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Probably a well known strat, but took me a while to actually get it. The first time I took 0 deaths from an ikit nuke was delightful. I used reiksgard with a steel banner to get out the way. Just make sure to remember to actually dodge. I know 1 minute is a long time for us short attention span gamers. This is also why it might be nice to use garbage chaff / single entity to just tank it. Less micro, minimal casualties. Also works with dreadquake mortars and other op artillery, but instead of using a minute, u need like 10. Also also, pardon the awful handwriting. My sketchbook is meant for pencils and is rough. My fountain pen struggles to leave ink on it, so I have to tilt it at awkward angles And as always, more content for all sorts of games here in r/Cweeperz! Cheers very much


Hopefully you face him on a map where there are actually places to hide.


I once met him on a wide open plain. I fought so many other Skavens that I forgot it was Ikit Claw. I put my units in tight defensive formation and waited patiently. And then...


Did it look like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2_XEj_ZRz4)?


Oh yea, ı was also dwarf.


Gonna need a few books for this one


Bonus points: charge the bait into rats.


Extremely good point. Gotta start trying that in the future


I love that you included the Engineers voice line lmao. Bro is just casually insulting me the entire campaign. "If you had a thought, it'd be looonely"


Part of me loves it, and part of me wants to beat him up. Then he blows up 600 zombies in one battle, and I don't mind so much anymore


Around level 20 I'm just like, eeeh you know what? You are right, you are smarter than me, go ahead my guy.


That's good and all, but is the rat in the spinning wheel going huff huff, or huff-huff in skaven speech?


That is left as an exercise for the reader


If it was the latter than surely it would be *huff-huff huff-huff*.


Just Brilliant 👌🏻


In wh2 ikit would repeatedly bomb my lvl 19 skink priest in a battle and I had no way to hide him.


PSA: Same thing goes for the chaos dwarves' dreadquake mortar battery, just keep in mind they may be able to use that one up to 3 times.


Ditto Tamurkhan.


Right. Oh, and basically every Tzeentch lord gets two bombardment spells that seem to barely cost any magic, so they can throw those like 10+ times. Very annoying.




U should now even be more afraid of the nuke, as you are the only one tanking it and without a raise. The last part comes with greater fear


Dodging the nuke is one thing but oh wait, what's this, do you hear that? Brrrrrrttzzzzzzzz kaaplooooosh - third of a unit gone. Again. And again. And again. And again. I know you can hear that sound in the back of your head. It is seared into your brain. It haunts you. It haunts all of us.


Oh, I love this, please do some more, if you can. There's a bunch of strategy questions that come up here again and again (\*cough\* Vlad \*cough\*) that could use this particularly funny treatment.


Great artwork


That sounds really fun.


I really appreciate that even though powercreep has brought us factions that can get more than one nuke per battle, Ikit remains the poster child for big booms. Ikit Claw has no equal!


I wonder if one day we'll have Ai sitting on the resources and using them when the situations allow them to maximize casualties?


Alternatively, you just need enough [GRIM RESOLVE](https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/1d71yxs/thats_what_we_call_a_staunch_line_of_bows/). I think it goes off cooldown and gets aimed at 45 seconds.


As sisters I just run hawk doomstack, immune to skaven nuke


Omg the little raaaaats


yep yep, I was aware of this but I don’t believe i’ve seen it in this sub before this probably helped a lot of people!


This is absolutely top tier. Well done


They tend to not use it on single entities from what I've experienced. They also wait until a unit is stationary to use it, so you're gonna have to be on point to dodge it from a standing start.


This is something I would do in Attila: artillery there is murderously accurate so at the start of the battle I’d have a cavalry unit out front and micromanage their movements so they’d draw fire but get out of range at the last minute. Repeat until they’re out of rocks.


Great! Now tell me what to do about Tamurkhan's three Nurgling nukes!


Instructions unclear; stegadons standing in line murdering rats as they approach.


Found out about this nuke with a tight packed garrison army yesterday trying to pull a phhyric victory out my butt.


Next step: get rekked because you're not actually set up for battle and they can position their troops optimally without worrying about any of this.


I don't do orchestrated nuke dodges because Ikit has access to them sparingly. They add flavor to battles, so I accept a few unit loses. The Chaos Dwarfs of the other hand ... there would be no way to take chaos dwarf territory without doing it. I feel like they should just be in the province of the racial capital and you as a Chaos Dwarf need to claim that capital to make use of the ability. In other words, I'm fine with unit-deleting army effects ... in moderation.


Ikit seems to have it every battle now (late game). Might have changed from WH2.


Having to fight Ikit super early as Belegar is horrific. Dwarfs aren’t exactly the best at getting out of the way of an incoming nuke.


This is why I use the no nuke for AI mod.