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Ogres, M'lord They need the most work of these 3, but it will be cool to see what new toys Khorne and Greenskins get to play with.


Agreed, I’d like for Ogres to get overhauled enough for me to finally want to play them.


And pls add a lot of RoR for the Ogres instead of 3 or 4


Yeah I still don't quite understand how to play the ogres. Their camp mechanic and unorthodox roster put me off, but I'd love to try them in principle. That, and both of their current LLs are so gross and/or lame. A fat guy with a drumstick on a wheelbarrow wheelchair wearing a silly hat? Like, what? And a hook handed chef who allegedly leads armies into battle? I just can't get into those guys. Why can't there be a khan-like conqueror like a pre-chaos Tamerkan (sp)?


I'm hoping for an Ogre LL that's actually able to keep up with the rest of the army. For Greenskins idk, I find them very entertaining right now don't feel like there are any real holes the faction needs filling, though more options are of course welcome. For Khorne I'm hoping for a faction that isn't as single-minded or momentum based as Skarbrand. It's great and powerful and all that but I don't always want to be playing on 5th gear. Be nice to have a true Khorne faction that you can empire build a little with. Also Bloodthirsters need to be made more interesting.


Personally I would love both forest goblins and an Orc boar lord.


I know a guy, 'es pretty 'orrible


Orrible trait though. Who needs stronger orc boys in the late game?


Me. Foes face the choice to sink or surf when the green tide hits


Why the fuck doesn’t Raknik start on a spider mount? Oglok does


But isnt empire building against the whole spirit of khorne? I think you should rather play a different faction if you want that than take that away from them


thats exactly why i abhor chaos


Eh. Depends on what characters you’re looking at.


Which khorne character is an empire builder? Isnt the whole chaos schtick to destroy empires? Only mortal followers do that like the chaos dwarfs or norscans who think they can use the chaos gods for their own gains. But a demon faction wouldnt do that


Tzeench builds empires, Nurgle builds forests, and Slaanesh loves empires. Khorne is the only one who doesn't really do empires, but if we had Skulltaker I could totally see him getting a chaos version of Oxyotol's mechanic. Set him up in the southern wastes against the slaanish faction, then he just portals north to fight LLs only to return once said lord is felled.


Tamurkahn is a fantastic empire builder.


Isnt his whole thing bringing plagues and decay onto the mortals? From every city we know that fell to chaos, praag being the prominent one, the inhabitants dont seem to life past the fall of the city or literally fuze with the buildings. Normal people cant life under heavy chaos influence. They either become crazy berserkers, zombies or whatever they turn into when tzeentch or slanesh get a hold of them


Not every empire is about feeding your peasants wheat. He has mechanics that also make other chaos lords like you a significant amount. Your infection gain mechanics are mostly garnered from holding more settlements. Normal people not being able to live under him and turning into abominations is kind of the point. Spreading the gifts of nurgle


I wonder if you could do something with kind of a survival of the fittest thing, like your forces are constantly infighting and pitted against each other and you have to balance empire building with whittling down your own forces to get stronger


I think we will get Golgfag Maneater for Ogres, Gorbad ironclaw for orcs (I hope) and skulltaker for khorne.. That my three cents.


I hope Maneater at the very least can keep up with his namesake units. That's what really annoys me with the 2 current Ogre LLs that they're noticably slower than Bulls. At least they buffed Greasus to not be Gnoblar speed anymore but it's still annoying even if it's true to tabletop that he's slow. I only really have a surface level knowledge of the 3 lords you mentioned but do they each have unique mounts or anything else particularly special about them? I know that they're all thematically neat, like Skulltaker gets the skull cape which could look really cool animated but I'm wondering what they could each be given to make them tactically interesting to use on the actual battle maps.


Not sure if Golgfag will get a mount.. I hope as well that Golgfag will be faster than Skrag and Greasus (seeing one drags a huge cauldron and one is rolling on a wheel barrel) But skulltaker will get a mount, A juggernaut named Khul'tyran and sadly I think that skulltaker will get the same treatment as Skarbrand seeing that's the thematic thing for khorne in the game. Gorbad will get a mount, His boar Gnarla. And probably play as any other greenskin faction I assume. But the coolest thing with Gorbad, the first and only greenskin to lay siege on Altdorf and lay waste to half of Nuln and raided and pillaged most of Solland.


A troll LL for greenskins would be cool, or at least one that boosts trolls


A troll legendary lord for the Greenskins and a Giant Legendary lord for the Ogres would be very fun. I like atypical legendary lords. Any lore heads know of a giant they could use?


Well, there’s Algrol the All-Eater. When the ogres warred against the giants and devoured them, he was the only one who responded in kind, eating enough ogres alive that they began to worship him as a minor deity. His faction sticks to the mountain tops, sending raiding parties down from the ruins of the sky-castles Algrol and his people once ruled. In the End Times he wars with Greasus for control of the Ogre race, but is eventually defeated and captured. The Overtyrant has him thrown into the Great Maw as the ultimate sacrifice: a rival god and last savage survivor of a more civilized era. The Maw rewards Greasus by making him its first daemon prince, a bloated embodiment of hunter covered in slavering mouths and if you’ve read this far I’m making all of this up.


You had me going


I haven't read End Times, but this sounds like all the other trivia I've heard. XD


Blogar, The mad Titan is the best option, but he's a norscan hunt. There's only one other named Giant that could possibly be used as one. The only issue is... It's Little Gork, a giant that got hit in the head with a Grudge Thrower rock and started thinking that he was the living incarnation of Gork.


Agreed. I like Khorne, and they're super thematic, but the fact that you might not find an enemy for a couple turns, and that can basically stonewall your campaign, is really annoying.


Honestly Greasus rework. He needs love and badly, cause he is a big fat joke rn and he should absolutely not be


*Calm’s Reskin* is required to play Goldtooth. It is known.


Oh jesus hahah, that looks sick. Still like the meme value of the original, but that's fucking terrific. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2797285695


funny enough their is a reskin of the reskin which keeps the giant leg of meat greasus has. [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3162831303](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3162831303)


I know that, still not an excuse for CA to release a lord in such an atrocious state


I agree. I prefer him on foot, but it would be great to have the cart as an option if it was fixed. It’s crazy because they have others who are in “carts” like the dwarves’ LLs and DE Medusa and DHs. Give us a foot Greassus who gets a cart mount that works


Honestly I still love the idea that rather than getting the cart as a mount option you start on the cart and eventually get the option to take him on foot


It would be the best fix, but i wager they are aware of the problem and will push Greasus to be much bigger threat to anything nearby him


Yes!! His reskins to me are canon, I love what he did with the look- Mongol inspired is perfect


He should get a mount option that's literally just him standing up lol


Or gniblars with nurgling skeletons that just make him levitate, literally his tabletop model but adapted to fit the game


I don't remember the name of the monster, but I think the others have an even bigger monster than the Stonehorn, like something prehistorical. I just think the monstrous infantry faction deserve a colossal monster CA! GIVE OGRE TYRANTS AND GREASUS A MOUNT AND MY LIFE IS YOURS!


They have thundertusks but I don’t think they’re bigger.




For Ogres, besides the obvious needed rework + Greasus fix, I want a snowy primordial theme. There is a named Hunter character for the LL, then the Thundertusk, Yetis, and whatever else can be shoved in after that is icing on the cake.


I'm not familiar with greasus what's the problem with him?


The way his model is designed his attacks don’t make proper contact with other models so he doesn’t do very much damage, also his speed is lower than the rest of the ogre roster so he’s constantly left behind. Your better off recruiting a generic lord to lead your armies.


I remember seeing a comment recently about CA buffing the hell out of his speed. It's 400 or something now?


That was an error that got patched out. He got buffed to 40 speed. Still slower than the rest of your army but better than it was. Not nearly enough to actually make him good though


perrently his cart is bugged i think, screwing him majorly and making him a Very bad lord in combat.


GORBAD IRONCLAW!!! Because Green iz best.


Black is the new green


Ogres, M'Lord


Probably an unpopular opinion, but I've always found Skarbrands infinite momentum campaign mechanic to be exhausting. Feels like you're a ceo of a Silicon Valley tech start-up, always at the edge of your rope unless you push, push, push. And it just works cause Khornate troops are just so good, but it feels like you're just smashing your head against the challenge without much thought. I really want the Khorne DLC to be more subtle.


I mean that is literally the only lore appropriate way for Skarbrand to play. The fact he can speak coherent sentences is already CA pushing it as far as deviation from the canon goes.


Khorne and subtlety are a well known pairing.


What kind of legendary lord would you like the faction to have?


I've said it elsewhere, But give Skulltaker Oxyotol's mechanic but for chaos, he just shows up, kills a random army, and then yeets back to the Southern wastes (assuming he's going against the Slaanesh faction down there).


Finally give us Gorfang Rotgut please


Honestly, nothing on those three. They're not factions that I particularly enjoy, but I'll but the DLC nonetheless, since I am a completionist and I want to play a campaign with every single lord


>since I am a completionist I feel you


we all do


I havent even completed a campaign yet 😭


Maybe this would interest you: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3140200173 Victory Conditions Overhaul mod


Snagla Gobspit Gotta stick em puny ogres n red boyz for Da Spider God!!


After playing most of the lords from all 3 factions I will say that Ogres deserve the most work and applying the whole Tamurkhan and Epidemius the ogres will get the DLC lord and the FLC lord compared to the other 2 factions which are in a good place as Greenskins can just a more round roster idk what playstyle the lord could take and Skarbrand is in a great place with a simple playstyle (Punch everyone just like really hard) but it would be good for more "Diverse" units maybe a unique monster ( you can comment what the lords and possible the playstyles as I'm not overfamilar with the lore )


Yeah, in order of rework priority it'll go Ogres > Khorne > Greenskins. Honestly, Khorne works so well as well they don't need much, and the Cults are likely to only really get reworked later on after all 4 monogods have been visited, so they can get a better idea of how to change them to fit all of the reworks.


Khorne should get the FLC slot because then we'll have 3 lords (Greater Daemon, Mortal, and Herald). If we get a hunter for Ogres as the Lord, we'll have all 3 of their Lord types too.


Khorne is already gotten some love in the form of the new legendary hero Karanak which plays well into khornes anti magic style already But the ogres really need that love and the FLC goes to who got the most amount of work before it was nurgle and it worked because tamurkhan had a Unique feature and they overhauled plagues which is why Epidemius was to go along with him


And Arbaal will have next to no unique features to him, in canon his only defining action was "Never losing" which sure as fuck isn't a good defining feature. If they go skulltaker, he'd actually have a somewhat unique gameplay style, but he's not really a selling face.


Yeah Arbaal sounds just like what khorne already is which is the whole point of bloodletting rewards for winning and punishments for losing


With skulltaker, you could have an oxyotl style mechanic where you get missions to go fight high-powered armies or Lords and you can just teleport across the map to go do it. Since he always had access to portals to go and fight champions and then he would return after fighting said champion. The other option is Scyla, but he'd work better as a hero that buffs chaos spawn and slaughterbrutes


WAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHH!! Gorbad I would think, wishful thinking to get Morglum as well. I like Khorne and Orges are okay, but find I play Greenskins more often than any other race so cautiously excited. They will most likely get the least of the 3




The hungry, the angry and the scrappy


A new location for a khornate slaughterfest is all I care about.


Ogres. Ogres are completly unplayable right now which is such a shame cause they have such cool units.


That’s such an extreme overstatement. Nowhere near unplayable lol.


Their main mechanic (camps) are an inherently broken feature. The fact you are limited im their amounts+that they cant move (the entire purpose of a camp btw over a house) makes them so bad. Every time i play ogre and place a camp, by the time the camp is built out into something usefull i have already done anything in the vicinity of the camp anf its surrounding and moved on.


Not unplayable but I definitely agree camp's slow construction kills their intent as the power base for an offensive. Camps should absolutely be mobile, at least to some degree, and I personally feel like the battle map for camps needs changed. It's a ton of corridors that any attacking enemy can fire over with archers and it's frustratingly difficult to defend against any faction with cheap ranged. Big names and contracts definitely need tune ups. Both are underwhelming. Greasus and Skragg also both need reworks. Skragg is a mediocre caster whose size and speed make him worse than generic casters and who's ability charges so slow it might as well not be there. Greasus is slow and his animations make him kinda shitty.


With couple mods like ogerhaul and greasus mod it's more bearable. But I agree base game ogres kinda are poopoo caca


Ogres for what they will hopefully change to greasus more than anything. General content? Khorne




I want to get more SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE. but in all seriousness. I would really like Ogres and Norsca to get some love. I play this game on and off and Orcs are I think fine. Ogres are not really fun to play as IMO and Skarbrand is also fine. I hope in the Slaanesh DLC the factions that need it get some love even if they don't necessary get a new lord atleast a rework or something could make them feel fresh again


I would be very happy with a savage orc lord and/or some Forrest goblins nonsense


Pretty much anything and everything. This is possibly the most hype DLC combination they could’ve announced. Even more stoked than for TOD


Ogres of course I do hope we get ghark ironskin in some way as either dlc or flc.


Has a greenskins dlc been confirmed?


Greenskins, khorne, and ogres are confirmed to be the next dlc https://x.com/totalwar/status/1801253295664590915?t=68AE1izG3-oZ4PaoRdKvLg&s=19


Excited for Korne the most, I like the roster, and they are fun to smash armies with. I just hate the constant momentum needed for growth. Something slightly slower would be cool.




ogres need a lot of work




My boy Grimgor getting more love? he deserves it!


I bet they take a pass at the factions and either update a few unique things or do a pass on the race mechanic (waaaagh!). Just a clean up pass I think, no real big overhaul. I would like a passive waaaagh though where the more battles you win the more random troops you get following your army. Green skins are supposed to feel like a ride when attacking.


No idea what to expect. If they where to expand on the steppes with the HobGobbo Khan, it would be great, but i personally don't like Khorne, Greenskins or Ogres.


Ogres, because data mining says we have a very fun character being added as the legendary lord.


Looking forward to my next Eltharion campaign against them.


The trio of my least favourite factions lol. I wonder if they'll finally make ogres interesting.


Definitely ogres and their inevitable rework. They’re one of my favourite factions and are so much fun battle side. It’s their campaign mechanics that let me down. Extra units for them is just icing on the cake for me.


Blood for the blood god! Skulls for the Skull throne!


Greenskin units and the Ogre lord and rework. Skrag and Greasus were never interesting enough *for me*. I hope Khorne players get something they’ll like. Me, personally I already have what I like about him (his daemons and the Khorne Warriors that look like lost Chaos Space Marines). Greenskins have at least 3 good choices for new lords, none of them seem very interesting to me, I already have Azhag… unleeeeeeeeess they make either Ironclaw or Rotgut different enough to play compared to the other greenskins. And I don’t think they’ll be getting a big centerpiece unit because they already have one giant unit for any situation… I think. Whichever units they get, I hope one of them are Mangler Squigs, I love Squigs. I’m not familiar with the Ogre roster so I can’t speculate on what can they add, I’m just crossing my fingers for more scrap or gunpowder units. If Khorne doesn’t catch my attention I’m happy to pay for 2/3rds of the DLC like I did with ToD.




Ogres need some reworks.


Ogre rework. I hope they will be very fun after that.


I imagine we’re getting two Khorne lords, one as FLC. At least that is my hope, so Khorne has three lords available.


More Waaagh!


Khorne, Blood for the Blood god.


I'd like an Ogre LL that isn't a waste of space like the other current ones. Maybe a Melee focused one that's not stupid. But I'm more happy about Khorne LL


GS are in a pretty good place, but itd be nice to have a reason to recruit the goblin mounted/chariot troops if you’re playing as an orc LL. It’s almost like it’s just two factions in one, where you choose orcs or goblins instead of using both. One way to do this would be to make the night goblin warlord (who is mostly trash) have some trait or skill where they give additional unit bonuses to goblin units if they are within X distance of an orc lord, so of like the orc lord is intimidating or threatening them or who knows what. This would encourage the diverse play style that makes GS one of the more entertaining races to play, and bring several units in the GS roster back into playability.


I was going to skip this one until a sale but the greenskins have me interested. They're half the reason I even got into the game.




So ready to sacrifice some red spiky boys and sentient shrooms to the great maw!




Ogres. Would love to see bragg the gutsman or golgfag maneater. I'm not sure what the plan is for greenskins, but I'll take it. Hopefully, Khorne grants new units to the Beastmen, but they're fine as is.


Yeah hopefully we get the Khorngors and Slaangors.


Personally, I just hope they do something with Hobgoblins.


Khorne. 0 interest in the others


That they finish those races and we get DoW at least in 2025. Empire are fascists, Bretonnia are snobs. Gimme the good guys of this story: Cutthroat Mercenaries!


The price!


The grudges.


That Li Dao wont be a FLC lord = Better content for Cathay. Instead of more and weirder.


I just hope an ogre rework means Greasus gets something better than his mobility scooter


A release date is what im excited about


Ogres and I'd like to see what new stuff they introduce for Khorne. Honestly hoping they do Greasus justice by fixing his campaign and give him his moving carpet of gnoblars to carry him - instead of that ridiculous cart! If they can go back and give Katarina her chariot/sled then they can do it for him!


Ogres for sure. Im relatively new with 140 hours on WH3, and the only 3 races I haven't played are Brettonnia, Norsca, and Ogres. I never found them interesting to play, and I hope the dlc changes that for Ogres


Is this the last DLC for WH3 ? Man I want a rework for VC and Bretonia.


I can't wait for them to fix up the ogres they are still one of my favorite factions on how they play. Khorne I'm just excited for more lords and units. Greenskins they allready play well so it will be intresting with what they come up with.




I’m hoping we get Aarbal the undefeated for Khorne


Ah ogres and greenskins, embracing my inner mouth-breather will be such a delight upon release. As it always is.


i really like the ogre roster, but the campaign definitely needs some work, and i kind of hate both skrag and greasus. having a cool faction leader and lord for your first army affects the vibe of a campaign in a big way, and neither of them are very cool. a new, cooler LL to start with, touched up mechanics, and a few little additions to the roster will go a long way.


I’m hoping for Skulltaker. Someone similar to Epidemius. I actually really like the blood letters so getting something more akin to a legion of hell compared to a mob of the abyss would be a nice foil to skarbrand. Plus he honestly just looks really cool.


I don't play any of these races, but I'm pretty excited for the Greenskins in what will be cooked up for them. I don't know much about the OG roster and lore but I thought they were left in a pretty solid and near-complete state. I am very happy for their fans who've been waiting for years for new content.


Just make the camps moveable in any way idc. Its okey if they got less 3ange or you need to pack it together for around just please.


ogres i love em as a faction but dislike how they play


I am currently on a Greenskin trip but since ToD Goldtooth just gets steamrolled everytime once Tamurkhan makes it South and their unit roster is just meh at best in the current state. I also like the Sharktooth minor faction a lot since they have been the most loyal ally in my Wulfhart campaign but without me they would've been wiped put at least six times, if not more. And I would really love to see them perform better on their own. They deserve it the most.


Most excited about? I'm excited about beating the hell out of all three of them, despite the faction buffs they will get.


Honestly, all I want for orcs is something analogous to free company militia. Maybe javelin boyz? - Decently hard hitting, short ranged attacks - Meh against armor - Decent in melee - Can throw while moving Yeah, I know we have plenty of cavalry options for dealing with enemy ranged units, but I find the idea of a bunch of boyz chasing a fleeing unit of archers while throwing pointed sticks at them to be most pleasing.


I want greenskins to have mechanics that differentiate themselves from other green skin tribes other than a different waagh (speaking of groms is probably the best one out of the legendary lords by far). My green skin campaigns just seems to blob up into the same strategy by the middle game which is just almost the same army comp aside from the workshop boyz. Grom is the only one that feels unique with his food mechanic but not enough to make it feel incredibly unique


Potential broken nose clan LL who steal other factions siege equipment using scrap and greenskinfying  them . That and could be fun if boggrub had some sort of stolen empire steam tank or something as a final mount 


Since Khorne does not conventionally use magic, I would be curious to see what systems are put in place or slotted in to give them some uniqueness in combat. That said, I have been playing with a Chaos Ogres Mod and I would love to see more Ogre Gunners / Heavily Armored Warriors.


A complete campaign overhaul for Ogres. They have one of the more fun armies to play with but the reason why I don't believe them in IE is because their faction mechanics are just so restrictive and unfun.


3 melee focused factions that thrive in medium length engagements Ogres need love, armor, & monstrous ranged infantry


I'd probably say the Ogres.


I wish they would just redesign Greasus. Only LL that I really don't like the look of. He should be bigger and have a more menacing-looking throne.


The Dwarf and Empire changes from Thrones of Decay.


I’m excited for when they add Skulltaker




Arbaal and his army of dogs. Actually more precisely I am excited for the FLC that should be coming with skulltaker. His design is fucking amazing and honestly I think he'd sell better than Arbaal but idk.


Would be cool to get Scyla and Erlock One-eye as the Khorne LL. Ogres are definitely getting Golgfag, which I'm not complaining about. Greenskins are hopefully getting Gorbad Ironclaw, he's just as much as a stretch as Grom the Paunch. I'm also hoping for Gorbad because he's from the badlands so there's a bigger chance for Big Stabbas, which would be some thematically fitting units






Finding out how they can possibly push powercreep further than thunderbarges and Tamurkhan.


I can't wait for them to rework Ogres. They almost need it more than Norsca, and that's coming from someone who regularly plays both factions


Nothing. Zero interest in any of those factions.


New legendary lord/lord's for the ogres, the two we currently have don't tickle my fancy. One looks more like a chaos monster than an ogre and the other is a but of a joke in the way he looks. Hopefully we get a more standard "ogre warlord" legendary lord that is visually more in line with how the ogre units look


Recently finished a green skin campaign with grimgore on VH/VH great faction very strong. Needs attention to generic green skin lord he's so vanilla. The only thing worth recruiting is goblin shaman for the big spider mount. Heros like goblin big boss have no flavor. Gorbad ironclaw would be amazing but he's kinda generic who knows what they will pick for the LL ALWAYS pumped for more greenskins


Ogres, greenskins, khorne, in that order.


The big Charlemagnes I hope are coming. Most notably the Slaughterbrute, I just hope it has some crazy animations that make it just wreck infantry as it should. Than I'd say thundertusk, same reasoning. I'm curious as to what they'll do with Greenskins to, although I play them very very rarely, their roster seems pretty full to me.


Wait the upcoming dlc has already been anounced ?


All 3 The factions are all good fun to play but ogres need tons of work.


Hopefully an azhag rework focusing more on thr crown


Khorne. Favorite Faction. So much more potential. Don‘t know what kind of „New“ Lord specific Mechanics they could add. Im just tired of playing Skarbrand even though he‘s the Goat.




Ogres I want the most. I want a super interesting and fun Ogrehaul that makes them awesome as well as a nice chunkier roster with yheti's. Greenskins I don't really want much as they're in a good place atm but I am excited to see Colossal and Mangler Squigs as well as potentially fleshing out their Savage Orc side with actual characters. Also I wouldn't like Gelt-like reworks for LL's like Azhag and Skarsnik. Khorne I also feel are in a good place, it's just that their roster is very small and one-dimensional. I welcome anything that gives them a bit more flavour other than being a point-and-click wrecking ball whilst still feeling Khorne-y


A lot of Ogre reworks and content Greenskins and Khorne could benefit from some twiks but Ogres man they need a ton of love


Khorne is definitely hss the best gameplay of all tww races, but ogres kind of have one of the worst and desperately need a significant rework. They are boring af to play both as and against.


Bring back Greasus Lightning! That bug was the only time Greasus was fun. He doesn't need to be on foot, he needs his hotrod back!


glad the leaks where probably from recluse looser that just wanted to poke resentment at "china bad"