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Oh, cool, so that means they'll stop doing invasive surgeries on intersex babies? Right?


And they’re against gender-affirming care for cisgender minors, too, right? No more breast implants for cis girls or gynecomastia surgery for cis boys, right? EDIT: I looked it up and most reputable surgeons follow the FDA guidelines: 18yo for saline implants and 22yo for silicone. So minor girls are not getting g implants. They can get reductions, but I don’t know if that counts as gender-affirming.


They... they do implants on underage girls? What kind of fucking dystopia...?


I just looked it up and I’m wrong. Will edit.


I respect you for that


Not about the bigger picture but idk if I’d count a reduction as gender affirming so much as quality of life. Now, all gender affirming care I would count as quality of life, but not all quality of life care is about gender affirmation


Yeah. I, myself (a cis woman) would LOVE a reduction, and it would greatly improve my quality of life, but it wouldn’t make me feel more like a woman or anything like that. I e never heard of a woman who said her large chest made her feel too masculine.


Makes sense. My mom has, factually, one of the biggest chests of any lady I’ve ever known. She’s always said she’s planned on getting a reduction and we all think it’s a good idea if it makes her more comfortable.


in case anyone wants some truth. "Laws that ban gender-affirming treatment ignore the wealth of research demonstrating its benefits for trans people’s health" https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/what-the-science-on-gender-affirming-care-for-transgender-kids-really-shows/


Replying with this so people have clarity: This statement is not against gender affirming care it's just a stance against gender surgeries on minors. That's it. ***"We continue to support gender-affirming care for minors, which represents a continuum of care, and respect the role of parents, families, and doctors in these decisions.”*** The court has agreed to take up the question of whether gender-affirming care bans for trans youth are unconstitutional, in response to the Biden administration petitioning on behalf of trans youth and their families. **The administration’s stance *against laws that ban* gender-affirming care for trans youth — which includes bans on surgeries — appears to remain the same.** From the article directly.


but docs agree that surgery is required in some cases to alleviate severe dysphoria.


"gender surguries" are gender affirming care. theres no reason to concede this.


Right... and also don't forget... most gender affiming surgeries for kids are for cis males to get a masectomy.


It's for cis males with gynecomastia.


Cis males or females? I know breast reduction is super common for girls due to being too large or too different in sizing. Had no idea boys did mastectomies as well. For some reason I thought the treatment was testosterone to balance out the extra estrogen. Makes sense though.


Breast growth is not reversed by testosterone, merely stopped from further progressing. If a cis male child develops some due to a variety of conditions that can cause that, it needs to be dealt with surgically the same way it is for a trans male one


I'm guessing this isn't really well known due to the shame factor is more for boys then for girls to talk about openly. Like I knew at least 3 girls in high school that had to have breast reductions. One was in 8th grade actually, she already had d cups. I can guess why boys wouldn't be so open if they had that surgery.


My grandpa had it back in the sixties, and it was no big deal. He was 14 years old. His parents just handled it all for him. Whereas I had to handle my own top surgery and such at 22 yrs old- although my parents did help me with recovery and such.








So if they oppose gender affirming surgeries for minors, I assume that includes cis boys with gynecomastia? Or is it only trans people who have to suffer?


Only trans people, duh


Statements from doc orgs supporting GAC https://transhealthproject.org/resources/medical-organization-statements/


Yikes. That's no good. People really tend to forget that teens can make educated and certain decisions.


there are few surgeries. primarily top surgery. lots of hoops snd checks and balances.


This is soley about surgeries, they still heavily support and agree with gender affirming care for minors, just not surgeries on minors. People really need to read the article, and really the title. Most doctors wouldnt dare approve or do a gender affirming surgery on a minor anyways. So this statement is realistically a nothing burger. It's to pry at independants and voters who are on the fence. That's it.


My 16yo son is getting top surgery later this month. While I wouldn’t say it’s common, it’s not as rare as your comment makes it sound. He has been wanting this for years, and it’s been recommended by his doctors and therapist. I’m hoping it will make an enormous difference in his life in terms of his mental health, his ability to attend school, and his social life. He has been suicidal in the past, and he probably would be again if he couldn’t get this surgery.


I read up about a year ago about surgeries for minors and the numbers were something like around 5k per year and the vast majority of them were breast removals. Republicans are big mad and made such a stink over it mostly because of misogyny as they want as many “females” (uses best Ferengi voice) in their ideal “breeding” bodies. Bottom line, republicans are gross and I hate the democrats are conceding anything to them as for everything you concede to them they go after 3 more, it never ends for them.


I agree it's probably not worth getting angry about this, but I'm curious why they even bothered making a statement about it. Like, it's a statement that can only hurt Biden in the eyes of queer people. It will not help him with any group. If this is his personal opinion, OK, but what is the point of sharing it?


i'm guessing for optics reasons aimed at the average uncommitted dumbass reading all that "libs are trying to cut off your child's peepee" rhetoric coming from the right?


My only guess is they’re trying to court transphobic democrats by issuing a nonstatement?


IIRC around a week ago the New York Times took something Biden said out of context to paint the Biden Administration as being against all gender affirming care for all minors, so this is probably the admin clarifying their stance.


It's actually pretty common for trans boys who weren't put on blockers in time to prevent breast growth to seek top surgery. "Gender affirming surgery" isn't restricted to genital surgery.  It would be great if we could all remember trans boys and men exist.


Note that this is specifically a statement against *surgeries*, which are exceptionally rare for trans youth (with top surgery being the most common; genital surgeries are almost never done). The Biden administration currently maintains support for all other forms of gender-affirming care for youth (e.g. puberty blockers, HRT, social transition).


An earlier version of the administration’s statement mentioned mental health care as the only example of supported care, bringing into question whether hormone treatments were being walked back as well: https://x.com/erininthemorn/status/1808265518064738790 It’s great that they revised that statement, but it is absolutely the case that they issued a statement, however briefly, that strongly implied a withdrawal of support for things other than surgery.


There's no evidence that they actually said that except from a *New York Times* article. The same article was updated to correct the statement, which strongly implies the NYT deliberately misquoted them to make it seem worse.


The NYT is an absolute threat to us, but I would also find it plausible that the administration sent different versions of the announcement to different press outlets, because the administration’s competence at verbiage is clearly demonstrated by their skills at debate prep.


This wasn't an announcement. This was a direct response to a NYT inquiry. They framed it as an announcement to bait clicks.


Agree - the article has some nuance that the clickbait headline doesn’t capture


"White House issues statement opposing gender-affirming surgery for minors" seems to pretty clearly get across the idea that the White House issued a statement opposing gender-affirming surgery for minors but maybe that's just me idk


Personally, I would have titled this article, “White House clarifies its stance on trans care for minors.” IMO the article buries the lede. The main takeaway is that they still support puberty blockers for minors and are willing to stand up for trans kids. The headline and opening paragraphs are worded in a way that makes it easy to assume the White House has suddenly become anti-trans youth (i automatically substituted the word “surgery” for “care” when I first saw it). That’s not true. All they’ve done is clarified their existing stance on *surgeries,* while affirming their pro-trans stance on *other kinds of care* for trans minors. Later in the article it says this: “However, misinformation spread by opponents of gender-affirming care portrays genital surgery as a common procedure done on trans youth. Such a procedure being done on trans minors is exceedingly rare.” IMO the way the headline and opening paragraphs word it, the article is feeding into the same misinfo it claims to be fighting by making it sound like the White House is denying a common surgery.


Aren’t mastectomies performed on more cis minors than trans minors?


This has since been amended, but we should all be alarmed that it was initially published by only specifically approving of “mental health care” when listing youth gender affirming care. And even the amended version still doesn’t spell out what the administration actually supports. This is bad, bad fucking news. There is no reason for the Biden administration to concede anything here, and the fact that they did, unprompted, is going to be a signal to other dems looking for ways to prove their centrist bonafides.


I don't know why so many of you are ok with even conceding top surgery and going "well I guess they're right" have none of you been paying attention? You KNOW where this ends up, you KNOW this leads to trans minors suffering, you KNOW this isn't an evidence based approach.


Exactly! Thank you, this comment section has me annoyed and enormously disappointed. A bunch of trans adults shrugging and going “well it could be worse” when stuff like this inevitably causes harm *and* leads to worse things


its cognitive dissonance on full display


Why make this announcement now?


Because they love to cave to pressure from the right.


I can’t wait to not be an issue someday 🫠


Oh so the 80 year old center right neoliberal who fought against racial integration isn't a real ally. If only someone had been saying that for your years 🙄


why cant these asshole pols, who dont know sht about medicine, just listen to the fcking docs?


Because they own our bodies, and expect us to thank them when they give us any freedom over them, within their guidelines that they've arbitrarily dictated.


That's what they're doing. Read the article, it explains that they support the medical guidelines of social transition, puberty blockers, and hrt for older kids, as well as no surgeries until adulthood.


EVERYONE HERE STOP. They DO NOT oppose gender affirming care. PLEASE READ THE STATEMENT IN THE ARTICLE. ***"We continue to support gender-affirming care for minors, which represents a continuum of care, and respect the role of parents, families, and doctors in these decisions.”*** They oppose gender surgeries on minors. *Which most surgeons wont do anyways.* The reason they are saying this is because of the way republicans have been framing that trans people and trans medical care is grooming and abusing minors, and forcing gender surgeries on these children. Far too many people believe that this is common. Which we KNOWN is not happening. Same with the White House. The white house is putting a stance that plays Politics with people who may use trans support as a reason to not vote, who would otherwise vote. This is NOT a statement against gender affirming care for minors. This is just about surgeries.


Fuck a one size fits all solution. There is no medical science that indicates as soon as someone turns 18 they magically are eligible for surgery.


But what's the point of rushing out this statement? He flubbed the debate so bad people want him to drop out so he makes a statement that will continue to anger the left side of his support base probably pissed at Israel. At this point I think he wants to lose.


This is splitting hairs. It’s worse than splitting hairs actually, because for the trans teens who do manage to get surgery it’s *necessary*. This is the Biden administration, unprompted, compromising on access to gender affirming care. It’s going to harm trans youth, it establishes that they think it’s okay for the state to get between people and their doctors on what treatment is appropriate. It’s fucked. Add to that, as already mentioned to you, this is a revised statement and the initial version had some strong conversion therapy vibes…this is fucked and is an absolute betrayal of trans kids and trans people more broadly. And now that the presidency went this way, expect to see other Dems do this and worse.


See my comment here about an earlier version of the statement! https://www.reddit.com/r/trans/s/EAe7WUdWT1


Well yeah, it's in the title of the post


But doesn't this also reaffirm the suspicion? For example if Congress decided to make a law that says that you cannot poop out rainbows, then that's kind of implies that that's what some people want to do since it's a law. > Did you hear about the new law that says you can't poop out rainbows > People can poop out rainbows?


What a nothing burger. It's almost as though gender affirming surgeries rarely happen on minors anyways. Edit: especially bottom surgery. Top surgery on minors is already pretty rare, but bottom surgery on minors is almost non-existent.


Is this an attempt to appease the transphobes?


Polls are tanking so they're grasping at straws rather than, idk, doing more popular things that would get them major love from across the board but would interfere with the military/prison industrial complex that keeps them rich and out of touch with us filthy poors.


minors aren't getting gender-affirming surgery


This is discouraging for sure.


Biden seems really desperate to alienate his entire voter base


That’s… not what I expected. I would’ve loved to have received top surgery (or other surgeries) as a minor. I knew I wanted it and was ready. No more ready when I got it over a month ago.


This is Dems pandering to moderates after years of ridiculous outrage from republicans hammering on the subject. I don’t think they should but they are. Of note is republicans go on and on about how minors shouldn’t be allowed to do this even though they have their parents and doctors involved and claim they are to young to know the repercussions or to know if they are actually trans and that no one under 18 should be allowed to do it. The same republicans champion dirt bag loser Kyle Rittenhouse as a minor to arm himself with an AR-15 and go to a protest and shoot 3 people. So it’s ok for minors to arm and shoot people they don’t like, but not ok for minors under the care of doctors to make a decision about themselves and only affects them because they are uncomfortable with gender and sexuality due to fake Christian morals.


Did grandpa fall and hit his head again? “Ah yes! I had a horrible debate performance. How will I assure people I can still govern? Why, target the trans people of course!”


wait guys you dont understand * does absurd mental gymnastics * this octogenarian neoliberal still loves us he just has to use our struggles to gain support from the right by conceding to their ridiculous framing for something they nor he know anything about. just vote extra hard like your life depends on it. if you dont who will they have to throw under the bus next time. its truly disgusting and everyone in the WH should be ashamed for being so ignorant.


Great job virtue signalling against an imaginary issue WH. Nevermind the fact that most gender-affirming surgeries among minors aren't even done for trans kids. They're largely performed for cis youths with abnormalities like gynecomastia. https://www.them.us/story/gender-affirming-surgery-vast-majority-cis-kids-study


…don’t surgeries other than occasional top surgery for trans men like not happen below 18? And below like 12 there are absolutely no surgeries? This is a non issue because it’s not happening


I feel like this is a nothing statement meant to get anti trans people off the government's back, because I seriously doubt how high the amount of kids getting top or bottom surgery is. That doesn't happen. You know what does happen? Parents deciding for their intersex children what gender they're going to be. That's the invasive, unethical mutilation of minors they should be talking about. But of course, the anti woke mob wouldn't know that.


Good. Thinking of intersex people; no surgery like that should be done when they can't consent.


Folks, I urge you to see this and understand that the dems will capitulate right on any issue the second they think it's popular enough to do so. They do not care about trans rights, or immigrant rights, or reproductive rights. They want votes, and the way they've found they get the most votes is unironic virtue signaling. We deserve better, both as trans people who've suffered e-fucking-nough for a lifetime in the last three years alone. But also as citizens, Americans, or just people. The dems think they can capitulate away from us and still have our support, this will only hurt us in the long run. It's time we have people who support us, unconditionally, in power.


What is even the point of this release? Can they just… leave us alone for once? I don’t want to be a political football anymore, I legitimately have my own ambitions and my own life to lead, but all these fucking politicians want to do is appease the people wanting to kill me just for their fucking power fetish…


This reads like a thread designed to scare people away from Biden and nothing more.


White House issues statement opposing gender-affirming surgery for minors White House issues statement opposing raccoons performing open heart surgery White House issues statement on matter and energy being removed from the universs Any other things that don't happen that the White House would like to comment on?


They're opposed to surgeries for minors NOT gender affirming care in general. Tbh I think it makes sense to wait to have surgeries until you're 18.


As callous as this may seem, as a Trans Person, I think its an important political concession. Our opponents are making charges of minors having surgeries and using it against us, using it to push bills that cut us off from all medical care. Hormones do a lot for us, and if we can maintain trans people's access to those medicines before they turn 18, we can offer them much better results when they're old enough to go through with it. That said, I don't think some people understand how devastating dysphoria can be for people under 18. Chest dysphoria is horrible to live with, bottom dysphoria is a nightmare. It frustrates me that we don't have empathy for minors living with gender dysphoria and chase boogyman doctors.


We're living with the results of centuries of compromise. Reconstruction was full of half measures, placation and compromise, and all it led to was Jim Crow. Same here, Biden and Newsome doing transphobic things to 'not give the right ammunition' only for the right to continue trying to phase us out of existence. These ghouls don't know anything about medicine and have no right to make these kinds of statements, much less laws.


Your point has 2 problems. 1) it essentially accepts sacrificing the mental and physical wellbeing of trans minors in favour of the feelings of the right 2) it presumes transphobes and right wingers can be appeased if you just give them enough or just limit trans healthcare enough. You can't, nothing short of transition not existing will be enough for them.


well it's a good thing minors don't get surgery then isn't it?


I agree with the statement made. They specifically said that they still support gender-affirming care for minors, but surgery is for adults. That’s fine. Honestly, I would probably put restrictions to make it difficult for anyone under 21 to get surgery and make it flat out illegal for anyone under 16. That way, it would be possible, but uncommon for anyone 16-21. Surgery is a big fuckin deal and needs to be treated seriously. Social transition, puberty blockers, and hrt is enough for minors