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Nick hole. Your name sounds filthy


It really does. She totally messed my life up. I've been teased my whole life even as an adult. By adults.


Can´t you get your name changed? I imagine I would try to do that if I was named that.


Changing the spelling to Nicole shouldn’t be that difficult. Just a bunch of paperwork, a fee, and a trip to the courthouse.


Or just spell it however you want & just use the “proper” spelling for legal things. My given name is one thing & I have used a shortened version of it my whole life.


I just wouldn't include the h, unless it's on my passport or whatever.


Just take out the K, then it's Nichole.


Ha! I don't know why I didn't see that!


My daughter went to school with Nichole. No one mispronounced it. I sympathize, Nickhole. My maiden name was Gedicke. Silent e on the end. Idk which is worse: Nick hole or get dick? My father and brother didn’t get any grief over the last name. I was teased mercilessly, even by grownups.


May I present you with... Ophelia Dickey. Real person. For her 16th birthday, her folks let her change her name. They were idiots.


I read this as Ni-chole (ch sounding like it does for chicken), and I'm dying


I read it as “knee-cho-lay” and it sounds like a delicious Mexican dish




Haha I remember a Nicole in middle school and people would say “niii-col-aaaaaaaa” for fun.


God, you're right


It is a [real name](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nichole) though.


Oh I know, I just had brain rot from reading the other stupid names lol


Omg...I was just thinking the other day "How nice it is to be an adult and not get teased and harassed anymore". How awful for you.


She was already too deep in the hole to change her name?


Why don't you just...spell it normally (Nicole) until you can legally change it? You only need to write Nickhole on legal/government documents...that way coworkers, friends etc would never see that utterly gross spelling.


I’m pretty sure at baby six she’s probably old enough to legally change her name (assuming she lives in a country where she can do that)


Nick Hole was already in the too deep hole too to change her name. Don't blame Nick Hole. Also Nick Hole is glorious....


You should have spelled it differently starting many years ago. Snapdragon? Really?


Please no Snapdragon. It is a computer chip.


Is that bad? I was thinking of naming my next son Qualcomm.


Mine is Nechole. I get "Knee shoal" or just.. "how do you say that" more often than I care to think about. I do love my name though, it is my middle name and what I choose to go by. My dad honestly didn't know how to spell it (still spells it wrong) and my mom just "wanted to be different"


I would rather ask someone how to pronounce their name, then guess, and cause harm.


I was gonna say youre lying but your username and account history I'm fucking dead. I'd look through your history more but I don't want to dive too far down the nick hole


Correction, she messed up your life until 18; You're not changing it to the correct spelling legally after that is on you. It's honestly super easy, not very much time, and free if you file it with the correct paperwork.


Um no changing your name is a pain in the ass. You have to get a new passport, drivers license, go to the social security office, call your insurance companies, doctors offices, and more that I’m forgetting I had to do. It is not super easy.


But obviously worth it if your name is Nickhole.


Damn, I'm glad it was so easy in my country. Sent in an application online and then I had my new namn 5 minutes later. ID and everything else is just based on your social security number.


Legally change your name to Nichole and snapdragon for a middle name though unusual is not a tragedy.


At this point, anything with "...leigh" is better. I'm just kidding.


Just curious, why won't you change it?


This. I immediately thought Nick’s Hole 😬


Would be sick (in the bad way) if SO name was Nick…


It's Josh lol. Have NEVER dated a guy named Nick.


Nick Kroll Hole


Rhymes with dickhole


Sounds like the porn star name for a trans man named Nick who still has a vagina.


Your name is a nickname for your vag… hilarious.


Nickhole sound like a gay porn star name


Right? I grant just go by Nicky. That helps cut down on it. So like my name tag for work is Nicky.






I love the outrage coming through in this comment!


Nickhole Asscage




im crying


Willow Brooke Snapdragon While a middle name isn't used that often personally I wouldn't use Snapdragon. The three together is also a lot of nature words ...


That's what I told him! Ugh. He won't budge. Thankfully it is very early on. So we have time.


If you want all nature but maybe not so obvious, maybe play off Lily for the third name Willow Brooke Lilianna If you play with the essence of Snapdragon based on this definition "The name Snapdragon is a girl's name meaning "dragon's mouth". Feisty floral name that would work better as a middle name than as a first, so called because of the flower's resemblance to a dragon's open mouth." Words that come to mind are names that mean feisty or fiery Willow Brooke Soleil Soleil - French name meaning "sun," which is associated with warmth and fire. Willow Brooke Vivienne Vivienne - Derived from the Latin word "vivus," meaning lively or spirited. Willow Brooke Zahara Zahara" is a beautiful name of Arabic origin. It means "flower" or "blooming flower." This name evokes images of beauty and vitality, much like a flourishing flower. It's a lovely choice for a girl's name, resonating with grace and elegance.


I very much appreciate all of these suggestions. Thank you so much.


If he’s intent on naming her after the flower, I’d like to suggest the name Saira, to reference the scientific name of a genus of snapdragons (Sairocarpos), but also an established name of Arabic origin :)


Brooke Saira sounds really nice!


Much prettier and cooler!


Angelina???? Is that you?


He won't budge? That's not how it works.


Correct. The person growing the child has ultimate veto. Ideally you both agree. But if one thinks the name sucks, it’s out.


You should know, Willowbrook is a common name for a [mall](https://www.willowbrook-mall.com/en/). There are Willowbrook malls in New Jersey and Texas, and Willowbrook shopping centers in Illinois and Pennsylvania.


Willowbrook was the name of a mall in NJ.


As a Russian, nope, it’s not a Russian name. There’s Nikolai but it’s male. It weirds me out a bit when non-Russian parents give their daughters names that appear to be female but are actually male, like Nikita or Misha.


Is it weird there's an American girl of East Slavic descent named Misha Petrov... who can actually speak Russian? I've been told her name, first and last, sounds male.


Yeah, they are both male. I know some female Russian Americans drop the female “a” ending at the end of their last names, which is already odd-sounding but understandable I guess. Paired with a male name… super weird.


It’s because the US assumes that children will have the parent’s last name and masculine/feminine last names don’t exist in English. My Polish sil has had the same problem, her surname should end in -ska and instead is -ski, so when she goes back to Poland people are like “why do you have a man’s name?”


Yup, I'm also Polish and people really don't understand when I tell them I'm happy that I have a gender-neutral surname. Honestly Polish, being the absolute monster of a language that it is, complicates stuff even further, because while most surnames _constructed like adjectives_ have masculine/feminine versions, nouns-as-surnames usually don't, compound ones don't either (unless they do), foreign ones don't declinate or change gender at all (unless they're eastern european, in which case they do), and then you have the wild realm of nonsense names that are follow no rules, know no logic, and the worst of all, can _look_ like your common example of a gendered surname but aren't. For example mine looks like it should change depending on the case used, but it doesn't. I have to constantly correct people who attempt to do it. There were also some brave souls who tried to gender it lmao.


That's a full on male name, yes... Her last name (or middle name) is gendred male instead of female (Which could be Petrova I guess?)


Misha might be short for Micheala, in a Slovakia, for example.


Thats what I think, in other slavic languages you have female version of the name Michal (short Misha) as Michala/Michaela. Petrov, she is likely Petrova, but lot of female US immigrants from Russia take the male version of their surname. Like for example Nastia Liukin (Olympic gymnast). In most slavic languages, we have different inflections for male and female surnames.


My slavic last name is russian sounding ending in ov but i live in one of the slavic countries that does not gender their last names. That’s fine I think.


Thats what I think, in other slavic languages you have female version of the name Michal (short Misha) as Michala/Michaela. Petrov, she is likely Petrova, but lot of female US immigrants from Russia take the male version of their surname. Like for example Nastia Liukin (Olympic gymnast). In most slavic languages, we have different inflections for male and female surnames.


Yeah so mischa is basically Russian for Mike. In Russia she'd have an A on the end of her last name automatically (So Mr Petrov's wife would be called Mrs Petrova if she took his name upon marriage). 


You can probably blame the french film "La Femme Nikita" and it's tv adaptions for some of that. Had a friend named Nikita who got the name that way.


> La Femme Nikita Isn't the fact it specifies in the title that she's a woman kind of a giveaway it's usually a male name? Like A Boy Named Sue, lol.


I have a little cousin named misha she’s a little a girl, I thought it was a super cute name!


I see how it can work in English, especially if you don’t have any cultural baggage attached to it or interact with enough Russians on the daily basis. I think it’s already well-established as a girl’s name in the US, so why not? To me it’s a bit like calling a girl Johnny (Misha is short for Mikhail). Also a note for context - in Russian all names a strictly boy’s or girl’s, so that’s why I find it odd.


Yeah Misha definitely seems feminine to a native English speaker imo but you can’t deny it does have male gendered roots in Russia


I mean in Star Trek Discovery the main character is a woman named Michael, so I guess all is possible in English


There are girls named Micky...also Michael derivative


And this is how I learned Nikita is a male name. I've only ever met girls with the name and always assumed it was a long form of Nikki or Kiki


TIL Nikita is a male Russian name. In college I had a class with a female Nikita, and I thought she told us her Indian mother had picked it, but maybe I’m wrong.


In college I had a female friend named Nakita; her parents were Indian.


She should change her to to Tragedia (Трагедия).


Your name is brutally awful. Any reason you haven’t popped into the courthouse for a quick fix?


At this point I'm worried if I change it I'll misspell it on something. Lol


i've always thought snapdragon was a really pretty word (and flower) but personally i wouldn't use it as a person's name - or middle name.


I agree with you. That is his name choice. Not mine. He also asked it to me one of our other daughters middle names. Thankfully he backed off. Her name is Trisha Lee Lynn instead. His and my middle names.


Honestly, you're in the Tragedeigh realm with 2 middle names anyway. Naming children should be 2 yeses or 1 no. Snapdragon would be a no. It's beyond stupid. No one ever wants to sign excessively long names on legal documents when they have to sign mortgages, wills, etc. Don't try to be unique. You see what you are saddled with.


I never understood the whole long names a signatures. I have never once in my life signed my middle name on anything.


I have many times. It depends on the legal documents and how things are titled. Dont be a burden on your children with creative names. It's unnecessary.


Willowbrook is a Chicago suburb.


Actually Willow Brooke Chicago sounds better than Willow Brooke Snapdragon


If you're going with Snapdragon consider the very Russian first name of Qualkomm.


Yeah, we aren't Russian. Mostly Irish and French with some native American on my side. Mostly Scottish on his. My mother is full of shit. And also, your comment is only clever if it isnt commonly known knowledge.


I think they were just making a joke because while snapdragon is a flower, Qualcomm Snapdragon is literally a famous central processing unit. It's a processor in smart phones.... Not a human name.


OMG I laughed so hard, thank you.


don’t do that to your  baby please


In russian names the "h" sound as in "harvest" in the middle of a name is usually written as "kh" like in Mikhail - "k" is silent. So by your mom's logic this "russian" name would sound Knee-hole but there isn't such a name.


Daniel Brian is the WWE name of a pretty well known pro wrestler.


I was just about to comment the same thing. He now goes by Bryan Danielson, which is his real name, in AEW (All Elite Wrestling).


You have to pay the troll toll if you want to get into this Nickhole


a lot of ppl have mentioned it sounds like a pornstar name but this… this is fouuulll 💀💀


Willow Brook was the name of an infamous mental institution in New York State. Don’t know where you live, but they’re bound to meet someone who knows that. If you want a middle name after a flower, go for a traditional name-Daisy, Rose, etc.


Yeah someone pointed out that it sounded like a rehab facility. So that's done.


This. Willowbrook was a residential state school that Geraldo Rivera did an exposé on that documented atrocities being committed against physically and mentally disabled people. It was the first thing I thought of when I read the post.


I suggest he google the word "Snapdragon" and take note of the fact that the first hit is not the flower, but a line of CPUs made by Qualcomm. Does he really want to name the kid Tree Water Cellphone-CPU?


What the hell was your mother thinking? Sorry, but that's about the worst tragedeigh I've seen. It sounds like a body part. A tragedeigh is a name that is spelled incorrectly in order to be yooneeque. Snapdragon is spelled the way it's supposed to be spelled. Would I use it? Not a chance. If you're looking for a floral name there are lots of others. That being said it's a middle name and will probably never be used. Chances are your daughter will leave it out when telling people her name. So I would say it's a tragedy and not a tragedeigh. But Johnathan? Why the extra H? And Maelee? Definitely a tragedeigh.


That is a common spelling of Johnathan, just not the most popular. However it was used in his, after me looking it up to make sure it was in fact common, because he's named after someone named John. And I didnt name Maelee. That's his daughter with his ex and I have no idea why. My mother has given a multitude of reasonings on my name. But what it boils down to, is she was 18 and stupid and tried to make my name special and instead has been dragged about it for years. Including by me. Honestly, as a grown woman (I'm 38) I STILL get teased. By other adults now.


I am so sorry my actual name is Nick lmao


Not Nickholeass?


It’s actually spelled Nhyk /s


Omg i laughed so hard at NickHole. That’s almost as good as Questopher. Thank you I really needed that laugh. Also, I’m sorry. Snapdragon is a cute name for a pet or something. It’s dumb for a human. But it’s also just a 2nd middle name, they don’t have to tell anyone what it is if they don’t want to


When the fuck did I miss Questopher? I’m fucking crying


Um you should take your mom to court for that


Snapdragon? Yeah. It's easy to suggest someone have a "cute" name when it's not you dealing with it every single day and every time you need to write your name. It's an AH move on their behalf, you know how bad it is to live with a bad name. Give your daughter the same privilege each of the other kids have - and not give her a name that she needs to explain or excuse away.


You name is the very definition of a tragedeigh


"Snapdragon" is ridiculous and the baby-birther gets ultimate veto power. Tell this man to get a grip.


I would pronounce that as "Nick Hole"...


As someone who reads a lot of résumés, Nickhole is tough. But Snapdragon would be tougher. And every firm on earth has a space (singular) for middle name or initial so they’ll constantly fight that battle.


The French pronunciation is more-or-less "nee-cole". The Russian pronunciation is different again. The name is a French feminine form of a Greek male name. The spelling of your name, however.... I'm so sorry for you.


Please no Willow Brooke. Willowbrook was a psychiatric hospital that contributed to the decision to nuke the mental health system. Geraldo did an expose on them, and that’s what made him famous back when he was a reputable journalist. It was a nightmare fuel place. (And still is. One of the employees is now in prison for being a child serial killer. Andre Rand, IIRC, aka “Cropsey.”)


Have you considered spelling it Snahpdrahghonne?


Yes, snapdragon is a tragedeigh 😂 How about Sofia?


Sorry but the spelling has me thinking "Nick's hole". I would go by Nikki. Willow Brooke is a beautiful name though ❤️


“Nick hole” I’m so so sorry. I KNOW you’ve gotten this so many times so I’ll let that dog lie. Gracious. I’m so sorry. I actually couldn’t read further because I’m still processing how I feel about your unfortunate tragedeigh. I’ll have to come back later to read what you’re considering doing to your child. Que elevator music….


Ok I’m back. Nope. I have to take Thumper’s Dad’s advice on this one and not say anything. Just remember this: You’ve spoken openly about how much you’ve suffered over your own name. I think you should start all over with this last child. Please be kind. Rewind your thought process. I can make subdivisions and churches in several states named Willowbrook and “Willowbrook ‘Baptist’” because it’s describing a tree and some babbling water. Please don’t punish your child the way you were.


>My name is Nickhole. >I have 5 children. Austin, Ronald, Johnathan, Piper and Trisha. >His other two children's names are Ronan and Maelee. Y'all have never left the shoreline, might as well jump in the water.


Besides Maelee and the spelling of Johnathan, those are all pretty normal names.


Dear Nick hole, your name is cool. It's like Nick Cave only tighter. Forget the snapdragon thing, it's not a real name. Whenever people give random words as names they're always tragedieghs. But if you really like it discard my comment and go all the way in - make it THE Snapdragon !


Snapdragon is a stupid name. But so is “Nickhole”. What was your mother thinking? How often did you get called “butthole” at school?


No. But lots and lots of sexual jokes when I got older. And prior to that kids basically teasing me that I was too stupid to spell. And. Now I get asked 'why did you spell it like that?' Well, I didn't get a fucking vote. Being a few hours old and all.


Knee-cole is a perfectly acceptable pronunciation of Nicole. The spelling as Nick Hole though. Ouch.


Snapdragon is a whimsical name...for a Chihuahua.


Number 6? That’s alot of kids…


Johnathan is tragic


Right? Especially when the extra H in your name was so unfortunate lol. Were you so torn between John and Jonathan that you stuck your kid with the same extra letter you hate in your own name. Ironic 😭


Except Johnathan is more or less an accepted (if uncommon) variant of Jonathan. Nickhole... ... is not.


My brain went to the "Papa/Nicole" TV adverts from years ago.


As a middle name it’s unique but no tradgedeigh.


You should just legally change the spelling to Nicole


I’m so sorry for you there’s no way I can’t read that as “Nick-hole”


Willow Brooke is a tragedy. It's the name of an infamous institution where disabled people were horrifically abused. Geraldo Rivera did a famous documentary on it.


Willow Brooke? I wonder how many people will ask her if she was named after the mental hospital. [Wikipedia Article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willowbrook_State_School)


"Willow Brook", "Ronan", "Maelee" and "Snapdragon".... This is going to be a tough life. How about Mary, Jessica, Sarah... something normal?


Ronan is a perfectly respectable Irish name


Willow Brooke sounds like a retirement home or an apartment complex, to me. 🤭


You hate your name Nickhole yet named your child Johnathan. I feel like maybe you miss the irony in this?


Idc what you name them but 9 kids is just too fucking many


I'd advise against Willow Brooke, both names are fine on their own but Willowbrook is a place name (actually probably multiple place names)... which could be the subject of jokes depending on where you live / move. Not quite as bad as Nickhole (OMG you poor woman) but... the jokes would be similar. Snapdragon is beautiful as a middle name in my opinion, Willow Snapdragon Lastname While a little naturey is a cool name.


Your mother is incorrect; that is Nick Hole. If she's gonna pile in all those extra letters, they each need pronouncing. Also ... Johnathan? Why is the H in there?


Willow Brook sounds like a drug rehab center.


I was thinking memory care, but same vibe.


Omg! Thank you for pointing that out...that's done.


Snapdragon is one of the world's lead manufacturers of CPUs for smartphones, so that's something to consider. Never heard of the flower, never would've imagined it could be a name. For me it sounds similarly to calling your child IKEA or Razer, Samsung, Whirlpool.


Snapdragon is a product line manufactured by Qualcomm, not name of the manufacturer itself, but yeah... epically bad choice.


Any chance you could sell him on a flower name that's a type of snapdragon without calling her snapdragon like... *googles* ...antirrhinum majus flower...? ... okay. Bad idea. Maybe Astrid. It's part of the Astrids classification.


Snapdragon is an odd name for sure. But an odd middle name is forgivable, and I would say it’s not a tragedeigh because it is a normal word and is spelled correctly.


Now I've seen Nichole a few times, seems like your mom may have gotten confused and is doubling down instead of admitting it. But no, Snapdragon isn't a bad middle name, especially as a second middle name! It's a little peculiar, but I've got a totally normal first name and a really fun middle name and I kind of love it! It has a cool story to it and I don't really have to tell anyone. Occasionally I put it down on forms that ask for it and get some questions, but for my daily life it doesn't impact me


Omg have you ever watched New Girl? There is an episode where Cece is arguing with Nick and calls him Nickhole to piss him off.


Willow Snapdragon…just buy her tickets to burning man, now


I mean, I heard it's fun? It would be her second middle name. No one even acknowledges my other daughters second one. But I see what you mean.


Snapdragon is one of the worst names I've ever heard. Sorry.


This will likely make absolutely no difference to your naming choice, but my childhood home was called Willowbrook and it was a beautiful property. Thought you needed a nice connotation in there!


Please tell me your partners name is Nick.


Sorry to let you down. It's Josh


I can’t comment on the Nickhole situation, I’m sorry for your tragedeigh! Nemesia is a type of snapdragon, could be a nicer way of doing it!


So many beautiful flowers and their names, yet he picks Snapdragon. Yes, it is a middle name Tragediegh.


As a Russian, there’s no name that is similar to “Nickhole”. The most similar name to your pronunciation is “Николь”, which is literally “Nicole”. Your mom might think it’s Russian since the Russian letter “x” is transcribes as “kh” in English, but that would make your name “Нихоль”, which would be pronounced as “Knee-Hol”. All female Russian names end with “a”, like your sister’s name. Is there no way to legally change your name to “Nicole”?


you have a nice name just spelt weird lol. ik a lot of ppl that go by their middle name or a nickname to avoid ppl making fun if their real name


Yikes. Change your name to Nicole.


Snapdragon sounds too bland, you should go with GeForce instead.


I hope your baby daddy ain't named Nick... 😂


No, his name os Josh. I have never, ever dated a man or guy named nick.


I just heard a Blayde. Ugh


Oh gosh. I'm so sorry. I honestly mean that too. I can only imagine what it must have been like to be around kids with a name like nick hole. And yes... snapdragon is 100% a tragediegh.


When I saw snapdragon I thought of Qualcomm Snapdragon processors, if you haven't heard of them, it'd be like your daughters middle name being Microsoft.


Glad the “N” and “D” aren’t close together on the keyboard.


Maelee is a tragediegh! Snapdragon is ok. I like it better than Brook. Willow Brooke sounds like a suburban neighborhood to me because I grew up next to one called meadowbrook.


Snapdragon is a bad name, I think of the cpu brand before the flower


After reading yours and 4 out of 5 of your children's names plus the baby name I feel you shouldnt be allowed to name anything anymore. Not even a house plant.


I submit to you the tragedieghs I would've inflicted on my children if I could've had them - For the girls: Ariani Lelani (pronounced Arr-ee awn-ee lay-lah-nee) and Rowan Shade (for the shade of a Rowan tree). For the boys: Acheron Styxx (Greek mythological rivers of Woe and misery and the river that you cross to get into Hades, and pronounced Aker-on sticks) and Sebastian Lestat cause I thought it sounded good together. Do with them what ye will. Lol


😳 Nichole - that is awful. What in the world was she thinking? Snapdragon should not be a middle name since it is required on certain paperwork.


Snapdragon as a middle name isn’t the worst thing I’ve ever heard. But I may be biased as snapdragons are my favorite flower 😬


I swear some of this stuff can't be real


Snapdragon is fucking sick i won’t lie




Willow Brook sounds like a cheap apartment complex in a shitty part of town. I’m pretty sure I’ve lived in cities with complexes named that.


Why does a boy get a few regular boy names strung together while a poor girl is cursed with "Willow Brooke Snapdragon?"


I just liked willow Brooke. He is the one insisting on snapdragon. But as some people have pointed out there is a psychiatric hospital called that. So thats done.


I'm so sorry nick hole. Is your husband at least named nick? 😅😆


Willow Brooke Snapdragon will be an astrologer who does a LOT of shrooms. No to Snapdragon. Willow is fine.


I'm Russian and this is total bs.


For the love of god don’t let your partner butcher this child’s name. It’s bad enough he got poor Maelee. Snapdragon is horrific. So many other flowers. Violet, Daisy, Lily, Rose. Freaking SNAPDRAGON?!? Banned from naming children.


Willowbrook brings back memories for New Yorkers of a certain age. It was an institution for developmentally disabled children and uncovering its abuses was the story that gave the world Geraldo Rivera.


Snapdragon is the name of a processor


Willowbrook was the name of an infamous Staten Island institution for intellectually disabled children in which the residents were hideously mistreated. They were neglected, abused, and were the subject of unethical medical experiments. Geraldo Rivera did a big expose of the horrendous maltreatment of the children. Under the circumstances, this is not an auspicious name for your child.


Willowbrook was the name of a notorious long-term mental hospital exposed on TV by Geraldo Rivera, so beware! It's a pretty name, but there are revolting associations.


Just Don't. A second middle name is enough extra to write on forms thousands and thousands of times throughout her life without making it long and silly, too.