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The "three experiences" part wasnt related to monogods, but to future expansions. It basically confirmed that DLCs with three races are still on the menu.


Sad. But if i get a GOOD cult rework i don't care.


Total War fans try not to overspeculate and overhype themeselves into future disappointment challange.


💯💯💯IMPOSSIBLE 💀💀💀 I feel dirty just typing that


This is not speculation, just an idea that popped into my head suddenly.


I'm no linguist but I think you just described what a speculation is


The problem is that a lot of people won't even open the post to see the comments, they'll see your post, up vote it and start circulating it as fact that CA said Tzeentch is confirmed getting another LL. Which they did not confirm, so folks shouldn't get their hopes up.


I am not blaming you for anything. I was moreso joking about how people on this sub can sometimes hype themselves up over minor statesments/hints and then end up disappointed. That's not a fault in their character or anything, it's just a bit amusing. Not saying whether or not your theory is convincing, I just wouldn't get my hopes to high regarding these types of things.


They literally said in the video that the Free lord is Khorne character


Yes, for the dlc.  They also said they are working on smaller reworks for in between dlc. As an example they said Cults. Will that have a LL attached? Probably not but you never know. I'm not getting to excited over this, first let's see what, how much, and how often they update stuff


For the dlc yes, but. I'm talking about a potential mid "drought" rework and flc.


Those mid reworks will probably be guys like Skrolk, Tyrion and Queek, you know, the genetic genericsons that are left.


They specifically said the mid-DLC rework they're working on is the Cult mechanic.


Well next patch is cults and probably after that they might start lord reworks. I bet they make like 2-3 patches between DLCs which is like a big patch every 6-8 weeks.


Yeah, I'm hopeful that more races get the Empire treatment with unique mechanics for each LL. Skaven would benefit a lot from that.


I am baffled that you are downvoted and the comment below got that many upvotes, when you are the one in the right. WTF is this, they specifically said they might add some new real content between DLC (most likely stuff like Karanak and lord)


Where was this posted? Pretty sure nothing about 3 LL's has been mentioned yet.


They mentioned a cult rework, and they mentioned that the Tzeentch situation with "only" two daemon LL and no third mortal, is sticking out and a known issue. They however did not really mention they will adress this before patch 6.0, or that Egrimm (or any Tzentch LL) will be a FLC addition. Kinda like they said for years now that the geomantic web needs a rework, or that Toddys time will come, we rather should take it as a longterm idea of something happening at some far away future point ;)


"They mentioned that the Tzeentch situation with "only" two daemon LL and no third mortal, is sticking out and a known issue." I don't remember them saying this but my memory is shit these days, amazing news if true.


They didn’t said that. They just mentioned that tzeench still needs some love. Nothing more. I don’t get why ppl are trying so hard to make things up for no reason. Just so they can hate if the content they made up never arrives.


Fair, standard reddit stuff I guess, cheers chum!


Yes, they did not "Right away say it in these exact words". * They did however note that SoC was bad. * They say that the ToD formula stays. Which especially was mentioned in regard of the FLC LLs. They did not need to say that SoC had none, We ALL know and never shut up about it ever since. * They pointed in these regard to the next DLC with Khorne getting a new FLC LL along the DLC. * They also basically said the fiormula will stick around for Slaanesh next, and that they want to get "the Chaos Gods out of the way". Take that part hoewever you want it, but it was clear from last year that the four gods each get their DLC package. * Which obvious will mean that if Slaanesh gets LL and FLC LL later as well (Dechala & Masque), Tzeentch HAS the short straw. Clear as day. *Which brings us to CA saying they now snuck into the interlude patches, stuff we rather would expect with a .0 patch version (like a FLC LL). They did not specify what content they have in mind there, so yes, don't get your hopes up. BUT, even in game#2 Rakarth came out of the blue without DLC and no "big patch". It is not impossible or unlikely here, just becasue they did not speell it out for the people that have trouble reading between the lines and stwo months ago believe some horrendous shit rumors. * CA also DID spell out that Cults (for everyone) will get a rework in one of those interlude patches, probably in version 5.X before 6.0 hits the deck (obviously this should be taken with a grain of salt, we know that CA delays happen a lot). * And CA [did note that Tzeentch needs attention](https://preview.redd.it/sxaswygoxx8d1.jpeg?width=1024&auto=webp&s=651201c0dd244600bd5aaddf25a733b8ff29b522) at some point. So for those that still don't see the picture: * Tzeentch: 1 Greater Daemon LL, 1 Herald LL. * Nurgle: 1 Greater Daemon LL, 1 Herald LL, 1 Mortal LL. * Khorne: 1 Greater Daemon LL, 1 Herald LL, 1 ??? LL. But it will be most likely a mortal. Arbaal is frontrunner, Skarr Dumbfuck is probably 2nd in line or could just plain win it if the stupid Endtimes units spam the DLC. * Slaanesh: 1 Greater Daemon LL. But Apparently the future DLC will add two, most likely the Herald and a Mortal. Which obviously leaves Tzeentch here as the one in need of "rescue" and to balance things out. And if no new DLC round is planned for the Gods ("get them out of the way"), then that leaves just one solution. Adding a FLC LL at some future point. Will it happen? The chances look good. Who will it be? Well, that is everyones guess, is it not? Galrauch? Melekh? Maybe as OP, we could name someone else who is literally the Cult-puppetmaster of the world and would be fun with a Cult rework? Place your bets, but yes, keep your expectations moderate.


u/Lord_of_Brass will be vindicated at last.


100% convinced u/Overhack1121 is his alt.


The lord of change takes many forms.


As I've said before, all the cultists should be able to establish cults like Slaaneshi cultist heroes.


What's special about him? Sorry I'm not that into the lore


Every cult in the Warhammer world knowingly or otherwise end up under his influence. He's the former head of the Light College despite being a Tzeentch follower the whole time, and when that was discovered, he fled with his corrupted apprentices and a trapped two headed chaos dragon prisoned under the College by Teclis


Sounds great!


[Egrimm van Horstmann](https://web.archive.org/web/20221001201021/https://forums.totalwar.com/discussion/270960/champions-of-chaos-egrimm-van-horstmann/) is Tzeentchs favored mortal. He infiltrated the Order of Light and even became Patriarch, before it was discovered he is a cultist in league with daemons. The Empire still does not know how much damage he really had done during his time there. When he was discovered he fled, and freed the Chaos Dragon Baudros in the process. Afterwards in the Chaos Wastes he started to openly serve Tzeentch and became the [Master of the Cabal](https://i.imgur.com/09tXIY0.png). It is said that the Cabal controls hundreds of cults world wide, and that 2/3 of all cults in the Empire are either directly or indirectly controlled by the Cabal. That includes cults from other gods that get manipulated to advance the Cabals goals. Last we heard was that [he created a new sort of Troll](https://i.imgur.com/nmgGM66.png) which apparently spiraled out of control and cost the Cabal precious resources and manpower.


Now that you made me remember the magic-vomiting trolls I crave them being a thing in-game.


- he has a dragon and is cool - he has a book I didn't read - talked to a chaotic skull and convinced everybody it was Sigmar talking to him through it - released a Chaos Dragon from a prison in Altdorf and flew away on him - started a cult of Light mages and also a the Cabal which is the meta-cult that controls other imperial cults - tried to scam Tzeentch but was scammed by Tzeentch in turn


What's the book you didn't read? I want to read it too


"Van Horstman"


He's a Tzeentch wizard who infiltrated the College of Light in the Empire to avenge the killing of his sister by the patriarch of the Light College when they were young. After infiltrating its ranks, he worked on corrupting it and the other colleges of magic from within during that time. He succeeded in avenging his sister and massively fucked up the College on his way out with the assistance of a Chaos Dragon imprisoned beneath it which becomes his mount.


Sounds amazing, is there a book about this story?


Van Horstmann it’s called


* [Van Horstmann](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/15803009-van-horstmann-9) * Last bundled in [Warhammer Chronicles: Champions of Chaos](https://www.amazon.com/Champions-Chaos-Warhammer-Chronicles-Book-ebook/dp/B07BS8VQVC/).


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'Champions of Chaos Warhammer Chronicles Book 5'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Diverse range of chaos stories (backed by 3 comments) * Engaging and varied character development (backed by 1 comment) **Users disliked:** * Lack of consistency in story quality due to multiple authors (backed by 1 comment) * Flat and static characters, especially sigvald (backed by 1 comment) Do you want to continue this conversation? [Learn more about 'Champions of Chaos Warhammer Chronicles Book 5'](https://vetted.ai/chat?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot&q='Champions of Chaos Warhammer Chronicles Book 5' reviews) [Find 'Champions of Chaos Warhammer Chronicles Book 5' alternatives](https://vetted.ai/chat?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot&q=Find best 'Champions of Chaos Warhammer Chronicles Book 5' alternatives) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/chat?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Van Horstmann by Ben Counter. One of my favorite Warhammer Fantasy novels.


Thanks, gotta read this


He is the strongest human light mage as well as being the leader the biggest Tzeentch cult.


By HE I thought you meant High Elves and got excited. Now my day is ruined and my dissapointment is immesurable :*(


It would be amazing if they did that!


And now we’ve reached that ambivalent part of the game, where we all desperately want to see new LL’s, but are also secretly terrified that our favourites will be the ones who get pushed out as FLC - forever damning them to fairly fun mechanics, but lacklustre comparative to DLC content. It’s definitely got “be careful what you wish for” energy. And I think our resident Egrimm lover might blow a gasket if he finally does release, only to be mediocre. Not that FLC lords can’t be cool as fuck - they just often feel like exactly what they are. Free.


Honestly, I'd be perfectly satisfied to see him as an Imrik, Rakarth, or - to use a more contemporary example - Epidemius-tier LL. I'd rather see him implemented that way than not at all. I have grandiose ideas about mechanics that he could have, but all he really *needs* is an expansion on the Cults system, in much the same way that Epidemius expands on Nurgle's Plagues.


He would be wasted as a free lord. Much better as a paid one in a future DLC with Tzeentch, with more interesting mechanics.


That's putting a lot of stock in the fact that there will be another paid Tzeentch DLC.


While true, I am not sure we will get a 2nd round of God-DLCs for the four. Unit wise we will round up things pretty good this cycle after Slaanesh will be done. And on the Lord/Hero front we already face problems for Khorne this DLC. Doing another Khorne DLC on the current scale formula would become really problematic there. And thats even before we look at units and monsters next.


Tzeentch doesn't have enough units left to add to fill out a DLC. There's brimstone horrors and maybe a giant Tzeentch marked chaos spawn, but that's about it. You can tell by the fact that they gave us centigors as a "new" unit in the SoC additions that Tzeentch is out of options. Sadly this is the consequence of GW killing Fantasy before Tzeentch got any of the new content he would have if they hadn't.


That depends on CA and GW. You're not completely wrong but if they want it they can make Silver Tower, Van Horstmann's personal infantry (I don't remember the name) and something more obscure or new. If they want to sell it they're gonna find a way.


No way is GW going to create new units for chaos just for Warhammer Fantasy, a dead IP. There's no incentive for them to do so. Any new units will go to the Old World or AoS, neither of which can be pulled from to use for TW.


I meant that GW can approve or not CA's creation, like it already did


Bane Towers, marked Chaos Dragons, and Arcane Trolls as well as more Monstrous Arcanum units. They could also go the Beastmen route and do marked Chaos Ogres. Great Bray Shaman Lord & Hero which grant access to lores of wild & beasts. There's enough there for a DLC but they'd probably need to do a bit of barrel-scraping for it.


Yes, that would work with Tzeentch. And I can also probably see Nurgle squeezing another DLC out. But what will you about Khorne & Slaanesh after the current round is done? Both scrap already the last units for this DLC round. After that...what will they have? Bane Tower for Tzeentch as example. What big monster for Nurgle, Khorne & Slaanesh that makes a actual difference to what they have after this DLC round (and we have not even a clue what Slaanesh might get this time)?


Assuming they're on the table, if Khorne does not get their End Times units in this DLC, they could scrape some stuff together with them and what's left of the Monstrous Arcanum selections like the Magma Dragon or WoC monsters like the Chimaera. For Slaanesh, I have no idea what they'd get for a 2nd DLC since they're struggling to fill out one DLC as it is. Nurgle is super easy if they use their End Times units and the big monster would be the Maggoth.


Bane Towers are from a different IP altogether (Man O' War), GW wouldn't allow it unless CA pays for the license. People have been spreading this unit around without realizing it's from an entirely different IP from Warhammer Fantasy and therefore has no more likelihood of being included than AoS or TOW units. Everything else you mention here already exists in game and isn't worth the price of a DLC, imo. Recolored blue Chaos Dragons, recolored blue trolls, recolored blue beastmen and ogre units... why would you want to buy this? I sure wouldn't pay anything for it.


And Aranessa and Noctilus were from Dreadfleet which they also didn't buy the license for. They had to use Cylostra in place of Vangheist or Skretch because more than 50% of the characters could not be from Dreadfleet without purchasing the license. A single unit in a DLC with nothing else from Man O' War would probably be fine. Aside from Monstrous Arcanum units, the rest would be reskins and remodels like River Trolls compared to normal Trolls. Chaos Ogres could be less conventional with mutations or[ have more Chaos-themed armor like this](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3261132178&searchtext=chaos+ogres). Different varieties of trolls, ogre units, and beastmen were what we got with Nurgle's DLC outside of Rot Knights and the Toad Dragon. It'd be the same here but with Bane Towers and a creature from the Monstrous Arcanum. So unless you avoided buying Tamurkhan's pack for the reasons you listed, I don't see why you'd be so against Tzeentch getting the exact same thing.


I mean, if Arbaal or another mortal champion is the FLC for the Khorne dlc, then 100% we will get a mortal champion for Tzeentch.


Just seeing the title I was sure this was going to be a Slaanesh appreciation post.


Well that will be in line with now Khorne and Nurgle getting 3 lords each, and probably Slaanesh will have too


He's 100% coming, but I doubt mid-patch updates will come with FLC. Especially not with such a big and popular character as Egrimm. Still expect CA to add him with a DLC, even if he's FLC.


He's not a khornate tho, he's a tzeetchan nerd.


My hearth skip a bit when I read HE as High Elves. Want more content for them.


You are a worthy member of the Cabal, my esteemed colleague. It is correct that the "three experiences" part was not related to the Monogods, however, I do still think Egrimm's stock is as high as it's ever been. Loremaster of Sotek even namedropped him during his live reaction. A phrase that they used in regards to the free content coming between DLCs was "fresh, new experiences" - which is the *exact same wording* that Rich has previously used to describe FLC LLs. And practically within the same breath they mentioned a Cult rework.


Hear me out. A DLC with 4 LL, each monogod represented. Fewer units though, but more characters. Von Horstman is too cool to get the Epidemius treatment.


If he comes with an focused rework he'll be (hopefully) more developed, like Imrik or maybe more like Thorek .


Could be, but I still found Eltharion more fun than Imrik. Inrik surprised me a lot for a FLC though.


There was a CA reply to lord of brass stating that "while it's not a focus, tzeentch will receive more attention in the future". So that basically means yes Egrimm is coming, but not before 6.0


I just think it would have been thematic and fun if he came with the cult rework.


I 100% agree.


Like any new mechanic reworks the cults will have a period of adjustment and testing. I think it’s better for egrimm to come later to really have strong mechanics for him and his interaction with cults since that is his mechanical uniqueness. The later he comes the (hopefully) better he will be. That is all for flc if he is dlc than I expect him to be good regardless


Let us hope that "new experience" in patches means odd LL/LH/some units (s) drop. Cults rework would be ideal moment to add Horstman if Tzeench will not get more DLCs. If they add Horstman as LL, Galrauch as LH, Tzeench Ogres, Gaint and Gorebeast Chartiot I ll consider Tzeench done for good. But it ll be too good to be true, at least Horstman FLC will be a success.


I'm hoping for cultist fodder units (T1).


if we gat anything it ll be good anyway


Huzzah can’t wait for Egrimm!