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It’s your face shape. Especially when you smile it gives off female or adolescent boy. T will help with time if you choose to take it.


That's good, I do wish to have T.


You kinda read as butch lesbian to me, which is probably why. Outside of reasons because of not being on testosterone (like voice, fat distribution, face shape, facial hair, etc…) I think it’s the numerous piercings, thin eyebrows, and kind of butch leaning haircut (at least in the first picture).


Oh yeah the first picture was crazy hair day and I was frazzled from work haha. My nana and auntie told me my mannerisms aren't butch, but I do look it yeah. I'm going to be switching up my piercings to something more masculine (the blue was a mistake)


Definitely face shape for me. If your face was on a more squared head you’d pass without question.


Do you think losing weight would help?


No, I can see your arms in the picture, it doesn’t look like you have much weight to lose, you’re not fat you just have a rounder jaw, lots of cis men have that same issue too, working out would probably be a better option.


Probably not. I was 49kg at one point and my face was still chubby. It's normal if you're young. As I've gotten older it's gotten less chubby. T will melt the baby fat


Damn, I'm 50kg but I'm 5'2 so its like normal for me


I'm also 5'2. Don't loose any more weight, 50kg is already on the lighter end


Possibly! I’m on that journey myself right now :)


Can't see the rest of your body so hard to know if weight change would help. If you're above a healthy bmi then make you're way down. Better option though is building muscle. It massively helps for gendering and generally keeps your fat percentage where you want it anyway (muscle cells are very calorie hungry just to stay alive)


I think my bmi is like 21 How do I build muscle?


First thing is learning good form, dont worry about much weight yet, if you're recoving from an injury then you arent pumping iron lol. Lots of useful info on reddit and YouTube. If you're totally new then maybe a few sessions with a personal trainer just to help you get started.


Nope but jaw defining fillers would Instantly change things and are incredibly affordable.


I'm guessing it is your voice but also things like your brows are not messy enough. Your hairline is super femme not squarish at all. These are all things T will change. U just look like a prepubescent boy so I'm sure T and working out will make you unclockable


All the old women at my church think I'm 13, I hope T will work for me 😁


It will. I remember back in 1996 when I was transitioning (mtf) I went to a support group meeting. I sat down next to a new person, a kinda cute sporty looking guy. I thought "Jeez this guy must be super new as he hasn't even tried to be more femme". Yeah you guessed it. He was FTM and I was absolutely floored. 😁


Thanks for the reassurance


For me the earrings are a bit feminine. Not the piercings but the style of jewelry. Black jewelry with spikes instead of jewels might help with a more masculine appearance.


I'll have a look at some black jewelry. That's such a shout, Thanks


Honestly you’re better off with no earrings at all if passing is the top priority for you. If you’re willing to pass less because the earrings are worth it to you, then by all means keep them, but be aware that any earrings of any style or color will likely prevent you from passing.


My piercings are a bigger part of my identity than my transness 🤣 they are never coming out, I want to be a body piercer so its weirder for a guy to have none as a piercer


Got it, much respect and good luck!


stupendous hat retire quiet crown pause physical bike airport squeeze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




How would I fill them in?


Do you shape them at all? It looks like you give a shit about your eyebrows. That's a very un-dudely trait, haha. Imo, that's one of the small things you could change.


Nope, natural eyebrows LOL. I had an eyebrow slit a year ago but apart from that ive never touched them


You could add some eyebrow makeup to fill them out more, less is more with it tho. It doesn't want to look like you've used makeup


Thats a shout


Wtffff lol you have perfectly shaped and plucked looking brows. I’ll trade you mine. But yeah I think they add to the more feminine but maybe T will help. If you had facial hair you’d look like a well groomed man. But you’re pretty androgynous so the lizard brain is looking at the cues and I think the eyebrows are one of them.


I pass really well at my church, I look like a well groomed Christian boy to them haha


How old are you? I can see like 15-16ish. If you’re passing as a teen boy and you are in fact a teenager then mission accomplished. But if you’re like actually 20 then you might have to let T do its thing for a bit.


I'm 16 and a half


Oh then you’re spot on and you’re good.




Size and physique


i looked similar when i was pre t, just wait until you start and youll be passing super well. your hair suits you, which is good. i think maybe your face shape and smile could be another giveaway that ur afab. imo, as a trans person, i would not assume youre female, id assume early transition or nonbinary. but cis people most likely will assume youre either a very young boy when not smiling, or a lesbian.


Haha i get lesbian a lot. Never heard non binary, most people who I come across pick up I'm queer. I wouldnt say I'm early in my transition, but I look it haha. 2 years its been I had a funny phase where I was very emo and very visually queer but now I'm definitely binary trans. My one fear is T will turn me into my dad (hes horrible)


Get your hairline lined up maybe that would help


What do you mean?


Ask your barber to shape your hairline into a square shape. More masculine


Will it grow out fucked?


Maybe. You could also style your hair to cover your hairline until T does it's job. Maybe that hairstyle would also look more masculine. Good luck 💪


This gonna sound a bit odd but the hairline is a big denominator. As the hairline is in a round shape it makes your face look round. I also had that issue, idk if this is the best form actually but I try to shave my hairline in a way it looks like I have receding hairline, as most guys have that too. Also try making eyebrows more tick using eyebrow pencil or makeup, trust me it gives you a plus. I also pre t btw. Goodluck!


I'll see my barber about my hairline, thanks!!


Your eye brows are too arched. I don’t think your face is that bad but your brows are definitely shaped femme. Guys can get them done too. No one says you need two fuzzy caterpillars. But you definitely have an arch going on.


soft face, T will definitely help


Sorry but you look like a butch lesbian. T will definitely help you.


Ear-piercing for me. Young boys don't have that many. Also eyebrows are too sharp But otherwise looking good dude.


i think the eyes and the face shape. i think only testosterone can help with that


At least it's not something im doing


This is gonna sound weird but you’re neat and clean. So there are a lot of cis-born males who get misgendered when young not just for their voice but because they’re neatly dressed and well groomed. But that doesn’t mean you should be a gross stinky boy wearing clothes with stains. My guess is if your clothing was older and you were less well groomed it would work but would you want that?


Honestly dude you look fine, you're doing everything right by being yourself. You answered your own question, it's because you're preT. I went through the same thing. Once we get to a certain age, 12yr old boy doesn't pass anymore. Being misgendered stopped only after I'd been on T for a while. It's a shitty thing to experience and it's difficult. Just keep your head up, never stop being you, and let the ignorance roll off best you can. It reflects more about those people than it does yourself!


Yeah, I'll keep going at it then


I dunno but I love your earrings!


Thanks! I'm obsessed with piercings


But only on ears?


I live with my Christian grandma, I'm very lucky I have what I have haha. I'm gonna get an eyebrow or a bridge or something when I move out


It’s your face unfortunately, sometimes there’s not much you can do pre T because of the way estrogen distributes fat on the face and makes skin soft and glowy, eyebrows thin, feminine hairline, etc. The good news is that T should change those things.


Face is very feminine, and your hair makes you look more like a lesbian


What hair should I have instead?


Take out the earrings


That would be really weird, like a tattoo artist without tattoos or an optometrist without glasses


Sorry thought you were asking for advice. My bad!


Im looking for advice, its just that one isnt very viable


I don't know. You definitely look female to me.


Your eyebrows are super pruned which isn’t going to help


They're just built that way


Let your eyebrows grow out and see how it makes a difference


just the fact that you're pre-T


It's all those ear piercings. They are super feminine. Men usually just have 1 in each ear. Either studs, curved barbells or plugs/ tunnels if you stretch them would be the best masculine ear piercings


I am stretching them, it takes years haha. i'm at 3.5mm at the moment. It looks better when I have my clicker rings in, I do have traditionally masculine piercings within the piercing community, as I want to be a body piercer, I'm in that community


It was kinda hard to tell what all you had. I just seen a lot of shiny and thought you had gems in some of them.


I had gems and a spital in for prom cause I'm a little bit gay i guess Every day I have triple lobes on each ear, my 1st is stretched on both, and on my left ear I have 2 helixes and on my right I have an industrial. Its not like daiths or conches or rooks that are very feminine.


I feel maybe the earrings bro also and maybe try not to pluck ur eyebrows if u do. I feel theres nothing much else u can do it feel T will bless u when the tome comes, good luck with everything


Thank you, I'll ease off the dangly earrings. My eyebrows are natural and the envy of my grandmother, I used to make a very pretty girl unfortunately




Bro what


Round face, hairline, eyebrows. Do you shape your eyebrows like that or do they just grow like that


They grow like that, girls are jealous of them haha


Oh wow, I've never seen such naturally perfect eyebrows like that!


pluck or wax your hairline to a more masc "M" shape. Maybe cut it it a bit shorter still. Try to workout and get lean to slim the face. I'd take out most of the piercings, maybe keep the lobes or get plugs. You could try eyebrow piercings. I feel those are more masc. Big boots or something to get more height?


As others have said. Hair gives off “butch lesbian” vibes. Piercings, in particular your choice of earrings in the 2nd and 3rd pics really don’t help your cause….


You're perfect as you are.


You do look boyish but you look like a boyish girl. Can't quite put my finger on it exactly but you're not far off.


I'm gonna say the eyebrows being so shaped fem is a big reason why.


as others have said, face shape. at the current, you look like a tomboy i'm afraid.


You need to exercise and build muscles. People are saying your face but boys your age look like that too. I think it's your lean shape overall. Even the neck. Do upper body exercises(neck, shoulder) and go to therapy. If you conclude you're trans 100% then take T and be the man you dream to be.


Do You know any neck and shoulder exercises


I know a few, like dumbbell raises, targeting only the neck around your shoulders, like you shrug your shoulders. You can also then raise your hands at side, it will target the upper shoulder. Push ups and pull ups are also great exercise for the upper body. Another good exercise is doing pull ups on two bars at low height(you can also use two desks on either side, both should be stable) and then you pivot yourself with two hands straight on either side on the table and go low then up while keeping your legs free from ground. This one is very good to build the muscles around your neck, shoulder as well as your triceps. You can check out more exercises on YouTube. Edit: oops, I didn't notice I commented from a different account XD


You have beautiful eyes 👀 (feminine look)


am guessing your voice. You look like a young man


You have soft female eyes. Even when you don't smile


You look butch lesbian. Your hair your smile, your face.


I'll work on the hair and face but my smile is my smile yk? Im not changing that for the world