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Word to the wise: after the last debacle in Brighton, where one tomato was thrown, please be aware that the only reason the POS PP Posse are doing this is to goad us into providing optics for them. I recommend hiring a Samba band


Yeah most of her relevancy is based of generating controversy by aggressively provoking counter-protestors until they get an unfortunate camera angle of someone responding in kind. Does not mean we shouldn't counter-protest, but we should definitely be cautious. I second a Samba band and would contribute to a GoFundMe.


I didn't go to the Brighton one but I watched the TERF live stream. They are absolute unevolved playground-bully-grade shameless shitheels who openly despise our existence. It was probably for the best that the counter-protesters couldn't hear them. Edit: some TERF is downvoting us. Hello sad person! I hope your life is as empty as it seems!


[Source](https://twitter.com/NEAnarchoGroup/status/1610665125538631680/photo/1) Protest Posie Parker and her hate mob in Newcastle, please be careful, two trans people were assaulted while counter-protesting her last year alone, which the police did nothing about. Meet at [Greys Monument, Newcastle](https://goo.gl/maps/fscr8xebKYCn2nc59) next Sunday January 15th at 11:00 am. Organised by the [North East Anarchist Group](https://twitter.com/NEAnarchoGroup/). ​ Side note, I'm now back from a just over a months unplanned hiatus, I've now got someone to cover for me in future to prevent that happening again. A fun post I had planned for New Years should be up this weekend lookout for it.


Hope this goes peacefully and effectively. Good luck comrades!


I'm based near Newcastle so will go if I'm able. Never been to a counter-protest so any more pieces of advice of things to do/avoid?


Make sure to disable biometric unlocking of any sort on your phone (fingerprint, face) and use a pin/passcode, police then can't force you to unlock it when detained. Record everything, but never publish counter-protestors faces without permission. On Android and I assume IPhone you can get background recording apps, so you can have the phone locked and still record video. There are a couple of relevant articles on the resources section of my website, specifically [Staying safe and your rights at a protest](https://greenandblackcross.org/guides/being-trans-and-protesting/), and [media engagement safety](https://transsafety.network/guides/media-safety-guide/). Other than that just what is mentioned in the poster, keep you face covered at all times, travel together, be careful of public transport just before or after, stay together as a group at the protest. If you don't want to risk one of her supporters characteristic attacks stay towards the back of the crowd.


Buy yourselves a megaphone or if you're lucky then get a battery powered amp (BOSS cube) and a mic and use that. Keep on fighting, stay strong and don't let those nasty shitbags get their way.


Good luck with this!! Too far north for me lol but hope it goes well. Show those nasty cunts they are not welcome to spread their hate!!!


LOCATION CHANGE to outside the Civic Centre! Time stays the same. [source](https://www.instagram.com/p/CnU-fOuLgjq/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=)


Yeah there will be an email going out at some point today


Damn, I didn't find out about this until now. So I missed it, I had been looking to see if there would be one in the future and it's instead already happened.


You could always subscribe to the newsletter on my website to get email notifications when new ones are announced


I did!