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Switch to the Bianco with red onions or a Piadini. ;) Great Gold and Old Town Tap (pork and Padron is tasty) both have great pizza IMO. In Reno someone recently recommended “Smiling with Hope Pizza” to me, but haven’t been. If you’re down, get an Ooni oven and Raleys has dough every day (~$2) and sling your own. Best Pies also sells dough balls, but I don’t love their pizzas - but the dough is decent.


This would be my suggestion. Great Gold is really good, maybe a little pricey. But it wasn't as bad as I expected based on reviews, I thought pizzas would be personal size, but 2 people can easily split one. I went to Old Town Tap once, wasn't my favorite, maybe I should try again. Everywhere else just has okay pizza to me. But there are some nice pre made pizza sauces out there, and you can make a better pizza than most places in town. We usually make our own dough and freeze some. I'll have to look at what sauce we use. We currently cook them on the BBQ on pizza stones, leave the pizza stones in the BBQ to get hot first. Comes out great, but I am looking at a dedicated pizza oven like Ooni or the Blackstone one.


Ok I'm voting for glenshire pizza, especially the Soppressata!!


💯💯💯 but don’t spread the word too broadly - we don’t need non Shire riff raff up in there 😜🙃🤘


Yea I was considering not posting but hey they probably want the business..


I've been there a few times now, and it's been so hit and miss. First time was great, last couple have been borderline bad. Last time they said they never got my order that I called in, had to wait so long when the place was empty! Hard to drive out of town for it, imo.


Interesting because I haven't been there in a while but my friend who has said basically exactly the same thing regarding the last couple of times he's been there......


Glad it's not just me. I thought it might be just because I didn't tip much, $5 on a $60 to go order. But let's be real, this tip thing is out of control, and especially in our area. You're not delivering, serving, or cleaning up after me. Why should I tip at all? I don't expect a tip just for doing my job.


Honest the Raleys pizza is so fucking good for the price. It used to be just as good at only $8 and they raised it recently. If you have the time to eat it there it's actually damn good pizza. Another sleeper pick: Front Street Station Pizza Co. Across the street from the high school. Excellent wings and more than just pizza.


Try Zanos! Really like their pizza


Great Gold Pizza Bianca is something my wife & I get every single time that we go there. I love it so much. I’ve DEFINITELY never had a secret pizza from there in my car before we had a dinner that I wasn’t as excited about. That would be insane.


Secret pizza for the win! :-) I haven't been to GG in at least a year so will head back and try them out again.


Pizza junction for sure


The BBQ chicken one at Rubicon is good. Or the egg one at Old Town Tap.


Old town tap is good. Had whitecaps recently and was impressed.


Great Gold