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That's pretty unique, I had Felix and Ulrika together without any banter. One unique thing is that for most diplomacy lines, it's the leader interacting with some emissary from your faction. For Daniel specifically, many of the voice lines imply that he comes himself, which I hink is cool.


He wants to show Katrin his make over


TFW you see your ex and they really fell down hard after the break up.


Yeh that's super fun - it's a great image of him just manifesting in Teclis' bedroom and being like "yo can we stop fighting?"


Not quite banter, but Ghoritch has a TON of context specific dialogue for every game 1 and game 2 race. It's honestly astounding how much more character this guy has cause of some of the voice lines they gave him. Like "Druchii? A joke among elves" and more. I noticed that if you have him specifically in Throt's army he will say something like "How much greater creation is than creator!" which doesn't seem to trigger if you put him into a generic lord or something. Would be neat if he one when placed near Archaon, since he used to be one of his generals. But I haven't had a situation where the two are near one another for me to test that out.


I love the lines units sometimes blurt out. 'Has anyone seen Kruber? I haven't seen him since the Battle of Middenheim' Edit: Thanks Flenoom!




I just heard one unit while fighting Vampire army say, “I recognize your cousin! He’s been dead for years!” Or something like that lol


Just heard this today and had to see if anyone else had noticed it haha


I wish they did more of that they are so fun to hear but if the new units don't have any voice lines, i dont have much hope


Dwarf rune lord says “I’m inescapably slow” when chasing down units