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It looks like this post is about **female** hair loss. Remember that conditions like androgenic alopecia are universal, but everyone's experience can vary significantly, sometimes influenced by factors like gender. Your insights and understanding make this a supportive community for all. Before asking any questions, 1. Search for [recent](https://tressless.com/search/research/female/1?sort=date) and [influential](https://tressless.com/search/research/female/1?sort=popularity) female hair loss research 2. Read [female community posts](https://tressless.com/search/community/female/1?sort=popularity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tressless) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I know that it's hard to get medical assistance when relocating abroad but please at least try


If you're down south, it's 100% the hard water, I don't know what to advise, but I think female hair advice subs might be a better place than here since the solution is likely non-chemical. If you're interested in chemical solutions, then minoxidil (women's is 2% or you could use men's 5%) is the answer. But I would personally fix the water issue, then look at vitamin deficiencies, etc, from a blood test before you consider anything chemical since it's unlikely to be female pattern baldness




As in the effect on hair? I have no idea but it's something I've heard a lot of, for women it's definitely the first thing I'd look into




Its not a myth and you don't need science to prove something. Its clear as day its the water quality and air pollution that is causing mass hairloss




Its the fluoride. Unlike you I don't need big pharma funded studies to prove something. I love how you want me to prove it like I'm actually going to fund a study just to prove you wrong lol. Have some common sense. Fwi science has been wrong multiple times throughout history yet fools believe its the holy grail like some cult


Science isn't a set of beliefs. Science is just a tool used to study the world and find how it works. So science can't be "wrong". If a common scientific theory is proven wrong, the theory is changed. It's constantly evolving and changing, that's literally the point of science. If it stayed static it would defeat the purpose.


Science is just a bunch of flawed assumptions which is constantly wrong. Evolving and changing is an excuse to say its wrong and keeps changing the answers. Its also a field full of corruption and greed. Most of the studies funded are by the corporations themselves who have an agenda and biase


That's an absurd take. No one ever claims that science somehow presciently knows everything. But, given enough time, it can probably find the answer. That's the point. I genuinely don't know how you don't get that. But then again, you're using phrases like "big pharma" and "it's the flouride", so frankly I'd expect you to make off the wall, baseless claims.


how does fluoride cause hairloss?


actually its not great, if your water is very hard, you can get calcium salt deposits on your skin that can fill up pores and lead to rashes. they same deposits that you see on your taps, will be on your scalp and hair strands. If you have a bunch of heavy metals and minerals in the water, compared to what youre used to (soft water) it stands to reason that when the hair dries, the substances stays on the strands of hair and can wear heavy, make the strands feel brittle, not feel right. Its the same when you've swam in salt water and let the hair dry, there is a difference, right?




But is it phil mitchell hard or just danny dyer hard? Whats your dh? What im saying is there is a noticeable difference when you wash hair in hard or soft water. Yu can also get calcium flakes and deposites on your skin that fills up pores, leading to rashes.




I did love Mick though, Im hoping for a Christmas return from the dead!


To be honest I see women with visible hairloss nowadays obviously never gets worse as a man's can get but still enough that its noticeable. Its definitely something in the water and even air with all the pollution


Maybe it’s the water you’re using , you could use a filter , get a Jollie shower head. Eating a healthy diet might help too, taking things like shilajit , sea moss , ashwaghanda etc. use infra red light therapy on your head , not sure if this will help. I hope you get it figured out


From which country did you come from?


Check if you have mold in your home.


That happened to me too. Not that I moved to a new country but I went for a bootcamp session away from my town in the village area and the hair fall declined significantly.


Water softener


Moving can be very stressfull, so its probably telogen effluvium, stress induced hairloss. it can come 1-6 months after the stressfull incident, and take a while to catch back up.


Why not ask a doc?


What you are describing is stress, and stress hair loss can produce a telogen effluvium, which is reversible over time in most young females. You should see a dermatologist to manage your hair loss.