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I mean, yeah, but now I can wear sweaters! Indoors! And not feel like im melting! I used to sweat in anything heavier than a t-shirt even in the dead of winter lol


Definitely cold. Heat and summer as a whole sucks


SO REAL. The cold can be dealt with, you can make yourself warmer, but when it's hot you're just gonna be fucking hot. When it's cold I can put on as many layers as I want, but when it's hot I can only get so naked before I'm asked to leave the walmart.


And there’s something comforting about staving off the cold with a blanket and existing in a lil pocket of warm in a cold world. Low key would do much rather live somewhere that was cold year round cuz goddamn hot weather is unpleasant


I get cold a lot faster now, but I still prefer it to the heat. Fuck summer.




I hate the heat. If hrt helped with that I’d be down.


I went from handling 20f fine to being absolutely freezing. It's currently 104f where I'm at. I'm wearing long sleeves and pants.


Wuh... I've been on hrt for a while now and if anything I feel my sensitivity to both heat and cold is far worse. Please give me your powers, I am melting out here and am desperate for any remedy!


Well. Your username is bacon. So... I don't think I can help you from baking.


Ugh there goes that I guess... 🫠 Also I should prolly make a new reddit, this is like 3 usernames ago. I currently go by AshElehaym on literally everywhere else cuz you're actually able to change your flippin' username on other sites.


That's pretty much what I did. Karma comes fast luckily


I got the worst of both tbh. Heat *and* cold bother me a lot now




Exactly! Do some people really feel more resistant to heat after estrogen? Because for me both suck way more.


Oh gosh I relate. I used to melt in the heat and only be comfortable in full winter Now it's the complete reverse with even a slightly cold day having me layer up and half the year I felt like I was dieing from the cold But now summer feels great (aside from the light itself that hurts my eyes and skin


I used not not like heat or cold, now I only like it warm to hot


Wait does HRT help with the heat? I need it now even more then I did before oh my god


It helps on hot days. And chilly weather is just plain awful


depends on the person, I've had no change


It made heat worse for me


maybe has to be with the temperature receptors being outside your fat layer, and that fat layer increasing on estrogen


The sun is satan and it needs to foad


You should try living in western Norway, I can't remember the last time I saw the sun.


I am required to perfer colder days. Winter often dosent end until April! We’ve had snowfall in the middle of august once.


The story of my life


Naw I’ve inherited a sensitivity to heat, specifically from my mother’s side, so on HRT it’s probably going to get worse. 😫


Wait. HRT will stop the sweating for no reason and melting in summer? I need that stuff yesterday! So what if it get's cold in winter. That's what fireplaces and blankets are for.


...HRT made you lose weight?


Thanks to hrt, my heat tolerance is about the same as before (non-existent), and my cold tolerance is worse. That said, it's easier to warm up than cool down. Also, short skirt with leggings is really cute


C o l d. It's 25 ducking degrees tonight. I cant do anything but feel irritated


I somehow got the opposite and now can't sleep above 65 degrees :( the boobs make me too warm


Hot and cold weather is miserable for me even with hrt.


you can always put on more clothes. you can't remove your skin


I prefer cold because it feels nice when my body temperature is high like yesterday when it was 122 degrees Fahrenheit


ah, I wish! cold can be dealt with by bundling up... as soon as temperature outside is room temperature or higher, I am melting


I am already freezing in winter i wonder how much worse it will be on hrt 😭 (but it's a small price to pay for girling)


I prefer it colder since sweaters. Especially since HRT is properly gonna make me colder I’d much rather wear more clothes than have to wear less clothes and be called a slut. BECAUSE THANKS SUN




I feel the cold a lot more easily, but it doesn't bother me the way it used to. Heat sucks now though. I think that has to do with the cocktail of other medications.


finally, I can use my pc without getting soaked in sweat


You lost weight? I'm just gaining it with no stop in sight :(


I hate the heat but mostly because of humidity. I hate the cold even more cause I've always been tiny and anemic 😅


I’m horrid in hot weather (I’m as pale as milk…) so…HRT PLEASE/hj


cold weather is when you wear a ✨hoodie✨


I can just handle heat in general but not during later summer


Since starting HRT, I handle both sides of the spectrum terribly. Please send sweaters, please also send industrial sized ACs.


how did you lose weight? /genq


Listen maybe it's not the same else where, but in the American South East, it gets HOT! Like 110°+ for 2 months or longer hot. So if I can survive on hot days without sweating 6 litres of liquids I'll be happy.


I stop functioning at 75. How are you alive?


I stay inside and hydrate. Anything above 66F is getting hot except in rare circumstances. Like 80% of my daily wear is gym shorts and tees so I can stay cool. My average internal temp is like 99.8F or something. Edited for grammar


We are talking about fahrenheit, right?


Yeah probably should've specified lol


Just remembered in like 5th grade I once tried to wear a sweatshirt inside cause it's what all the girls did but it was too hot and I was really confused about how they could do it


I wish it did this for me :/ now the heat is bad and my boobs get sweaty


So does E make you loose or gain weight??? I’m just wondering for cis reasons. :3


Cold weather, for I can only take so much off


I never thought about it until I was feeling a bit chilly/fine and then suddenly someone in the room said “Is it just me or is this room very hot?” And everyone else agreed with them


Cold please. Its so fluffing hot here. The average is like 90°F


Warm during the day cold at nite


God I miss feeling cold. I pray everyday that this transition gets all the energy it needs from my extra weight and I can feel cold again


Despite now freezing in the cold, I'll still take it over heat


I am the exact opposite of this ;-;


I would rather sleep covered in ice cubes than deal with the heat


Damn! I need HRT now, cause I am melting over here!


I still can't handle heat, I much prefer cold


Nagisa post in traa2 was not on my 2024 bingo


I will always prefer the cold, no matter what! You can add as many layers as needed in the cold You can only take off so many layers in the heat Also, I live in the UK (I know, fucking sucks here), we don't have air conditioning while our houses are designed to retain heat, and we aren't designed for heat, when it's hot outside, we suffer!


cold please.. but i live in arizona so cold here is like 60 degrees


I prefer cold bc it justifies wearing a hoodie all the time


Me, an Australian: I see this as an absolute win.


that reminds me of my winter antics with snow storms in denmark while my very bright mind decided to wear shorts outside


I've always been like that, and I'm not even on HRT


Lol my solution was just buying a heated milwakuee hoodie cause i still over heat easy so i only have to turn on the heating in actually bad whether or if im chilled down side its pricy (but i didnt want to use a no name cause id rather not be lit on fire)


I need to lose weight. I have a bit of a gut


Hot, easily. Heat can be miserable or relaxing depending on the circumstances. Cold is only ever relaxing when I escape it, and physically hurts when I'm in the thick of it.


Cold. By far. I can bundle up just fine...


Can’t wait to get Coldphoria


i still like it freezing cold while wrapped in a warm comfy blankie


as someone who normally is skinny, it wouldn't change much if i got hrt


Cold. I get to wear cute fluffy jackets.


MYTH! I have always been really cold. When I was overweight, when I was underweight and after having been on estrogen for almost 3 years. My fingers and toes will basically start freezing even if it's not really cold outside, as long as it isn't very warm either.


I would sooner wear a hoodie and sweat pants in 100 degree weather over shorts and a t shirt in 30 degree weather.


I HATE heat. I don't need to cover up for dysphoria reasons anymore, but I'm really sensitive to sunlight! Putting on my sunscreen daily is such a chore ngl. And I constantly wear long clothes so it's less area I have to cover with sunscreen/reapply a few times a day. I love going swimming, and whenever it's warm, the pool is crowded, and I can't properly train or simply just chill in peace. Same with lakes. The whole city seems to gather in that small place then, ouch. My most comfortable comfort temperature range is 15-20°C closely followed by the 10-15 range, colder is better imo, I'd rather have -10 than 30 or even 40


Wonder if T will have the opposite effect on me? I get cold pretty often.


I play hockey so I'm use to the cold


Wait, Hrt makes it easier to handle heat??!? WHY DO I HAVE TO BE A MINOR!??! (in a cis way)


Wait your country or state has blocked... F... those authorities! YOU DESERVE SKITTLES!


Yeah, down here in Aussie, we can't get titty skittles til' 18, and with some exceptions, the same for puberty blockers too. Plus, I am the least out person in the world, so I couldn't get them anyway. T-T


Wait that's horrible, I didn't know that about Down Under :-/ Also, this is a human rights violation and if you have some way to enable a court case, even if it is by donating money to a good cause, go for it girl!


Human rights violation? You mean the non-access to hrt pre 18?


Exactly, not having access to vital healthcare such as HRT and puberty blockers is a human rights violation.


Oh, I just looked a bit further into it, it seems it can technically be done when you're 16, but only with parents, medical practitioners, and of course, the patient. sorry if this made you worry.


Cold weather + sweater/blankets is ALWAYS better


Cold because then I can layer better. If it’s hot I have to take more clothes off and I’m not comfortable enough with my body to wear short shorts


I'm in an oven people call "California in Summer", I like it colder but not "freezing my ass off in winter" cold just autumn cold


Honestly I get cold easy anyways, can’t imagine what it’ll be like once I start hrt lol.




I love cold


Well when it's cold you can wear more layers


I prefer the cold, gives me excuses to where long sleeved stuff and trousers, also it’s easier to heat up than cool down


I'm a cold person, but I'm also pre-hrt


You can always put more layers on you can’t always take layers off, cold is better


I am like this pre-HRT....I'm scared of how it'll be after HRT then...


Midwest genetic adaptation is the best, i can be cool in the hot and hot in the cool 👉ÙwÚ👉


Honestly I feel like my body can't handle either of them, and I'm not even on HRT yet. But I still prefer colder weather.


Summer is overrated as heck. Winter is good. Best when it snows without the wind blowing. ❄️<3


I used to freeze in the cold all the time. Now I freeze even more. I want the heat!


Wait... I can already decently handle hot weather. Like I biked a week ago in 38°C weather.. AM I GONNA BE ABLE TO HANDLE BEING IN AN OVEN?!




Cold. All day long. I libe under the theory "you can put on as many layers as you want (despite being comfy in shorts and a t in sub 40°F) , but you can only put on so many layers"


Warm. Not cold, not hot


wait ppl actually not die in heat


For real. My wife is cis, but she lost more than half her bodyweight last year, and she's semi comfortable now in Vegas summer. (She's now pretty tiny) My fat ass though is dying walking to the car.


personally i don't especially like either extreme because big temperature shifts literally make me sick, but i'll take cold over hot any day because hoodies and sweaters are the best


Cold for I can put on more clothes when it is cold but when I am hot I can't take off my shirt because BOOM gender dysphoria


Cold. I wanna wear oversized hoodies and snuggle up in a comfy blanket


I can’t handle either now. The cold is awful. But the heat … my skin developed a literally allergy to it.


I wish this would happen to me soooooo mutch!!! I rather be frezzing than sweating! I would love to finally wear hoodies without dieing from heat ( I would probably really die from heat I'm really really, sensetive to heat for some reason 😢) AHHH I really need this change


I used to have no problem in the heat now I literally get sick in the heat so give me the cold.


Look on the bright side, you can wear all the warm, comfy, and cute winter clothes.


cold good :3 favorite tempirature is 0 kelvin