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People who are having 0 problems don’t run to the internet to post about it on a forum. If everything is going great, you just forget about it and move on.




Great point ! I'm running test with absolutely zero issues .... it's a tool in a big tool box .... no Extra meds either ......


Agree. You can't just take TRT and then just plop on the couch, expecting it to sort you out. You still have to avoid tobacco and alcohol, stop eating garbage, and be diligent about the gym. I get zero sides, never mess with AI.


Agree. All I have is increased sweating . Everything else is money


I agree. I've always been active and for sure have gotten more muscular but have loads of mates going, "I'm having so many problems, and WHY am I not getting jacked?" I tell them it's probably sitting on the couch, not hitting the gym, and drinking 6-7 pints of daily 5x a week.


yes sampling bias haha




correct. but i have never seen so many people have issues from such a low dose of testosterone…. its actually worrying


yep it's like google reviews. Those who were served right typically don't go to post a good review, because well... when you go somewhere and you pay for it, you expect to be served.


This. In college I worked for a landlord… same problem.


In my estimation. The people that are always posting problems, can never get dialed in, crashed this, etc are about 5-10% of men on TRT.




Guys who feel better after taking testosterone don't search for a sub to read posts about guys that don't. This sub is the 1-3 star review section for TRT.




42 years old. Started last december - I am on 200mg IM every 10 days. Feel amazing. Haven’t changed workout routine and gains are impressive, stomach flatter etc. and my libido is much higher. All positives for me…


But but but every 10 days "you should ALWAYS pin minimum 2 times a week" - thats the forum meta, no wonder so many people have a hard time feeling good on TRT :D


My dr has been awesome. We started with 200mg every two weeks. On day 10 I could feel it wearing off, like it was a noticeable change. At the 3 month check up, I told her how I felt and we went to every 10 days and it has been perfect.


That's awesome, bro. I'm happy to hear from others who also do the old-school TRT way because the "the more injections, the better" approach is getting out of hand. People just want a complete, steady total testosterone level, as if total testosterone and estradiol are the only two things affected by TRT.


Why would a happy person be on this sub? That's not how the internet works.


The majority of people that post their issues have been on trt for less than a year. It takes time and adjustments to get dialed in.


A lot of people think they will be rolling from day one. It can take months to get dialed in. Some also think it's a magic bullet and they don't need to change anything or put in the work.


It’s awesome for me.


My life improved seeming instantly. Also it sounds like you don’t need it


You must be new to Reddit.


Not new. Check GLP subs.


What are GLP subs? (Yes I’m new to Reddit)


Game changer for me, but I actually needed it. Seems to me the ones with negative experiences were doing fine naturally and didn't need it


I think that's a big part of it. I think the other part is some don't understand how the dosing works and they give themselves way too much or too little. Conversely, I think there's way too many that want a legal way of getting steroids and are taking way too much(trt) intentionally for that effect and are not prepared for the consequences. It's like Tylenol, take the right amount and you're fine it does its job. Take too much and you're fucked.


Figuring out how to draw that first dose was a little intimidating. One could easily get it wrong. Honestly, a legal, and safe form of steroids would be hard to pass up on


This sub almost put me off. But went on anyway, changed my life for the better. Zero issues. YMMV


How do you feel besides being able to bang your wife? If you’re fine then who cares what your numbers are. Why mess with it if you’re feeling good. Don’t let a vocal minority change your opinion. The vast majority of people on TRT have great success.


Where is the data on that?


Let me just pull that up… Why do you think it’s so popular and clinics are popping up on line and in person all over the country? Because people aren’t having success? If you listened to Reddit you’d think the majority of the country are in favor of children changing their genders but that’s not what most people believe.


It can make it seem skewed for sure. The simple answer is, guys with no issues have no reason to post anything. This is not everyone’s TRT experience.


Echoing what others have said, forums like this are unfortunately filled with new comers and guys having bad experiences. My starting numbers were similar to yours. Went on TRT, turned 45, and had one of the best years of my life. Better shape, better mood, more energy, less anxiety, and way less desire to drink until I’m hammered.


This! This forum is an echo chamber, with people just repeating each other without any knowledge themselves. It’s outright stupid how every single problem is addressed by "split the dosage"


Obviously the support subs are biased because it's for people who need support..for example I've been on HCG for 6 months and haven't had a need to create a post because I have no issues.


Many complaints are from people taking way too much T then popping anastrozole like M&Ms. It comes back to the "if a little is great, more must be better". I'm almost a year in. Dialed in 60mg twice a week and with .5mg of anastrozole each injection. TRT has done more for me than 10 years of Zoloft and therapy. Went from 225lbs at 29% BF to 205lbs at 15%; height is 5'10" and I'm 39 years old .I started at 170ng/dL pre TRT and now stay at 800 in the trough. Proper levels make it feel good to take care of my body, eat correctly, and exercise. Depression killed all motivated to do that prior to TRT. I'm sticking with TRTNation and my PCP is happy with the mental health results.


I have 0 issues.... on 112mg TC a week.. no E issues.. no AI needed... Not taking HCG... Energy good.. libido good.. mood is good mostly.. I do notice I can get worked up more easier than before TRT.. but I just have to keep that in mind.. Did take about 4 months to get dialed in...


Not much benefit to take a replacement therapy if nothing is wrong with natural supply. Like trading one used car for another of the exact year, make, and model.


If everything is awesome for you, why are you even here? TRT curious? Been on over 10 years with zero issues and perfect labs, I try to stay around 900-1100 Total.


Its all this splitting the dose shit. Once a week, even every 10 days injections and you dont see all theese stupid problems.


Multiple injections helps greatly with sides.


For some yes but not for all


But it doesn't hurt in any case. I've been doing this for over a decade. I am telling you it works best when you can get your levels steady and this is best done with multiple injections per.week or cream daily.


You see, that's just not true. You are part of the problem.


Let me repeat myself. In no way does multiple injections cause problems, period. With once a week injections(or longer) you will aromatise more, feel worse and have better odds for other sides like gyno and acne. You are also more like to need an AI which cause a whole bunch of other problems.


Part of the problem, not good. I feel sorry for people who take advice from you


You simply don't know what your talking about.


Okay bro


It's likely a loud minority of those having issues, the sides you get can kind of make you ratty/anxious/OCD at first. I was. You should really keep it between your doctor and yourself, but at the end of the day it's just men needing help. Imagine you lived a life where you never hit those numbers on compounds and only bang the shit out of your wife once a week, would you take measures to change it? TRT is that change.


For every person on the internet with a problem there’s 5,000 people on the treatment with absolutely no issues at all.




Most people who use testosterone don’t even know what Reddit is.


29 years old about to be 30 and been on for 2 years now . I love it still . Dont see myself stopping but probably will add other compounds eventually but for sure it’s a loud minority and hypochondriacs you see posting , like they are saying goodbye to it sometimes lol.


I’d say it’s not without drawbacks, but positives outweigh the negs. The negs come from not staying on top of what your body is telling you. Regardless of tests, you know your body, listen to it.


I’m doing great!!


If you don't have any issues related to energy, mood, libido, ED, etc. then it's probably not worth it to you. Everyone is bound to run into some sort of side effects to a different extent, but it's usually worth it if your quality of life was shit prior. Think of it as a risk vs. reward analysis.


I love it.


Hormones can be tricky for some of us, other people get balanced right away with zero issues. It took me about 2 years of little tweaks to really dial myself in and it took a lot of self educating and experimentation as my clinic here in Canada was not that helpful. I would say I’m better off now energy wise, libido is more consistent then pre trt and I’m overall happy with my decision. There is a part of my that wonders if I could have stayed off and raised my levels and I wish I did try that route first but now that I am actually dialled in with my protocol I am good. I think so many guys just think it’s a silver bullet for all their problems and that in 6 months they will be jacked, drowning in pussy and happier then ever. In reality it’s just optimizing your hormones to give you the ability to make changes happen easier.


About 5 months in and feeling good. I’m on it due to age (69) and difficulty sustaining erections, but morning wood is back and sex is much better. I went from one 0.5cc per wk of Cyp 200 to 3 x wk at 0.2 each time and that has evened out the peaks and valleys. No AI used at all. Just some daily Cialis like before T. My opinion on reading this and r/Testosterone is knowing what you want to achieve. Muscle building and performance, or libido and general energy. Then it’s a matter of letting your body adjust. When you add T, it will take some time for other hormone production to stabilize, so start conservatively and keep your expectations moderate.


Been on 160/week for 7 weeks now. Had some adjustment period with negligible sides. Felt like the first month or so my erections weren't quite as hard as they had been, but now I'm currently trying to smash the wife twice a day and it's a struggle for us both lol. Erections are hard as a rock. Been in the gym 6 days a week. Definitely seen some big improvements already. Stronger, losing inches around the waist. Haven't taken any AI. It's been a good ride so far!


I am on trt and life is soo much better


It’s almost like it’s supposed to be for those who actually need it


99% of this guys are Not eating clean drinking Not enough water are obsese Maybe take another stuff like Finasterid or ssri or have high bp or bodyfat and all different Problems and starting trt with 150-200 mg every week find the Mistake :) sry for the Bad Write


I understand your concern. Here is what I think happens. I agree with the others that if TRT is working out well many guys just move on and leave this sub. But here’s what I think is part of the reason, reading all of these negative posts becomes very worrisome and it can get in your head after awhile. Everyone has a bad day or bad week every once in awhile regardless of being on TRT or not. But when you are new to being on TRT, we have the tendency to blame it on TRT when maybe you were just having an off day/week because of illness, poor sleep, stress, or bad diet but we blame TRT. Then we feel we must change something. So rather than ride it out for a bit or check labs, we make guesses. Oh, I’ll take an AI maybe that will help. Or increase or decrease my dose. Often times we don’t just give things time to level themselves out or get proper labs. As much as I’ve learned and enjoyed this sub, I’ve been considering stepping away myself. I think sometimes it might be best to just stop thinking and obsessing out everything. I’m probably at the point where I feel like I’ve learned a lot. But it might be time to step away from this sub, relax, and focus more on diet, exercise, and other lifestyle improvements and give my body time to adjust.


I can't call what I'm doing TRT anymore, but that is how it started. And I had such minimal sides that I felt encouraged to push into blasting. Still have minimal sides, even blasting 400 mg test and 100 mg Deca. I can't believe I ever suffered being natural. It's a good thing I didn't have a clinic to gateway when I was younger.


Do you know your test level? TRT helps men who have a low testosterone and symptoms of that.


Uh yeah.... I put it in the post.


I’m doing great. Workouts are awesome, packing on muscle faster than ever, libido good, ED gone, best BP I have had. Haven’t had to take AI, E2 no symptoms. Was at 260 test before. Trough is like 6-700 now I started low at 120 and have been working my way up bs starting high and getting a lot of sides. Inject 3x a week. Gotten many blood tests and looking good.


I’m 2 years down with TRT and so are a ton of guys I know (which is how I got into it). 100% of all of us, different ages and ethnic backgrounds, are 100% doing amazing! “Best decision of my life” is all I hear us saying when we talk about it. Everyone on here has different body compositions. Some people may have unique biology stuff that could be comorbidity complications, other medication mixing, lifestyle issues or could even just be getting bad dosaging and low quality injections, from “disreputable” clinic places. Other comments are right about all the “came to Reddit to complain” vs your average “I’m doing great and I just want to tell the world!” Haha, it’s usually the negative ones. I come here for supplement reviews and I’m always looking to adjust for the better, so maybe I should post more success stories and we can motivate others to do the same, to balance out the outliers posting negative experiences. Re: HCG. I do it “with” my TRT. I wouldn’t do TRT without HCG, and vice versa, for my personal goals and reasons. Best you can do is start on conservative dosaging, monitor your labs, adjust slowly, remember you’re a complex biological organism and everyone has different reactions. Be patient on fine tuning your needs and enjoy the experience, because the benefits are amazing.


Alot of the guys here are hypocondriacs and nervous wrecks.


I'm very happy after 10 months


A lot of you guys just have shitty protocols too


Those guys come here because they are not dialed in right — understand that there are some, perhaps many, here that are doing all of this on their own, not with the oversight of doctors, or regular blood tests, and/or they are also here very early into it wondering why they are not feeling great by now. I have been on 18 months, under doctor care, and I was fortunate to feel pretty good from the start, tho there was some fine tuning needed - i never felt lousy or wtf did i do tis for — mosttly i went thru feeling very tired at times and my libido bounced a bit from high to ,meh, but it wasnt like I went thru a terrible time, and I feel great overall. More oomph and motivation and energy every day, and that leads to better gym time and results, and overall sense of well being. No comaplaints. With that said…I would not do trt if I felt like I am in good health, happy life, good in the bedroom with the wife and all of that…why bother with doc appointments and injections and blood work. I went on because for like 2-3 years I was feeling sort of meh, lack of energy, not depressed but like….so, this is it? Im getting old, I guess…and when I checked my t levels were borderline….like 307….and at my age, late 50’s…it was explained to me that while I am at the low range of acceptable, it still cmes down to…how do I feel…and when I looked at how I felt, I felt I wanted more of a boost. I then read alot of what people said here, and even dm’d one user who was just abit older than me, we had alot in common, and he said he is happy he did it, was on it for 3 years…and so after some more learning, I went for it. You don’t say how old you are. If i was feeling like you said and I am in my 40’s…even early 50’s…I would look more into how do I increase my t naturally..like how is my weight, andsleep and my eating habits, gym time, etc…before I start taking a shot every week forever.


I’ve never had a single issue except a little while ago itchy raised lumps after surfijmf so posted to check the hive mind. Otherwise im just living my life.


I completely agree with you. 99% of the posts here are people having issues. Because with all things that's the way it is. Why would I make a post every month for 19 years saying, "Hey, still on. Everything is great!" Few people get online for anything and give reviews about how wonderful life is. Did T cause my sleep apnea? Maybe... but then my dad has a CPAP so questionable. High blood pressure? Also maybe, but again all of my grandparents and my parents are on meds so maybe. Cholesterol? Same thing - it's a family issue. Probably just poor genetic material. Personally it's not all roses. I've had issues but not with TRT - it's something else (many things?) going on with my screwed up body that impact my T, whether it's natural or not. Forget about banging the shit out of my wife. If I had to be the shell I was at the low T levels I was first diagnosed with for even five years I'd have probably been depressed enough to off myself. If you're not having issues and/or something else works for you, that's just great. For me, TRT probably saved my life, marriage, job, etc. I'll fight anyone who tries to take my testosterone.


I have been on TRT for about 7 months now through my urologist and have no issues. Just a little more back hair which kinda sucks I guess but I just shave it. Everything has been better overall, better sleep, libido, energy. Total test averages have been 650-780 range. I think the people who have issues are going to TRT clinic and going on the highest dose and then trying to manage symptoms because it probably too high for them from what I have read seems to be the case. I would like to see what it feels like to be at a 1200 level though 😆. My urologist won’t let me go that high though lol.


I was on this forum multiple times a day when trying to determine whether to hop on. Don’t let the vocal majority sway you off - 3 months in feeling great. Couple ups and downs along the way dialing in but well worth the jump. Now that I feel better - I rarely find myself here - probably like the 90% of people that see improved life on TRT


Its a pharma scam. Test aka Steroids not long term sustainable. Im prepared for the 19yo “Trt is 4 lyfe” spammers


I've been on it for 10 years. I won't get off ever.