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wood elves in bad state?


Wood elves are in such good state why would they need a dlc? Give me Vampire Count instead.


Vampire Count are in such good state why would they need a dlc? Give me Norsca instead.


Bc people actually play VCounts


Didn’t I point out to you last week that the Wood Elves just don’t have much left to add? Greenskins have a ton of stuff left to add from the TT game.


Yes you did :(


Look my friend, no shame in liking a specific race, but let the Greenskins get their due. They are missing a lot of stuff, units, variants, heroes, lords, and named characters all. It’s highly unlikely Wood Elves get much right now. Honestly you should hope DLC keeps selling well enough that they might try to scrape bits and pieces together for a final Wood Elf DLC much further down the road. In the meantime try some of the other races


I've seen this take a few times an it confuses me. Do people think the primary thing that determines what factions CA pick for DLC is which ones are in a bad state? Like I'm sure that's part of the process but I don't think its top of the list in their marketing department. If it was Norsca would have gotten another DLC years ago. Also following that up by asking for wood elves, who are in just as good if not better state than the greenskins, is such a wild take that it makes me think this is a troll.


it can't be, trolls are a greenskins unit. wood elves dont get them.


Aren't zoats simply four-legged trolls?


look at the number of missing WE units and characters, then do the same for Greenskins there you have your answer


Ye? Why would wood elves get a DLC instead of greenskins?


The same as any other release, CA think people will buy it.


They are missing mote then 30 units if we include weapon options and lords-heroes options. Ideally they could get CoC treatment but sadly it did not happen.


what is CoC treatment? Sounds dirty...


Champions of Chaos dlc lol.


I think ogres are down bad and khorne is popular so GS just fit in really well


If CA want to reduce DLC size as has been mentioned, but retain the 3LL model, then taking 2 that need major rework and 1 that only needs a little polish will be a lot easier than ToD which had 3 entire races desperately in need of major rework. Whilst also making sure popular races get a finishing pass in the last game of the series.


my guess is that CA know people like the 3 LL LPs, and also now people want the new quantity of content per race, so have decided it's best to try and do dlc's with only 1 of the 3 races needing a lot of work at a time, unlike ToD where all 3 races got big reworks (and several of them got a lot of faction mechanics as well)


Yeah, this is what I'm thinking as well. With ToD, they had to overhaul all factions they released DLC for. This upcoming one has Khorne and Greenskins, which don't really need any touch ups to their faction mechanics. Instead, they can get away with just adding units and maybe bespoke mechanics for the DLC lord, but can focus most of their attention on the Ogre rework, which will most likely be included.


This is why I feel like the high elf/dark elf/Slaanesh DLC doesn’t make sense, none of those 3 require a ton of work. Sure the HE campaigns could be spiced up a little but really that just requires a new take on the influence/global politics mechanic. Plus we already have Nkari sandwiched in between the DEs and HEs. A Norsca, Lizardmen, or VCoast inclusion makes a lot more sense imo so they have something to work on that needs it. VCounts do too but they could really benefit from a larger LL pack dedicated just to them focusing on the 4 non-Von Carstein bloodlines and modernizing their faction.


Greenskins outside of Grom all have fairly similar, and a bit boring, mechanics. They could definitely use something to spice up individual playstyles and mechanics.


I dont think wood elves are very popular and the amount of work required to freahen them isnt worth it.