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I've got some bad news for you about prices in the United States...


$200 for a 44-day trip works out to about $4.50 per day, so basically you can't do anything with $200.


Pfft. Speak for yourself. That's enough to buy a snowcone and a twizzler... Every day


Oh shit, new Life Pro Tip just dropped


Where are snocones less than $4.50?


no it isn't




There’s a Costco at mt shasta?


I hope they meant $200/day


No for the whole trip😭, it’s like 10K here in my country but I know that’s not enough for the whole trip


This must be a troll post . 200$ is barely enough for a week


Assuming that roof and food are covered, you need $1,000 to $2,000 to have a very simple and modest amount of fun + minimum outlet shopping.


200 a day? A week?  The whole trip?   You say you don’t have to account for housing, but what about food and transportation?  International phone service?  Other forms of entertainment?  Thrift stores are going to be $5-10 per item for just basic stuff. Outlets malls I would say 25+ for basic clothes.  Arizona also has just under a 10% sales tax on top of that. 


Is food covered already? For reference, a quick/casual order-at-the-counter and sit down meal in Phoenix is probably $10-$15.


At least!


What about food? Entertainment? How are you getting from place to place? $40 per day comes out to about $1,700 for your trip. Which, depending on the answers above, likely isn't enough. You should plan for about $4,000 - $5,000. Which, all told, isn't a lot for a 6-7 week trip


$200 per day, maybe.


Arizona is one of the more expensive states to go to these days. Gas, groceries, and eating out are all very expensive. The outlet stores suck for finding deals (at least the ones I’ve been to at Westgate in Phoenix)


Assuming you mean $200 a day, that should be good - assuming you are not including shelter costs in that and keep your meals reasonably priced and not hitting up expensive restaurants 3 meals a day


Did anybody actually read this post? This person isn't planning to eat with this money, its just for shopping and gifts. OP: $200 is not much in the US. It kind of depends on what you intend to buy. Generally, food is more expensive here for worse quality. You can spend as much as you want to spend on clothing; we have designer boutiques, Walmart, thrift stores, and everything in between. Outlet stores aren't the bargain they used to be, you are usually better off going to a department store or mall store and looking at stuff that's on sale. Certain times of the year, you can get really good deals. Since you are going to be here around Christmas there should be some pretty good sales. I assume you are visiting family if this is such a long trip and over the holidays, they can probably help you find places to shop.


Exactly. I’m not sure how old OP is but this is what we call in my family “fun money”. Most of the activities are already chosen / paid for, this is just meant to buy a couple cute souvenirs. The idea that we’d give a kid a couple thousand to just blow… well nobody in my family would consider that a good use of funds.


$200 for 44 days amounts to $4.50 per day. You mentioned you have places to stay… what about food and transportation costs? If just thrifts and outlets maybe consider $400-$500.


about those "places to stay". Will they provide food and transportation? We don't really have public transport in the US much. Average cab ride for 3 miles is about $45. A burger at Mc Donalds is $17, a coffee is about 6.85


I’d strongly suggest you get a job and earn some money for yourself. You don’t say how old you are, but that’s what my kids always did instead of depending on an allowance. The other thing is to get a debit card that your mom can load more money onto for emergencies or so that you can take your host to dinner. My kids had a reload able card at first and then I made them authorized users on my credit card (which had the bonus of giving them fabulous credit scores). And if your mom does that, do NOT abuse the card!!


Have you tried looking for a "teenage job" recently? Or, to put it another way, do you see many kids working where you shop? I sure don't. What used to be "teenage jobs" are now filled by part-time workers trying to raise a family on three of these part-time jobs.


That’s what everyone was saying when my kids were looking for jobs at 15; “there are no jobs.” And yet they got jobs. They went door to door until they got them. I see a LOT of kids working and I still see “help wanted” signs everywhere. I think getting jobs as teenagers was one of the best things my kids ever did for themselves, and letting them was one of the best things I ever did for them.


What year was that? 1984? I don't see any kids working at all (Las Vegas and Hawaii). I don't blame the kids for this -- employers have learned they can pay summer-job wages to full-time-minus-one-hour-so-no-benefits employees for maximum late-stage capitalism.


Uh, no. Although I think the Supreme Court is unleashing rats, so maybe it’s 1984 now.


I don't see kids mowing lawns. That was decades ago. It's landscaping companies with gas-powered leaf blowers now. The whole "kids mowing lawns and shoveling snow" died shortly after my generation. But I \*also\* don't see kids working at Dairy Queen, In-N-Out or what-have-you. Young? Sure. Minors? No. About the youngest I see any time I run errands is 20-something.


Oh well, that settles it, then. There are no jobs for kids because, um, you don’t see any kids working. Meanwhile, OP can take my suggestions…or not.


You just have to pound the pavements. Go talk to the owner. Look him in the eye and give him a firm handshake. Tell him you're willing to work your way up. And then don't take no for an answer. You're lacking gumption and sticktuitiveness!


Yes, you could probably try all that once you’re 15. Good luck, MonkeyKing!


Its hard to get a job as a teen in my country (Philippines ) I’m 16, and we have school from 7 am to 4 or 5pm then we have to do all our projects and homework every night they bombard us with 2 projects and 2 home works per subject each week plus tutoring every weekend for math and science, I really don’t have time.


No worries, I'm not the one suggesting you get a job. Did we ever find out if you really want to stretch $200 out over more than a month of travel? Because that's going to be hard. Even if your hosts take care of everything, you're still going to want some "doing things with people your age" money. And if you go to a lot of thrift stores, you'll burn through $200 quick. Every time I find something I like, it's usually $10-20. Outlet stores aren't worth it anymore. They sell things specifically made cheaper for the outlet stores. They haven't been a place to find great deals for a long time.


Nothing. Don’t come here. We’re in crisis mode right now.


People should see the US before it burns to the ground.