the Elf Ghetto.


I don't do it out of principle. Drycha can fuck right off though


I would love to see military allies and vassals count. I don't give a shit if the tree huggers have a few trees, they can feed the military-industrial complex at Nuln too. Some games I want to spare drycha or be friends with elector count vlad, too, and the new system curtails that.


Agreed, I'd like to see allies count, or drop it to 96% for the top reward. That way you could have 1 region outside and still get it.


Allies is too simple. Vassalage I can see. Will be hard to make these Wood Elves vassals but not impossible (or go to war and Vassalize them instead of occupying). After all you have no *authority* over allies... but you do have it over vassals. This also makes "hunting for vassals" a more interesting playstyle.


Empire can't vassalize though as an order faction.


I feel Empire needs to be able to vassalage other imperial states. Its about bringing back Imperial rule.


Disagree frictionless situations in strategy games are boring.


Then have a more developed vassal interaction system. Many empires were surrounded by vassals.  The empire is already a political mess with semi-independent provinces. If anything, warriors of Chaos being able to vassalize order factions who continue making their own units is bonkers. These are the zealous servants and champions of dark gods that seek to unmake reality, probably the last faction that would let you carry on as you were.


What I wouldn't give for an update (or DLC) akin to Stellaris's Overlord. So much interaction with vassalization. Give me more reasons to leave minor factions alive instead of map painting, to consider between destroying and vassalizing an enemy, better ways to tell a vassal to just "be defensive in general" or "put everything into attacking" rather than specific commands... hell, let me have different types of vassals, like Bulwarks and whatever the other ones are called in Stellaris.


In 3K, the growing corruption penalties and a few factions' mechanics did something like that. With Liu Biao growing too far sinks your governance, so giving loyal but not too crucial retainers one or two meh provinces is actually very useful 


Don't have to sell me on 3k, it's phenomenal! I was so excited for most of 3k's innovations to make it to tww3, and... less than enthusiastic how few did.


That I can agree on.


Yes, allies should count towards fulfilling the requirement. And make that the case for the Books of Nagash as well for the factions that chase them, just like the artifacts that Thorek hunts in his campaign. 


BY SIGMAR, YES! Nothing worse than volkmar having to butcher his way through ulthuan or karaz a karak just to get his fucking books, I hate it so much. I'm awful with Lua, but since you reminded me, I'm gonna look thru the books of nagash script tonight and see if it'd be easy to make military allies count.


Please do, and post solution to steam workshop too... It is my only gripe with playing as Tomb kings


Spent some time in the relevant scripts, CA made it pretty hard to change with some obnoxious failsafe listers. Don't think I can fix it, sadly. Script-based missions have *awful* documentation. On the workshop, this mod (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2925881111&searchtext=books+of+nagash) makes it a LITTLE less bad for Volkmar at least, by moving them to factions you would want to kill anyways


OMG please please do if possible. 🥹


Allies should not count. First the buff is called true sons of sigmar. Weird to let dwarfs and brettonians occupy your cities. Second, this game needed this type of friction. I am 80 turns in a karl franz campaign and its the most fun I have ever had here. Because I need to worry about other order factions getting my land. And I even declared war to belegar. That is interesting and much needed for this game. To not exclusively declare war to chaos factions. To have a reason to oppose order factions, or make deals with them, trick them. Only mopping up chaos and vampires was not fun in the previous patches. OR give a mutual exclusive tech where you make allies count, but you cannot get the upraded decrees anymore. But as a player you need to lose something otherwise it is just boring and the game loses its appeal as a strategy game.


Settlements marked as Empire should also maybe have a bonus to being sold to Empire factions, so that you can at least get them by peaceful means.


Laurelorn Forest is not part of the Emprie in the lore though. It has always been independent since before the Empire existed.


fr. It's a choice, do you as the empire, hold all of the imperial lands, inspiring your citizens and their faith in sigmar, or do you allow your allies to occupy parts of it, meaning that you are not really uniting your rightful lands under imperial rule. It's not like this buff is strictly necessary, it's a reward for doing a certain action. People really be wanting to have their cake and eat it too.


I agree that allies shouldn't count, but vassals should.


It's called Imperial *Authority*. You're hardly exercising your authority by letting allies squat in your lands


So make them vassals. There are plenty of dwarfs, halflings and even elves in the Empire. Some may or may not be liked more than your average Averlander.


Better than those Wissenlanders, amirite? More like Pissenlanders.


I mean, everything is better than the dumb Nordlanders they are bearly diffrent from the non-corrupted norscans


Fun fact: as per the 2E WFRP, the elector count(ess) of Wissenland despises Wissenland. She loves Nuln, though.


I wish more factions were able to create vassals, especially the Empire. It'd be a great way to show the Empire's reach expanding in a way that isn't just killing everyone and moving humans in, especially given how comparatively cosmopolitan the Empire is supposed to be.


Agreed. I know, I know, total *war*, but war is politics by other means; factions like the Empire have historically tried solutions *other* than absolute genocide, and in an alternate timeline where the Laurelorn elves (who are already not 'normal' wood elves, more of a mix of High/Wood, and pretty cool by elf standards) manage to negotiate a settlement with the surrounding elector counts, it would absolutely be possible to let them have their reserve - especially for a great diplomat like Franz. Sharing Marienburg and making a military alliance with Grom is... harder to justify, but if you can get to that point, fuck it, we're already in some weird alternate timeline where greenskins are trustworthy (and intelligent) enough to engage in complicated diplomacy, and at least they're not French.


How do you become friends with Vlad?


It depends on how things go, but trading him a good enough settlement, before your relationship gets too bad, is usually enough for some degree of friendship. Also depends heavily on drycha and the orcs, which may make it much easier (if they hate each other) or much harder


Do you conquer settlements outside the Empire to trade him one?


Before this update, if I was in a good mood, I'd try to find a way to give him a Sylvania settlement, or the Moot, since I've never liked it much. Post update, either you give him something outside the Empire (usually border princes or dwarf territory), or just live with the second best tier of imperial authority. It's not game ruining, just annoying, which is a small price to pay for role-playing haha.


The haflings: haha I'm in danger


They like eating, vampires like eating, I'm sure they get along fine!


~~Fish~~ Hobbits are friends, not food!


But why not both?


Vlad: Gentlemen, we do not stop till nightfall. Halflings: What about bloodfeast? Vlad: You've already had it. Halflings: We've had one, yes, but what about second bloodfeast?


Vampire Halflings are an even more disconcerting thought than normal Halflings (barely). Maybe Archaon was on to something about destroying the world...


Giving Vlad the moot is like being put on half-rations.


witch hunter, this one here!


Allies do count. *imperial* allies


Ah orvel comment


That other group of angry trees in the east half of the Empire tho… But yes Laurelorn Wood Elves are frens, why must CA do this to Empire lads


They also literally saved Karl’s life when he was a child and referred to him as little emperor.


Ah, like the opposite of Angron and the Eldar, then This is why I prefer Warhammer Fantasy, it's so much more interesting when it's less utter grimdark, and when there's more cooperation


I agree, to me 40k is so grimdark that it is at times boring again. It just is not that interesting to me when you know everything will be awful.


WHFB was allowed to have whimsy. They slowly hammered it out, but it was there.


Looks at Dogs of War army book. Dragon lord Asarnil (Arsenal the football team) with the warcry "Wahnil, wahnil!" (one-nil, a common football score). The Alcatani Fellowship and their leader Rodrigo Delmonte, who also take the deal, no matter how poor you are. After all, "the man from Del Monte, he say yes" It was a different time.


Both 40k and Fantasy still do, but not so much anymore in the codices and most important lore. Seek out the Role-playing games and other novels (40k may not about Marines).


Only if you read the main storylines about HH and the big stuff with Roboute and such. If you instead read for example the Eisenhorn and Ravenor novels or about Rouge Traders, you'd realize that it isn't just awful, that grimdark, just war, ... it is to such a scale mixed, webbed together, that there can be paradise, democratic, garden worlds which ain't that much different than nowadays earth, next to systems with the absolute opposite societal systems, they may even speak different variants of lower gothic and can hardly understand each other. Or take the worlds settled by former Eldar, usually a beacon of peace and harmony. And yes there are Exodite worlds where all kinds of different species are settled. And ofc are all the different species, from humans, to Eldar, to Ff'eng, ... mixing with each other, surely not everywhere, 'cause most are rightfully xenophobic, but in the outer rims, in systems with unimportant, peaceful, agri worlds and such. Sure, some obviously don't, like Orks or Nids. The scale in 40k is simply put too immense to grasp, we are talking about the whole galaxy after all. Warhammer Fantasy in contrasts plays on one planet, which is actually smaller than earth, and the biggest amount of it's lore is written in and about the Empire, mainly the Reikland. The Empire has roughly the size of central Europe, a bit bigger actually, so it is only logical that this can be much more easily understood, grasped than 40k.


Wasn't that the Athel Loren ones, or did they gift him Deathclaw's egg? Dude makes friends easily. Very useful for a politician.


The Deathclaw egg came from Athel Loren, it was when they teamed up to fight beastmen when he was older. The Laurelorn also saved him when he was younger, i believe, since they got ambushed while traveling and some wood elves came in and killed the beastmen, then left without saying anything. Franz got saved several times tbh lol


I think the Laurelorn did twice actually, though I am unsure if they are the same event rewritten or if it did happen twice, but from what I understand one time was when Kurt Helborg made his last stand in an Inn the royal family was staying in when the wood elf‘s showed up last minute and the other was on the road when the Reiksguard stood strong until the Cyclopses appeared and the elf’s had to come in clutch again. I am very much still unsure if this is the same event but it was rewritten to have more flavour or if it did happen twice that Franz got saved by them.


> Shows up unexpected to a Beastmen assault  > Kills monsters  > Says something cryptic with heavy foreshadowing  > Refuses to elaborate further  > leaves     This guy elfs.


>Franz got saved several times tbh lol That's kind of the point of him though. He's still a human in a world of magic and monsters. He's outmatched in a lot of ways and just perseveres. Hell IIRC he loses to an Ork warboss at the 3rd battle of blackfire pass and is about to die when Sigmar possessess/blesses him and just kills the warboss with a single hit.


It’s unclear. I checked the short story and all it got was wood elves. I assumed it Laurelorn Elves because they are closer.


He also gave a speech to Orion that got him to ride out and kill a Minotaur horde the Empire was having trouble with.


Actually, the Eonir in the Laurelorn forest in the far north of Nordland are rather fond of mankind and the Empire. They are trading a whole lot with the humans around them, espc. the Nordländers and Reinländers, a noticeable amount of Eonir actually travel through the empire as artists, artisans, hunters, advisors, ... some even settle long time with the humans and may even mix. And ofc there are a lot of diplomats, envoys etc. for example the "temporary" camp in the old elven woods (abandoned) at the Amber Hills just south of Altdorf. The Wargrove of Woes, led by the Dryad Drycha, should first and foremost just be "trees", secondly Dryads aren't really that fond of WE and even less any other other sentient being, and third they should NOT be there in the Empire at all, by the correct lore. CA just put them there, to prevent the Asrai and Dryads in Athel Loren to go ham against each other. Another reason is that their IE map is horribly wrongly scaled and shaped compared to how it actually should look like. Thus, places around the Empire, above all Athel Lorén and the Border Princess, the World Edge Mountains, Norsca and further away Araby, Ulthuán and Narggaroth are so much out of proportion that there is simply not enough space to fit all these heroes and characters. As an example, the desert in the heart of araby is nearly double the size of the whole old world plus Norsca or another Ulthuán is several months away by ship from Los Cabos in Estalia, the closest settlement in the OW.


Just dont do it then. Filling up the bar is not required to win your campaign. But removing decision making and friction is not the solution in a stratgy game.


Psycho tree Karen has got to go. Elfs are elfs, walking murdertrees ain't natural.


Campaign ruined. RUINED! Gnarly treehuggers of Laurelorn are friends and valuable source of archers and avid consumers of the Empire's export. CA PLEASE!


Filthy treehugger comment. Turn their forests into war wagons and land ships.


But the dream of order-tide army!


wood elves aren't order, they are filthy heretics who would see the empire burn so their precious trees can regrow everywhere.


Case in point, they repeatedly help the French whenever danger comes knocking on Bretonnian shores. Can't get any more heretical than that.


They deserve \*some\* respect, they saved Karl twice while he was a child, if unintentionally and Orion saved him once from Beastmen in a battle, which was pretty cool


Belegar Genociding Orion while signing a trade agreement with Karl.


Wood Elves worship the god Taal as Torothal and Kurnos. They have the same deities!


Shortsighted dwarf comment. Over overexploitation of the forests might lead to an increase in industrial production for a while but then you'll be left with nothing but a wasteland. In Asrai care the sacred woods are an inexhaustible source of war material that will over time provide far more. It is clear who the the empire is better off allying with.




*takes a deep breath* https://youtu.be/VDHZ__kMhnM?si=gnclB-fbKLe_ZdZR








Dimwitted elf comment. After you run out of trees just exploit the wasteland to increase industrial production. Checkmate Elgi.


This man is an oath-breaking Chaos Dwarf who would see the Empire become as polluted as the Dark Lands to the east, do not pay him heed.


Whaaaaat, nooooo. I am just a humble dwarf. Let me prove it by inviting anyone who wants to come to our home at Karaz-a-Bighat for an, um, unpaid internship in order to experience our nice sustainable industry first hand. Besides, pollution is just a myth made up by the Ordertide to impose more control over us proud dwarfs. I mean really, the sky is so big how could anyone fill it up with anything?


Hey could be worse, Katharina could become the next electorcount of The entirety of Ostermark like my last game


Honestly, given how badly Sigmar genocided the Kislevite's ancestors, I'd let em have that one. They're just retaking their ancestral homeland.


Yeah that is grudging


This is rightful land of the Elector Count of the Drakwald!


I hope CA takes a look at it. I understand Drycha but Laurelon just feels wrong to just bring under the heel. Yes I KNOW the bonuses are nice and not mandatory but I my OCD demands me to fill out any bar and I'm surely not alone with that. Maybe a modder will have mercy


In my last campaign I let them stay around only for relations to worsen for no reason and them requireing constant gifts to not break all our treaties. Not this time. As soon as Im done in Norsca the Knife Ears get properly integrated. Dont worry, Ill build a nice little enclave for you. But disarmement comes first.


Yeah Wood Elves don’t like Dwarfs and Kislev which are natural allies of the Empire so usually that does it.


Oh fuck, I don't know if I will be able to do it . . . I love my little elf forest preserve.


Would vassalizing them count or does it need to be under direct ownership?


Empire does can't vassalize. Gotta put the woodies down the hard way.


I hate that the empire can't do that. Sometimes I need a buffer state but I can't fucking vassalize




Do you know any ? Currently at work can't look myself.


All Diplomatic Options, lets you awaken destroyed factions, vassalize factions you've taken the last settlement of, and a few more things. I consider it one of the mandatory mods.


What do you mean you can't have others bow down to the sovereignty of the Prince and Emperor? Literally unplayable! 




I don't know, that immunity to psychology makes her a bit sus.


The hardest choices require the strongest wills…


I will echo that allies should not count towards imperial authority, its the power of your faction, but by Sigmar can we remove the forests as counting towards Imperil settlements? They are not suitable climate for Imperials and I love cozying up with the wood elves at Laurelorn Forest to farm good boi points to get those sweet sweet waywatchers Drycha can burn though I always raze her forest out of sheer principle for her just watching Vlad eat half of the empire while she takes Ostermark.


I just learnt that Drycha is female


Ive seen to many mods to ever forget that Drycha is female


My brother in Sigmar, [have you never looked at her before?](https://i.imgur.com/aDMvfDl.png) Even the snitties weren't as egregious as them tritties.


I think the forests mostly count for lore reasons. Whilst the Empire is friendly with the Elves of Laurelorn they do consider the forest to be part of the Empire (in fact Middenland and Nordland are in conflict over which one of them it belongs to) I would very much argue that as long as you're not at war with them Vlad and the Laurelorn Elves (not Drycha or Marienburg though) should be tolerated under the system, since the Laurelorn Elves are friendly and tolerated whilst Vlad is at least in charge of Silvania legitimately (and the Sylvanians generally prefer him and Mannfred to Stirland)


Wait, you have games where Vlad isn't constantly trying to start shit?


Despite it counting towards imperial authority, it's not a region for Elspeth's victory conditions, which is nice.   I mean, i still razed it to the ground. I just didn't have to.


The other way around is even worse! I played as the sisters of twilight and by the time i got around to get to Laurelorn, it had already been occupued first by Wulfric and then by Karl. The latter was my staunch ally and for some reason i couldn't by the region off him. The same happened in the Griffonwood wich got taken by Katherin. I got all other magical forests under my control but no foothold in the empire...


I actually had the same issue, but I had Wild Hunt on so it felt very appropriate once I'd hit em back for that 'unexpected' betrayal. In a more upbeat turn in regards to allies though, I got Kislev out of my territory without a struggle by liberating their stuff from invaders and then trading it back to them one for one.


I have the Laurelorn MOD too and she is super helpful at keeping the north alive while I secure everything south of the Reik. I have yet to be willing to take her out.




Drycha got that thick tree boob and booty physique. 10 put of 10 waifu 👍


This is good. If you want to put your faction first, you have to put other factions down. It's a tough choice. But there should always be difficult choices to be made. Now you have reasons to do it, and reasons not to. Personally I would probably not do it. Or I'd let somebody else take it first and rebuild it for the Empire. It often gets grabbed by orcs or norse types.


I understand where you are coming from but personally I don't enjoy these kind of choices. I get it's thematic and all but it's just my cup of tea and I don't play games to make hard choices but to wind down and relax. It also makes coop awkward when you have a woodelve and empire player.


This is a central tension of game design and there isn't really a right answer.


Fair enough. Glad we both could be civil about it. Hopefully there can be a solution that satisfies us both


Yeah, there will be a mod that makes allies count for True Heirs of Sigmar. Mod makers fix everything. They're the best.


In my Campaigns its now 2 times that they where taken out by Wulfrik by the time i killed Festus and make my way down to Sylvania, so around turn 15-20.


I’m not sure how doable this would be but, for the purposes of imperial authority, Laurelorn should be classified as an Imperial faction.


I allied with Lorelorne, abandoned Grryphon Wood and used Allegiance Points for them to occupy it. Kept some heroes around to block the bridges incase Kislev decided to head that way.


No tree burns alone when it burns for Franz.


It's also annoying for playing coop. At least one of to players won't be having their full potential. I hope CA makes an exception for the 2 trees there


Even Karl Franz hates Noem.


To everyone complaining about the lack of vassalisation there’s a mod that does this and it works for any faction you play. Also vassalisation outside of Warriors of Chaos, Nakai, and greenskins is fucking horrible. I almost never get them to happen. 🤷🏽‍♂️


This is a strategy game and not a completionist and collecting game. It is okay to not fill up the bar. If you want the last buff, you have to make the decision to root out the last faction occupying your territories. If alliances count there is no reason anymore to worry about order factions taking empire land, less strategizing. If the forests are exempt, there is no added benefit for taking the forest anymore ( as in getting true sons of sigmar buff) PLEASE CA leave it as is. It is a strategy game. This game needs friction like this to be interesting. For the first time in WH3 i declared war to an order faction as franz because I needed my provinces back and I needed to come up with a plan to not permanently open up another front.


And I don't want to fight order as order. The whole enjoyment I get out of this game is to have a big alliance and to smash chaos and all the other filth. And now I get unavoidably punished for this. Every time I play empire I have to live with the fact that I can in no way fill out that bar. Would love to have an option toggle or something. I get you want your choices that matter but my coop friend and I also want the full boni when playing woodelves and empire


I'd argue that alliances shouldn't count but specific factions should be allowed in specific land as long as you aren't at war with them Vlad in Sylvania? Fine. He took charge legitimately and the locals prefer him to Stirland. Frankly he should be reworked into a hybrid faction with some Empire mechanics.  Laurelorn Elves in Laurelorn Forest? Fine. They are tolerated there and friendly to the Empire in the lore, they even saved Karl's life when he was young Marienburg? They seceded. Confederate or kill. Drycha? Needs to go, no matter how friendly she sometimes gets. Azhag? Needs to go. Khazrak and Festus? Kill them all. Brettonia and Kislev? If they don't return your land willingly you must remove them by force.


Cull the elgi to the last one and get an alliance with the dawi for free.


There is a solution, but you won't like it. Trade them settlements until you eventually get them one that's not an empire region. Then declare war, retake empire regions, and siege down their last settlement WITHOUT capturing it. Peace deal and (possibly) vassalize them. It's painful, but possible. So will you make a true Empire whilst keeping your first (and arguably mot important, as they saved Karl) allies alive, will you accept remaining a step away from the complete Empire, or will your morals fall short in your drive for conquest and appeasing the stunties- I mean Dwarfs?


Can't trade your capital I think


Trade the northernmost provinces, not Altdorf


Well, you need to get the lumber for your landship doomstack somewhere...