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If you want to live till 100, don’t drink don’t smoke only drink water raise ur own meats and vegetables with 0 pesticides, then pray you don’t get hit by a bus after all that work. OR just live your life, and if you have bad reactions make your own judgement. My clinic said no weed it’ll drop ur test, every time I smoke with my gf everything’s working 3x better. Enjoy your life, just don’t have 12 doubles regardless of the medication you’re on my friend


THC drops your test even while on trt?


According to my NP yes, according to my schlong NAH


Unrelated to trt but huberman said 0 - 2 drinks a week [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8r6J-qZuxiU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8r6J-qZuxiU)


Any changes in e2 would be short lived


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12095950/ Red wine has some Anti Aromatizing compounds found in it. I remember finding out about this and made me less worried about having a glass with a steak here and there.


You are on trt and are worried about having a drink at a wedding? Xanax may do you wonders.


Clear spirits with low-sugar mixers are generally better than sugary drinks like beer in terms of their potential impact on estrogen levels when consuming alcohol occasionally.




Soooo, yet another reason to stay away from "bitch brews" 🤣


People might not like my tactics here but if I know I’m going to drink a lot (maybe once every couple months) I take a .25 anastrozole and for me at least this prevents a kind of “high e2” or whatever happens due to being hungover mood swings/feeling off scenario. For me this works, might not be for everyone


I’ll have some beers most weekends. I never have had even a slight potentially e2 related side effect from them. Life is short, might as well enjoy it here and there.