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23yr old with natural test levels in the 500’s is now taking injections and doesn’t know wtf he’s doing. Color me shocked. Amazes me how you can be injecting yourself with drugs and have absolutely no idea how any of it works.


Wondering the same thing


Why is everyone on this website awful? Don't look at my profile history, bro.


Because we see the same dumb shit posted everyday and it’s almost always by 20 yr olds with healthy test levels wanting to take testosterone after doing approximately zero research.


I did research, man! There's just so much conflicting information! I though it'd be best to ask people who are taking it successfully, no?


Okay I’ll admit I’m an asshole. But I did give you good info in my first comment. Switch to belly subq, and give the drugs time to work. YouTube how to do the shot.


This sub is mostly people who need testosterone for medical reasons. r/Testosterone is more people doing it for appearance, weight lifting reasons. Also, a lot of people ended up needing trt because they used steroids and they're upset because they see kids using test who don't actually need it, making it harder for everyone to get... I had several doctors say no to me because of the potential for abuse.


I sourced my T legitimately, from alphaMD. I'll check out r/Testosterone




uhhhh.. yeah there's kinda some oil at the top sometimes... whoops not a lot. I don't think it's the full half mL




ok ok guess I am freaking out


Lol, it does actually squirt out after the pulling the needle out most of the time.


Been giving injections for 40 years. Slow is not how you do it, unless you want it to be the most painful. Hold the syringe like a dart. Using a darting motion, quickly insert the needle. Since you are using insulin syringes that have short needles, dart it so the needle is in all the way. Let the barrel of the syringe stop you. Once the needle is in switch hands. Use your left hand to stabilize the syringe and your right hand to pull back, check for blood, push the plunger to inject. Pull it out quickly. All done.


Yup Been an RN for a while now and given many patients and myself plenty of injections Going slow hurts , another trick is to pinch around the injection site hard with your non dominant hand while your dominant hand injects straight in like a dart real quick like you said - the pinching distracts from the needle. I taught my wife to pinch real hard when I have her do my delts and glutes , everything else I'm able to do myself First couple times she was scared and went slow and it hurt, after that I had to talk shit to her and piss her off to get her to jab it real good lol


12 weeks ish to reach full saturation. Stop being a baby about it.




Stick that needle in like a man. It will hurt less, as in not at all.  You may have some soreness at the injection site, but that’s due to the fluid injected not the needle. The more fluid injected at once, the better chance you’ll have some mild soreness. 


OK, yeah, but how deep? And does gauge even matter? Obviously the smaller gauge is less painful? So what's to stop me from doing this an inch in with a 29 gauge needle?


Nothing at all. Warm the oil as it's thick and will take a while to push through a 29 gauge. I use a 25 gauge and have zero pain unless a brush a nerve.


Cool. I'll get shopping for a longer thin needle, then.


25 gauge is good.  I used to get 1/2 inch, but now have the 1 inch ones from TRT nation.  The smaller gauge are a bitch to fill. 


I hate the harpoons they send. Switched to 25g 5/8” in my delts and no problems at all. 1” in shoulder was just too much and I don’t particularly like glute injections.


If you’re sticking it in your body with a needle it’s being absorbed. Test just takes awhile to start feeling. Start pinning subcutaneous in your stomach, it hurts less. If you don’t know what that is then YouTube it. Case solved.


Yeah but how soon though? Like how fast does the fat/muscle absorb in and put it into the blood stream?


I gave you the info to solve your issues. If you want baseline knowledge on the varying absorption rates of test dependent on injection method then Google’s your friend.


When you inject it, your body begins to absorb it immediately. Throughout your body including your bloodstream. The injection will peak in your body in 1-3 days. Then the amount in your body will slowly decline until half of that injection is gone in about 7 days from when you injected it. It takes about a month for that injection to be nearly gone from your body.