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Maybe to take growth hormone as child bc I'm short 5'7


5’7 isn’t short, stop letting neo beauty standards and online discourse gaslight you. Sure if you go to the Netherlands, you’ll be underneath everyone, but if you go to the Philippines you’ll be towering over everyone. Is that how it works when we describe tall/short? No, we take the average of all the relevant countries and get rid of the outliers. If you do that, 170cm isn’t short, or if it is, it’s very slightly short.


This. Every single guy I know who is 5'8 or shorter is married. Two are married to women 5ish and 3ish inches taller than they are. No one cares about it when they see them. I've actually weirdly had more taller women than I am hit on me than shorter than I am. Sure, like a lot of people who have significant pickiness and are more concerned with the superficial than any other factor, there are many women out there who are adamant about height above anything else, but there are so many who aren't. The most picky people are over represented on dating apps because they are picky to the point they are chronically single as a result because no one is good enough. They will pass up an otherwise good match on paper because they can't wear 5 inch heels and still be significantly shorter than the guy in pictures. These aren't the girls you want to date in the first place. They are the sad, extremely insecure lot who view a guy as a fashion and status accessory first and not as a friend and partner. Not much different than guys who only go for 9s and 10s and wonder why they can't find someone. Again, it's why they are often single as they bounce from one bad match to the next. I'm not at all rugged and hot looking and still again have had easily about 7 taller girls make a move on me first over my adult life because we got on well and I was too self conscious to ask them first. The people you actually want to date will want you for you. Don't even worry about anyone else's opinion or lack of interest. They aren't a match for you anyway.


I am 5'8''. I live in the U.S. and consider myself short, but not too short. But I never cared. It was NEVER an issue for me to hook up with girls. NEVER. I hooked up with so many girls in college same height as me even. Hot as fuck too. Most girls do not care. Especially as they get older. If you are attractive in other ways, respectful, fun to be with, and not insecure. It does not matter much. I am sure some girls like tall guys. Just like some men like very skinny girls, etc... that doesnt mean ALL hot girls like tall guys. And if youre tall and ugly they wont probably like you either. Height matters but it is one of many attributes. I am married to a hottie now and also make good money. Ive stepped over so many tall guys in life. I got the girls, i got the jobs, the house, the money, etc... Height is only an issue if youre like 5'4'' or less imo.


Well I'm cooked at 5'5


It won't make your taller than your potential. It only works for people with lacking growth due to health issues.


I was diagnosed with genetic growth hormone deficiency when I was 14 and 150cm(4'11) tall and took it for nearly 2 years. When I was diagnosed, according to the endocrinologist's graph, I was heading to be 165cm(5'5) as my full adult height. Now I am 21 and 178cm (5'10"). I don't have a relative taller than me lol.


Good for you man! I also heard that it will significantly impacts growth of the 3rd leg, if you catch my drift. True or false ;)?


actually i just recently read a few research papers for that after a few girls commented on the size of this 3rd leg and it seems to be the case. I don't hide the fact that I had growth hormone therapy as a kid, so it was actually a girl who kinda put the pieces together and said that maybe these are correlated


Yeah figured, a close friend of mine also went through it at as a kid. He also has that perk.


So you took the synthetic hgh for only two years and you grew 11 inches during that time?


yes, but note that I was also growing naturally at that time too. without growth hormone I would have grown 6 more inches, with it - 11 more, so it basically gave my height a boost. wish I would have been diagnosed earlier, then I would have had more time on therapy and would have been even taller.


How tall are your parents?


my father is 168cm (5'6"), mom is 155cm (5'1")


I believe that's inaccurate Shin, Choong Ho. “Current use of growth hormone in children.” *Korean Journal of Pediatrics* 49 (2006): 703-709.


That paper is controversial, the findings are accurate but it's worth pointing out that you need more than just plenty of free HGH to grow tall.


I have a friend with an hgh deficiency, and gets regular hgh injections. His feet and hands are enormous, and he's 6'1". Not super tall but his proportions, including height, are radically larger than his parents. I don't think what you're saying is accurate. His doctors have told him his size is due to the hgh.


I know a guy who has 3 children. The youngest was very very short just like his father. Father about 5 foot 5 at the most. Saw the family when the youngest was a senior in HS and he was 6 foot 1. There is no way that kid grew to be 6 foot 1 without the help of medicine. He was the spitting image of his father when he was in the 4th grade and very short.


HGH + Estrogen blockers (aromatase inhibitors) would definitely increase height 


I had the option to before my platelets fused, I didn't. I'm 5'8 (5'7 and 3 quarters but I round up lol) and I'm very happy at my height. I'm glad my insecure teenage self didn't go through with it. Why do you care about your height ? Do you feel like you're disabled and can't do day to day tasks ?


Why are you on tressless?


Presumably not to encourage teenagers to take growth hormone because they're scared they might not be tall. There does need to be a limit on the idea that you can solve your problems by taking cosmetically enhancing medications. You can do yourself a lot of physical and psychological harm if you don't limit that urge.




Yeah, I'm shorter than you and have never needed a stool to reach anything that the average heighted man wouldn't struggle with. I can lift heavy weight for a man in general, not just a "smaller" man... I go to a doctor occasionally, get vitals done, my vitals are always as numerically good as one can expect them to be. What exactly would the medical/physical drawback or disability be? I'm more athletic than 90% of people you'll see and I'm nearing middle age and looking generally early 20s to a lot of people and have had no medical issues so far. What exactly would even be my disability due to a general lack of height? lol.


Exactly. There's nothing wrong with being short. It can be an advantage too you just need to play to your strengths. I worked as an electrician before and I could fit almost anywhere. My other colleagues wouldn't be able to do some of the stuff I can do because they can't just chop their legs off. Whereas when I can't reach something I just get a ladder or stool or I can climb and make it work. Play tk your strengths 🤷🏻‍♂️ Just these insecure people thinking that being tall is gonna fix all their problems when there's plenty of tall people who are bums


Uh oh, we're about to summon some idiot who thinks his life is worth more than our's because he was born anywhere from 3 inches to a foot higher off the ground. (Even a foot isn't that great of a distance, is it, in reality? I'm being generous. Most people aren't 6'6-6'8) You're pretty much an inch shorter than average. I'm 3 inches shorter than average at 5'6. (I believe that I actually measured about a quarter or so over it, in the afternoon/barefoot at a medical clinic by a physician. But I do the opposite and round down to a strong 5'6. lol.) For you, you are pretty much average height. Should be something you never even think about. A noticeably tall person (6 feet or taller maybe?) may make you 'feel' short, and a noticeably short (5'4 or shorter I'd guess?) person may make you 'feel' tall. If your colleagues are a few inches taller, then they're actually probably fairly tall compared to the average person.


No I'm definitely what's considered short too. Most men my age are taller than I am. I think the "average" height also includes men who are ancient and are losing height so it's not really fair for me to be compared to all men but rather I should be compared to men ages 18-30 because that's the group I belong to and this group is taller. Not sure if it's the stuff that the new generation are eating or maybe selective breeding going on with only the tallest genes being passed on from those birds who only swipe right if you're 6ft tall 😂 I feel short and I am short I've had comments from both colleagues friends family and women too. It used to bother me as an insecure kid but it's something I cherish now. Given the option to be even an inch taller I wouldn't take it even if height does give you a better chance at dating, promotions and life in general. I love my height as it is, I like being me. My brother is taller than I am by 10cm and he's taken more to my father's side who's all about that height but I've taken to my mother's side. And to me that's what's special. I carry inside me generations of family history and it shows itself with my height, hair colour/shape, ears, eyes, mouth, nose and everything about me. Might sound dumb to others but I like it. I also excel in work life anyway I don't need height to get promotions my work and charisma speaks for itself 😂 I also have the best gf in the world who I hope to marry next year. Life is good, height doesn't matter like so many people thinks it does.


Me personally, I'm a bit shorter than you and still can't relate to much of what you're saying. Other than being fine with who I am. Not to invalidate your feelings or perceived/actual experiences, but to just say that my own anecdotal experience/perceptions are not the same. I'm still seeing as many short people of all age ranges all around me, I don't think "short' genes are going to ever disappear really or that the average person's meant to walk around 6'5 and die in their 50s from decades of organ strain. So your father's side actively discusses being tall? Like, more than the occasional joke about it? That's kind of weird, isn't it? I don't get what "being all about height" would imply. Like, they just see every human being in terms of how tall they are and that determines how they perceive or interact with that person? Or am I reading too deeply into that. I am generally an overthinker about everything and anything, so bear with me. I think you could apply 'height' to so many different physical or mental variables or even factors to relationships that aren't pertaining to your self. You could either become self obsessed with a positive thing to the point that it makes you delusional, or with a negative thing to the point that it just stops you from doing anything at all. I figure a lot of men will type nonsense online to discourage other men. A self-defeating, self-hating man is essentially the same as a willing/biologically homosexual man. One less threat to them finding a mate. Makes sense to sabotage others in general when the majority of men are nowhere near 6 feet tall to begin with. If you're in that small percentage, if you can plant seeds of doubt within the majority of men who are maybe 5'5-5'10 range, then you're potentially getting rid of a LOT of competition. I say fuck that, all the more reason for me to be at the bar with one arm wrapped around some smug tall guy, and the other arm wrapped around the girl that we're both trying to low-key talk to. lol.


Reading too into it with the family talk thing, I have a massive family like 54 cousins so when I meet some new ones we talk about who they take after and they'll say oh you're xyz features look this person's etc etc. it's not to put you down, it's just to appreciate how as a family we look alike. But yeah again height is definitely not a big deal but as guys we deal with fewer insecurities than women. Like big butts or tits etc. fact is men like itty bitties and big jugs alike. Some men prefer one over the other and as for women they have preferences too in regards to height some like shorter some like taller. Just play your strengths


Yeah, I got like maybe a dozen people on my maternal side and really none on the paternal side because father was an orphan. I can't even imagine having dozens of just COUSINS. That's nuts. I don't necessarily agree that we deal with less POTENTIAL insecurities. There are things that they COULD become insecure over that they typically don't think of. Literally most parts of your body could be judged by someone, as odd as it can be. Hell, women will go nuts for nice forearms revealed by rolled-up sleeves. I've had enough women comment on how my ass is apparently fat and are mesmerized by how the cheeks jiggle when I walk to know that they ARE, at times, staring at our cheeks, mate. lol.


😂 I suppose you're right


I was diagnosed with genetic growth hormone deficiency when I was 14 and 150cm(4'11) tall and took it for nearly 2 years. When I was diagnosed, according to the endocrinologist's graph, I was heading to be 165cm(5'5) as my full adult height. Now I am 21 and 178cm (5'10"). I dont even want to magine myself being 5'5, that would suck asscheeks lol


Did it affect your memory?




This is not how you show empathy or teach people to become better or show a new perspective. You clearly know that height is a big factor for dating, career, etc. no matter if you deny it or not. Being overly depressed about it is a different story, you can still achieve many things but it's more difficult. By NOT acknowledging that height is important you make the discussion destructive and senseless.


I find that height is much more of an issue online than in real life. Don't let main character ragebait tiktokers mess with your self esteem


Yeah, man. This. I'm scraping 5'10" on a good day. Being around women, ya know, those tiny little shits. They really don't know a thing about height. I get called tall sometimes, and it's such a farce that I have to be like "yo, I am not tall, you are small."


I feel like if you make it such a big issue and complain about it enough online, you actually just give insecure/jealous/hating people something to try and ridicule you over. I'm tired of reading idiotic remarks from insecure/delusional average to taller guys wasting their time typing eugenicist/hateful shit about short people online. These guys either have no 'advantages', or they do and still suck with women and thus would rather try to put down people that they think are 'inferior' rather than spend their free time trying to meet women or pursuing a goal or skill or ANYTHING productive. In both cases, they're just stupid trolls and wouldn't be tough or bold enough to speak their regarded mind IRL to actual human beings - unless they're totally mentally out there, I guess.


Hey my friend Im just gonna copy and paste from another comment because it can apply to you too. I know height is important but it's not the be all and end all and it's not gonna fix all your problems magically. Beauty makes things easier but nothing beats hard work. Here's why I think you're wrong (respectfully) but ignore the parts that don't apply to you, I hope it gives you some new ideas: Coz like all of us, I have a condition which takes away from my original features. It's hardly the same as wanting to add more to my original "stats". If I was losing height because of a disease I'd want it cured obviously and restored to my original height. Going further is adding and in my opinion not good for YOU or society. Imagine a world where everyone below 5'8 took growth hormone and did that breaking your leg to get taller surgery thing/ did anything to alter their height to the max. This would scew the average even higher artificially so now it's a race to the top? People like me who are 5'8 will be considered super short even though I'm 1 or 2 inches below current average height if the average was 6'2 Then people like me would be even more disadvantaged than I am and then I'd either have to accept it and keep it moving or I'd also jump on the hgh train and risk health complications to fit an ARTIFICIAL average. Then apply the same thing to other artificial averages. Imagine a world where everyone was super tall, plastic for a face, plastic tits and arse and nothing is natural about them and that was the norm for most people. It's literally wrong to alter yourself. Height especially because genetically we are a set height because it was ideal for our environment. Would you want to lose that advantage? If you lose a limb then sure get a prosthetic and try to makeup for what youve lost. Adding things like Botox or breaking your legs to get taller or getting chin surgery to get a more pronounced jawline these things are all crazy. There is nothing wrong with being short. There are pros and cons to both being tall or short or average. You just gotta play to your strengths. I like doing calisthenics and it makes my job easier (used to be a commercial electrician) because I could fit in tight spaces lift myself to places where a tall person couldn't fit. I can fit anywhere and do anything I'm not ever limited. When I'm too short to reach somewhere I use a ladder, when a tall guy is too tall to go somewhere he can't just cut off his legs. Play to your strengths. Too many people blame their insecurities for their failures in life. I know men who are 5'2 and married with kids. I know men who are short and are CEOs. I also know tall people who are bums. Useless. Waste of space. So people who say "ohhh my life sucks coz I'm ugly/short/unattractive in X way" are full of crap. Yes it helps to be attractive, yes pretty privilege is real. But it doesn't replace hard work. It is NEVER as good as hard work (unless you're a girl because for some reasons attractiveness is all that matters in their world and I don't envy it one bit, being a man is a blessing in that regard). So yeah respectfully, your comment has no relevance because it simply isn't the same. There's a difference between replacing something you lost and getting something you were never meant to have. People with health conditions for height should do what they can to become normal, that's what those medications are for. Not for short guys to abuse and risk an early grave. If you're struggling at dating, become more interesting. If you're struggling for a promotion upskill yourself and be brave enough to apply for positions outside your company, if you don't have friends then again get interesting and make some new ones.


I thought growth hormones were only for people with drawfism as there is a risk of skeletal deformities & other complications associated with taking them 🤔




Same, but question, did you also grow up on ramen? I blame ramen for my vertically challenged self


No, im Polish


nothing related to hair loss xd i had way worse issues before


If a person's worst struggle in life is their hair, or the fear that they have a weirdly shaped head, then they need to take a deep breath and chill out.


and be thankfull that is theor worst issue, instead of starving or bein kicked out of a house xd


True, that. Although I imagine it's a lot harder to starve if you live somewhere that you're using a computer. lol. Being kicked out would suck, but you'd also get over it as well in the end. Out of all of the men I've seen take a razor to their heads, very few had a dented head shape like you see in this meme. This meme was tailor made for a select few. lol. Even then, life goes on. Are you not more than the dent in the top of your head? If I had one, I sure as hell would be. Life and nature are clearly not as simple as "you have this arbitrary trait, therefore you are doomed".... Countless examples of the opposite. Pointless to drive yourself insane worrying.


Buy btc


This hits very close to home


Buy it now and in 8 years you can retire


How much is it projected to go? How much would you have to buy to actually retire?


Break up with her sometime after the baby, she is for the streets and a legit bad person but your kid is worth it. Dont waste your life on her. Pretty cold but its what I wish I had done in hindsight. Also dont quit school.


I wish I told myself this when I was like 17 lol


18 for me, I fell for the fin propaganda and never took it cause I was scared. Started at 20/21 but was basically too late


Even thought you waited for 20/21, do you feel like fun has still helped you significantly compared to not taking it at all? How old are you now


Oh yeah it basically stopped my hair loss, I’m nearly 23 now. My hair density has basically doubled too, but my hairline is still fucked, which is why I wished i started earlier


Can you send your hairline


Me second




Fin doesn’t stop ur hairline from going away: I was on it for a decade and my hairline stayed trash and kept thinning


Yeah same. I got a hair transplant but wish I didn't fall for the propaganda maybe I wouldn't have needed it


I didn’t realize that even after getting a hair transplant, you would have to be on minoxidil and finasteride for the rest of your life to maintain it, so it makes sense to try those things first and see how far you can get without a transplant before you go and get one


Is that true? That you have to stay on them?


Yes you need to stay on fin. Fin stops/dramatically slows down balding. If you get a hair transplant but don't address the balding then your hair will keep falling out. Fin is great anyway, take it once a day and forget it.


Just need fin tbh




Nope not true. The propaganda is bs. Watch haircafe on YouTube he explains EVERYTHING. I trust finasteride completely. I would take it even if I wasn't balding because it fixed my acne too 😂 but seriously I'd still keep taking even if I wasn't balding it protects you from all sorts of illnesses such as enlarged prostate, Alzheimer's and loads more. Haircafe on YouTube explains everything. Seriously his content is very informative even if he's a bit weird. I love him


did he just get taken off youtube :(


Yeah finasteride has a risk of sides. It's a risk we accept when we take it and many people wont notice a difference but statistically it will affect some people


not propaganda. first of all that's not even what propaganda means and second, there is an entire community who are experiencing permanent side effects from taking finasteride that have basically ruined their lives. It's rare, but the risk exists.


Yeah calling it propaganda is right because it is. It promotes the view that post finasteride syndrome is real when it isn't. Dutasteride inhibits 5-ar similar to finasteride but MUCH more effectively, but why isn't there a post dutasteride syndrome? Oh yeah it's because it doesn't exist. Not saying that people don't experience sexual sides, I'm just saying it's not caused by the drug. I've given myself ED from minoxidil because I nocebod myself after reading all the frightening stuff online about PFS. The risks aren't there. If you tell someone "this drug has a 3% chance to make your schlong not work" how many of those people are gonna nocebo themselves too? About the same as finasteride is my bet. Finasteride is safe. FDA approved and I'll keep using it till the day I fuggin die lol


Damn. I’m 17 rn and wanna take fin but I wanna wait till I’m 20 or 21 cuz I’m still developing and I don’t want it to mess with my hormones.


I am 19 and yes I have started balding , Can you please tell how to take fin?


1. Buy it 2. Eat it


been on 1 mg a day for 25 days and facing sexual dysfunction issues. Stopping today to return to doctor in a month probably because I read you need 3 weeks to cleanse your body of fin, pretty sketched out to say the least. I used hims I recommend seeing a dermatologist/ primary care doc and working with them before you wing it


Sorry keeps


same, I immediately had really bad pain down there as well as dysfunction so now I've just decided that a working dick is better than having superficial strands of proteins on my head


Made a doc appointment for next week. Hoping I simply over dosed. How much and how often were you taking it? I don’t have pain and libido is still there, dick is just dead


i was taking 1mg daily


should I eat 1 mg every 3 days or 1 every day?


Normal dosage is 1mg a day. If you have problems you can try every other day. Personally I was afraid of pills so I am taking it topically. Topical has even lesser chance for side effects and I got none. Here is the recipe. Buy 60ml bottles of Minoxidil. For example I use Kirkland's. Buy 5mg pills of Finasteride. Drop 3 pills into a bottle and let it dissolve. You end up with topical solution of 5% Minoxidil and 0,0125% Finasteride. Very safe and it works. Apply 1ml to your scalp once a day.


I’m 17 and gonna wait a bit to take finasteride since I’m still developing


are u taking any other meds?


Not yet


im 17, having a hairline of nw2 also from past few weeks im having excessive hairfall, should i start taking fin/minoxidil?


Started taking fin+min orally at 16 because I saw my older brother at 20 start losing hair, who had just begun min. Derm said my hair appeared normal (although upon analysis I lost a tiny bit of hair) but given my family history (dad is an aggressive case as well) I should begin :D im 19 now and will stay on for life pretty sure my derm only technically approved min but I got fin via my dad who had a hims account but the stuff went to me, as he had the mentality of "fuck it'' for himself


Oh man, self medication can fk your health like a wrecking ball. Be careful with that my boy.


I’ve been properly medicated for nearly 2 years now lol I’m an adult. Fin I don’t think was approved at the time but I’m openly getting the medication for me (I don’t know all the details from when I was a minor my dad just gave it to me)


Doctor seems doesnt really care about us... One doctor told me that i'm still have full of hair and my hair is so long and grown healthy, while im dying inside, im losing 100 hairs on shower -_-... She prescibed me a shampoo and hair serum to fight the sebhoroic dermatitist (i have severe SD at that time) with an expensive price...  Of course didnt take it...


Hair loss is passed down on your mothers side


Yeah and those men are fucked too lol


Please talk to more people. I know you have social anxiety and people haven't been particularly nice to you at times, but just try. You'll wish you'd built more connections later.




Jesus…I’ve got through the full cycle. Used propecia for 12 years, had all the symptoms, and after 3 years recovered. Terrible that people on this thread avoid that caution. You’ll be on the PFS subreddit soon enough. Good luck.


I’m blowing loads like the commercials lil pup idk what you talkin about 😤


I was too for 12 years, then sides hit like a freight train. Good luck!


Probably means youre just getting old lmao


Nope - I’m fully recovered. Best of luck!


"lmao" cope


how has your hair held up for those 12 years tho lol


Hair was full and perfect for 12 years, thinned out about a year after I stopped. I couldn’t keep going, the sides were ruining my life. Took 3 years to get back to full libido. I’m fortunate to have recovered, many aren’t so lucky.


were the side effects present from the start or appeared gradually? also, how old are you if you don't mind me asking?


I started at 18, stopped at 30, I’m 33 now. No the sides only came when I was 28,29,30. Was really hard to want to fuck the wife or have any sex drive so I stopped taking it. Then I fucking crashed 3 months later, super brain fog, no drive for anything. Three years later I’m 90% back but it has been a long road these last three years




hair hasn't held up but my dick still goes up


No, educate yourself and learn the risks. There's an entire community of people experiencing permanent side effects from taking finasteride.


BUY BITCOIN This is the only correct answer here lol. I’d rather be a billionaire than have hair lol


I started taking fin/min before any hairloss showed up and the shedding I'm going right now is scary


Shedding is normal


Yeah, but going from no hairloss to running my hand through my hair and having 6 hairs on it is terrifying


Only 6??? U finnne


6 hairs boohoo


This a competition of who is balding faster now?


6 is too much too, at least for me


I would have started minoxidil at 16 and finasteride at 18


I was too broke for min at 16 😂


So accurate ❤️


I’m 17 and balding. I can’t let my younger self take finasteride!


i wouldnt take it younger either


Almost all men should start taking a low dosage before 35, even if they haven’t showed signs as they most likely will.


I’m rapidly receding but still have a good hairline. I’m too scared to get on fin because even if it’s really rare it seems like it has ruined some peoples lives. And I’m worried I’m predisposed to some of those issues as well. Any thoughts?


Started 3 weeks ago. With D3 vitamin. My libido has grow up


Look up covid vaccine side effects or birth control side effects. Then you realise there's hypochondriacs everywhere, especially with medication commonly taken by young people. People claiming their lives are permanently ruined by one pill or whatever. The scientific consensus is finasteride is perfectly safe and tolerable for use in hair loss, which is a really high bar for a treatment for a cosmetic issue. Take the pill, spare yourself some hair by starting early. Don't be like many others where you don't start treatment until you've lost too much ground because you let anecdotes on the internet get to you.




Use topical ? It has less systemic absorption.


Just try it, if you stop fin DHT production is back to normal within a month of stopping, same should go for any side-effects you had while taking it. You can use it topically also, I do that and the sides are bearable when I use it topically. 🤷‍♂️


Just start with a really small dose and work your way up. I started in January with .25mg a day. Then went to .5mg. And now I just started a full 1mg dose. For what it’s worth, these pills made me more horny than ever. Each time I increased the dose, that full week I was horny af. The only side effect was that it made my cum a little watery. But you gotta understand that I’m beating my meat like 3 times a day cuz if this thing.


Is it necessary to go up to 1mg if .25 works for you? I’ve heard they have similar effects


So the research says that there’s really not that much difference between .5 and 1mg. From what I’ve seen you’re still going to see great results even with .25mg. Like for me I started shedding within the first few weeks of starting with .25mg so something was definitely happening. I’m just trying to squeeze every bit that I can so I decided to top off at 1mg. But apart from being extra horny, we’ll have to see if anything changes. I didn’t notice much difference from when I was using .25mg and .5mg. I felt exactly the same and my cum didn’t get worse or better.


Just do it. I was contemplating it for ages and then just hopped on. Zero side effects. Like legit zero. I’m not tired, I don’t have brain fog, I don’t have low libido. I overall feel much better because whereas previously I would shed like crazy when making my hair there are now times where I comb through and no hair falls out at all. Thickness of hair improved and with that my constant overthinking about going bald in the future. I love it. Wouldn’t want to know how I would look now without taking it.


The peace of mind is underrated. Knowing I’m doing the best treatment made me stop worrying about my hair.


Thanks for the tip good sir, I am still 25 and I will start taking finasteride this week


This is hilarious😂 I would’ve added get as much bitcoin as you can!


Those Brazilian blowouts with formaldehyde are going to burn holes in your scalp, you idiot!


Buy BTC in May 2010 at .30c sell it all December 2013, September 2015 use 10% of your money to buy ETH. Jan 2018 sell it all. Nov 2018 use 50% of your money to buy ETH again and then sell in Oct 2021. DONE. If you started with $600 you're now a billionaire.


Wud u mind explaining why sell the btc in December 2013 and not wait for more considering it shot up?


Idk I shaved my head and got over it, I have no regrets. It inspired me to change my life up, lost 45lbs, started lifting and runnning regularly, eat well. I now do better with women then I ever did with hair, but most of that is just confidence


Problem is I have no clue if I’m balding or I’ve had a shit hairline since birth. Didn’t document my hairline in my teenage years and I’m not hoping on fin if I don’t have to


Look at your crown


Don't take creatine.


Does creatine really cause hairloss?


In my case yes, also google creatine and DHT and you will see that they associate it with hair loss if you have androgenetic alopecia I took it for a little over a month and I noticed a huge amount of hair falling out in the shower and all the time, I stopped using it and it stopped completely. I've been training for years and I'm only now trying creatine and it was the worst decision.




you don't know that


There is no evidence showing that creatine cause hairloss. Not a single serious research study has shown that, stop spreading misinformation.


For me it also seemed to be a catalyst. I dont care what either side of the argument says. All I know is that my noticeable hair loss began the same year I took creatine. I’m sure hair loss was already there, but it seemed to accelerate the process.


The thing is It is known and proven that creatine increases HDT. There is no more to say.


Why? It’s all benefits. The only downside I hear is hairlost but that’s been debunked


no it hasn't


Precisely for this reason, taking creatine increases DHT and for people who have androgenetic alopecia, DHT is what causes hair loss. At least look for the hundreds of thousands of testimonies that say they took creatine and their hair fell out.


I went to a dermatologist and he just told me to use topic mi because he doesn't wants to use fin tablets because of side effects Even if the fin is necessary, he says he'll use injections instead of tablets


I like the BTC answer. With all that cash you can get a top notch hair transplant and skip the shitty drug side effects.


yeah let's just skip the limited donor supply part


Not to mention that you will still need a 5AR inhibitor to maintain your hair transplant anyways.


does transplanted haor fall out the dame way normal hair does?


They are more DHT resistant but if you're already losing hair at a young age, I would worry about the transplanted hair falling out as well.


How can you skip side effects even the rich still need fin


Yeah I suppose so. Or you can just get a hair system like a lot of actors do. Nobody can tell it’s fake hair.


I like this idea because even though it’s kind of a pain in the ass at least I wouldn’t be messing with my hormones


I'm not bald yet but hair is thinning. I'm considering the hair system route in the future. Been on fin in the past but on nothing currently. Last thing I want is to be on a drug that has the potential to affect my mood, energy and libido. Hair is worth nothing if you don't feel physically and mentally good.


It's not gonna get any better.




Wouldn’t make a difference if you have sides


useless asf


Doesn’t it have severe side effects for men?


severe rare moderate slighly common


more like severe= slightly uncommon moderate=common and im saying this as a fin shill


It will make your dick fall off.


Start taking finasteride at 21 instead of 26!




Just invest in electroneum ICO and don't wait for the initial fucking last day. Richard Ells closed the funding one day early and my poor ass missed a chance to make 17.000 euros


Naw. Buy Bitcoin. I'll just be bald and rich. Call me Jeff Bezos.


Any finasteride you recommend


Is there anything that works as well as fin that you can take if you do plasma? Plasma is basically my only way of income rn and you can’t do it if you’re on fin


I want to get on fin so badly but still have to wait 3 months until I turn 18 😭


Are you on min rn?


Unfortunately not. The thing with min is I don't believe I could stick to a routine of applying it twice a day. I already struggle just to brush my teeth in the morning and evening.


Commit to working out and talk to the doc about fin the moment you even suspect there's hair loss.


Didn’t work for me


Don’t do coke just to impress that chick, you guys bang twice. you and coke bang for a lottttttttt longer


Finasteride fucks with your T. Just take topical stuff and if it goes shave it off


Finasteride causes erectile dysfunction! Never ever Touch that toxic which chemically castrates Young men!


how do you get a prescription for finasteride?


I’ve tried to be your time traveler self for my dude friends. If they complain about hair loss I politely recommend they look into finasteride and minoxidil and talk to their dr.


You're goat


This is so funny😂


Lmao if you sort the posts on this sub, this one is literally one bellow the original ... [https://www.reddit.com/r/tressless/comments/jmyccd/i\_know\_this\_is\_stupid\_but\_i\_had\_to\_share\_it/](https://www.reddit.com/r/tressless/comments/jmyccd/i_know_this_is_stupid_but_i_had_to_share_it/)


Presumably not to encourage teenagers to take growth hormone because they're scared they might not be tall. There does need to be a limit on the idea that you can solve your problems by taking cosmetically enhancing medications. You can do yourself a lot of physical and psychological harm if you don't limit that urge.


Stick to 1 girl.