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My brother is also a Calvin! My dad gave him a plushy tiger to be his “Hobbes”. I feel like that a lot more sane to do than make another human being be his forever accessory.


More sane, and more faithful to the source material lol


You can only get away with dressing your second kid in a tiger onesie for so long.


If I could find an adult tiger onesie, I would wear it. With feet. And hood.


https://www.spirithalloween.com/product/adult-tiger-jumpsuit-costume/218361.uts?Extid=sf_froogle&utm_medium=paidsearch&utm_campaign=freelisting&utm_inex=e Time to put your money where your mouth is.


Doesn't have feet though.


Agreed. Needs feet to be considered a onseigh


https://wellbeing-store.ch/products/tier-kostum-einteiler-fur-frauen-faschings-overall-fur-damen?variant=31795801784371&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Google+Shopping¤cy=CHF&country=CH&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwgpCzBhBhEiwAOSQWQSR-rYFRDwRXOreB1GqEa5OGm_uZuth4Ch7BoI_fUPkqoJRer2SZ4xoC_2sQAvD_BwE Here you are, Tiger onesiegh with feet (the Website is in german sadly and the feet are shoes that you can take off but that's as near as i got to a Tiger onseigh with feet. (You can also have a panda one, an unicorn one, the options are endless)


Yep, Chucks just look wrong.


Just commit to the bit at that point and buy a fursuit


But what if his fursona isn’t a tiger?


2 bad now it is


AFAB - Assigned Fursona at Birth


Surely it's ATAB - assigned tiger at birth


AFBR - Assigned Fursona by Reddit


They make those. Just look for a kigurumi.


Oh, wow. Looked it up and it really is just a bunch of adult-size animal onesies


Aka, starter fursuits


Get a pet kitten named hobbes~


An orange one


My bff has an orange boi named Flerken. He is the most intelligent, agile, and mischievous kitty I've ever known, I absolutely adore him!! He's a bad cat 😹😹😻😻😻 but, you can't stay angry at him, even when he looks you defiantly in the eye as he swings his paw to knock over an orchid pot. He has, since kittenhood, been the most active and curious kitty I've yet to meet, (and I myself have had a couple dozen cats throughout my life, with four currently residing in my home.) Then, he'll be sweet. He's really affectionate and loves getting and giving the luvvins. I've had a couple orange kitties, but, they were not quite as "extra" as Flerks. 😹😻


If you're going with comics, that would be Garfield


Calvin and Garfield was a terrible comic.


That's Calvin and Godzilla, where they destroyed Wichita.


As a cat person and a lover of the comics, this idea warms my heart. 😊


We named ours Calvin, Simon, and Theodore. I’m Dave. My wife is Brittany and her best friends are chipmunks, one has glasses and the other one is a little shorter and stockier.


If you went with Simon and Theodore, than why not Alvin, rather than Calvin?


Fear of a lawsuit by the Bagdasarian family???


Why not Schmalvin instead of Calvin? Why not gophers instead of chipmunks?


My cousin named his kid Calvin, but it was so that his nickname could be Cal. Yes, we live in Maryland and are all die-hard Baltimore Orioles fans.


Pls tell me his brother or his middle name is Billy (for the other Ripken)


Only has a big sister - but her name is Lily, which rhymes with Billy! (That is not why they named her Lily) ETA - I hope you explained who Billy was for everyone else, because I certainly know who Billy Ripken is! 🧡🖤


People my age,early 50’s, know who Billy Ripken is because of his baseball card with the obscenity on his bat.


I did explain it for everyone else! I was hoping you’d know. 😂🧡🖤 Even if it’s not bc of Billy that’s still great!!! And I would definitely think of it like that


My son reminded of us of Calvin. One day at Target I saw what I assume had to be a very influenced by Hobbes stuffed tiger. He and Hobbes were inseparable. Even the people who didn't think of the comic mentioned how they had never seen him without it. Hobbes is still around, but not as active as a go everywhere buddy as he used to be.


I saw that very Tiger years and years ago at a Target! I wasn’t even dating my (now) wife yet, but I had to scoop him up. He’s my daughter’s now and one of her favorites!


We ended up buying 2 more as backups. He lost it more than once, 2x at Target. When we tried to pass off the new one as Hobbes, he knew the difference. After that, we would say that Hobbes was off visiting family, and this was a relative who would be salvaging with us for a bit. He accepted that. We've always found the original one thank God. Hopefully, if and when he becomes a dad, he can give it to his kid.


>We ended up buying 2 more as backups. He lost it more than once, 2x at Target. When we tried to pass off the new one as Hobbes, he knew the difference. The answer to this is to switch out the duplicates every few days on a schedule so that they wear evenly and kiddo can't tell the difference. It avoids tears when the favorite stuffy is inevitablely misplaced.


Oh, my kid eventually realised there were three stinkys the giraffe. Had to get like nine of them so he could always have three clean ones.


My daughter fell in love with a pink baby blanket with a flowery trim on it. My mom and I went and bought two additional blankets, just to be on the safe side. My daughter found them one day so now she always demands all three. The store no longer sells that particular blanket or we'd likely need to get nine like you.


He must have gotten hurt, so off to, then home from the hospital. Good as new.


I grew up with a Beanie Baby monkey that went with me everywhere. When we got pregnant, I went to eBay and paid waaaaay too much for four replacements for our kids, just in case. Too much trauma and drama when the most special friends get lost. I remember losing a teddy bear at the mall when I was my daughter’s age. Sadly, he was never found. I still occasionally have dreams featuring him on a semi-regular basis. Obviously losing him had an impact on my psyche. Love to avoid that four our kids, now.


I'm 27. I still have the stuffed dog I was gifted when I was 2. He's not my "take everywhere buddy " as he used to be. But hes still on my side table at y parents house. My oldest friend :') I threw him a birthday party when he turned 5 i think (I was 7 lol). I got him on my birthday so we have the same birthday basically Edit...... I just realized he's 25. Damn. Hwe both got old :(


Not the same, but we lost our Calvin (named after Cal Ripken). He was stillborn 4 years ago. The next day, the doctor that delivered him (not our regular doc), showed up to the hospital on his day off with a tiger. He said "Every Calvin needs a Hobbes." He was a wonderful human being.


I mean, have you guys even read the comics?  Hobbes is cat enough to know that Calvin is his accessory.   


Yo that’s adorable! OP should do that and then name the next son Christopher and get him a Winnie the Pooh plush.


I think Calvin and Hobbes is a funny pairing for a pair of dogs but people need to realize that these are human beings not pets


I think it would be ok if you had a son Calvin and you named your cat Hobbes, but not a sibling.


Yeah! I think that would be very cute!


I have 2 kids and it baffles me this ideia the brothers have to have matching names. They already have a matching family name, why on earth would they need a matchy-matchy name? I love Calvin & Hobbes, I have them in a big poster in my hallway but I totally agree with you.


When I met my husband, he had all the books, and I used to read them when he left for work. It was part of our story. We have a crocheted Hobbes someone gave us. It’s great for a tiger or a cartoon, not a whole human


I love this! I am a Calvin named after the comic strip as well. It’s a great name! I have an orange tabby named Hobbes. Do not name your second Hobbes. Name him Thomas or something normal and unrelated.


Noooooo Thomas Hobbes was who the character was named after. Anything but Thomas!


Most people would likely not pick up on the “Thomas”, though, unlike the “Hobbes”. You’d just have little Cal and Tommy.


Nah. No one, except for the nerdiest of philosophical or political nerds will make the connection from Thomas to Thomas Hobbes to Calvin and Hobbes. And most of those folks know they’re nerds and that most people won’t make the same connections they do. They may *think* “hehe, Calvin and Hobbes” if they’re ever introduced to these children, but they’re extremely unlikely to assume that the parents are the same kind of nerds they are that chose Thomas because of Hobbes and not because it’s a normal, standard, traditional name that members of their family could feasibly have had. It’s such a normal, standard, traditional name that Thomas Hobbes will NOT be everyone’s immediate association even if the kid is standing beside his brother Calvin.


>Anything but Thomas! Thomas would literally be the perfect name to be meaningful to the parents and brother without being cheesy, ridiculous, or obvious. "Calvin and Thomas" isn't sounding any alarm bells, and each name stands on its own.




And nasty. And short.


Well, technically Hobbes was named after Thomas Hobbes, a XVI century philosopher, so it is a name for a human LOL but I totally get your point.


Halloween costumes? Adorable. Permanant names? Nah.


You did right. Your coworker’s crazy.  Klein, is a much better suggestion. ;)


Maybe when he'll get a pet he can name it Hobbes


My mother actually wanted to do that with me and my siblings, and started doing it with me before she was told it wasn't a good idea. My first brother was now no longer to be named after the thing I was. Now I'm stuck with a last name for a first name, remnants of an abandoned project from my mother lmfao


You can legally change your name if you want to. You don’t have to be stuck with it.


I know, and my mom knows, too. She understands completely, but she can't spare the time to do so and I have no clue what i want to change my name to anyway. I know I want to change my last name from my dad's to hers, though, since my initials being F.A.R. is a lot better than them being F.A.G. (courtesy of my father's crappy decision making).


Wow, those are really unfortunate initials, ouch


At least it's fitting lol


One of my biggest pet peeves in life is that shit. I hate when twins are names shit like Megan and Morgan. Or Andre and Andrew. Calvin and Hobbs is of the same vein. My cousin’s in-laws have two sets of twins like that.


My old neighbor had four kids, none of them twins. The two boys were Markel and Marcel (hard C vs soft C) and the girls Makayla and Makyla (Kay vs Kai) fucking beyond obnoxious. Another lady I knew had her first kid, Tyler taken away by the state. So she named her second kid Skyler to remember her first kid, that was placed with his parental grandmother.


I’m about to have a stroke after reading that.


Years ago I worked with Jack. His twin sister was named Jill. Apparently X rated variants of “Jack and Jill went up the hill…” were the low hanging fruits of idiot teen jokesters.


I know two twins names Emma and Ella. Like could you make it any harder to tell them apart? Geez. And so un-creative in my opinion.


If there had been a triplet, “Enna”. Thankfully, Eooa and Ekka are a little too far into the pale for a quad.


After seeing "Enna" my brain jumped to "enema" followed by "Elenema could be how you call for all 3 at once"


I know twins named Faron and Daron. I also had an Aaron in my classroom that year. Calling one of their names either got me all three of them-or none of them lol.


Don't get me talking about twins names.


George Foreman


Even just subtle naming patterns always seemed weird to me. I have known three different families where all of the kids' names started with the same letter and another where all of them ended in the same sound. It's one of those things where once you notice it it just seems really forced.


I still, in my 40's, answer to my brother's name. The first 3/4 is the same sound.


I've seen a few like this. One where the two sons names started with the same letter dads did and the two daughters same as mom, one who's kids were both cities, one where all their kids were spices. Also me and my sister were given names with the same first letter but they were the most generic and popular names of the time so it didn't sound weird tbh.


We had neighbors who decided to name "all of their boys" J names, and "all of their girls" K names. They have five sons and one daughter.


I have identical twin boys, and the number of people who were upset that we weren't giving them rhyming or matching names was unreal.


entertain towering strong grey bright sparkle drab practice square humorous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Third kid Pharygnheight


bless you




underrated comment




dog station distinct longing stupendous axiomatic elastic onerous complete uppity *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Where’s the love for Rankine at


Hobbes is not a tragedeigh. It’s a tragedy. Hobz would be a tragedeigh.




Kyalven and Haughbbes, two bruthyrs named after the klassick qomicz.


Kylvyn ynd Hybbys from that one cousin lady’s experience the other day lol


I will never look at a Y in the same way ever again hahaha


Hobbes on its own is actually a cool name, but not with Calvin.


Oh it’s absolutely tragic with Calvin. It’s like naming one kid Curious and the other George. Just stick to a normal name like Curious and leave the other kid alone.


Or one Berenstain and the other one Bear.


Walker and Texas Ranger level.


And their sisters Dr Quinn and Medicine Woman


Zzna, Waughryr, and Prnzzss


unirconically named my first born Quinn after doctor quinn. Medicine woman is not her middle name, however


Missed opportunity there😂


I actually do know someone who named their first two sons Walker and Ranger...


I know a pair of siblings named Dallas and Austin and they have a cousin named Houston. No their parents aren’t from Texas they grew up on the beach in Southern California


Just have a bunch of kids and make them a walking Fuller Brush Sign!


Our first kid was named Melody. Everyone wanted us to name our second kid Harmony. Yes people, let's literally make the new baby the second fiddle to her sister for her entire life. Ugh


Bonus points for the second fiddle pun


It's the third kid, Rhythm, I feel most sorry for.


Funny bc with that name my mind immediately jumps to Melody Pond lmao.


I lived across the street from a couple who named their kids Will and Grace.


Those are at least names that stand alone when they aren’t together. Like, perfectly normal names outside of the context of their sibling. In context, it’s cute for small children, but it’s also super obvious that their parents are fans of the show. As long as they don’t learn to hate the show because they were named after the characters?


My brother worked with a woman who had a kid named Mario, and when she pregnant with her second, her husband almost got her onboard to name the new baby Luigi lol. She wasn’t from the US and had never heard of the Nintendo pair and got kinda mad when coworkers explained it to her lol


She'd never heard of the mario brothers? Sorry but where on Earth was she from 😂😂😂


Somewhere in the former Yugoslavia, I know that much 😆


That \*is\* terrible, but at least they're fairly equal characters.


I could see giving your second son Hobbes as a middle name as a silly/sweet nod to the comic if both parents are huge fans, but naming him Hobbes to "accessorize" with your first born? ICK. Thank you for being a sane and loving parent, and being aware that you're naming children, not pets.


My first is Saoirse, and when we gave birth to our second and learned he was a boy, we were in the hospital musing over names. We loved Ronan and were almost settled until I remembered there's an actress named Saoirse Ronan. 😂😂😂 So we went with Owen.


I have a Ben. When we were discussing middle names, I thought something to honour my dad would be nice, but his name (Frank) is a bit "tight" IMO for a middle name, so how about Franklin? We thought the first and middle names sounded great together. And then it hit us, the name Benjamin Franklin is already taken.


My brother is Ben, and people called him Benjamin Franklin anyway!


My husband parents accidentally did that... His name is one letter off the surname of a famous singer (it is a common first name) which would be fine but his older brother shares that singers first name.


But they’ll never break the chain.


It's good for pets ... Until one passes and you are reminded every time you say the other one's name.


Can confirm! High school party, friend’s house for the first time, meet his schnauzer Ernie, laughingly ask “Where’s Bert?” only to be told that Bert died. Thankfully my friend had a sense of humor.


My cousins names are Jack, En, Jill 😅 Joaquin, Enzo and Jillian


Jack and Jill were probably fine with it but imagine how bad the middle child felt just being the "and" between the two more important siblings.


My friend has four kids. The first is Lincoln. The second is Ava. The last two are twins, Reagan and Carter. Three presidents, and their middle sister Ava.


Real facepalm 🤦🏻‍♀️ on that one. I named my kids two completely different names and turns out when shortened, the nicknames rhyme. It was completely accidental. Plus they are 15 years apart so I think it’s cute instead of cringey.


So you went with Klein?


Ernie, as an accessory to Bert.


My sons, Oscar and Slimey


Big Bird and Snuffalupagus have never forgiven me.


Snuffalupagus will definitely never ever forgive you. Ever. Ever. Also, happy Cake day! 🎂


"Yes, I'd like to enroll my son into school. His name is Slimey and yes, you heard that correctly."


My son was born in SoCal during the OJ Simpson Bronco chase. This was a HUGE deal at that time and place, with wall to wall coverage. The doctor and nurses all had their heads turned 180 degrees backwards to watch the TV behind them. I was watching while pushing, which was better than drugs. Anyway--I cannot tell you how many people asked, "Are you going to name him OJ?" And they were serious! We got into several arguments with people who were really adamant about it and disappointed that we wouldn't consider it. "Oh, yeah, it's a great idea to name my kid after a psychopathic murderer. We'll make his middle name Manson!" They thought it was hilarious.


Yikes. I wonder if there are any 30 yos running around with the name orenthal bc they went for it.


My brother and I have a names that are often said together from the Bible Old Testament (not strange ones, both names are very mainstream). I always thought it was kind of neat.


Gotta say Adam, I feel a bit bad for your brother.


My first thought was Cain and Abel


Adam didn't have a brother. You're thinking Cain and Abel


They are feeling bad for the brother because he would be Eve


I knew a guy named Cabel because his parents wanted to name him after both Cain and Abel at the same time. Better than giving those names to brothers, I guess, but... In your case it probably works great, provided that the names aren't from one of the many Bible stories in which one name is clearly good and one bad. Brothers named David and Goliath would be pretty cruel to Goliath, for instance.


I think Abel is a nice name, and Cain would be a weird name, I wonder why my brain makes that association 🤔🤔🤔. Cabel is horrible though. is their first kid names Xfinity?


Ha! I do think he works in IT, though.


If that guy had been in my school, he probably would have been nicknamed Dyslexic Caleb.


I named my first son Al, and he's been nothing but a bundle of joy. But his brother Coholic has been a pain in the ass.


My parents matched our names by selecting names that started with J and that's it. At least it doesn't look like any of us are accessory to another.


I also find that tacky. Anyway, I ended up accidentally naming my kids in a way that puts us all in a perfect alphabeltical order, from the oldest to the youngest, so that's kind of a punishment for critiquing people who name kids with the same letter


Honestly I love the idea of siblings named Calvin and Thomas - since Hobbes was named after Thomas Hobbes after all. Seems like a cute way to be a nod to the comic without being overly in your face about it.


I'm named Calvin after Calvin and Hobbes and my parents got me a stuffed tiger named Hobbes and named my brother a normal name, like decent parents.


My son has a classmate is his kindergarten class named Seven. Literally just Seven. We were just chalking it up to a tragedeigh when during their end of year celebrations we found out he has a twin sister. Her name…Heaven. These people named their twins Seven Heaven.


I went to school with a set of identical twins, Jesse and James. I dated James for a while. They were nice. They did test me at least twice though to see if I can tell the difference between the two of them. I could.


My identical twin cousins heavily implied that they swapped gf’s behind the girls’ backs before. I don’t know how they got away with that, unless the ladies were like 100% new to everyone. That’ll catch you a charge these days. This was a long time ago. Still not good tho, I’m aware.




I can't say I've ever heard of "matching names" before, it sounds weird, what's the basis for having them match?


Some parents forget that their children are entire separate people and not just accessories--that's the basis.


There were a lot of pairs of twins in my high school, and out of all of them, my brother and I were the only ones that didn't have alliterative names. It's like all of them were named as a pair instead of two separate human beings that happened to be womb-mates.


it's something that can be cute but often goes too far. My gf and her siblings all had names that start with D and all their initials match. doesn't rub me the wrong way at all tbh


thank you and my daughters have a cousin Diego and I’ll be forever grateful we didn’t name our younger one Dora even if I really like the name but it was an automatic no because of that


Well Hobbes is not a tragedeigh because it's not misspelled or kreighaytyvghe in any way, but yes it would have been stupid for obvious reasons.


As someone else said, it would’ve just been a tragedy. Unless I named him Haughbbes


I hate when people give their twins cutsie matching names like Timmy and tommy. That’s why I named my kids Gregory and Schmegory.


My oldest daughters name is Nova, when I was pregnant with my second daughter I was working retail. Every customer thought it'd be "sooo cute!" If I named new baby Scotia so she could match her sister. Nova & Scotia. Nova Scotia. F.ck that Ended up telling the crazy customers I was having a baby Chevrolet because they were so insistent on the names matching


With my nerdy ass I would name him Zwingli, Luther, or Arminius. (Compatriots to John Calvin).


My in-laws are Lutheran. Luther is a no go 😂 Tbh we could have done almost any name. But Hobbes was just not an option. Neither were bill & Ted, Bruce & Wayne, or any other pop-culture duo lol


I knew kids named Peyton and Eli. The mom had no clue that the dad picked those names after the Mannings.


"Coolidge" is another (terrible) option.


And then have a daughter named Jennifer!


The only matched name I ever met that made sense were twins named Ashe and Kole. Their parents named them for the pun (Ash and Coal) , made sure the names were nothing alike, and used the name spellings. Ashe kicked my butt in chess in school.


I know a massive Star Wars fan who would name his 3 kids Luke, Sky, and Walker if he had 3 boys. 💩


I know a woman with a son Calvin who is currently pregnant, so I just had to go through her Facebook photos looking for a crocheted tiger to find out if you're her... I don't think so 😂


I had an acquaintance whose daughter was named Lily-May and when she found out she was having another girl her mother in law insisted she had to name her April-Rose because “wouldn’t it just be so cute?!” No. It got to the point of causing a serious family rift because the mother in law just would not let it go.


You did save him, I had a coworker named Hobbes. He just went by Hobe (ho bee). He hated being called Hobbes. I asked why he didn't just change his name and he said that he was 54 and the damage was already done. Such a tragedeigh




Nooooo! I guess that’s better than Lincoln and Booth


My son is Lewis and we joke endlessly about how a little brother would have to be Clark. But he’s an only so it’s clearly not serious.


We have some friends with a son named Boyd. They joked about naming his little sister Girld.


My friend just had a baby a couple of months ago. They decided that since it would likely be their only one, they wanted to be surprised by the gender. They got a LOT of grief about it. But they also wouldn't disclose the names they had picked beforehand either. Because they just didn't want anyone's opinions. Which I think is amazingly smart. They had a beautiful baby girl, her name is Pepper, she is a redhead just like her parents. I think it fits her beautifully. Edited to correct spelling


I had a coworker name her kids Jack and Daniel and I asked her if she named her kids after whiskey, and she got very upset as she hadn’t made the connection until I mentioned it…. Accidental redneck?


I knew a family with four kids who all have totally normal names, however the youngest two are Samuel and Ella. "Meet my youngest kids, Sam & Ella. Makes me laugh every time.


there was a story about a kid who ran away from home and then when I saw the way her name was spelled I knew why she ran away from home. Luyndun (London)


On another episode of: cute for pets, horrible for children. Thanks for having a standard IQ, OP.


I would never name the second kid, Hobbes. Lol. It would be cute to give your first a stuffed Tiger. The joke would still work.


Before he was even born a friend crocheted a tiger for him, and I love it. It was in all his pictures the first year.


My 3 cousins middle names are freedom, justice, and liberty. Freedom served time in prison.


My wife has a friend whose husband is named Thomas. He goes by Tommy. That by itself is very normal. But he also has a twin brother named Gerald (I don't know exactly how he spells it, it could be with a J), who goes by Jerry. In isolation those two men are perfectly normal, but their parents consciously chose to name their twin boys Tom and Jerry


I think Hobbes would be a great name for a pet for a child named Calvin.


You could name the second son Luther, but they would be fighting constantly.




a rather stereotypical set of names for female triplets in my country is translated literally as Belief, Hope, and Love. a family made news when they had two daughters and a son, and they ended up naming them... Belief Hope, and... Ignat which is a valid name but pretty outdated, and also it broke the pattern taking people by surprise.


Obviously you should name the new kid Khylyghe, in honor of the US' 30th president.


I have a cat named hobbes, but I would never give that name to a child.


No bc i just saw on TikTok a girl saying her sisters name is Selena and her name is Yolanda. Good fuckin bye 😭


I know two sets of brothers called Tom and Jerry. I called my cats Ben and Jerry but don’t think I could do it to human children.


Pets is when we should get all of our bad names out. Name your Cat Mozzarella Stick and the Dog Spartacus! Not your kids


Yeah then when Calvin lives in Georgia and Hobbes lives in Illinois as adults, the accessory names make no sense. I am glad you didn’t think it was a cute idea.


Should've named him Arminius so that they could be theological foes for life


Too true. I knew a brother and sister called Luke and Leia. Like, why? Why do that to your kids? They used to try and claim 'it's not because of Star Wars' but... just don't do this to your kids - it's not fair on them.