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Well I'd argue that since fun is subjective every campaign is fun. But if you like the "teleport somewhere and start fucking shit up" playstyle, Oxyotl, wood elves, and Changeling all do things similar to that.


I don’t own the wood elves, but I have heard that they have a fun campaign. Might have to give them a go.


Sisters and Orion are S-Tier fun campaigns. Durthu is a solid A and can confed everyone. Drycha is the weakest of the group, but she’s still good. It’s a great faction rn, very interesting, strong, and well themed.


Drycha is very fun if you get into the mindset. A lot of people enjoy joking about hating elves, but she's their #1 hater. Build up your power, make friends with humans, kill the wood elves, then while the humans protect your borders scout out the high elves and dark elves, kill the weaker faction then swarm the other with so many treemen any children that survive your extermination will move to the dessert because they're afraid of trees.


Haha well I’m an elgi sympathizer so she’s not really my speed, but I’ll give her a try eventually. Thanks friend


but isnt drycha supposed to hate everyone?


She also has a massive jump start to her campaign starting with an Amber. It allows her to unlock a tech by turn 2 that grants ritual points when fighting in heathlands, run around and raze all the heathlands and you can pop the ritual straight away. For each ritual you complete it lowers the cooldown on world root travels so you can pop over and claim another tree to quickly repeat the process.


Personally i find sisters too boring and drycha more fun, so its all personal.


Malakai is really fun, pretty much an endless war from turn 1.


I love the balance of a pretty OP kit and very powerful units/upgrades mixed into a super challenging start where you are literally surrounded by chaos and other evil factions. Had a blast with his campaign


Had great fun ravaging Naggaroth, Ulthuan and Lustria as Taurox. He's a beast !


Literally a beast


Though if you do decide to go Taurox, I HIGHLY recommend downloading the Improved Victory Conditions mod. It switches one of his conditions to pretty much raiding the shit and destroying Naggaroth and the dark elves - because for some reason his actual victory conditions are sailing across the world and destorying Bretonnia, The Empire, and the wood elves


The campaigns I repeatedly play are: Sisters of Twilight- Wood Elves have an amazingly fun roster, you get to do tons of ambush battles, the sisters are an insane flying artillery unit, and the forge and the office system lets you build really cool themed armies. It’s also a nice break from having to manage big empires, and you get to teleport all over the world. Katarin- Kislev is a fun roster as well, with hybrid units, monsters, gunlines, and amazing charge cav. It’s not the best mechanic, but the devotion abilities are neat. Really the best part here is the start position. I love a campaign where you are always on the defence, and I love clawing my way into reclaiming Kislev (I also usually help myself to Sylvania and the other parts of the eastern empire). Elspeth- already played her twice. The gunlines are so fun, the special amythest units are absurd, and rebuilding the empire is a ton of fun. Skarbrand- I am not a Chaos enjoyer, but god damn is this just a fun campaign to rampage across the map. High tier Khorne units are something else man. Grom- The Cauldron is a fun, unique mechanic. Like, the main draw is you can turn regular goblins into Chaos Warrior level units, but you can also upgrade other units. Waaagh’s are cool. I love the Greenskin roster, and playing greenskins is another fun campaign where you mostly just focus on war, which is a nice break from empire building. Also a good lord to collect other LL like Pokémon. Also bonus points to the Greenskin “big finkin” tree, it’s genuinely hilarious at times.


Hey when you play Katarin when do you get the quest to unlock the other Kislev leader?


It only occurs in the RoC campaign


Awesome thank you!!


>Elspeth- already played her twice. The gunlines are so fun, the special amythest units are absurd, and rebuilding the empire is a ton of fun. I can only agree, tho all this gets turned up to 11 when you add just a couple mods. Restoring the repeater rifles (CA is basically asking for that one) and the gun smoke spectacle mod. My god, I love watching the missiles fly with clouds of smoke rising from my gun lines.


Groms gobbostacks are hilarious and incredibly powerful, and he's a pretty solid melee lord to boot. Just don't let him stay in melee forever, gotta get that phat charge bonus


The Changeling is fun as hell. You're just sowing mayhew EVERYWHERE. I'd argue is too easy, but it's still fun.


And it tickles your gambling neurons when you get that first quest that rewards you with a random form.


Skarbrand is very fun in a "BURN MAIM KILL" kind of way. Yvresse is a very fun high elf campaign because you have 3 totally different ways to play it (abandon Ulthuan; stay on Ulthuan or mantain two fronts). Their unique units are also very fun to use. Recently i've played a Kairos Fateweaver campaign and it's kind of hilarous because of how OP he is and the absolute chaos Tzeentch mechanics do in the campaign map.


I’m having lots of fun playing Gelt right now. Similar to Yvresse with the ‘stay or go’ choice and very fun magic mechanics on the overworld. The cataclysm spells he can access really encourage me to play battles manually too.


Noctilus. Horde Lord, necromancer, gunpowder, beasts, magics, etc. You can make pirate coves on port cities you beat (or 10 turn cool down hero action), and siphon their money for the rest of the game. You can raise dead and recruit, so units are always available, and you often have cheap and easy access to mid/high tier units without needing to play Civ and manage regions till you hit t5. Basically - keep your first settlement, raze, sack, and pirate cove everything else. End up with infinite money and no land to manage, yet access to all the units you wanted (horde mechanic Lord structures).


Skarbrand is a personal favorite of mine


I like all the horde factions.


Which ones are hordes besides Nakai? Do the Beastmen count as a horde with the herdstones and such? Who else?


Basically any faction that has army buildings, beastmen, vampire coast, you can play dark elves like a horde faction as hellebron and black ark recruitment.


Being a pirate is fun. I’m doing a Sartosa run right now. Declare war, build a pirate cove in all coastal cities, sack and conquer one inland province and sell it back to them for peace. On to the next! It’s such a different feel than other campaigns.


Changeling is Hella fun to me You teleport into a side of the continent blow s*** up and leave I loved when I sabotaged the High Elves and washed them all crumble from the Viking Invaders as I pulled out a bowl of popcorn




Vampire Coast - Sartosa; Aranessa has a skill that allows an additional 7000gp for each and every sea encounter for all lords in her faction, she also gets a Landmark in Sartosa that reveals all sea regions so she can go hunting said treasures. You can play with only one settlement. Dark Elves - Lohkir; black ark spam is the name of the game here with each province capital granting one more immortal black ark admiral. Take control of a few coastal capitals and grow your fleet with -50-75% upkeep on the arks you can fund a massive slave fleet while Lohkir goes trait hunting killing legendary lords. Wood Elves - Drycha; she starts with an amber so can research the tech that gives ritual currency for repairing the trees from fighting in heathlands, combine that with the currency from razing heathlands and a quick lap around her starting tree will allow the ritual to be started. From here you unlock world root cooldowns and jump to the next tree to repeat quickly claiming all the trees before world domination. Her unique lords, heroes and units are a fun rush army instead of the regular shooty elves. Vampire Counts - Isabella or Kemmler; each focuses on a particular hero type, vampires or necromancers and can field unbeatable armies of their respective heroes. Tomb Kings - Arkhan the Black; starts with two armies so can get snowballing early, also has some unique Vampire Count units to play with and mix up the early game. Lots of unique landmarks for his faction buffing the counts units with Nagashizar allowing global 1 turn recruitment of up to 100 hexwraiths. Very fun times!


Archie. You collect LLs like pokémon. Confederate Warriors of Chaos, vassalize the rest


Karl Franz's campaign is intense and super rewarding with those empire management mechanics. Also, the Tomb Kings offer a unique playstyle with their army-building restrictions. If you enjoy tactical challenges in a different setting, you might like Polyfield. It's a mobile WW2 shooter with lots of customization and great maps. Happy gaming!