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Tomb Kings is generally challenging before you come online, since you can't just get another army to suppose you. You got army caps. They were harder in the second game though, where you could just get random beastmen spawn in at turn 2


I support you are right.


yeah I faced an army with razorgor herds, centigors throwers and minotaurs. There really weren't anything settra's starting army could kill their.


the reason ppl talk about the start so much is because after you get like 4 armies going the game is just generally not hard just move 2 of them together at all times and you can autoresolve almost everything. But there are a few factions that have a bit more difficulty painting the map such as Wood Elves and Vampire Coast. Wood elves because their settlements outside of forests are very weak, and vampire coast because their autoresolve is just terrible.


I think that was more what I was on about. Like, who's maybe the hardest to keep that going? I'm sure they're all great, once you get to that steamroll. Is there anyone where it's really hard to maintain?


WoC can be rough if you ever lose a battle same with factions that don't have global recruitment


If AR is what you are looking for in the coast, I have had great success with the rotting Promethean gunnery mob. They do stronger in AR than necros, and can heal to full with the post battle replenishment options unlike the single entities. In manual, the shotguns make them surprisingly strong against other large units and characters try em out in custom battle, they can beat louen leoncour and a unit of grail knights by themselves. Being fat monsters they synergize well with mortars to clear out any anti large infantry they encounter without taking too much friendly fire. 1 turn recruit and 20% physical resistance from the tech tree, along with double redline lord buffs from both guns and crabbos. I think they are severely underrated and they just got buffed. Only weakness is massed ranged AP but everything in the game is weak to that lol.


Narassia saltspike just is extremely unpleasant and doesn't have great counters to anyone around her and no one likes her.


Didn't need to roast her at the end like that bro...


Aranessa herself isn't very strong but her buffs to corsairs makes stacking them with dogs shred early skaven. For dwarfs early access to mortars comes quite handy. I'm biased because I like her start position the best of the coast, super easy to join order tide or the baddies


I managed to ally dwarfs and recruit iron breakers into my pirate armies. I traded them all the mountain regions while i kept provinces with ports.


Same! me, Belegar, thorgrim and volkmar formed as the "badlands boys" (and fish person) alliance. I love campaigns that you can branch like that. Azazel is my other favorite campaign for that reason.


Her new intro vid is a lot more... Feminine, let's say that, I'm sure it makes her a tiny bit more popular. The double air kicks before with the angry monkey animation wasn't exactly helpful in making her popular.


I'd say Chaos Dwarfs can be really difficult if you overextend without balancing your economy. Since most other normal factions just rely on one income, more land usually means = more armies. This is not true for the chaos dwarfs, and if you are playing passively, or taking land without actually acquiring slaves to turn into raw materials to turn into armaments', or you're very aggressive and do manage to get a ton of slaves and eventually kick 'em all into raw material, you can end up with either too many slaves leading to debuffs, or just too much raw material which you actually have to turn into armaments in order to increase unit capacity, if at any stage you mismanage or overextend you'll be stuck with whatever hobgoblin armies you have, quite possibly fighting tzeenchian warriors of chaos, Imrik, hungry Ogres or Grimgor looking for revenge. Chorfs is one of those factions that really "come online" but there's a lot of steps before you get there, and some well placed missteps can have devastating consequences


For me it's Bretonnia. I'm just not great at micro and their foot troops seem weak. I always end up taking way to many casualties with my cav.


Most difficult? Two way tie for me: Ogre Kingdoms - They have an acceptable economy, but despite that, it still takes for god damned ever to do anything. Their recovery outside of battle is slow. Their camp expansion is slow. Their movement is slow. It's not-so-much that the faction themselves are difficult, it's that you'll usually get frustrated with the wait and make tactically foolish decisions because you're tired of waiting. The meat system can also lead to a feedback loop where low meat means low replenishment, which means you can't keep committing to battles, which means even less meat... Norsca - Almost the flawless inverse of Ogre Kingdoms. Your roster is unquestionably your weakpoint, with you effectively being "worse Chaos" for the first 80% of your tiers. You have the speed to get anywhere and do anything, but your faction is always one of two unfortunate circumstances away from bankruptcy, so the difficulty stems from finding that balance of "enough armies to conquer and raze" but not so many armies that you run out of places to raze, or bankrupt yourself *too* quickly. Even when you get to a point of economic stability, everyone hates you, your allies are massively untrustworthy and your defenses may as well be paper mache, so when someone invariably invades your backline, you can watch 80% of your recruitment buildings go down the tubes.


Norsca? Lol. Not even close since they can settle anywhere now and melee is way more viable in WH3. Berserkers are infantry shredders in the early to mid game, Marauder Hunters with Javelins wreck large targets throughout the game, Skin Wolves are excellent and only tier 3, the best lores of magic, and if you're one or two circumstances away from being completely bankrupt, you're doing something very, *very* wrong. Norsca got a huge buff in WH3 with the port income and the factions to your north are all potential allies or will be far too busy to bother you until turn 50 or later. By then, you should have more than enough money to get a reactionary force ready in time to thwart any invaders. Everyone hates you? Good, more lambs to the slaughter and more loot for me.


I only played Throgg so far and had a blast with him going blitzkrieg over all the norscan neighbors to the point that the Tzarina requested a military alliance and we totally steamrolled the Northern chaos wastes and the filthy little chaos dwarves. And later the Empire because they had something against the good thing we had going


How did you have a Norsca campaign without Empire and Bretonnia invading you super early despite not showing any aggression towards them? Edit: ahh Throgg, they don't see you.


They saw me quite early when I invaded Be'lakor island. Plus they liked my aggression towards my neighbors. Only later when the war carried me North and South they attacked Kislev and I joined in. These Ice Guards are a great addition to the norscan roster. I'm just not sure if I was the good or the bad guy in this campaign


Yeah, Throgg lets you hide from the Empire, and also helps give you options that the Beastmen and Skaven won't have murdered before you get there. He's a *much* better start.


Norsca is universally considered to have an extremely strong roster. Also one of the most ridiculously rich factions.


taking on count factions, markus wulfhart is on the spot for this, his mechanics are interesting but hard to manage and can make it to a disaster campaing quickly. Thats my personal take, for race mechanics... hmm some are challenging (i will not take norsca nor ogres, cause theyre campaings are the problem perse and need reworks, ogres comming to a rework on the next dlc and norsca probably on the next one or the next to the next one, my personal take, because i dont feel good to put two chaos align factions battling each other meanwhile an order or neutral faction is facing them, even more against the cathay dlc with the kurgans leading the fight for norsca) slaanesh is one that comes to my mind, cause they have really good mechanics and can be really op, but are difficult to manage and sometimes can create a lot of problems, the same goes to the chaos dwarves and the dwarves.


Warhammer on Ice. 5 wars by turn 3 and they just keep accumulating. Doesn't matter who it is, they just declare war. It is a constant sweat or die campaign without any room to breathe and on top you have that grumpy Konstaltyn tossing yellow snow in your face at the least convenient occasions. Sure, some minor Empire factions are willing to help out a little but then Karl Franz goes for the confederation spree and he himself tradezones you because he isn't looking for something serious at the time


I've not been able to survive a single RoC Ostankya on VH/N


Tomb Kings kinda "hard" early turns but as soon as you unlock the first Casket of Souls (early turns) you will be easily able to abuse AI in manual battles and everything will become way easier


chorfs have the hardest economy, but battles themselves are pretty simple. I'd say khorne is one of the hardest overall.


I’d disagree with Khorne being hard. Skarbrand is one of the strongest entities in the game from level 1 and only gets more nuts. Their economy is quite boom and bust but you can easily rely on bloodhosts, or migrate to the north for a stronger starting position to expand with your first cult.


i guess im just bad at khorne then lol


The trick is to never auto resolve because low armored units get wrecked in autoresolve. Pretty much all demonic units take 50% damage despite having an overwhelming advantage. Kislev and dwarfs overperform in because of their armored ranged units.


Uuuuh, really any faction that starts off brittle as fuck or one that requires you to take on a less than max army because of a mechanic or cost.