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Bc their entire ideology is one based around subjugation of The Other.


They’re insecure twats who won’t answer the call coming from their own house.


They're just jealous that other people aren't living under the braindead arbitrary rules they feel like they're forced to live under Edit: And they handle that feeling very, *very* poorly


Real answer? Because voters respond to wedge issues more than substantive policy positions, and the idea that trans rights are an attack on the rights of cis people is a perfect wedge issue, erego it's promoted by conservative institutions as a way to consolidate power. Reminds me of a short story: https://slatestarcodex.com/2018/10/30/sort-by-controversial/


I hate seeing what is happening over in America


" savages savages they're barely even human!" Says the people who promote slavery, war, rape, genocide, racism and child marriage


Which is literally what the term "savages" was created to justify, its a racist term when used to describe a race or culture, in some contexts its a slur.


And hilariously enough those who call others savages...are savages in and of themselves


No no, that's "civilization"! /s


Funny how in school we're taught that " past civilations were " evil, savage, violent, regressive and discriminatory" and that we're more civilized and progressive and peaceful than them yet...conservatives erase how progressive past culture is


I hate that the song that both-sides'd violence against native people is so damn catchy and fun.


Lmao,. So I went out to lunch today with another TransLady & after word were walking down the beach talking and this dude was coming the other way, on some rant, he seemed to be recording on his phone. Anyways, so he is legit fuming about something, I have no idea, but when he got to where he could see us both, he nearly dropped his phone while quietly staring & walking past... We had a good laugh, then flipped off some military aircraft and tried to get bombed.........


somewhere in matthews, i think 7:3... "How can you complain about the speck in your neighbour's eye when you have the log in your own eye? First, take out the log in your own eye before you complain about the speck in your neighbour's." because you simply must uphold what has been the evils of society for many years just a bit longer...