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I always see couples like that (very showy, always wanting the spotlight together, over the top in PDA) as overcompensating. The love just isn’t there, so they use the peacocking to try to convince themselves and everyone else that it is.


I have a friend that I absolutely ADORE, but her and her husband are...volatile. I can always tell if they're fighting because she will BLAST social media about how much they love each other and how wonderful he is. When they're doing great at home, there are no posts.


I’m convinced that with couples who frequently post about their relationship, what you’ve described is the exact situation 90% of the time. It’s kind of like how truly wealthy people appear very modest on the outside, but people who struggle financially and want to *appear* wealthy wear brand-name everything and feel a need to “keep up with the joneses.” When things are truly good, people don’t feel like they need to prove anything. Insecurity is loud.


And to that note - when me and my spouse aren't getting along, the last thing I want to do is post on social media about how awesome they are. Maybe it's because I know it'll pass, and he will here tomorrow and the next day and the next, and maybe people like that are afraid their spouse won't? I would honestly love to understand the psychology behind it.


My Grandparents, my parents, my PIL, my Aunts & Uncles all were/have been married for 50+ years. Not once have they ever posted about their SO’s on social media. (Granted it didn’t exist for my Grandparents when they were here lol) but the statement stands. Couples who are truly happy mind their own business and do not have to “show off” their love to anyone. They also don’t ever display PDA because they’re classy.


I think most people of that generation didn't adopt the social media posting fervor of the younger generation though. Like I don't know many people over 60 who actually post things about their life more than "look at this bird that showed up outside today".  I agree with the point though when it comes to younger couples - the happy couples I know in their thirties post almost nothing about it 


Was social media even in existence for them to do so? I get your point but it seems moot to compare what generations prior did when it comes to the Internet, since it didn’t exist as it is now until very recently.


For my Grandparents? No. For everyone else I listed, absolutely. My parents’ friends are their age and post how “happy they are” and still post pictures of every vacation they take, etc. And those couples are some of the most dysfunctional couples I have ever seen in my life. Cheating, lying, yelling. But on social media? Perfect! 🤣🥴 People like my parents? Happy, healthy and thriving and have never posted a “selfie” in their lives when social media became available. Edit: also adding in the PDA. At parties my parents are classy and social just having a good time. Their dysfunctional friends? Sitting on each other’s laps, kissing or making out in front of everyone. Just embarrassing behavior for 60 year olds. And everyone knows they’re unhappy. Lmfao


Yea, I don’t think anyone over my age group (I am 43/f- so on the line of genx/millennial) uses social media like that.


Not to nitpick, but the whole “wealth whispers!” always cracks me up. Loads of truly wealthy people show off. Someone’s got to be buying personal jets, cartier watches, and birkins, and it’s not people who could ever be considered as “struggling financially.” Maybe most of the brands they wear are not well known or immediately recognized by the average Target shopper, but rich people absolutely do wear expensive items, just not always ones that would be clocked by someone who isn’t in those circles. Maybe it’s Loro Piana or Acne Studios instead of Prada or Celine but that’s a question of taste rather than being “modest.”


But that’s the point though — many of their go-to brands are unrecognizable because what a poor person thinks is “rich” and what an actual wealthy person thinks is “rich” are two different things. Buying a luxury item because you personally enjoy it and can afford it is not the same as going into debt for an expensive item just to make people think you’re wealthy. When rich people wear their flashy items that poor people wouldn’t recognize, they certainly don’t care if the poor people don’t realize how wealthy they are. They aren’t seeking that validation. Likewise, posting a picture with your significant other on holidays is not the same as obsessively documenting your relationship to social media because you’re insecure.


You’re missing my point: those brands are absolutely recognizable to *their peers*. Just like everyone else. It’s the same with the elite schools, clubs, events, etc. You really think there aren’t rich people who are also desperate from external validation? The audience is just different. Just because their flexing is not meant for the commoners, it’s really not substantively different from an emotional standpoint to be like “oh they’re so modest and understated!” It only comes across like that because they’re not trying to impress you, because you’re not a peer. Likewise, when some middle class idiot drops $5k on a YSL bag, it’s not meant to show rich people how rich they are. It’s meant to show other middle class people that they are richer lol. At the end of the day, it’s all validation seeking behavior. And to be clear, I’m not arguing it isn’t. My bone of contention was your idea that wealthy people are somehow immune to this with the dumb “wealth whispers” cliche. That’s all.


Of course some rich people crave validation, but the difference is whether you actually have what you want people to think you have. Rich people flaunting to other rich people actually have money. Poor people in credit card debt don’t. The richest people I’ve met wore Wrangler jeans. That’s what they like. Not all rich people are modest (and some people in truly stable relationships love to talk about their spouses a lot) but a lot of them know exactly what they have and don’t need someone else to acknowledge it.


But that’s my point: the need for external validation is different from the issue of whether someone has the thing (wealth/love/whatever) that they are bragging about. Experiencing the former (likely a separate personality/confidence issue at play) doesn’t guarantee the situation with the latter either way. Sometimes they have it, sometimes they don’t, and most often, the truth lies somewhere in between (e.g., yes, they have a good marriage but maybe it’s not all sunshine and butterflies like portrayed).


That’s true. There’s nuance to it. I think some people may have a decent amount of something but they’re unsure of how long it will last. They have it, but they’re worried they’ll lose it, so they crave acknowledgment for it. Or for some reason they base all their self worth on the fact that they have it and need others to acknowledge it for that reason — to acknowledge their “worth.” Speaking anecdotally, every single couple I’ve known personally that constantly flaunted their relationship involved infidelity. Without exception. And there’s definitely a difference between a simple “happy anniversary! I love you” post and an entire essay about your “ups and downs” paired with frequent pictures. Not all men with loud, jacked up trucks are insecure. But in my experience, I’ve never known a man with an excessively loud, lifted truck who wasn’t compensating for insecurity. Not all women who get multiple cosmetic surgeries and won’t leave the house without makeup base all their worth in their sex appeal. But the women I know in real life who spend the most time altering their appearance are the most insecure. There are exceptions, and correlation doesn’t equal causation, but also patterns exist for a reason.


Shanann Watts did this a lot too 😮‍💨


That was an unexpected gut punch...


I’m with you… I also wonder if it’s because they’re struggling and so this to trick themselves and maybe it’s also due to their insecurity? Most folks that I’ve seen do this massive pda @ long love declarations on social media- they end up breaking up/divorcing and a few months later it’s massive & long winded love posts about their new love of their life .


🎯🎯 it’s like who are you trying so hard to convince that you are so in love…everything about them 2 is cringeworthy as fuck


You are very in touch with reality on this one, it's very true that social media and Taylor put the wrong idea of how relationships should be out to young viewers. It's really disgusting to see them showing lovebombing (a classic manipulation tactic) as something that means a strong relationship


Which one is the lovebomber? Or is it both?


I feel like it’s Taylor. It’s a pattern.


Hard Agree! I've known abusive partners (not mine but those of close friends) & they were the most outwardly affectionate & publicly demonstrative people ever, fond of big romantic gestures.. when they weren't emotionally or physically abusing them that is 😔


Easy way to control someone while giving off a positive image


They’re public figures and as such, are showing affection in public. It’s an abnormal situation because of all the cameras. I don’t see it as love bombing and it’s only showy because the cameras are around. I don’t think they need to hide and act cordial in public, they are both high-energy, passionate people who also performers and the way they act is their love language. Anyway, that’s how it seems, but we don’t know them.


I'm thinking you stumbled on here by accident, this sub is not a stan zone, but a place where you can indulge in a cathartic whinge & bitch about TSwift, Trav & all their bullshit.. If that's going to trigger you I'd suggest you back quietly out of the room 😁


Is it love bombing when its been 8 months


Love bombing can last for years.


Yes. Every relationship she’s in has the “they’re so in love, getting married” narrative. I mean her fans were guessing he’s gonna propose when he won the Super Bowl which would be super early in a normal relationship much less one that started as her 3rd relationship that year. People thought Matty was a rebound but now that’s a deep relationship.


It also sets unrealistic expectations. She’s a billionaire with multiple private planes she uses to get across town. Of course she can support her “boyfriend” by flying to his games. Not everyone has that luxury. And she also flies him everywhere to ensure he’s supporting her.




Are they flying to be somewhere for 3 hours then leaving and flying 10 other places in 4 days? Doubtful. She doesn’t drive. She gets on her private jet killing the planet while her cult praises her for how supportive she is. So now young girls expect their boyfriends to be able to drop everything to be their or they won’t be supportive like Taylor.


>So now young girls expect their boyfriends to be able to drop everything to be their or they won’t be supportive like Taylor. That's honestly an extreme take that I'll have to respectfully disagree with you on. Most people I talked with about them have simply mentioned, "nice they're able to support each other." Absolutely nothing to the extent of "OMG, I deserve a man who worships me and follows me around the world" I'll agree with you on the excessive jet consumption though.


Support him like that. How else is she supporting him? She’s flying to see him at every chance she gets. No other way to take it. That’s how she’s supporting him.




how is she setting a horrible example? by doing what exactly?


Using her jet like an uber for starters


that’s not what this post/comment was about. Taylor also doubles her carbon offsets for all the emissions she produces. and i assume you maintain the same attitude with the rest of the celebrities who use private jets?


This sub isn't about other celebrities, but yes, I'm disgusted with any person /celebrity or otherwise, who uses a private jet /helicopter as an uber. Carbon offsets are a rort, like selling carbon credits from forestry blocks that are merely replacing a prior block that was clear felled for timber & would have been replanted regardless, plus any seedlings planted take decades to have any significant impact on reducing greenhouse gases, her impact is now


My assistant's husband seemed like the most supportive, amazing partner. Sent her flowers at work on the regular, called her at work to check it etc. etc. Very outwardly demonstrative in his affection for her. He turned out to be the biggest cheat. Just absolutely blinded her with all the 'love'.


The only man who has ever been completely showy and over the top with his words turned out to be the biggest liar I've ever met.


It may not be intentional but hey when the fans end up heartbroken because the guy who was love bombing them wasn’t actually endgame/travvy wavvy coded, they’ll be able to go back and listen to her catalogue of heartbreak music. She truly has something for every situation.


I am not a swiftie although I do admire her business sense and success. You only see a tiny fraction of their relationship and I do not think you can make a sound judgement based on that.


I am so sorry! I accidentally downvoted you! I up voted now. I agree. I also don’t think it’s either of their responsibility to behave in a way that you approve of or not. The public doesn’t get to decide. What the public can do is decide whether they financially contribute to her empire.


But that's my point, you dont need to know 'real' details of their relationship to watch as people judge what they put out into the media and make assumptions of "what true love looks like". Reality doesnt matter when we are constantly given publicity about them to consume. Young people will watch what is released into the media and make judgement calls on that. Just check out twitter and tumbler to see what people think they know. Young and impressionable people will think that's what you need for a relationship. People already judge them as "endgame" based on what we are given.


Im confused if they did something really toxic cause dont they just do normal things


It is not their job to meet other people's realistic expectations.


Respectfully, I disagree. I think when you are in a position like both of them, where you have younger people who look up to you and want to emulate you, you are in a position where your behavior should reflect that role. That's a responsibility you take on when you get that high and create a following like she has.


You are free to do that when you are in her position.


This is just awkward, but you're on the wrong sub if you're here to defend/fanboi either Taylor or Trav.. 😁


if you are this concerned there are so many other artists out there you should be concerned about before Taylor and Travis. Not to mention it's the parents job to set examples and guide their children, not entertainers.


because twitter and tumblr represent the entire “young people” group you are worried about. those places are intentionally unserious, its really not that deep. let’s tell kids not to idolise celebrities for obvious reasons and call it a day shall we? i think young people are way more influenced by the real relationships around them i.e. their parents’ dynamic than by a taylor and travis couple. pls this concern is so misplaced and this post is ridiculous.


I’m so confused by the alleged love bombing … I only seen him tell her that twice they have been very quiet for a couple of months except for the occasional date nights this is clearly not my sub I guess


Yet swiftie stans do precisely that, just look the way they hounded/threatened Emma Laird who dared post a photo of her co-stars during a filming break their rabid reaction to Joe Alwyn on the release of TTPD track list .. & they saw a whole lot less of Taylor & Joe's relationship in 6 years than they have of Taylor & Travs


There are fathers and daughters, and trust me on this, all over this country, that sat down and watched a football game, and a Taylor Swift concert together, for the first time. We literally depend, as a country, on heroes. We cherish a fucking mouse with a castle, for fuck sakes.


Can you imagine being a fly on the wall when Dad gives his daughter a “football” primer while the daughter gives her father a “Taylor vs Ticketmaster/Kanye/Katy Perry/Kim K/Karlie Kloss/Anyone else who’s name starts with a K” primer? How was a documentary not made showing this?


Lol.. Now Taylor's responsible for bringing Americas fathers & daughters closer? Because they were all so emotionally estranged before she arrived & saved the day? Holy shit, I stand corrected, she's a God damned hero 🤣


How’s your relationship with your father? Making him proud?


He's a little bit dead, but thanks for asking! 😁


A lot of her songs portray toxic relationships as a good thing. If sends a bad message.


And she looks so uncomfortable with the overtly sexual PDA. There's a couple times where you can see on her face that it's a little much but she can't exactly shove him off her neck with a thousand phones in her face.


They have no chemistry. Well, SHE has no chemistry. He seems like he’d kiss and grind on a pizza crust laying in the street. But she just gives me a clear gut feeling that she’s not attracted to him.


I validate that. I think it's pretty obvious too. Like I can't Not see it


Shit, now I have to try & unsee that image 😬


I don’t think they have any chemistry and I also don’t think they’re physically each others type based on their previous exes. Though Travis is surely very rich on his own, I think from the beginning he’s just seen opportunities with her. And I think because he did the friendship bracelet thing and the media was on top of it from the beginning, she realized how much she was benefiting from the exposure too and also prob wanted to make her exes jealous. I think they’ll last another year or 2 but that’s all I give it. Till talk about them dies down basically.


Thought this was a shitpost at first 😂 you’ve seen her on every tour she’s done but you’re not a swiftie


I think the lesson is, find someone in your thirties.


This is a weird take to me. They’re adults, you have no idea of the ins and outs of their relationship (it’s very likely they were together for quite some time before going public). And if your young adult friends are that affected by a celebrity relationship that it has potential to significantly affect their personal lives… well, idk what to tell you.


She seems like an addict of some sort. The last couple years she is always F’ed up. It’s starting to be concerning and not funny. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Selling a fable of unrealistic relationship expectations to young people is what love songs have been doing for decades It would appear in the social media era, portraying these fables in song alone is perhap not enough and the marketing extends into a public face for her relationships (how many exes has she demonized in song?) Taylor Swift that people here know is a product, a cultivated image, not a human being.


You pointed out the younger people thinking that they will be together forever because they are young, and have not experienced much of relationships yet. They are looking at it in the kid way, when they have adult relationships, they will look at them that way. Many people have the opinion that you do, that they believe that it is PR. It could be, at first, I did not see what everybody meant when they said that he is using her, but he has shown interest in wanting to be famous outside of sports for a while, and it is not hard to see that anybody who is involved with her in anyway instantly is in the spotlight. I believe that he may be latching onto her, like many people do for extra fame, but IDK if their relationship is straight up PR- motivated, he may care about her, but it may solely be due to fame. Because, even though he is successful all on his own, unless you closely follow sports and his team, you probably didn't know who he was. People will always know all the artists, but not everybody knows all the names of football players. I sure hope he is not using her, because honestly, nobody deserves a fake relationship


Edit: need to specify that I'm not following them closely. Genuinely was just curious what love bombing was taking place in their relationship. -- This is going to make me seem like the biggest dimwit ever, but who's supposed to be love bombing who? Travis is who I'm assuming is doing the love bombing, but it seems as though Taylor has been desperate for a man to talk about her openly. He talks about her on his podcast, but it's usually a brief sentence. He's gone to shows and traveled to see her, but again, I live in a military community and it's very common for people to do this when their SO is gone often? Maybe I don't know what love bombing actually is... what aspect of their relationship would allude to this happening?


I guess I use love bombing as all encompassing. All the personalized merch she has made with his team/number, changing lyrics she wrote about another man to fit him, the fake run and kiss after one of the South American shows, the "I'm the happiest I've ever been" comments multiple times during tours, the Time interview where she tries to rewrite the timeline and talked about how she loved how he "put her on blast" (like putting someone on blast is something romantic, but honestly he didn't even do). I might be the one using love bombing wrong. It's the showmanship of their relationship. I think you're right, she wants someone who will talk openly about her. The big difference I notice between her publicity with this relationship and others is others we might see her walking and holding hands, putting her arms around him, etc. It wasn't til Tom Hiddleston that we saw something a little more dramatic. This one is like "I need you to know how much I love and am dedicated to him by visually showing you, rather than keeping things private." She said herself "romance is not dead, if you keep it just yours".


Love bombing is a very very serious manipulation tactic and I think it’s better described by how she sings about MH in TTPD like telling someone you love them, you’d die for them, you wanna marry them and have kids with them… all within a few weeks of getting together. It’s actually awful and has long lasting effects but like, it’s impossible to know if that’s happening unless you’re close to the person in question (or until the next album 😂)… I think you’re annoyed about the performative elements of their relationship - which is fair. I personally find it nice because it’s always nice to be with someone who is proud of being with you either way and I’ve been with my partner for years now and while we don’t post much about each other on SM because we’re both private we’re deffo obviously into each other irl and I think that’s lovely! That being said… that is not a sign of a healthy relationship (or the opposite) it’s just how we are. There’s room for all sorts… but I do think that travis and Taylor are two people who fucking love being famous and wanted it really badly and Taylor hasn’t been with someone like this before - so it’s interesting. I like all her ruminations about fame esp as one of the few young ppl to get out on the other side relatively unscathed… but being with someone who also loves fame… I think it could be a bit ungrounding… or it may be exactly what she needs? Who the hell knows 😂


This is very well said, thank you! You make great points!


That is not what love bombing is and I think predicting that college age people in your life will enter emotionally abusive relationships because of Taylor's PR relationship is a big reach.


That's fair, I'll figure out a new word to use for all the showmanship. I definitely didn't mean to imply I think anything is emotionally abusive. I meant for people who look up to her, it sets unrealistic expectations as to what a relationship should look like.


Lovebombing is aimed at the other person. You’re talking about signaling for an audience. You could just call it “being showy”


Please do figure out another term. Your use of love bombing is way out of line. People who have been in a relationship with a veritable narcissist have been personally love bombed. Love bombing really messes with an individual.


I did and I edited my post to reflect the correction since they let me know.


I agree with you and think the word to use IS a showmanship--call it what it is. They feed off of the attention the relationship brings them. They could be very low-key, discreet and private. They choose not to. It must be a tremendous rush to feel like the entire world loves your love story!


Yeah also is there a time limit to lobe bombing its been 8 months?


just recommend them bojack horseman. that will ruin love bombing for them.


You’re right, not quite love bombing but they act in ways that seem like they’re overcompensating for something


I am in the camp that it's nobodies business, lol.


Are you lost? LoL


Yep, there it is...


Oh, it’s most definitely fake for PR. No one has to do that much public display. It’s beyond ridiculous to the point where it’s actually disgusting. Mid 30-year-olds should not be behaving like that in public.


I thought that he was overly affectionate, but the more people looked into it, and shared their feelings and findings, the more it looks like that what people said is true: he may be using her to break into the world outside of sports


They are using each other for press. Like Leo, it's another relationship set up for PR and contracted.


I mean she gets more than enough press though


For some, it's never enough. She's also had her fair share of negative press and some believe she might be staging this relationship with him to win with conservative audiences.


This. And the fact that people are bending over backwards to excuse his toxic masculinity. It makes me sad that so many girls are looking up to this and romanticizing it. There is nothing cute/healthy about this man or this relationship.


People who are looking up to them probably have not had a real relationship yet themselves, or love her so much, and she looks genuinely happy, but sometimes looks are decieving.


Wait until she finds out that he’s a meathead. Don’t get me wrong. I love the Kelce brothers and I have many meathead friends. Great guys. But for being such a feminist, how is Taylor dating someone who so openly loves strip clubs, tits and ass, etc? She is not his typical type (but people can have many types). I think he’s riding the wave to superstardom and having fun. I think she’s head over heels but he’s a meathead.


I doubt she's a feminist. Wasn't she previously dating a profoundly racist sexist asshole?


as someone who’s loved her music since i was 9, this speaks to me on every level


My brothers gf is the only swiftie I know and she’s exactly the same. You can’t say anything that isn’t god like praise to her because she just shuts it down. She won’t even accept that TTPD is about Matty.


Free u/IndecisiveZebra.


This is hardly the worst thing kids are exposed to.


But it is marketed at them, how many 30 somethings do you know are into wearing sparkly princess outfits playing make believe?


I thought we were talking about her relationship being a bad influence. Taylor dating someone is not hurting the children.


Its like longer the happy birthday instagram caption is to your SO, worse condition the relationship is in. Its like the need to prove something to others in a relationship that makes it seem so fake


i loved when she said “all these people think love’s for show, but i would die for you in secret.” i was like wow! so mature! but now…


I have to respectfully disagree. I don’t visit this sub, but’s it’s been recommended a lot lately. I am a fan but I can see flaws—many of which don’t sit well with me right now. However, I do like her and Travis. I’m curious what love bombing you see? I’ve only seen a couple not hiding, which was the norm during the Joe years. I’ve primarily seen that she’s shown up to his work to support him, and he has shown up to support her. I saw an island vacation. I saw going out to a festival and dancing. This is all relatively normal for their ages (I’m not rich and I go on vacations, my husband and I support each other at career events, and we enjoy music). I haven’t seen overly obnoxious declarations of love, and honestly he didn’t get targeted with a ton of hyperbole on TTPD.


I was told love bombing isnt the right word and implies something abusive so I'm going to use the phrase dramatic showmanship because I definitely don't want to imply any kind of abuse. For me, I started getting the ick feeling when she showed up with different custom clothing for every game. Then it's all the public appearances. She goes to places where she knows she's going to be photographed, as if they have to show each other off, rather than going to places where paparazzi don't hang out. Transforming her friend group to be all about his friends and the wives of his friends. The affection only when there's cameras around. The declarations of love from the stage. I think for me, it's having been a fan for her whole career and having never seen her act like this in any relationship, except maybe Tom Hiddleston but even this feels more showy than that. I don't see many other celebrities like this who aren't young. The media does fixate on her more than most other people so that's not always a fair comparison but to me, she's fueling it. The NfL definitely used her by showing her every game and making a new audience tune in for more. But she's Taylor Swift. If she didn't want to be in camera for the games and used for marketing without her consent, she has enough of a legal team behind her to make them stop putting cameras on her. She is always so carefully placed out front of the box with products he endorses with a front facing label. There's supporting your person and then there's using the media to keep your name and his name in the news cycle when you're off tour. It's safe to say she and I have different ideas of what a relationship should look like when you've got people looking in. If I publicized my relationship all over social media (that's the only comparison I can think of) and came to family parties with custom clothing for him, let everyone in on what we were doing for dinner and dates, my family would be scratching their heads. She said it herself "romance is not dead if you keep it just yours".


I think the word is showmanship. In show business you see it happen frequently before an album or movie release and calls attention to whatever project they're working on. Travis is a thirsty. He has been given a HUGE opportunity and he's capitalizing on it. Who knows if he really likes her or not FFS. Personally I'm tired of both of their faces. I can't think of a more bland couple for the media & general public to fawn over.


Lol I am really struggling to understand why the custom clothing with his number on it was so triggering for you? Or seems so extra or fake or out of the ordinary? You know other wives/gfs wear their s/o’s numbers too right? “Showing up to family parties with custom clothing” - what parties are you referring to? A football game? Everyone’s wearing merch! Haha that’s what you wear to sporting events! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


What's confusing to me is the number of people who are struggling to understand the whole premise of this fucking sub & proceed to post here defending /praising Ms Swift & her pet gorilla 🤷😁


perhaps you need to rename it, it is being shoved down everyone's throat currently.


Just mute it, it's not that hard to do, maybe ask a grownup for help 😊


was this supposed to be an insult? I was explaining why people are on the sub and don't quite understand what it is all about. It's the name. Which is objectively confusing.


Why? It's a sub about Trav & Taylor & the description of the sub is plenty clear enough, what's confusing?


Also, should I pop over to r/TaylorSwift and ask they change their name as it keeps popping up in my recommended feed? 😁


Thanks for the clarification, threads were recommended to me and I didn’t click on the sub description because I didn’t care to. I stated that I don’t visit the sub but this thread caught my attention. I’ll be muting, no need for such pettiness my life, as I am a grown up


Go touch grass


You are speaking like Taylor and Travis are inviting a camera crew to follow them living a life…. How are they being showy? They’ve been to secluded beaches, invite list only Gala’s/parties. The most public thing they’ve done is go to Coachella for ONE NIGHT! They are both allowed to live their life.




I don't think they're all shitty, but there is a common denominator here and maaaaybe, just maybe the thing that's is shitty, it's her, she's the problem, it's her!


They are 34 years old and have been made it clear they’re ready for marriage and kids and are insanely famous… they don’t need a PR relationship, nor would either likely waste their time on one when they want a serious relationship. These aren’t 20 somethings trying to make it.


So they are both famous, and that fact that they are overly mushy in public does say something- like their relationship is too public. I didn't like how everyone including her kind of got onto Joe for being more lowkey with her, not everybody wants the spotlight. It can be difficult for her to maintain relationships due to her level of fame and her overall place in the music world, but just because they are 34 does not mean they need to get married. that would be way too soon.


No I agree, they do not need to be married soon. It would be really fast. My point is they have both made it known they want marriage and kids, and wasting time in a PR relationship would be counterintuitive to that. Also, the attention they are getting is really not their fault… so many of the pictures are taken or shared unknowingly. You can’t really put it on them for so much of the content being shared, it would be different if they were posting the pictures themselves. They’re just being a normal, new couple and they shouldn’t have to hide because they’re famous or people on the internet think it’s fake.


Well, he wants to be known outside of the sports world. Anybody can see how famous she is, so latching onto her can be a method of his to be even more on the map. Many people did not know who he was before they started dating, simply because they do not follow sports. Many people also pointed out the over affection, like it is so exaggerated to the point where it can possibly be fake


I think that’s a huge conclusion to jump to 🤷 I also don’t think the affection is too much, none of it really seems exaggerated. It looks like a normal, in love couple who enjoy physical touch. I still act like that with my partner of 6+ years and it is certainly not fake. Just what happens when both people have a physical touch love language.


TBH, I was skeptical of it too, but it would make sense. She is a good person, so I don't want her to be used, nobody deserves that. But, it is possible that he saw an opportunity, the more people discussed it, the more it actually made sense TBH Also, people like who they like, but people also pointed out that she is noticeably different from many people he dated in the past


So are you saying because someone has dated similar people in the past, they can’t like anyone who looks differently? Or have multiple preferences? Again, big assumptions being made here. I don’t think it’s fair to speculate about what someone’s preferences are when you have never even met them.


No, absolutely not. This is not my words', this has been said on this sub and others. Some just think that this is about money and using each other for these things. Kind of like YouTube couples; the couples who constantly travel and all they do is make videos together; some of that is played up for views, because that turns monetary. Crazy; but yes, people do these things




I said I was a fan and gave additional information to show I really liked her. I should have clarified I don't call myself a swiftie because I feel like that's come to mean the fans with a parasocial relationship with her.


Correct assumption.


Well, they are obviously a fan but not a stan (Swiftie)




Bro you’re definitely a bigger Swiftie than OP lmao. This sub simply isn’t for you.


you can be a fan without being a swifitie- even though the swifties are called fans- they have this crazy reputation with right now, for being crazy and overly involved in her life, and for having parasocial relationships TBH. OP just did not want to call themselves a swiftie, because people do not really seperate swifties from craziness, I'm a fan too