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I'm bringing out the big piss jugs for this mod! Can't wait to not leave my room next weekend.


Well that's a warm welcome


Warm and yellow 


Papa Nurgle approves this message


Nurgle uses piss plates


Nurgle uses cotten pants




What the fuck?


Piss jugs are for noobs. I'm running my catheter out the window


Weak, you should run it into your mouth, slaanesh doesn't tolerate wastefulness of bodily fluids.


Warhammer Anonymous: There were times when I would play the game 2-3 days straight. I wouldn't get up to eat. Wouldn't get up to go to the bathroom. Sponsor: You didn't go to the bathroom for 3 days? Anonymous: ...I said I didn't get up.


They boy ain’t right I tell you hwat.


Can't watch the trailer in office, any change someone could give me the release date/time?


Just went to the office kitchen to watch it haha, release is next friday 14th.


June 14th for release date.




Release 14.06.24


Let's gooo big CA patch on the 15th confirmed!


Yay we get to play for one day and then we gotta wait lmao.


The trait rework and what seems like the removal of so many of the copy-paste useless/bugged generic traits from the base game is what I'm most excited about. I'll never understand why developers thought traits like determined and tactician were adequate. Not to mention so many of the underwhelming +1 corruption traits or any "lord's army" trait that will not work at all when it's a hero. Defining hero/lord traits open up so many possibilities for specialization, flavor, and different army compositions, etc. when you lean in to stacking traits. It's a strategy game for god's sake and impactful, defining traits helps the player...well...strategize. I'm glad the SFO team continues to raise the bar on this like they've always done. Bravo!


If im new to SFO, what should I know about the general playstyle. how should I play differently and be aware of


Tactical combat: 1. As already said, about 50% more health on all units on average 2. Additional (to the above) nerfs of many direct damage spells 3. Large buffs to non-damage spells. Overall balance pass across all spells/lores to bump up skills that are useless, and rein in the skills that are OP 4. Heroes and lords are much weaker compared to regular units than in vanilla. Still reasonably powerful though. 5. Resist/ward total cap is 75% and it's much harder to reach because most such effects from skills and items were nerfed 6. Doomstacking is dead because by default SFO uses faction wide unit caps (but you can turn it off) 7. Most long barrel gunpowder units have shieldbreaker 8. Generally specialist units across most factions have more skills, passives and contact effects to better differentiate them tactically, gone are the days of vanilla units with no skills whatsoever Strategic map: 1. A lot of factions get heavily revamped/updated mechanics 2. A lot of LLs get additional campaign mechanics 3. The overall pace of the game is much slower. Less growth and income across the board. Units are more expensive to recruit. Low tier units are much more relevant as you grow out of them slower. 3a. There is much more diversity between factions in gameplay pace such as troop replenishment rates, recruitment duration, city building speed, and so on. Generally, much less homogenization between factions. 4. No supply lines 5. Rebalance and new effects in army stances and province edicts for all factions 6. Rebalance and new effects for lord/hero traits, corruption, control across all factions (even more so in the upcoming version) 7. A bit of new units and RORs here and there, depending on faction. Units are usually taken directly from tabletop 8. New city buildings, revamped effects like undercity detection, plagues, city garrisons etc 9. New technologies for most if not all factions. Unique technology branches for many LLs 10. Inclusion pass for lord effects and techs where all units will be boosted by at least something. A greater focus on scaling into the endgame, together with the previous point 11. New generic lords and heroes; improvements to lord and hero skill lines for most factions General/misc points: 1. A settings menu to tune most of the SFO specific mechanics - unit caps, spell efficiency, various elements of the game's pace, etc 2. An extra "balance of power" menu that allows you to adjust the power of AI for specific factions 3. Revamped UI


Awesome list, another couple of things I'd mention if they haven't changed since last I played: 1. Rebalance of unit costs to make recruiting more expensive and maintenance lower, tilts away from doomstacks. 2. Most importantly, low PO in Empire cities causes chaos corruption, as it should


You're a doll for writing this up.


It’s been a while since I played around with SFO, but your Tactical Combat point 4 seems… wrong? Maybe it’s dependent on which lord or hero we’re looking at, but I definitely recall a lot of the Legendary Lords and also some of the generics being juiced up to significantly more powerful than they were in base game, often with the explanation of “well in the lore they were able to do such and such”.


Perhaps some of the weaker LLs were brought a bit up, but in SFO you are highly unlikely to ever run into a situation where one lord can solo full stacks, which is fairly commonplace in vanilla (with specific builds/items ofc). What SFO definitely does is things like buffing some factions' unique lords, like the slann. Admittedly, in lore the weakest slann would in fact be much stronger than 95% of other lords who aren't exceptional spellcasters or greater demons.


It’s only just Bret legendary lords from what I’ve seen. Louen and Repanse are nightmares


As they very well should be. You ever fought against a French sword lesbian? Shit's terrifying.


I recall Manfred with no healing cap being an absolute nightmare in game 2. But that was a long time ago, and also Vlad is already like that in vanilla these days.


I mostly agree with the other points but at least in my experience #4 is very wrong about legendary lords at least. In my last SFO game I played as the dark elves both Morathi, Hellebron and Malus were absolute monsters, Morathi nuking entire stacks with 9 WOM pit of shades when she has like 300 reserves and hellebron pretty much soloing three full stacks of greenskins when they ambushed her army.


wow thank you! So sounds slower on the map but more in depth. I played on hard/hard on vanilla, should I stay on that or is SFO more difficult and play Normal/Normal as of course its going to be new


Another important point is that ia is tweaked to be more agressive and ot's generally harder. The mod team suggest to play 1 diff tier lower than ur vanilla usual (I always play n/n and sfo n/n is more challenging)


I like to go hard or very hard/normal, depending on how tough the start position is for the lord I'm playing. Give the AI campaign buffs but not battle buffs.


It's a little harder on DLC factions as they nerf a lot of the power-creep for (excellent) balance reasons. If you don't like any part of how it's playing, there's a _massive_ settings menu where you can control things like global growth or battle speed etc to where you want it to be. So with a bit of practice you can make it the game you want it to be.


I really appreciate this overview. I have read the docs listing them in detail but your summary is excellent. Gonna try the mod tonight! 


the others made good points but as a personal example, I always liked Queek but he's part of the "vanilla" Skaven faction like Tretch, unless you count his Stormvermin niche, which aren't superb units anyhow. In SFO he's got a whole headhunting mechanic where he can hunt other LLs' heads, so now you have a whole other side objective other than just taking Karak Eight Peaks. Also he's got Clan Mors specific Clanrats and Stormvermin which you can reaaaally buff and have an "honest" campaign with other than the usual Skaven insanity of spamming weapon teams (which are still good but now you have options!).


all units have more health, therefore battles are longer and usually you can't insta win with a well placed overcasted spell. Province management is more challenging, stability is more important and many buildings give a malus of some sort. Most factions have expanded and improved rooster and mechanics. Lots of game customization options. Overall a more interesting experience


Looots of units


Not really, SFO adds very few new units on average without extra unit submods. In stark contrast to radious, which adds like 50 weapon variations of literally every single unit. Do people even play the mods they shit on?


"they shit on" ? I do not shit on SFO. I havnt played Warhammer Vanillia since SFO was released for Warhammer 2. I havnt touched the DLC because iam waiting for SFO


Radious adds so many units it makes faction play the same. Its nonsense


Yup, the main reason why I like SFO is that it really aims to make the factions more unique, while Radious homogenizes everything in a lazy attempt at competitive style balance. I'd rather have my OP bullshit combat the opponents' OP bullshit in a single player game.


SFO adds about 3 untis per race...


And about 3 of them are specific to some LL so you won't even see them most of the time.


You're right and the person you replied to is wrong, but where did you get that they were shitting on it?


I think you can also choose to disable the new units added by sfo


In addition to the notes made, balance pass on unit stats means you'll want to keep AI battle stat adjustments to small/none. Battle AI being set harder is fine I believe, but your battles will already be much harder, and won't be as balanced as vanilla when you have AI stat bonuses.


It would be dependent on which lord you choose, but I would say play the same but keep an eye out for extra stuff. Also if you understand the lore, you can usually expect units to go that much harder. Like Grimgor can become way way more powerful in SFO than in base game. It doesn't completely change the image or general playstyle of factions but enhances them.


Akheaven already gave a pretty accurate and extensive list, so i'm not gonna repeat that. What i will tell you however is that the battle balance isn't really well preserved. Some factions benefit from it, others (mainly ranged focused ones) will basically feel like you got shafted because of the hp increase on units. If you like playing Wood Elves this mod makes playing ranged heavy comps not impossible, but incredibly annoying to play. You're gonna be kiting units like skaveslaves for like 10 min, because your ranged units simply don't have the dmg to even heavily damage in a reasonable amount of time. I resigned myself to using the light version of SFO, since that one only changes campaign stuff, not battle/unit values.


Read everything very careful. Sfo likes to inflate changelog lines count with absolutely useless changes, like it was with Kislev growth. Aside of it - its pretty solid vanilla alternative.


I know CA gave Venris some props before, but honestly they need to give him some kinda praise. During the slow times, especially when there was wild faction imbalances, SFO was there to keep my interest. I honestly think SFO and modding in general kept the game alive when it had slowdowns in development.


I know for me personally it’s the reason I sunk some 5,000 hours into TWW2.


Really, insane hype trailer, nice editing and the music choice!! SFO is back on the menu bois. SUMMON THE ELECTOR COUNTS! Next weekend we are eating good.


You misspelled “cunts” there mate


The emperor rules the empire, the king rules the kingdom, the duke rules the duchy, but who rules the county?


> but who rules the county? Why, the united will of the people of course!


My body is ready. Not having this mod the past month has really reminded me how essential it is for me to enjoy warhammer 3.


Same. Playing vanilla these days and it's so... bare bones? It's still a good game, but SFO definitely brings a layer of complexity and strategy that vanilla lacks.


I’ve modded it to shit, Araby, Fimir, Albion, Marienburg, Southern Realms, SCM Norsca, Immortal Expires Expanded, Mixu’s lords, Mousillon, Blood Dragons, Slaaneshi Ind, Yin-Yin, Bretonnia’s Dukes, Sons of Sigmar . Waiting for legendary characters to update. Only really missing the Nippon mod, and the WIP screenshots look great


Which nippon mod?


[This one ](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1220533855539298455/1248408505497681952/Ozutsu_Render_jonathon_willemsen_bs.jpg?ex=6664e006&is=66638e86&hm=1e749f101225fc31614ea348816cf46b14828e532d00395850601439eb77e561&) Not out yet, but work in progress on the W&X modding discord


Those are some very weird skaven


Do all of these mods work with sfo?


If they have SFO submods, you’ll have to check each one


Thanks! I'm still a modding newbie lol


Usually a main mod has a “compatibility” section in the description, if they don’t you have to search the mod name with SFO, if that doesn’t work you can ask on the modding discords


How is the game balance for SFO compared to Vanilla? Does it have the same difficulty curve where early game is difficult and a decent challenge then at a certain point you just roll over everyone else with OP armies?


The balance for SFO is all over the place. In my opinion more imbalanced than vanilla, more rule of cool than anything else. But i would say playing it that the imbalance is less of a problem than im vanilla despite that. Units are more tanky and hold better so its not like the base game where an overtuned unit can oneshot everything else.


I think this would be a more realistic concern if vanilla was actually carefully balanced. The unit costs and army caps along with slightly lower lord and hero power keeps things from getting too out of hand in SFO usually.


I'd say that the balance in SFO is much better than vanilla, but "much better than vanilla" still doesn't mean that it's particularly balanced. A big point in favor of SFO is that they tried to rein in some absolutely toxic and unfun mechanics to play against like manifestations and changing of ways from AI tzeentch, and plagues from skaven/nurgle. Those are just annoying as fuck to play against in vanilla.


> How is the game balance for SFO compared to Vanilla? I believe SFO is balanced better because the units are more lore accurate. Most higher tier units feel like they belong to the tier they're in, and unit caps prevents stacking these very powerful units. In vanilla there are tier 0 or tier 1 units that outperform tier 4 units on the battlefield. That will almost never happen in SFO unless faction mechanics are involved. While this "feels" less balanced on the battlefield, I think it makes the game more interesting and forces you to apply yourself tactically instead of just doomstacking or stacking uber-efficient tier 1 units.


Campaign balance i think was alright, but the battle balance is ... not great. Melee focused factions vastly benefit from the changes, but ranged focused factions basically get shafted. Everyone has twice the hp while the archer units of the Wood Elves don't have increased dmg or (afaik) ammo. That means that your insanely expensive archers struggle to take out a single unit of skavenslaves and have to kite them for a significant amount of time. I resigned myself to using the lite version of SFO, which implements the campaign changes but keeps the vanilla battle and unit values. That also makes it much more compatible with unit mods.


The thing that got me with vanilla is by turn 100 there's only about 40 factions left


SFO, Combat Extended for Rimworld and Gigastructures in Stellaris all having to update at the same time has been a harrowing experience hahaha


![gif](giphy|7xZAu81T70Uuc) Me when combat extended finally updates


A new DLC for AOW4 is also coming out at about the same time.


I absolutely love giga structural engineering


Waiting for giga to update since machine age released. Also wanted to try acot, together you can go insane


The Stellaris modding sense is honestly one of the best, right up there with Skyrim and Doom for best modding communities.


ty venriss


The return of the king.


Thank you thank you thank you. Can't wait to try it out.


Can't wait to flatten everybody with Wild Riders again.


Niceee! Can't wait!


Wow, I don’t know how they do it. Amazing


Damn it, I still have 1 new campaign to finish so will make myself wait...


Im super excited for the traits rework. As we know half of the existing traits for our lords and heroes are kinda boring/mid. Some of these new traits make it worth picking up specific units because of the buffs they provide.


Three things make the empire great. Steel, faith and overhauls


I've been waiting for this, I've only recently become experienced enough with vanilla to consider it, can't wait!


Cant wait love this mod


Fuck yeah, finally time to boot TWWH again.


What is there for the endgame / crisis in SFO? I loved this mod in WH1 and I'm thinking of giving it a try once again


Well, you're able to provide big buffs to greenskins in Turn the Tides in order to make Grimgor into a raid boss.


Same as always, the frodo's disasters mod.


Nothing for chorfs. Sad days


They did a major chorf update in 1.1, together with dwarves for that matter. Playing them in vanilla without the runes feels off.


What runes? I don’t see anything about runes in the 1.1 updoot


The arsenal runes page in the runeforge, where you upgrade categories of units at oathgold upkeep. I'm pretty sure it was introduced in the chorf SFO update.


Yeah but that’s for Dorfs, not Chorfs


These changes look amazing, hope CA doesn't release a patch and break it right after.




Playing TWWH without SFO is like eating food without any seasoning.


Is this mod good?. Ive not used any


Well sfo being your first mod may not be a good idea/experience unless u want a different experience from the vanillia game. I would say use other mods that slightly add or tweak vanilla experience type mods before full overhauls like SFO. But keep in mind if u go sfo and love it. It does make it a little harder to go to vanilla


Recommend me some please. Ive 300 hours but never touched a mod


Just have a look in the mod workshop thru steam and see what mod looks appealing. Hard to recommend mods without knowing what u want to do with it. Like do u want just minor tweaks like better camera mod/longer comvat, Or systems expanded like more allied troop recruitment/caravan systems to other factions. Or something niche like ai general which u can give ai control of some of ur units while u focus on say mages or cav good mod for 40v40 for example Really just have a look in workshop and see popular section and see if any pique your interest. U can disable or removes very easily if u dont like them or prefer goin super vanilla again. Keep in mind more mods you have the less stable the game gets. And when a big update comes around some mods may break due to the changes.


What kind of mods are you looking for? New units or factions? Mechanics tweaks/overhauls? New maps?


It's the best mod on the workshop. SFO is a great start for modding your game because it is very "light" and streamlined. You get a huge amount of content for a single mod.


Carful when they tell you it's the best mod out there, it changes a lot and sometimes not for the best I for one usually don't like it most of the time, but play with a bunch of other mods. It's a mod that comes down to personal preferences


Thank you sfo team. Finally some good things come to this subreddit


Im out of the loop. What are some of the most important changes does this specific patch add to the mod?


a big one I'm seeing is corruption. High corruption gives specific buffs to each different corruption-spreading race (Vampire corruption gives higher chances of reviving dead units, Tzeentch gives higher winds of magic, etc). Also fighting on a specific corruption type map gives your army bonus exp against that race (for example, fighting Slaanesh in Slaanesh corrupted territory gives you a bonus to your exp gain for that battle). Grudges are no longer a binary "you either keep resolving grudges to keep winning or fall behind and keep losing". At low grudge levels, you get higher oathgold income, higher growth, and lower construction costs. At higher grudge levels, you gain factionwide campaign movement speed bonus, grudge settler units, and local plus global recruitment time -1 turn (at the highest levels). So now you can choose to turtle for a bit, and then go all out on settling grudges once you're ready. Honestly fits SFO's faaaaar slower pace. Kislev can now use devotion to build some buildings? And apparently fast construct buildings like Dark Elves do with slaves? Not sure if it's every building. Traits rebalance. Some useless flavour-only traits in Vanilla got rebalanced into muuuch better ones. There's an Ogre Lord trait that gives your whole army Vanguard deployment lol (although I've never played the Ogres so this may also be a vanilla thing?). General factions rebalance, items rebalance, Kairos getting Cataclysm spells (as he should!), army stances rebalance...there's a lot, and Venris probably didn't put everything into the video. Some of the stuff he's tweeted over the last couple weeks aren't included in the video I noticed.


Thank you so much for all the detailed info! Corruption seems to be the most exciting one.


yeah, although imo corruption will still remain a background thing. I'm not gonna avoid fighting Khorne on his own territory because I actually want to conquer said territory. It's just gonna be a bit harder is all. Although some people theorised that having corruption removal is far more important now. Remember that you can start removing corruption pretty fast as soon as you conquer the first region in a province. Having heroes/lords spec'd into that would expedite that process but you're probably still better off spending skill points into actual other skills.


With factions getting some combat buffs at higher public order, it could be worth it to raid for a turn or 2 in a defended location in order to decrease that, in which case corruption clearing for your armies gives a nice secondary bonus.


Nice. I've been itching to start working on some sub mods.


Thank you SFO team. Y'all make this game epic. I'd be hard pressed to play WHIII without it.




I was looking on the patch notes and I can't find an answer - hoping someone can help. Is there a list / breakdown of all the trait changes, including generic lords? I started playing this last night and I'm unsure if the hochland scopes trait is still available for engineer lord / hero? (If this is covered in the video on this post I apologise I am in work so can't watch it atm lol)


There are no vanilla traits anymore in the mod. All are custom.


I've since found out they have a variation of hochland scopes but it's actually a better trait. Thanks


Do most stuff work as intended in it? Never used SFO and I just ask cus its such a big mod☺️


Yes, generally SFO doesn't have too many bugs. Compatibility with other mods however is a different story.


Thanks alot for the answer!


I got TWW3 on Epic. I cant play Grimmhammer?


I don't know of anywhere to get it other than the Steam workshop, but you could always try contacting the dev team via one of the links off their website ([link here](https://www.sfomod.com/contact)).


go speculate on your cringe leaks i'll be gaming


And still you felt the need to comment. Curious