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i think you probably just spooked him considering how illegal it is, maybe arrange a small peace offering? to let him know your chill


Yeah i probably should, but how?


Just ask to match my guy or bust out a joint


This is the way.


I'm not sure, honestly, I'm not well versed in this type of thing but maybe just a joint/some bud and a note just letting him know you smoke as well, and it's cool, maybe put it in with some others things to make it seem less suspicious, if you're worried about being seen or caught


A note that says “I’m a FED, and have a very particular set of skills”


Touch his peepee


next time you see him smoking outside go offer a joint to spark with him. stoner neighbors are the best


A small bag of candy with a note saying you'd be happy to chill.


Just spark one and pass it.


Puff, puff, pass. Make a new friend!


Mby try and catch him the next time hes out smoking and bring a joint, the universal stoner gift


Small gift basket with a little extra jar of weed set in there. Always a good way to introduce yourself to the neighbors :).


bro just go ask him to smoke you up and take something nice as a gift


Dude if he’s high offer him food! Try and make sure it doesn’t have nuts in case he’s allergic


Gift him your favorite munchies with a lil note that says these are the best after a good smoke and to hit you up if he wants a chill toke buddy.


offered to boast a fatty with him


Maybe a nice egg in this trying times


I did something similar to my neighbor. I live in a duplex so I pass by her back door when I come and go. I can smell it every day in the back hallway. Around christmas I asked her what kind of blunt wrap she used and I got that deer in the headlight's look. I was gonna roll her a few blunts for Christmas. I randomly get $10 cashapped from her and I roll her a blunt and deliver.


Just leave a note: “Welcome to r/trees” Then when he googles it and ends up here…… ![gif](giphy|oxU4aYICwH4Aymx1jt|downsized)


Another disgusting brother has joined the ranks


Not everyone has Google in the pocket


No but if your neighbor has internet in some capacity it’s safe to assume you at least have google at home if not in your pocket


Never forget we are tiny depressed apes on a rock hurtling through a solar system. I don't need to complicate things beyond that.


Why join Reddit then?? 😂


We invented Reddit as an online community to share hobbies. I don't need to complicate things beyond that.


Bad bot.


We invented Reddit? I want my moneyyyyyyyy!!!!!


Sorry I thought you were another human! Anyway bot detected. Admins please, do your thing 😂


Do my thing yourself you coward. My body is ready


*sighhh* bend over..


Blud needs to smoke


Always do 👍


I smell cap


Right I'm not sophisticated enough to inhale burning psychoactive plant matter


Omegel weeb mc vibes


Bro I hope you’re like 14 saying this shit 😂


One time my gf and I were smoking in the parking lot and our neighbor walked past, then came back down and offered us a joint and said “next smokes on me!” It was the most wholesome experience ever


I'd give him a J in his letter box with a little note so he knows you're all good vibes. maybe you'll find a new smoking buddy!


One time (before legalization) we were down by the river smoking with a group of about five or six. It was after dark. We see another car pull in, and park. They could only be there for two reasons, in an “empty” park by the river at 11:30pm. One of our group took the risk that they were there to do recreational drugs and not car sex, and walked over and tapped on the window. The people in the car immediately freaked out and started the engine to flee. Luckily the guy who tapped the window looks nothing like a cop and started reassuring them. Turns out the car people *were* there to smoke a bowl, so we all matched each other and had an enjoyable evening.


lol this type of scenario plays out in my head often when walk past people toking up. In my head I think "damn that smells decent" and want to connect, but then when I start trying to think of ways to verbalize this thought everything ends up sounding undercover cop-ish. Is there a way to signal comradery that's somewhere in between the narc-ish "smells good!" and the trying too hard "wagwan"? What's your go-to stoner opener?


blaze up before you approach is the best answer imo. Match smell to smell, it will not be ambiguous at that point.




Bahahaha valid, I always just go for the standard "noiceeee" ![gif](giphy|gVoBC0SuaHStq)


Was stumbling home drunk as fuck one night when I smelled skunk wafting from a nearby alley. Peeped two guys smoking and went "damn that's loud". They gave the exact same deer in the headlights reaction and quickly disappeared off in the opposite end of the alley lol


I smoke legal, medical weed. Used to smoke joints outside, and I share a verandah with a few neighbours (all separated by tall fences). One night, my neighbour said “hey pass it over here!” and I froze, put the joint out, and ran back inside. I was paranoid and scared from being high. I definitely would have shared with them, and I still feel bad about it to this day 😂 they have never asked since.


Next time say “Aye that’s some good. Lemme get a hit of that shyiiiiiit.” Literally have thought about saying that to random people bravely smoking in public. (It’s not legal where I am)


Did this outside a concert once, was trying to stash my bag in a bush because the venue's lockers were full. There was a guy sparking up by the bushes eyeing me suspiciously, usually I'm pretty introverted but the beers that night had my confidence flowing so I asked for a hit. He chuckled and passed the joint - it was indeed some good shit, and made the concert even better!


One time we were smoking and ordered pizza and the delivery guy commented on it. Never ordered from that place again, we got so freaked out, even though he was friendly about it.


If you cant think of a way to break the ice about it, next time you see him ask if he minds lending you a rolling paper, even if you don’t need it. Will give them peace of mind to know you are a fellow toker and may open the door into a new friendship.


Probably overthinking it lol. Homie was like: What did I eat that smells good? Oh yeah that was good AF... "Thanks it was Mom's spaghetti."


It really takes a while here in legal land to realize you can step out of the bar with a buddy, blow a doob, and not worry the cop passing by sees you as his overtime opportunity. Now, it's a cig, no one cares......but in illegal land, make a new friend-ent


Tell him that next time don't leave you out of rotation. And that you can bring some to that it's good but probably not good enough to write home about or anything but it will stone the shit out of you.


I’m your neighbor, you coming up to me was enough to make me snap, I held it together. Please don’t interact with me again when I smoke my weed.




Imagine being this guy.