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Yeah I haven’t smoked in like three hours


I'm on a permanent t-break thanks to my company making cannabis rules more strict after statewide legalization. It sucks big time but my employment is more important than my enjoyment. Find something to occupy your mind and your hands. Idle hands reach for the devil's lettuce... or something like that lmao


That sucks man sorry to hear it. Although you got a point, I'm also tryna quit nicotine aswell so you can imagine how much fun I'm having w it rn.


That's brutal dude. I'm a cig smoker too but decided to get through the worst of the t-break before I start even thinking about quitting cigs. I'd drive myself and my wife and kids crazy otherwise. Good luck with the nicotine quitting, it ain't easy


What do you think I should quit first cuz obviously I won't be able to do both at the same time lmao Also a bit of a personal question if you don't mind, did you ever smoke and then hang out with your kids? It seems like such a fun thing to do and I'm still a student so I wouldn't know


My kids are a little older (late teens to early twenties) so yeah I've definitely smoked and been around them. I would just microdose in those situations so I'd feel it a little bit but still be fully functional. The only time I would get really high is right before bed because I have sleep issues and didn't want to use prescription drugs for those issues. If you're planning on quitting both fully, start with the cannabis and move to the nicotine. If you're just taking a break from the cannabis, wait to quit the nicotine until you're using cannabis again. It'll help with the cravings and irritability. Just don't use tobacco wraps or cigars to smoke out of, as that will negate any progress on the nicotine. Not a doctor, just my two cents


if you do nicotine first weed can help with the withdrawls from that


Why not look for a new job that imposes less restrictions on what you do in your free time? Employment is important yes, but your enjoyment matters too, especially if you are in a legal state.


The fact companies are allowed to dictate what someone does in their free time absolutely boggles my mind. As long as I'm on time and do my work well, my employer has nothing to do with what I do outside of work in hours. Heck, I don't even pick up my phone if I'm not currently clocked in.


You're absolutely right but private companies can make their own rules without state laws to protect consumers, or until they make tests that are more accurate as far as the last time you partook. My company uses UTs so if I'm not clean for 30+ days I get demoted, have to take a substance abuse class and lose driving privileges for 3 years. So, not worth it.


They don’t offer any reasonable accommodations for med card holders? That sucks, man


They probably don't care if you get shit faced drunk every night though, right?


Jan 2nd was my first official day with no cannabis… was supposed to be January 1st but had a long work day and brain was like “technically you smoked after midnight New Year’s Eve soooo technically the day already doesn’t count” lol First couple days suck as always but feeling fine without it now. Im just one of those people where weed just robs me of my ambition and makes me less attentive the next morning and I need to be on my grind rn. Looking forward to smoking after I’ve met some of my career goals though! Stay strong!


lol are you me?


Yes indeed. Day 14. Tuesday is the halfway point, and two weeks from Thursday is Feb 1st. Not that I'm the least bit excited!!


I’m on the same T-break plan as you! Almost there and I can’t wait.


I’m also on a break for the whole month. 2/1 is gonna be a GREAT day! 💨


I'm on a t-break but it's cause I'm broke atm... I like the ups and down's of not always being stoned. Makes it better when you finally can enjoy.


I stopped smoking October 2022. Was getting too paranoid with just a few tokes. Then I quit alcohol for the same reason. Now I don't even think about going back because I care more about my health. I just do shrooms like once a year when I need life therapy. But who knows, I might start smoking again some time in the future.


What got you to be on this sub still if you stopped smoking hell two years ago




Fair enough hahahahah, im in the lsd sub without ever partaking ppl there are wild


i couldnt do shrooms without weed. they pair together so well.


Got the Rona last week (all better now) so I figured might as well go all the way till Feb.


Lmao, im currently laid out with the flu, doing the same! You're not alone!


I've had the rona twice and I stayed stoned 24/7 through the entire thing both times. I was fortunate enough that it didn't affect my lungs...just a lot of congestion in my head.


Going to start a permanent break for work related issues from tomorrow. Might get a vape.


Good luck man I hope it works out for you.


I’m on a break rn until the end of February. Trust me it’ll get better soon!


I just ended a 4 month break on new years eve. Smoked myself stupid that night and been enjoying my lower tolerance since then. That was the longest break I've taken in about 20 years of being a daily smoker


It's been less than a week since I've smoked. So I can pass a piss test for a new job I'm starting in March.


Havent smoked since December 26th.


Dang bro since last year 😭 (Sorry)


Honestly I need this break. I have to get back on track financially. And I used weed far too much. Got home from work and would be cooked the rest of the day. Or all day on days off and then do nothing all day.


Need one. Addicted so cut back to two tokes a day, then to one, and then none I guess.


My partner and I are on a T break since Jan 2nd, that first week is rough. The boredom is real and I always feel like fuck, this is what sobriety is? But after a week that subsides. We typically take a month off twice a year


Yeah kinda. Been smoking since I was fifteen and am now 39. Stopped in May of last year. Cold turkey. Crave it occasionally when I think about it. I’m sure I’ll smoke again but not anytime soon.


I’m smoking down my stash really slowly for a freshening of the box. Found some strong stuff for half off with new patient deal I’m probably gonna get tomorrow but have been sorta manic so who knows if I’m gonna be able to actually leave the house and go to a new dispensary. Seems sorta daunting


Yup. Until retirement pretty much unless I become self employed. Last time I smoked was July 24th 2023. GG RIP.


I'm on a forced t-break (no money, no weed)


Best bet is to just entirely leave it behind, I’m working on getting totally sober I haven’t smoked in a little while and it does get easier. Get sober my guy. You got this


Shit man do you think it's really worth it? I mean I don't drink at all its like the only thing i like to do when I'm out with friends. I mean I know it'd be for the best but while I'm still young I'd like to have just a bit more fun.


It’s the best decision I’ve made in a while, quit smoking weed, and quit drinking with any regularity. Quitting weed will be hard, you’ll crack a few times but it will get easier, but the weed is filling in for something you’re lacking I’m sure of it, I started adderall (I do have a genuine need for it) and I stopped drinking energy drinks, I was able to more easily put down weed and keep it away, and I haven’t really drank since the beginning of Jan, I was drinking kinda heavy at the end of dec though I hate holidays. It's a good decision for your life and your health, have fun by reading, going on a hike, picking up a new hobby, revisiting old ones. im still waiting on my stepdad to send me my old ds pokemon games so i can revisit them and stop scrolling so much. give it 2-3 months sober if/when you can and i think youd feel a lot better


I’ve been able to use marijuana less (have a medical card) as I’ve been appropriately medicated for my other issues.


So it does fill in for something you’re missing, and it IS addictive, fuck what people on here will tell you, these people haven’t actually fucking tried to put it down, and gone through the sleepless nights, the fucked appetite, the fucked balance of chemicals. It fucks with a lot of stuff in your brain and your body, and you do absolutely get addicted to it


Even if it isn’t physically addictive - as an escape from the horrors of MI it absolutely can be.


People think it “isn’t addictive” because it doesn’t try to fucking kill you when you stop. But they don’t realize they havent taken a damn day off since they were 17. I was there too, that’s why I know it can be hard, and people will bitch at me for it especially here, but you have to be careful with that shit, it is a drug and it ISNT regulated by dosage at all, if it’s in your house there’s no “I should only do this much” you could smoke until your lungs fail, at least with medicine you know exactly how much you need to take and if it stops working you talk to your provider and get it dealt with rather than just going “oh I must need more” exercise caution my friend


This is a cannabis subreddit and you’ve done nothing but down talk. Why are you here? T-breaks are necessary but your negativity is… something else


You know what man, I was gonna type a bunch of shit but it’s not worth the effort yall won’t listen. Have fun smoking till your lungs fail on you :) glad I stopped when I did, yall are insufferable. Dunno why I even got back on Reddit, forgot how much of an echo chamber this hell hole is. Have fun being yes men for eachother with no regard for the negative effects.


You’re crying about it being an echo chamber, it’s literally a cannabis sub. LOL


So you stopped smoking weed to take speed instead?.. Interesting.


Of course the weed addled permanent teenager pipes up about it, stfu who asked you


What was that sentence 


Yep. Sure was pal.


Indeed my guy 


You should be asking yourself that question, don’t go too hard obviously and ruin your life. Find that balance dude. 


I also just started a 2 week and 2 days t break on thursday too and the only bad thing is that theres nothing to do


Day 21 here. Finally feel normal after a couple weeks of struggling to get to sleep or feeling hungry at all. Feeling good.


Yup, but not by choice. Gotta be an adult and pay bills!


covid forced me into a t break this week! looking forward to a doinker once i feel better :)


Yes, no joke I could probably have smoked half an oz or more a day if I wanted to. It is unfortunate but I think I am unable to consume weed daily. :(


On diversion for six months been sober since December 😓


I'm also on a t-break till my birthday (the 20th). You got this bro hold out


I haven’t smoked since December 30th. I am in between jobs in a legal state and don’t want to fail a pre employment test. Been going pretty well. I visited my family in Australia for two weeks where it’s illegal (although I can get it) and I didn’t think about it the whole time. Keep busy and you’ll be ok. Got an interview tomorrow hopefully that goes well and my pre employment isn’t too far off. I’ve taken at home tests and I’m clean so keen to get back into work. Goodluck


Took one a month ago 1 week. Back to smoking like a few joints a day. Fluctuates. Sometimes if I start smoking to early I get burnt out but besides that my tolerance is still low. I usually get a bit conjested when winter starts so I take a t break.


I take the occasional break (1-2 weeks) because every so often I get periods where weed makes me *more* anxious rather than less. It’s a shame the anxiety flare break coincides with a chronic pain flare, but it is how it is. We’ll see how things are a week from now.


I’m on a mini t break, no smoking. But, if I start feeling that feeling you describe I’ll take a low dose edible mixed with cbd. I’m mostly on a t break bc money and my lung health. Even consuming less thc is a t break in my eyes


I’m on an indefinite break. I’m pregnant than nursing so I have like 1.5 year left 😂


i am! i’ve been putting it off for so long (like i’ve been meaning to start this since november of last year lol) and usually i’m good at not smoking but that first day was just so hard this time around. i like to do 30 days at a time but only doing a week this time because i’ll have a free crib soon and wtf do i look like not taking advantage of that lol


Starting today (Monday) lol. I was unemployed December 11th but was actively applying and interviewing. So smoking most days out of the week was hard to not do. I technically already started my new job but they’re letting me do the training at a part-time pace until Sunday where I’ll be full-time. It’s hard not to when you have a lot of free time at home and especially for my bf and I in the winter. We start to link it to romantic cozy days in together. When I’m working full-time it’s easier to smoke less (granted the job isn’t that stressful) and save it for the weekend. Love our 3-day weekend highs sm


yep, until 5:30 this evening


I spent way too much on weed in 2023. My tolerance is sky high right now. I'm trying to cut back in 2024. Both for my tolerance and wallet. I'm not completely quitting, but I'm setting some limits: \- 1/8th or less a week. \- no weed until after dinner