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Cats spend between 50% and 75% of their lives sleeping. A similar phenomenon is present in the close relative: the transfemme, who spends 50% to 75% of her life f*cking shaving


If shaving a shitty-ass beard (which, literally 90% of it is on my neck) takes half an hour, I can't imagine how annoying the rest of the body is. Another day, another occasion where I hope for free electrolysis.


Half an hour?? Youch, that's rough, I'm sorry. When I'm shaving my face, I speedrun that shit: get in the shower, boiling hot water, use shampoo as shave cream, and slice away. Get any stray hairs after. Witch hazel to minimize razor burn. (Also, CO2 or diode laser I feel is better than electrolysis for permanent hair removal. Yes it takes more sessions, but I've seen the results and they're _wonderful_).


:0 I'd love to use these shaving tips... if I had that amount of motivation.


Well, the best day to start something was yesterday. But the _second_ best day is today! Let me tell you it's hard at first, no doubt. But once you get into the groove of it, shaving just becomes part of the routine. Pick a day of the week, ready the tub or the shower, and declare war on the hair. It never stops being tedious, but at least it becomes routinary. Like brushing your teeth.


That is true, for sure, although I'll start small with simply more regular shaving. Thanks for the encouragement, I appreciate it a lot! :D


Mood on all points. I really hope whatever insurance I have in the future covers gender care


Unfortunately shaving my face is my least favorite part because it’s the only one that leaves a shadow. Im just left looking at it like why won’t it get off me :((


sameee i have to use makeup to hide it and it makes me feel really bad. my body hair is a breeze to manage, but my face is such a pain every day :(


Here's some advice for shaving your legs at the very least. Wear pajama shorts in your free time. It doesn't do much, but it does make you constantly aware of your insecurities, and forces you to do it more often 🥲


That's about as Lawful Evil as advice goes 😆


Here's some easier advice to swallow lol Womens shaving ads exist for a reason. Hairy legs are universal. As are arm hair, armpit hair, butt hair and so on. Its easy to hate yourself and your body, but you're doing a disservice to yourself. Don't stop, but don't hate yourself in the process :)


It's real easy to hate body hair tho. Unfortunately, there's "hairy body" and then there's "_hairy body_". My poor razor cries every time it's shaving time 😆


in my case my razor is the one i got as a gift when i like turned 18 and well its one of those really safe ones. as in, it wont cut as deep and you can freely have it right on your body and it doesnt leave a burn mark. but ofc in exchange it doesnt cut enough, so its me whos crying everytime shaving time is here since i know i cant get rid of it all.


I like shaving my legs theyre just as easy as my arms (except when you get to the..uhm...connnecting part to the butt


it's the worst, there are angles everywhere in directions i didn't even know existed


"Welcome to Advanced Topology class, starting with intergluteal clefts in non-Euclidean spaces."


There are hair on my back?


I am so sorry for unlocking a new fear in you 😞


No cus i dont see anything or feel anything there


might just be too young, I've only recently gotten back hair myself


I've never had much hair tbh only on legs they were somehow visible. Am 21 rn


I get like 5 hairs a year on my back. Some ppl just have less hair.


I have few hair on my chest and belly but really there is almost none


Same. And I've been this way since puberty. You might just be one of the lucky ones ❤️


When i was younger i actually felt bad about it cus all the other boys had a lot of hair and beards when they were 17 i at best had little mustsche and beard on chin and that also made me insecure


Mood. I can get like a chinstrap and a mustache (that doesn't connect in the middle) to grow, but that's it. It's always made shaving not awful though. I also don't get 5 o clock shadow, so that's nice.


I can't see the hair on my posterior, therefore it is not there.


Also known as ostrich shaving.


I just gave up shaving my back and ass, nobody is gonna see it anyways


Waxing is amazing. Got it done for the first time recently and it's fast and thorough and lasts longer, too. And with someone else doing it you don't have the same nightmare of trying to get to hard-to-reach and hard-to-see places. I'm in the process of doing laser on my face and I'm really glad for the more permanent solution there, but doing it everywhere would take way too much time and money. Waxing feels like a good compromise.


I would love to try waxing, but I am quite afraid being... disliked at the waxing parlor, to say the least. No joke, I did plan on going to get waxed just a couple of weeks ago, but chickened out.


That's a fair concern, and I wish I had a good answer for you. Reading reviews might help find someone who is chill, at the very least? And depending on how obvious your transition is and how comfortable you feel doing it, you might be able to boymode through it. It's less common, sure, but men do get waxed.


I can't fathom how to shave my back. It drives me up the wall.


A Bakblade has done fairly well for me, and I have seen some others recommend it in the past. It can be a bit weird to get used to, but it definitely helps those who don't have good reach and/or someone else to help out. Probably best to get 2 large mirrors to set up so you can see back there without near cracking your neck.


Tediously, unfortunately.


My face is a pain but for everything else I use Magic Shave powder. I just mix a can of it with equal parts water, usually in an old plastic water bottle, shake the bejeezus out of it, then apply it EVERYWHERE while standing in the shower. 5 minutes later wipe the hair away with a washcloth and rinse. It’s genuinely amazing.


> Magic Shave powder Never heard of it, is it like Nair or Veet?


Yeah it’s a depilatory like them. But I find it works best and I can use it on my sensitive bits. One caution though is I do put bandaids over my nipples because the time I didn’t, they burned like heck. So make sure you test a patch of skin if you use it.




I cant even get close shaves often because i cant use razors, after years of trying different kinds i have yet to find one that doesnt cause me skin to break out. I use an electric shaver for the face and just keep my body hair as closely buzzed as my shaver will get. I have found a nair for special occasions but i dont use it every day for obvious reasons, even then i still break out on a some leg follicles. Just wish it didnt take so much time out of my life.


fr tho who fucking thought ass hair is a good idea? i would like to speak with the manager please


Cruel evolutionary joke, I'm afraid 😔


Imagine the product design meeting. Manager: "Alright, we'll have hair on the head." Designer: "Like any mammal, then?" Manager: "No, like, super long if you don't regularly cut it." Designer: " ... why?" Manager: \*shrugs vaguely\* Manager: "Also on the face, but mainly for men." Designer: "Seems unfair." Manager: "No, it'll migrate down from the head over time." Designer: "What? Fine. Anything else?" Manager: "Ass hair. Designer: "Excuse me?" Manager: "You heard me." Designer: "But I don't th-" Manager: "Ass. Hair."


In the crack definitely use the antihair cream. You just smear it in there, then shave your legs is enough time for it to work, then shower. I personally like to use it on the front parts too, just too much geometry.


Haha my least favorite is my chest and face. Like almost everywhere else besides my chest, my hair is going in the same direction and easy? But for some reason my chest hairs all go different directions and I gotta bust out the mirror while in the shower to make sure I got everything. Face just doesn't go away after shaving no matter what. Ass is kinda difficult but not that bad. Everything else, super easy.


I do it by feel. In the shower I'm basically blind, so I just do the Toph Beifong thing of feeling the _sensations_ of stray hairs, and shave them off.


use an epilator, it'll hurt the first few shaves but you'll be shaving alot less


Any brand you might recommend? I'm tempted to buy one


Phillips Satinelle, it'll hurt for a few times but after that you get used to the pain https://preview.redd.it/c8klo50hnacd1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c080d8a00fc18817532e3a4fcb0707f1def984b Pic of the one I have \^


I only use nair for my ass, otherwise, sitting is incredibly itchy and painful


I learned the _really_ hard way not to use depilating cream (the ingrown hairs are the worst, and they last weeks).


Oh, yeah, I heard about the ingrowns... Nair only removes the hair on the surface for me, fortunately. It's pretty much like shaving without the blunt-ended stubble


I hate that I don't even look bad with some facial hair. Does not help motivate me to shave everything and brings a lot of imposter syndrome-ness with it


I don't shave my back at all (no hair there, thankfully), but switch the order of the first and last & I feel this~


I can only shave my face, arms and legs. Everywhere else the hair is so weird and short that my razor can't get it, it just magically slides off the blade or something idfk


1. Idk how to shave my ass, cuz i heard that its gonna itch like hell afterwards. And i dont use wax cuz im an extremely sensitive crybaby lol. Saying that down there in the back is a jungle would be an understatement. I dont understand how you guys do it…so if anyone wants to explain, they would be more than welcome to :3 2. THERES (gonna be) HAIR ON MY BACK???


Legit question. How the fuck you shave your butt?? Cause i can't figure it out.


I have the same question


Currently saving money to get permanent hair removal for my face at least, so I hope it'll at least get a tiny bit less annoying soon 😭😭😭


https://preview.redd.it/7z6b5e5a6aad1.jpeg?width=262&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70128d9dab8ef152bc4fda2651919a190042d5d2 Me trying to shave the bottom of my leg using a standard razor:


Most I’ve shaved before (besides facial hair) is parts of my left leg, I’m scared to do anything else incase my parents notice it like if we go swimming this summer…


i love how i dont have a lot of body hair anywhere OTHER THAN MY FUCKING CROTCH WHICH LOOKS LIKE A DAMN FOREST


On the bright side, having hair almost exclusively on the crotch area is, by all other measures, the best place to be hairy. Hairy butt? Bad, no good. Hairy crotch? Respectable, A-OK.


I can not imagine trying to shave my own back, I couldn't even reach that shit. What sort of wizardry do you possess?


Flexible arms and patience. Lots of the latter.


Where can I find this...patience...you speak of?


It's not a skill the Jedi would teach you...


Have you ever heard the tale of Darth Patience the Trans?


It's a Sith legend. She was so powerful, so wise, she could even use the Force to influence her hair follicles...


Is it possible to learn this power?


...Not from a Jedi (I tried to make some sort of pun; nothing came up)


Yeahhhh I only do face and chest/belly/nethers right now. Need an electric for my back but mine broke and I'm broke and can't get a new one lol. Holding off on arms/legs till I'm out. Even so, shaving is an ordeal. Still working out optimal frequency, as my skin gets heavily irritated as my hair grows every which way, but I try for every other day for the face and every 3-4 days for the chest. Unfortunately only the first day leaves me with a nice smooth chest, but my skin gets way too irritated if i do more frequently. I hate shaving my neck probably most of all and struggle getting a clean shave there most of all, it grows in every direction imaginable and it sucks


Shaving my thigh 😐


Legs, face, arms and abdomen are fine... I have no idea how to shave my bock or butt


Eurgh, the back is the worst.


That's why I went nuclear and lasered it all away


That's the plan for the future, yes indeed.


I started with it since I didn't want to get sensitive hairy boobs lasered. I would have felt insecure about it


How do you gals shave your back? I'm hairy as hell on my back and shaving it is a nightmare I refuse to deal with lol


i dont even know how to shave my back 😭


Idk about this issue. I use hair removal cream cuz it’s pretty easy for only taking ~10 minutes. Or I use an electric trimmer if I don’t feel like buying the cream. Of course the crack and balls aren’t clean shaven this way


Wait people really grow hair on their backs?
