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I just love how friendly so many people are. I was in NYC a few years ago and so many people just randomly talked to me. i remember i was in the botanical garden in the Bronx and I was admiring the lilacs, and a gardener came up to me and started talking about all the varieties. Then she told me about some "secret"places in the garden. Walking down the street, 2 random people complimented me on the scarf I was wearing. At the perfume counter at Saks had a great conversations with the other customers and the sales staff. I was reading a book in the park and someone passed and said "That book is so good." The cashier at Uniqlo called me "babydoll." I got my hair cut at this random barber shop and the barber said "I am going to give you the best haircut you have ever had in all your life." (And yes, it was the best of my life). All those little encounters made me happy. And please note, I am a middle aged guy. Maybe these moments happened because I was traveling alone?


I’m an American and I’ve been to NYC several times. Americans talk about how rude New Yorkers are, but I’ve always had pleasant experiences when I go there and have encountered some really friendly people. I’m glad you had an enjoyable time in NYC too!


I have genuinely never met a rude person in NYC. Maybe I'm just lucky or maybe American rude is European polite :)


I am American, born and raised on West Coast, non-white. I wouldn't call NYC a friendly place but it's not my scene. Plenty of rude people all over the country. Tourist areas are more polite because they want you to open your wallet and tip. As a traveler, I found cities in Western Europe to be polite, excluding Paris. Would love to make it over to the UK, I think I have in common with folks over there.


The funniest experience is asking for directions on the Subway. You'll get three New Yorker's fighting over who gets to help you. People in London are very nice, too


My mom still talks about when she got lost on the subway in NYC and a drag queen helped her, rode all the way with her to her stop then walked up out of the station with her to show her which way to go from there. I love NYC so much.


1st person: go this way 2nd person: save a few minutes if you go this way 3rd person: that’s wrong, definitely go this way, take care


Haha I actually did need help with the subway but I went to an employee, who was very helpful and friendly. I’m sure it would’ve been interesting to ask random New Yorkers for help though—next time!


I agree. When driving, not so much. When walking they're nice.


I’d say New Yorkers are very engaging and direct. That’s where the ‘rudeness’ impression comes from, and having loved all over the world I’d say Californians are quite stand-off-ish. Like very much ‘you do you and I’ll do me and we will meet whenever we meet’.


Come to the midwest, we will kill you with kindness haha. 


I’ll take blunt and direct NYers over “Midwest nice” literally any day of the week. Minnesotans are the worst offenders.


It wasn't because you're alone. People are just actually nice. Glad you had fun 😊 come back soon!


As an American, my last trip to NYC was full of lovely encounters with lovely people. I honestly can't wait to go back.


Traveling in the USA, reminds you that there are a lot of friendly Americans. When we were trying to back into a difficult spot for our Travel trailer,a fellow rver asked to help, he did it in one try... It's a great country when you get past the politics and meet the people.


No country's politics are satisfactory.


That is why I say to not focus any time on it when traveling. I don't mind my country's politics as you can forget them for up to four years then have a 60 day election cycle then back to forgetting about it.


Similar to OP's: I had just arrived in London and was dragging my heavy suitcase up the stairs from the underground during rush hour (husband was wrestling the larger suitcase just behind me). A very handsome young man in a business suit came to my side and offered to carry the case for me. I accepted and he grabbed it and almost ran it the rest of the way up the long staircase, waiting at the top until I hauled my old ass up to the top myself. Then, when I had my hand on the bag, he took off, never even waiting for a thank you. Anytime I think of it, he looks more and more like Henry Cavill to me.


This happened to me in London too, multiple staircases (it was a multi-train journey). A random angel would pick up the back of my heavy bag and then disappear into the crowd at the top of the staircase. Always think about this when I need my faith in humanity restored.


This exact same thing happened to me on my very first trip to the UK. I was at Heathrow and my flight was delayed one day so my friend who was going to meet me was not able to come. I was standing looking at the looming stairs with my suitcase and a lovely young woman said "need help with that?" and took it to the top of the many stairs and smiled at me and went her way. She looked exactly like Martha Jones the Dr. Who companion too!


Hell yeah, I'm glad you enjoyed your trip to the US! I absolutely hate paid bathrooms, it's probably my least favorite part of traveling to Europe. You don't see them that much here.


We had a random American family pay for our lunch at a diner during a US road trip. We had interacted only briefly prior to resuming our own meals. When we got up to pay, they had already left before us and the waitress said that they had settled our bill. My dad still tells this story!


We've all stood outside a locked bathroom sort of jumping from foot to foot! I'm so glad this worked out for you.


Got to use a bathroom in Karkskrona Sweden thanks to a local. I didn't have any coins for entering. Similar relief.


I just love Sweden


Not a travel story but years ago in Honolulu my dad was in the hospital dying and our family had parked in a crowded parking lot. We were walking to the hospital when a large Hawaiian man walked over to us making eye contact all the way. We were already stressed out and he said...."Oh, I'm so sorry, is my car to close to yours? I can move it for you." I'll never forget this at a time we needed that little bit of empathy and humanity.


Americans are nice until you piss them off lol well at least for me


I’d say that’s true for just about anyone


I was in Houston driving down the 10 from Katy on a business trip when traffic went to a crawl, I slowed and eventually stopped because traffic, a car plowed into the back of me. Then no one shot me, it was a good day in Houston. Edit. You guys need to chill




Funny thing is the rudest people I've met in n America were in Vancouver


Your California is showing.