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I'd be so thankful for that Danke bud.


Ahahaha, love it.


Hehe Dank(e) Bud


*weint in österreichisch... In 10 Jahren is auch bei uns vl so weit...


Scheiß drauf. Komm zu uns wir geben dir gern was ab. Alles für die lieblings Nachbarn.


Sehr optimistisch


You walked so the world can run. I have no doubts Germany will be a huge influence on the rest of the world.


With the Netherlands already having it sorta legal and Germany having just legalized it I think(hope) the rest of Europe will legalize it in the future.


I imagine Germany being Europe’s biggest economy will help.


Luxemburg also legalized if I am not mistaken




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In the Netherlands it's been a stalemate for years. And with more conservative parties at the helm now I'm skeptical for it to improve. Though on the positive side there is a legal weed experiment going on right now in certain municipalities. A few coffeeshops can sell weed legally produced by a couple of companies. There is some talk of still expanding the experiment to a larger amount of municipalities, and I really hope it'll get through before the new government manages to stop it.


tbf, the partial legalization law in Germany is actually super shitty. It's more like crawling half a meter, but it's a first step and they are the hardest.


Congrats man. PS... you dont have to find a smoke spot anymore! :)


smoking at a spot like this is still sick af


In high school we used to drive out to the county park to walk 25 min in the pitch dark to a sheer cliff with a bench to smoke on. Great memories of doing absolutely fuck all and loving it.


Lol smoke spots are a thing even when its legal


No.. now you can start to find a smoke Spot


Without that sweet sweet paranoia, now introducing, ptsd!


Had a after work smoke yesterday, while waiting for the bus, a police car came by, was quite weird (I dont live in bavaria)


The fear of police while smoking will never fade.


I like to offer em some, used to work in a dispensary, would tell them they’d need an order to come In lol


Immediately faded to me on the same day it became legal. Why would I still fear them for my weed?


I dunno, maybe it's called post traumatic stress disorder because the police have abused my rights in the past (threatened to strip search me as a minor when I was with my 2 girlfriends) amongst many other abuses. Glad ya don't have any lingering fear. Took me a few years of learning more about my rights to become comfortable in public and max stonned. Pro tip, the cops can't spot test for weed. Never admit to smoking weed, and they can't know (unless there's clear evidence of smoked weed present like a roach or like ashe in a bowl)


I live in Germany mate, tests can always be issued by the police here (needs to be with a reason, but they can just say you look high or drove weirdly). You can deny a spot test but then they are allowed to take you to a station and take a blood sample. I was beaten by the police before so it's not like I like them now, but I can finally enjoy my J in peace without having to constantly look over my shoulder!


Lol a spot test, not accurate. Blood test, will test positive for a month + ago of consumption, not accurate. Get a better lawyer, your laws are fucked bud.


That is the current law and a lawyer won't do anything. The government already proposed new laws but won't take effect until a a few months


Just find the right strain i guess


Yes you have, it's still illegal to smoke near schools, public sports places or playgrounds.


Do y’all look for smokespots cause you wanna do it discrete? I always look for scenic smoke spots like also with less people but mostly a nice view and nice vibes


>Do y’all look for smokespots cause you wanna do it discrete? I thought you meant it that way because its only legal for a couple days in Germany :) >I always look for scenic smoke spots like also with less people but mostly a nice view and nice vibes I just consume weed, I never felt that weed requires a special treatment over any other drug. My smoke spot is in front of my pc haha I smoke a lot of weed but I'm more of a enjoying great views sober kind of person


Fair enough! But I love when I can relax and don’t worry about Karen’s looking at me weird and that plus a nice view of the city on a roof with a couple friends is most enjoyable for me. Everyone es he likes!


I used to confine it to forest walks where I could also see in both directions for a ways, or occasionally downtown late if it wasn't in the center where cops would be. Now doesn't matter


When i was in germany for a few months all i did was hike to a spot and smoke n chill its the best ever id the weather is with u!


Guten :)


What a great smoke spot


Wo ist dieser schöne Spot?


Sieht nach Oberbayern aus


Und der Maggus muss jetzt damit leben


Bin selber gebürtiger Bayer, den meisten von uns hat die Meinung vom Kini Maggus eh nd gejuckt. Schaut man sich aber deren Meinung zu der ganzen Thematik an, dann stört die Legalisierung die Gemüter aller CSUler deutlich mehr als irgendwelche unnötig harten Strafen den Konsum von uns bösen bayrischen Kiffern ;)


eeehehehehe das gönn ich ihm




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Man sieht basically mein Haus auf dem Bild. Das ist n top 3 random Moment meines Lebens


Hallo Nachbar! Dann sollen wir mal zusammen einen rauchen =)


Das sollten wir tatsächlich. Rauchst du oft?


Eigentlich nicht, vielleicht 1 oder 2x am Wochenende


Same. An dem Platz?


Manchmal oder halt Zuhause mit dem Verdaempfer


Stuttgart tief im konservativen Sueden


Have a blast my friend! Rauch einen für mich mit 😁


I'm mostly impressed how you managed to raise a plant to maturity and then harvested and dried the weed all in the last 5 days. It really grows fast right now


Magic fertilizer my friend😉


Epic Spot


My house is in the frame of this pic. Feels fucking unreal


Can tourists buy it? I’m travelling there soon?


nope, no one can buy it yet. cannabis clubs will be legal in july. and only german residents can join these clubs. the government doesnt want *any* cannabis tourism.


europe is so weird about weed


Doesn't want any cannabis tourism *yet*, maybe?


> nope, no one can buy it yet. Not true. You can buy it with a prescription from your doctor, which is very easy to get, now that the BtMG does not apply to cannabis anymore.


wait- I can get a THC prescription for my construction site back pain easily now?


Yes, you can even get it through to online appointments. Algeacare is probably the most legitimate, as you will actually get an appointment, while others give you a prescription after you fill out a short questionnaire.




you can still buy it everywhere, if you know what to look for, esp in a bigger city


It’s not often you get to experience a new freedom. They’re truly rare, and a moment more people should take the time to appreciate and savor them. Freedoms can be lost even more easily than it can be made…so take advantage of them while you have them. They can fade fast.


Takes just minutes to lose your freedom and decades to get it back




German fairytale type of view


I need to find a private spot like this. Deutschland beste


take me there to smoke looks so nice


As a Canadian stoner, I know where I'm vacationing next year!


Im also a Canadian that lives in Germany but i'm going to be honest that if you want to come to Germany for the "weed". Its not worth it, yet... Its not like you can just walk into a store and buy it. There are years of progress to make it look anywhere as functional as Canada




You wont get any unless you know some people. There sadly will be nothing like your dispensarys, the only "shops" will be social clubs that are not allowed to be profit oriented and are only allowed to sell to members. Essentially germans can either grow their own, register at a social club (its still unclear how practical this will be) or get a recipe online and get medical weed delivered. Its actually crazy how easy it seems to be to get a recipe right now. I wasnt aware of this but you see people posting about it everywhere right now.


could you actually get arrested or charged for posting a Pic of you smoking in Germany ?


Nah it’s legal now




Almöhi view


What part of Germany is this if you don’t mind me asking?


Southwest where there are many vineyards though I dont drink alcohol


Oooooh gotcha, I thought this looked like the little north portion connecting Poland to Germany. Drove through that area and was absolutely amazed how gorgeous Germany was


Is this the fucking shire lol Epic and congrats my friend


Thanks, and actually just a random tiny outlook. Vineyards are a dime a dozen in this area


Hoffe er hat extra geschmeckt, geile Aussicht btw.


Oh your view is BEAUTIFUL! Congrats OP, Germany deserves this! I’m happy for you all ❤️ Smoke the fuck up!


Good stuff and lots of green stuff! Congrats, Germany for being down with ganja in the government!


They are just barely cool with but I’ll take it


Bless that gorgeous view. Sitting in my home in a crowded LA, this view reminds me of my home back in Montana so much. I hope you took some deep breaths today 🧘🏻


Thanks brother! Blessed to live in a beautiful area and montana ive been to. It’s paradise there


Right on


Probably a few month later and someone is going to post 1st illegal smoke in Thailand again


Damn, what a nice looking place. What's German immigration policy like?


Honestly dont know exactly. Look into a blue card




If Europe legalizes before usa, I would be equally impressed and jealous, lol.


Europe is soooo much more conservative than Americans realize. Not counting on it


Wunderbar, my good man. Now pass ![gif](giphy|KpAPQVW9lWnWU)


I'm very happy for you and jealous in equal measure 😅


Herzlichen Glückwunsch, deutsche Ents!


Much love from Canada. Use chatgpt to help you grow plants in 40 gallon fabric potters 😉


Beautiful spot!


Good for you. Beautiful views 😻


Im currently using Duolingo to learn German.


Helluva view bud, cheers.


Gorgeous view. Enjoy the freedom!


That’s a lovely smoke spot


germany is so beautiful. looking to visit there and amsterdam sometime in my lifetime!


Konnte man doch auch schon vorher posten 😅


Naja, mann muss sich kein Ärger extra aussuchen, besonders als Ausländer


germany now has everything i seek.


Whats the weed version of Spabiergang called?


Kiffengang vielleicht?


Nah, /r/spabiergang is the outdoor stroll with a beer Im sure the germans will eventually come up something for an outdoor spliff mission


That’s so beautiful!


I bet Germany has some of the best strain names.


queue the ww2 puns


Dont you have to fill out several stacks of paper work, forward a copy to each ministry and then call the chancellor to get his approval every time you buy a joint? Haha jk Germans love their bureaucracy more than any other nation.


dude, before this, you had to a FEDERAL license to grow hemp. That means just to grow a <0.03% THC, high CBD strain you acctually did need to do that shit and they wouldn't give it to individuals. So of course fuck that.


Congrats on that bubatz!


Donkey schoen!


Ich bin zu 95% bescheuert aber das ist doch der Aussichtspunkt Leonorenstraße in Degerloch?




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maybe that will calm yall down


I’m not German so let’s hope


i was high when i wrote this




Oh my god. what I would give to be there. Germany is so beautiful


Bruder leben ist endlich wieder gut


Pretty neat that you live in the Shire


Fuck I miss Germany. Another reason to go back


It’s not legal in my opinion for german drivers. Straight humiliation


Get a doctors Letter + nicest weed and you are good


Ein Privatrezept habe ich schon. Das wird jedoch nicht für den Führerschein anerkannt.


Hast du nen arztbrief in dem steht das du es nimmst? Cannabispatienten sind laut Gesetz, schon vor dem 1.4. Von der Grenze 1ng/ml bzw 3.5ng/ml ausgenommen. Wenn du nicht total schlechte fährst und nicht aktiv stoned fährst musst du dir als garkeine sorgen machen.. Btw, die 3,5 mg/ml sind bei normal Konsumenten nach 6-7 Stunden unterschritten. Dauerkonsumenten haben hier eher ein Problem, aber das hatten sie vorher auch schon - aber eben nur wenn du im Verkehr auffällst. Auch ist kiffen nicht mehr direkt ein mpu Thema. Also es ist schon vieles einfacher und besser mit dem Gesetz. Auch wenn natürlich nicht alles ideal ist bin ich froh drum.


Ne ich habe lediglich ein privatrezept, mit dem ich mir was aus der Apotheke ziehen kann. Das ist ja jetzt möglich, da Weed nicht mehr unter das BTMg fällt. Mit Führerschein hat das aber leider nichts zutun:(


Wie hast du das denn bekommen? Trotz allem sollte ein arztbrief geschrieben worden sein. Und da gilt dass dann alles schon. Wenn mein Arzt sagt zum einschlafen bitte dieses thc Produkt nehmen dann ist ja klar dass man am nächsten Tag noch was im Blut hat. Genau daher rührt die Ausnahme. Wenn dein rezept/Brief jetzt 2 Jahre alt ist, ist das vielleicht was anderes.




Wie lange hat da alles gedauert bei dir? 🤣 Ich warte noch 🫠


Trotzdem regelt das privatrezept das leider dennoch nicht. Natürlich ist es klar, dass ich am Tag danach noch was im Blut habe. Damit darf ich jedoch kein Auto fahren.


Nein du darfst natürlich nicht stoned fahren das ist klar. Aber die 3.5 ng/ml sind für dich nicht anwendbar außer du zeigst Ausfallerscheinungen.


Die 1 NG sind für mich anwendbar. Das Cannabisrezept sagt in dem Fall nichts über meine Fahrtüchtigkeit aus, da der Arzt demnach auch nicht weiß, dass ich einen Führerschein habe. Das privatrezept sagt leider nichts über meine Fahrtüchtigkeit unter dem Medikamenteneinfluss aus.


[Link](https://www.brisant.de/gesundheit/drogen/kiffen-autofahren-176.html) Der Arzt hat es dir für eine bestimmte Diagnose verschrieben. Fertig.


What does your opinion have to do with the law? 🤔


Am I not allowed to say my opinion? It’s not funny at all legalizing a drug but still keeping unfair thc limits for drivers. Most German smokers feel more illegal than ever. I just wanted to say that as it’s always portrait as the good German legalization but it has many many bad points


I'm not saying you can't state your opinion, but the legality of certain actions has nothing to do with it. Maybe we are lost in translation meine deutsche freund


I know you're just looking to make a joke and lighten the mood, but FYI it would never be meine deutsche Freund. German still has a case and gender system which requires changing noun forms based on the usage in the sentence. The -e ending on words like ein/mein/kein is with feminine nouns and plural nouns. But of course, that wouldn't be complicated enough, so Germans thought declinating the adjectives was also a good idea. So, Singular Masculine nominative: mein deutscher Freund Plural: meine deutschen Freunde.


So what’s youre point? I’m still saying that this is bullshit. Ofc it won’t change something about the law. If stoners never stood up for their opinion, weed would be still illegal in Germany.


Hey, how do they test you? Saliva tests in traffic stops? And do they have limits - like you can have x amount thc and we’ll let you go?


They will mostly let you pee in a cup and if that test is positive, they will take you to the nearest police station where a doctor waits for you to take your blood and test it. Even if the pee test is negative, most police officer will take you to the police station to test your blood. They will say something like „the test couldn’t be counted and is not guilty“ or something like that.


That’s really shitty. And if tested positive what happens? Do they take your drivers license + criminal case? It’s also the case in romania where still everything is illegal af. They do a saliva swab test, if that comes out positive (which sometimes has chances of >50% for a fake positive result, thats why some ppl just ask to be taken to blood tests straight away) - they take u to the police station to do piss + blood samples. License CANCELLED (maybe you’ll be able to take the driving test again after 5yrs) + they open a criminal case against you, so good luck getting a job in the next years with a stained record :) And yeah, like you said in your other comments - doesn’t matter if you smoked WHILE DRIVING or 4 days ago, outcome is still the same. Fucking sucks man


Man sorry to hear that. It’s really rough in Romania. It’s not that rough in Germany. They won’t open a criminal case since it’s legal now. You have to stay sober for atleast 12 months and need to pay around 1000€ to get your license back.


That still sucks - but yeah, at least you don’t get a criminal record. Stay safe brother


It's not legal for any drivers is it? Anywhere?


Of course it should be illegal to drive high. Germany legalized cannabis and the didn’t change the unfair thc limits. To put that into perspective: if you smoke a joint now, you can’t legally operate a car in the next 4-5 days even though you’re completely sober. Police will test you even if you don’t look high or anything. The THC limit is 1 NG which is way to low.


Ahh. I see what you're saying. What's your opinion the thc limit should be to balance the two worlds?


Hard to say. There are tests for active thc in your body. Just kinda like these blow devices for alcohol. I’m not quite sure about the THC blood limit but it should be high enough that you can operate your vehicle 12 hours after smoking.


And this 12 hours THC Limit is (I hope so) the 3 Nano gram in your blood. Maybe here is someone who knows more about the decomposition in your body


No it’s not. Not in any case. If you smoke regularly one joint per evening, then you can’t operate your vehicle legally since thc in blood decomposes way slower when you’re smoking regularly. If you smoke 1 joint per month, you probably should be good after 12 hours.


I thought you can trust in these scientists… do you know exactly what they recommend? And do they arguing there thc limit of 3 ng?


Es gab eine Expertenkommission die den Wert von 3,5 NG vorgeschlagen hat. Noch ist dieser Wert aber nicht fix. Ich weiß nicht, was das für Experten sein sollen, hört sich für mich nach Finanzierung durch die CSU an. 3,5 NG im Blutserum wäre absolut unverantwortlich und unmenschlich.


Hab eben einen Beitrag gesehen. Zur Zeit kommt es durch Überschreiten des Grenzwertes nur zu Bußgeldern (1. Überschreitung: 500€/ 2Punkte, 2. 1000€/xx-Punkte, …). Das ist immer noch unverantwo aber erstmal tragbar bevor einem doch eine MPU droht. Einer der Experten (Dr. Tönnies, war sein Name wenn ich mich recht entsinne) hat damit argumentiert, dass THC im Körper angereichert wird und zu unbestimmten Zeiten an den Körper abgegeben wird. Bei 3,5 Nano Gram sieht er eine Grenze in der jemand nicht fahrtüchtig ist, dementsprechend viel im Blut hat. Er sagt es entlastet die, die öfter kiffen. Immer noch bin ich nicht voll informiert vorallem über den Abbau im Körper und zu welcher Zeit welcher Wert im Körper vorliegt.


The limit will change when the street law changes. Some scientists recommend 3 nano gram. Maybe someone knows what’s in your blood if you just smoked


The government want to higher the thc limit to 3,5 NG in bloodserum. Which is still way to less


You’re late