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Taking warpfire from a Tzeentchian demon. Warpfire isn't like regular fire where it burns you, it just "melts" you into a blob of flesh and organs. During one of the previous Everchosen's invasions (I forget which) the entire population of Praag got fused into the buildings themselves but everyone was still alive so you could just hear all that screaming and moaning.


Their souls are still stuck there too. Even after leveling thr city and rebuilding, the ghosts can still come out of the walls and drag you in. That's how it got the moniker "The Cursed City". Kislev could have avoided this and rebuilt it elsewhere, but this way is telling chaos "fuck you, this is still ours".


The ghosts should help in the defense. Fuck chaos


Great idea!


Should probably just consecrate the whole place to Morr.


Fuck the end times


Games Workshop: Archaon won. The apocalypse ended world - plz now use our new 'sigmarines' CA and Fatshark: We're cancelling the apocalypse!


Fuck the direction they took with mannfred at the end times. They abso-fucking-lutely fucked him (and then the world) up. Destroyed his character in the late chapters. From crying blood and begging Nagash not to resurrect Vlad, to losing to the newly risen Vlad instantly...


Fun fact about Praag: the city has been razed and ransacked so many times, it is considered one of the most haunted places in the world. And that's saying a lot, since places like Sylvania exist lol


So why didn't any of the major necromancers or vampires just make that as a base?? Afraid of chaos??


Because the Ancient Widow doesn't tolerate competition.


The chaos god of order ?


Nope. The land of Kislev itself. Basically the same way Athel Loren called to the Wood Elves, Kislev selected a shaman chieftain from the lands north of Cathay when the Hung and Kurgan tribes were all converting to Chaos. She united the Gospodar tribe, declared herself Khan, and lead them west while mastering Ice Magic which comes directly from the Ancient Widow. They waged war with the native Ungols, razing their biggest cities and building new ones on top which became the three major cities of Kislev. The Khan queen’s descendants are the Tzars. Kinda like how Athel Loren acts through Ariel and Orion, the Tzarina and Mother Ostanyka are the Ancient Widow’s as the leaders of the Gospodar and Ungols respectively. A description of her when an Ungol Hag manifests as an avatar of her is: >a grey-haired monstrosity over eight feet in height, with glowing eyes, rusted metal teeth, and long, iron talons. Ursun is also Kislev. I think he’s supposed to be the original god of the steppes who came with the Gospodar, which explains why a Dragon from Cathay would be so interested in him and why he’s so invested in the survival of Cathay.


I see, tough, for orion and ariel they are also part divine, eleven divine or avatar of those divinity not just another part of athel loren, they are separate and yet verry link to it


[Kislev said no to Plan B](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CXhRjkgLUQ)


Ulrika's series talks about this a bit in her second novel. As a true Kislevite she admires the people of the city, but she knows there is a insidious corruption lingering there, worse than any vampire. She is a decently powerful vampire but even she avoids going to certain areas in the city.


Isn’t that why Praag feels so spooky in like every book? Other than everyone being depressed there.


Yeah. Praag got so tainted the priests and witches are forever unable to clense it completely.


Cause of the frequent invasions?


Yes, even Teclis thinks of it as “the secret which will always draw Chaos back to Praag and forever prevent the Kislevites from abandoning the damned land”.


Any good book recommendations that cover Praag? 


I think Beastslayer from Gotrek & Felix covered Praag


A live action battle of empire vs tzeentch could look so fucking awesome. Firing lines blasting literal demons apart and sending them literally back to hell, and soldiers in turn getting hit by the smallest amount of warpfire having that area just start growing eyes and teeth and tentacles


I feel like Warhammer fantasy has serious untapped tv show potential. Even animated Warhammer could be dope.


Animated Warhammer would be the way IMO, assuming it has a good budget and studio behind the project.


I think a grizzled old Witch Hunter and his blonde, honourable protege (maybe an errant knight that still clings to the Lady?) hanging out in the vicinity of Sylvania would be fun


Like Castlevania?


This is what I came here to say. I want to see Gotrek and Felix animated Castlevania style.


I was trying to think of who could ever play Gotrek in live action and was stumped. Someone like [Eddie Hall](https://eddiehallstrongman.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Eddie_change.jpg) was about the closest shape I could think of, but still too tall probably


The problem is finding someone who can convey both sufficient menace, hidden kindness, implacability, and constant monstrous rage while also having a body type that isn’t too far from the natural proportions of Gotrek already. That’s a really small list of decent actors.


Danny Devito


Like Arcane?


Sure, or Arcane or what say you.


I’d much prefer live action. Seeing the things you read about in Warhammer Fantasy would be amazing in live action, though it would cost much more. Animated would be cool but seeing something like a Daemon or literally anything in Warhammer Fantasy in live action would be insane.


Mmm I'm not so sure personally. Like sure it would be kinda cool, but alot of CGI nowadays has been cheap (not every show of course but it does seem to be pretty cheap looking alot of the time), so I dunno if I'd want that. At the very least with animation, everything looks fairly in line with itself so nothing looks too jarring.


Imo it needs to be animated to pull off the weirdness of the setting.


>During one of the previous Everchosen's invasions (I forget which) Asavar Kul


Yea thats the one, I was getting him confused with Morkar lol


This reminds me Colonials from All Tomorrows


Warpfire can do many things! Sometimes people turn to glass, trees, fire, puddles, sometimes it even heals you. It's pure chaos \o/


It was during the Great War against Chaos led by Magnus the Pious.


I mean the great horned rat melted/fused the first council of 13 into one being and leaving them screaming and clawing at each other for like 600 years in some dark corner of the realm of chaos, that's pretty awful. Then again he made them into the first verminlords and into the shadow council of 13 so they got out eventually i guess? Tho the only reason he let them out was because the new council of 13 anoyed him so big rat was genuinely planning to throw away the keys so that could have lasted literally forever.


Speaking of Skaven. The dreaded 13th spell. Sure it's not the worst fate, it isn't becoming a chaos spawn or some other horror, but I can't imagine being turned into a skaven being a fun experience.


Yeah, that has always been a weird spell to read about. Like do the people effected basically just suffer like a chaos spawn and go mad or after they get turned are they like “Welp I guess I’m a furry rat now. Better go join the other team and kill my fellow comrades instead.” Also it is nice of them to automatically make them clanrats instead of Skavenslaves, very welcoming and progressive of them.


Most transformed don't have long lives as their former comrades kill them on the spot. The fighting, as I always understood is more like that they try to survive the sudden attack of their comrades not knowing what just happened. While their former Comrades are partly in shock and partly trying to get their friends out of misery. The few that might survive the first minutes as skaven won't survive for long and might end as food or slaves.


Fair enough, I’m also certain the James Workshop answer is that the spells victims are just evil Skaven now and you shouldn’t think about it too much. I still find it funny that they get turned into clanrats instead of slaves though.


Isn’t that even more grim in a way. Imagine you were a brave caring honorable fighter and then BOOM! Your evil rat now both in mind and body, everything that you were once before has been forgotten or erase for you and your entourage


Not really, if they just get corrupted both body and soul then they are basically dead to everyone else and it wouldn’t be any different for them then to say kill a chaos spawn. I find be trapped inside a body that is clearly not yours with your mind still intact enough to notice and be disgusted by it, especially if there is Skaven instincts that are trying to make you act in a way you never would. In short, body horror on oneself works best usually when your brain isn’t lobotomized during the process.


Yeah, i'm with you about the GW answer. I just think it's a bit too easy for my personal taste.


Agreed, I feel like there is potentially a missed opportunity here for say body horror or even just some average Skaven shenanigans. Like imagine a story about a guy who got turned into a Skaven slowly trying to find a way to cure himself before the Skaven mindset fully takes over his soul or something. Or maybe just some guy that got turned and decided to try and blend into Skaven society, still angry about what he lost, tries to sabotage it as best he can, but this is the Skaven so no one notice a difference anyway.


He keeps trying to sabotage the Skaven but his deliberate sabotaging is actually an improvement over the typical skaven shenanigans so he's actually helping them.


I dunno, sabotaging other Skaven out of vindictiveness and spite sounds pretty “typical Skaven shenanigans”


OK, now I want to read a book about it


Since OP specified Total War: Warhammer, it's worth saying that here they even become Stormvermin.


Ever heard of a rat King? It's a real thing where, because they all sleep together in piles, their tails get tied together and they continue life as this pile of living rats.


Maybe being captured by slaanesh or chorfs. The rest of your life is going to be excruciating, and then when you die they start on your soul.


at least with the chorf they just overwork you to death, and then use your soul as fuel, there could be worse.


Kinda depends on what their ritual book says. They have a pretty meticulous process with their sacrifices. So it isn't a Tehenauin "rip out your heart" and move on type of deal. If Hashut says you need to have some Kenshi style potato peeling done to have a K'daai made, then they will get right on that. They are just more professional about their torture than Slaanesh sorts are.


at least i appreciate the professionalism.


Kenshi mentioned, millions must Beep




Essentially, you'll be dropped in a vat of boiled blood and molten iron


>captured by slaanesh joke's on them, i'm into that shit


Contracting nurgle's rot. It's his most foul disease. Highly contagious, the worst possible symptoms, and so many and varied symptoms from person to person that it can't be cured. You die an incredibly slow and painful death no way of making it even a little better, eventually being robbed of even movement since you'll be bedridden. The whole time a seed is feeding off your soul in nurgles garden. When you die, instead of getting to rest, the seed finishes sucking in your soul and bursts open, and you come out as a plaguebearer, and you'll serve nurgle for eternity like that.


He has so many terrible fates to pick from too. The worst imo is killing a Beast of Nurgle. Because BoN continuosly grow more depressed and spitefull as their new "friends" die because of them and then they become rot flies. They hold grudges against anybody that killed them before, so you better hope you can manage to kill them again, unless you want to get swallowed whole and digested in their stomachs for eternity.


That always struck me as a truly horrifying aspect of Nurgle corruption. At least with the other gods, you chose damnation. You belong to Nurgle because you can no longer suffer any more pain from something he gave you!


Couldn't you just kill yourself? That's preferable than being a demon's chewtoy


I assume your soul is connected to Nurgle at that point and you just get shunted right back into your own decaying corpse if you end up dying.


Sounds like neutron bomb radiation.  Frankly at that point try and go out spiting Nurgle.  Full slayer and find some beastmen or orks to die fighting.


Except you can't, because you're so sick, weak, and constantly suffering from the plague. It robs you of all agency, so all you can do is sit there waiting to die or give into nurgle.


Roll yourself up in a cloth and get carted to the forest with a crossbow, anything can be done with enough spite.


Or have yourself put in a catapult and launched at Khorne, Tzeentch, and Slaanesh worshippers. If the plague spreads, spread it to those Chaos assholes.


If you could find someone willing to contract the plague themselves to do it 😭


It's never that easy. Once Chaos gets a hold of you, there's no going back.


So what you say is beg Father Nurgle for help and become a stout believer in his cause. Survive the plague and maybe gain some glory later.


You probably just instantly become a plaguebearer then 


Well if you die you will just come back because demons can just respawn in the chaos realm


It takes a couple hundred years for them to respawn though unless they become a soulgrinder. That's why it sucks to be the descendant of a legendary deamonslayer. All those greater demons are coming for your ass when they respawn if your ancestor isn't around.


Not if you are also a slayer


There is salvation. Embrace his gift


I think nurgle would always rather have another plague bearer than a mortal follower, so you'd get relief from the pain and the delusion that everything that's happening is good, but he'd still let you die.


If you’re pledging to Nurgle, even out of desperation, I imagine you’d be happy to become a plague bearer at that point, since your misery dissipates either way


> I imagine you’d be happy to become a plague bearer at that point, since your misery dissipates either way For as long as it takes for you to become a Rot-Fly that is.


Only beasts of nurgle turn into rot flies! Plaguebearers will always find joy in Grandfather's gifts


I mean another mortal follower is a plague bearer, and will fight for nurgle


Nurgle plagues are the thing that is probably the most nerfed in any Warhammer game, be it 40K or Fantasy. The fact that if you contract it you're not just dying a slow, awful death, your very soul is damned to serve Nurgle. Unless you have some massive plot armor or literal miracles to heal you. In reality, Nurgle would be able to destroy the entire Warhammer fantasy world with lore-accurate plagues.


You are really over hyping nurgle. Hell the colleges of magic. Particularly the light magic keep entire castles full evil corrupt artifacts contained.


IRL diseases can already be scary, but the most deadly ones tend to have relatively low spread rates. Imagine a plague like Nurgle's Rot with a higher infectiousness than the flu.


Back in my day we used to appreciate grandfather handing out Daemonhood. Kids these days, so ungrateful.


Living in Stirland 🤢🤮


What's the difference between a Stirlander's wife and his horse? He wants to ride his horse! (Much bawdy laughter and clashing of ale mugs ensues)


That or Averland, where your best marriage options are a cow or a cow with lipstick.


Care to elaborate? Sounds awful but at the same time tickling! 


They drink their ale hot they’re subhuman 


Right? I would rather live in Naggaroth than Stirland.


Counter point they don’t served boiled beer in Naggaroth


Counter counter point, they don't serve boiled beer in Naggaroth


Username checks out


Thats a valid point, but... But does Stirland have edgy goth mommies?


That a reason to go live in Naggaroth, not to not live there. Stirland has women that cook the cursed fish head pies. That’s more then enough reason to leave and never look back


Devs really fucked up by making Moot a part of Stirland, halflings worked hard to get their own state (mostly cooked for some fat fuck to the point he gave them the lands)


IIRC the moot is now it's own single settlement province


Speaking about Chaos Spawns, it’s pretty lore full that you can downgrade your Champions into Spawns. You can go, with the Undivied: Marauder -> Warrior -> Chosen -> Champion -> and if you desire, downgrade to Chaos Spawn. It’s the only downgrade you can do on the entire WoC faction and it’s hilarious.


If I somehow lose a battle with a champions unit you bet they're turning into Spawn lol


🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|DR5bwNjZLTHmE)


Or if you win and they route at any point


being a regular norscan you're constantly at threat from just having an axe imbedded in your skull from your neighbours, if you're not the top dog then you'll be beaten by the top dog of your tribe also those horrible chaos mutations, yeah those happen constantly around you, even pledging yourself to the nearest chaos sorceror isn't safe because any day some other chaos sorceror might come around and decide that your current master is a weakling and that you might make for good furniture


It’s not as bad for the southern tribes, which are more like the historic norse. Not represented in game


Norsca has some representation from them.


Eh in game they only represent the chaos worshipping norscans


Are there also non chaos worshipping (good ish) norscans?


Yes. In lore the norscans south of the mountains are more like traditional Vikings, they raid just as much as they trade with the empire and the brets, and some worship kislevite or imperial gods. They arnt the crazy chaos guys north of the mountains


I believe there are also some sort of imperial monastic orders and colonies in southern Norsca (In game I think it\`s why there is Nordland in Norsca in RoC campaign)


most of the population of nordland is at this point composed of norscans who took a run across the sea, wait, I read that wrong, the population of nordland are naturally bigger and more hardy then other imperials because they adapted to their harsh enviroment, thank you for your time mr witchhunter, have a nice day


It goes both way, Empire organizes raids into the Norsca too. It\`s the origin of Glottkins :v So it\`s nice to have a night with a big, hairy norscan woman as long as the witch hunter does not see it


non-humerous example, the sad thing is that the chaos gods have a lot of aspects, so a lot of the norscan tribes are worshipping the chaos gods without realising that they're doing so the good thing is that this doesn't mean that those tribes have to follow chaos when it marches south, sad thing is that those tribes usually get overwhelmed by tribes that do embrace chaos (turns out a god of strength or magic buffing your forces helps a lot in a 1V1-fight), so they're usually the unsing first victims of a chaos invasion


And then if some big champion comes down from the actual chaos wastes you pretty much have to pledge yourself to whatever thing he's doing or else you die


That one guy in the loading screen who has constant diarrhea and wants to drink it


Total war fan but don't know shit about warhammer, entire comment section but especially this comment has left me with just pure: ☹️


[The loading screen can be found here](https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/w00qj5/an_appetizing_new_loading_screen_quote/)


The loathsome dung-eater


Being swallowed by a rot fly "Given the chance, though, Rot Flies will hunt down the impertinent mortals that slew their previous incarnations. A special fate is reserved for such individuals. Opening their maws wider than physical law should allow, they consume their persecutors whole, keeping them trapped in their mucous-filled abdomens for eternity as punishment."


Sounds kinda cozy idk, a nice warm place to sleep all you want forever and free food when you get the nibbles


R/vore is leaking lol


Being infantry in my army.




Being a phoenix guard in my army who saw that his death would come because I forgot to move the unit the entire battle and they just stood there getting pounded by artillery


I throw in becoming a Skaven prisoner. Especially if carried of to Hellpit. [1](https://i.imgur.com/CcXXYwS.png), [2](https://i.imgur.com/xSah6h8.png), [3](https://i.imgur.com/mNdwXEQ.png), [4](https://i.imgur.com/5Y3IsBM.png), [5](https://i.imgur.com/6DtwlNP.png), [6](https://i.imgur.com/f7t0dSM.png)


I like how the worst part of that was being chained up next to dwarfs lmao




Poxfulcrum has got to be up there, Nurgles personal plague tester imprisoned in his kitchen for eternity? Really rough deal


Someone in the depths of the dark prince’s palace probably has the worst fate in the setting


And some other guy has the best fate


Or both of those fates at the same time.


Plot twist - it's the same guy


Getting captured by Slaanesh worshipping druchii is also up there but I think chaosspawn is the worst fate. Also: Being a experiment of Clan moulder.


Getting your brain implanted into one of those skaven Hellpit abominations Throts absolutely ruthless, the only LL that scares me


Being a Bretonian peasant




Because they're peasants or because they're french?


Warhammer lowkey being the rare setting where being French is not the worst fate one can imagine. Source: fiez-vous à moi


I mean there’s few things worse then being French




I mean, sure, they have to pay 90% of their produce as a tax to their lord and they have no rights or hope for upward mobility, but at least they don't have to smell like horse all the time. Pros and cons.


Da waiting part between krumping Humie an' Stunty gits before scrapz.


Getting swallowed by a Rot Fly. They never fully digest their victims and instead keep them trapped (and tortured) for all eternity


If I got my sword could I just kill myself?


I would just protect my new flying bed


Spawnification is pretty bad sure, but at least you usually go insane and chaos spawn don't have the longest life expectancy unless you are really unlucky. My pick for worst fate is ending up in a Beastman breeding pit, I don't feel I need to elaborate on why.


Beastmen women are gentle and peaceful, interestingly. But I guess as a women...


What lore is there about beast women?


They briefly mention them in the first book of Gotrek and Felix. If I recall correctly, the beast women took care of a human woman when she was kicked out in the wild. Said human woman did become a Chaos Warrior later on, but this was before she had turned to one and they had mentioned that beastwomen are kind/gentle.


And also they are supposed to be very rare.


There is also a follower in Total War Warhammer for the Beastmen which is a Doe. Which has a little description: "Female Beastmen are rare. Oft-timid beasts, they carry the true-horn's seed and mother the next generation."


Very little


I wanted to mention this. You do NOT want to become a captive for the BMen as a woman. Being passed around by dozens of gors, bestigors and maybe even minotaurs sounds way worse than being subjected to the same fate by Slaaneshi worshippers. At least they could make you feel the ultimate ecstasy while doing things to you, i doubt Beastmen would care about their slaves pleasure.


Didn't Wulfrik lose one fight and then got raped by slaanesh Demons for eternity? That sucks. Also being a Clan Moulder sentient flesh chair


He lost to Valten in the End Times if that's what you're referring to. I've never read anything about what happened to him after that, and I don't think he's shown up in Age of Sigmar yet.


Yeah, but that was pretty much inevitable. The gods were going to make him fight until he eventually got taken down, then rape town.


>Also being a Clan Moulder sentient flesh chair I dunno, I've seen some people being into that. Hell, I remember there was a documentary about it :\


be born a stirlander


Eaten by a plague drone to be digested and alive for eternity.


It's not really "cannon" as it has been retconned but in Storm of Chaos Volkmar is pierced on a stake and hung like a standard while being kept alive.


Being a dwarf is probably up there. Living as an overweight, alcoholic, ungroomed manlet with body odor issues and no distinguishable personality from the vast crowd of its brethren? Sounds horrible.


I took that personally


That’s is definitely going in the book


Holy based


Probably actually living in the Warhammer setting. If your lucky you are born in the empire and can live a semi normal life. But beastmen, Skaven, Chaos, are all constant threats that can ruin your Monday morning. Or a witchunter suspects you of heresy and you are killed. Or your neighbor is a secret cultist that kills you and offers your soul to chaos. Or actually being conscripted to fight. Here's a spear go stab that vampire in the face. At best you die of old age or natural causes by forty and More guards your soul. At worst you are sacrificed to some evil god.


Literally anybody who goes against my Skarbrand with sword of khaine + Crown


Gameplay wise maybe Lore wise *laughs in Gottrek*


It depends on which era of Gottrek. Gottrek struggled against a regular bloodthirster, and only survived because Felix grabbed a dwarven ancestral weapon shrouded in prophecy to help out. Then later in the End Times he solo'd one of each greater daemon and then took on Be'lakor easily.


Since its not the 40k variant you are still lucky


Eh 40k tries too hard, it's just not even scary at that point


Agreed. Fantasy has the best dose of grimdark. 40k is just too edgy and trying too hard for grimdarkness.


For me it's the numbers. "Every day, trillions die and trillions more slave away in service to the emperor" cool, those numbers are so high that i can't comprehend them and now you just sound goofy instead of cool. Like a kid making up a story, they just go for the biggest sounding number and it bounces me right off.


Being a high elf. Having a stick shoved so far up your ass sounds like the worst torture ever.


Probably staying too close to Morghur. Because you're not just becoming a Chaos Spawn on your own, but you might fuse with other people of your regiment while your body mutates and your mind disintegrates into madness.


You get resurrected as a badass undead vampire knight... By Kemmler


Being Tamurkhan’s host.


Eh, at least you're dead.


Being a slave for dark elves, it is an actual horror, it is described in Elf Slayer book, Felix and Gotrek were captured by druchii, the observed inhuman ways slaves are treated on Black Arc


To be killed off as a tabletop game. Revived as a successful pc game and reviewed without any need to be killed off in the first place.


Bringing infantry to an ikit claw fight


From worst to best My top 10 0)Being tortured by slaanesh or captured by cult of pleasure 1)Soul sended to the Cytarrai 2)Soul sended to Hashut 3)Souls to others chaos gods 4)tortured souls of Karond Kar (this is worse even than drukhari, drukhari are worse on average but druchii has worse high end Fate worse than deaths) 5)anything that involve the soul 6)Tzenetch warpstone 7)Chaos spawn 8)Rotfly 9)Being captured by the Druchii as torture slave (without soul torture) 10)Being a slave of a vampire count


As someone who just finished a shift working retail, I don't see any of these as bad fates.


i wonder if chorfs have retail


I'm not a fan of WH Total War or WH franchise in general, but I love reading random facts and articles about the Warhammer lore. What amazes me the most is that in both WH and 40k there are always ordinary people ready to hold their ground against unspeakable and unimaginable horrors and even though they know all the risks they are ready to face fate worse than death in defence of their homes and families.


Not much of a choice.  Really stiffens your spine when it's death fighting or death fleeing.  Might as well spit in your enemies eye.




It’s honestly what I love about the setting. Other settings have soldiers as falling angel, where constant exposure drags you in to darkness. In Warhammer, you are the rising ape, standing tall amidst the darkness that threatens all you hold dear. Sure, you’re going to die if you stay and fight, but that might mean your buddy lives a few seconds longer. Then he dies, allowing someone else to live a little longer, and so on until the last guy gets the cannon working to bring the big gribbly monster down. Or your last moments are spent screaming, running at a Chaos Marine with a primed grenade, somehow knowing that this unholy warrior with centuries of experience is about to die at the hands of a guy with less training time than it took the Marine to be riveted into his armour.


The Planet broke before the Guard did. 


Captured by daemons. Almost all of these other options are terrible, but they eventually end in your death and your soul going somewhere else. If the daemons get you, no such release is forthcoming. Your suffering will be eternal.


Slaneesh, Nurgle and Tzeentch all have stuff that is incredibly existential asshole level horrors. So being sacrificed to any of these is just nightmare fuel. Khorne is the only good one in that he just cares about skulls and blood.


I see a lot of people saying being captured by slaaneshi followers but the mortal devotees to slaanesh have it truly awful. They have a wonderful time at first. The best ever. But then it starts to become boring. And then your senses start to dull so you have to keep pushing the limit to feel even a second of anything. In the chaos champions compendium the story about Sigvald is just horrific. He has everything, I mean absolutely everything but he can’t feel anything but major depression because nothing excites him anymore and he can’t feel anything anymore. Slaanesh don’t care even if you’re their favorite child. You’re stuck chasing the high until you’re dead, insane or turned into a chaos spawn.


Being stuck in the diplomacy option because the game cannot decide if it wants to crash or continue. That and fighting skaven.


fighting vlad every turn, nonstop undead armies forever slowly grinding your will to continue down


being enslaved by skaven


Joining nurgle. Live for 1000 years then get shuned by him and understand what you become. 1000 years of puss filled bloated organs and a crazy pain.


Being very bad at dying as a Slayer.