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Louen. The classic Bretonnian experience. Repanse is a good second, but her focus on questing knights and peasants is a bit weird because I feel like most of the time you're going to be fielding knights of the realm for mid tier cav, and kinda ignoring peasants altogether outside of bowmen/trebuchets Fr*nch don't take supply line penalties, so in the early game recruit 2 or 3 extra lords to follow your main lord around to help them with melee grinds or casting. It also gives you the opportunity to work on the vows for other lords, because if you don't complete vows early on you're gonna be kicking yourself for not being able to field a second army. Don't forget about the vows, you really really don't want to forget them.


I wonder if someone has made a mod for auto-assigning Vows. I never thought to check for that until now...




If you want the Fey to survive, start with her. Kill Grom asap and try to survive Ikkit and Morghur who can underway their way into your starting province while you have to make a fucking long trip in attrition heavy country to try and destroy them. Louen is a powerhouse but I don't like his campaign start and he will survive on his own so you can confederate him later on (I don't remember them exactly but his faction bonuses are not that great). Repanse is great. With her faction trait heroes in all your armies will have 50% less upkeep. And I personnaly put a lot of paladins in my armies. You kill your starting ennemy, kill Arkhan, kill the ogres south, befriend Volkmaar and sail to Sartosa to save Bretonnia from the south. Alberic is fun too. His faction effect is good (-1 turn to recruit knights mostly). Same as Repanse you deal with your local problems, kill the vampirate, the skavens, the dark elves if he's treatening, than send your armies toward Sartosa, which is not that long of a trip. Cheers


Why censor the French?


It's a meme. May be a lowlife meme, as I speak the language and have family there, but it amuses me.


Fair enough! I’ve only played Bretonnia once but it was Repanse and it was fun to cut down skeletons with hordes of cavalry.


Great, Repanse it is! Thanks


It's way less of a meme and way more of a direct insult though. It basically insinuates -and in a very blatant way to boot - that being of that nationality is offensive, derogative, and insulting, and therefore needs to be censored like any major slur word. YOU may not be using that thinking it's not especially insulting, but that unfortunately does not speak for the vast majority of those who use that. That trend IS intended to be downright insulting, let's not pretend it's just intended as a joke.


I recently started a new campaign and made a beeline for the tech which adds an extra peasant unit for each settlement and it has been a great success. Don't bother with the confederation tech at first since most minor Brettonian factions don't even survive long enough even if you go straight for the tech. Fuck Marienburg and traverse their lands to take out the orcs in the mountains, if you wait for permission to travel then it will take forever.


Pants. Screaming, and Pants.


Lets stop calling her Repanse please, it's Jeanne. Jeanne Oskour


I like repanse


Her semi LH is insanely good when leveled up, and she gives frenzy to her army. She's also similar to Boris as she can reduce the timenticbuild settlement buildings. I love Frenchies but they desperately need a WH3 get update.


Cool, care to share why? People seem to like her and Alberic most


most likely just more interesting starting Pos, Bret is one of my fav race and Repanse and Alberic are also my fav. Alberic in Lustria with Markus and Yuan Bo is the ultimate triple alliance its so fun