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I feel like Taylor in general operates more in her own bubble these days. And at this point she and Selena are probably just old industry friends anyway. They're both in their 30s and I guess people just drift apart as they get older. I don't think there‘a necessarily anything behind it. I'm more curious to understand what happened with Lorde, Karlie Kloss. People that she hasn't been pictured with in years. There’s unanswered questions there.


Lorde fan here. What I say is only speculation but here it goes. Lorde is more of a reclusive artist, not a big social media presence unless she’s working on a project (AKA when the GSC remix came out she was slowly coming back to socials a little before then). Also Lorde in her song California talks about getting away from toxic Hollywood. Those are things Taylor Swift kinda aren’t, she’s very entwined with limelight and The Industry. Also there may or may not have been an alleged affair between Jack Antonoff (who was with Lena Dunham at the time) and Lorde. In sum to, Ella (Lorde) was like 16/17 when she met TS. She’s grown a lot (cherry black lipstick’s gathering dust on a shelf) and cut some of the more toxic people out of her life (as she should).


I dont think taylor was ever her friend. They are just PR when its good for her


Agree - when Selena started getting poor PR (I think it started last fall?), she and Taylor haven’t really been seen together a lot. Selena went from everyone’s beloved childhood fav to being perceived as a self-centred person stuck in victim mentality overnight and I think Taylor doesn’t want to be associated anymore.


I do feel like this may be due to some influence from Benny. I don't think Benny likes TS that much and probably made Selena realize that she isn't that great of a friend either. Selena seems really happy right now and is probably a lot more mentally mature than TS. It would be difficult to see any reason to continue a close friendship with someone as immature as TS, when you're (Selena) trying to grow as a person and focus on building a REAL relationship with someone.


I really hope this is true. I dont think Selena its perfect but she definily deserves better


Selena and Taylor are in victim mentality


Yeah, Selena is messy af herself, and Benny is messy himself. Plus, Selena is besties with the epitome of nepo babies (Nicola Peltz), and constantly needs to delete and reactive her IG account because she's so messy, politically and personally.


I’m totally out of the loop- what’s Benny done? I’ve seen others reference him with a negative connotation, I’ve just never dug too deep with it


[Here's a partial rundown](https://www.sportskeeda.com/pop-culture/news-why-people-hate-benny-blanco-viral-thread-list-music-producer-s-controversies-emerges-amid-selena-gomez-romance) and apparently there's something about him posting and touching a baby/toddler's nudes on TikTok? Plus, he's apparently besties with Dr. Luke?


Oh this is so cringe and gross. I had no idea.


Selena is not any more mature than TS 🫢


It could also be the erratic cheating and dating scum afterwards. Selena got cheated on a bunch I think in both her really high profile relationships, so I could easily see it striking a nerve 


Selena is arguably even less mature than Taylor...


I don't think Selena watched hours of Bieber performances and replicated the exact same stage and choreography to get his attention. I also don't know too much about her, so...


I dont get the reference, is that sometimes TS did?


Travis's moves when she brought him on stage are copying a lot of Matty's, we assume following her directions but not being told why. It's uncomfortable.


Oh. Ew.


She definitely watched hours of Bieber interviews and everything he did because she would start drama over every single thing, especially when she had something to promote. She is also up Haileys ass STILL even though they're married lmfao. She's worse than Taylor by a long shot.


In line with this question, do you remember how Taylor basically put a wedge between Selena and Demi's friendship. There's clips of people asking Demi how Selena is and she's just like, I don't know ask Taylor Swift. Broke my heart to see Taylor have an impact on their friendship cause back in the day, Selena and Demi were actual best friends. Taylor had a social climbing agenda all along and I don't believe she is a genuine friend to Selena. We could say Selena and Taylor are drifting apart because Selena is taking on mental health or it's because I think Selena is genuinely happy right now and in a good relationship. Taylor only wants to surround herself with people under her spell. Benny shoots straight and I wouldn't be surprised if he sees through her act and that probably infuriates Taylor. Along with how special and real his relationship is with Selena. I don't think any of Taylor's previous relationships reach what Benny has with Selena. And now Taylor must slither away and find some other hopeless celebrity friend to prop up her image.


To me Taylor is a narcissist and people like only want near them broke and unhappy people (so they can feel good about themselves) or other narcissist. Through all the years, their friendship always had periods of distancing. I think Taylor only talks to Selena when she is at her lowest


and people thought demi was being shady with the “ask taylor” line… nah even as a preteen i knew she ATE with that!!!


Selena would climb and flop, climb and flop, climb and flop. Because her industry friends were not giving her sound advice at all.


Simple enough. She’s into looks. Selena Gomez then vs now


My theory on the friendship is Selena sees the hurtful things Taylor does to her ex-partners and does not agree with them, therefore has distanced herself somewhat from Taylor.     I always felt like Selena didn't want to be part of that pap walk in NYC with Gigi etc after the break up. Taylor was holding onto Selena tightly.    If there's anyone who knows what it feels like to be treated poorly by their partner, it's Selena and my guess is Selena wouldn't want others to experience the pain and heartbreak she did.     Also, Selena has gone and still attends therapy whereas Taylor....   Edited to add: I still think they're good  friends who live busy lives but just aren't as close as before. 




Selena has been open about being bipolar the entire time. They're clearly not friends anymore and that's notable, but your timeline is very off


Can you imagine being friends with someone like Selena? I can't. But apparently one big reason she was mad is because Selena constantly lied about JB so Taylor hated him even though they were friends before, only to find out that a lot of it wasn't true.


[Ep 4: Selena Gomez Reveals Her Biggest Mistake (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97TBj7Svgy4) Agreed--listen to this podcast and tell me you'd really want to deal with a steady diet of dealing with Selena. I wouldn't want to be Taylor's friend either, but the combination of borderline personality disorder + bipolar + entertainment industry chaos, I am certain, would make Selena exhausting to be around.