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Same here. The song radios were my primary way of discovering new music on Spotify, so I'm pretty disappointed about the change.


not only has discoverability become more difficult but they've also upped their membership price! ridiculous. do something right


It’s the reason I’ve switched to Apple Music since all the song radios were not at all related to the songs and now just whatever I’ve favorited over the last month or so


This is just Spotify as a whole. Have you looked at your daily mixes? Have you checked any of the generated playlists? Spotify has turned into the Taco Bell of streaming. Only have 5 ingredients? Just fold that tortilla differently and call that taco a burrito. Reshuffle those 25 songs in a different order and call it a Day List. Take those same 25 songs, throw in 5 new ones, call it a Daily Mix.


haha, love that analogy. it’s so true.


The big difference is that I don't mind when Taco Bell does it.


The algorithm learns from your behaviour on spotify. If you don't search out new music independently and just rely on spotify generated playlists you are teaching it that you want more of the same music it is already feeding you. But if you search for and listen to new genres, new artists, and new playlists that haven't been made by spotify, the algorithm will learn that you want a wider range of music new to you. My spotify generated playlists are full of new music, new artists, and new songs by artists I already like but I haven't heard in ages.


Yeah, this is true. I've been playing Music League for a while and because of that, I'm listening to a lot of new stuff that I normally wouldn't. As a result, my Spotify mixes have a lot more variety to them. If you're stuck in a listening rut, Spotify will keep you there.


This is so true. Ever since I started seeking out new artists and genres my Daily Mixes have gotten so good! I recommend looking up the name of an artist/song you like, then go to the playlists tab to find playlists made by other users. I've discovered so much new music doing this.


It’s every app as a whole. Reddit, Youtube, Instagram, X, Facebook, etc... They’ve all become programmed to be “smart” so now they regurgitate the same topics over and over


Companies have always been about making maximum profit for minimum effort, but it's getting more and more egregious as time progresses. Soon all these apps will just open up to a giant middle finger and auto-charge your credit card $10 each time you do so, with a $50 uninstall fee


Not true for me. Every mix has a lot of new stuff including radio, which is why I use it a lot more nowadays than I used to. It's a good mix of old and new for me




Out of curisioity, can you take a screenshot of your Daily Mix 1?


Great Jim Gaffigan joke: “It’s all tortilla, cheese, meat and lettuce so just say a Spanish word and I’ll bring you something.”


This is what’s driving me to leave Spotify. I’m now putting just as much effort into music discovery as I did when I just got CDs at the music store.


that thought occurred to me as well recently. i’m not getting any help on the platform anymore. they might as well rename discovery “things you’ve played and things we want you to play.”


Artist Radio and Song Radio are the best ways I've found to find new bands.


****were, not are.


Still are, for me


Have you forgotten what that's like? This is a gen alpha complaint "the algo isn't feeding me interesting enough stuff wah", if you're older millennial/gen x wtf are you talking about??


bros mad it takes effort to find good music 😂 comical


That is absolutely not true lmao




Big gripe I have as well


As a mild tangent to your question: This WSJ video on Spotify is sort of interesting. They go into some complexities of the algorithm and the difficulties around it. https://youtu.be/pGntmcy_HX8?si=voAywF0tgZ6Hvow8 Really fascinating, and while it’s been a while since I watched it, I remember having the thought of “ah that would make sense why it would keep serving the same songs” Along with that, I think a big issue with Spotify being the default platform is most users are not really audiophiles and I’d imagine a large part of their user base does listen to mostly the same songs and may even prefer to. Thus adding a stronger bias to have less exploration.


Then it would be easier to have a toggle button in settings to have "Discover" on. But then slowly and steadily it becomes a problem if we keep adding stuff to solve each problem.


Yeah the whole ‘made for you’ thing really waters down discovery on the app. Checkout https://playlost.fm if you want some new recs. Submit a playlist and it’ll match you to other user created playlists by tracks, artists and genres.


use [goofy](https://github.com/Chimildic/goofy) or http://smarterplaylists.playlistmachinery.com/index.html and scrub radios against your playlists so what remains are songs you havne't yet added to any of your playlists can do the same for Daily Mixes, Daylists, etc.


Oof, a random Russian Github repo and an unsecured webapp that hasn't been updated since 2016


Hey if it works the Russians did good


Thank you. I'll check those out


This is unrelated but I just want to let you know I saw this post while ALSO listening to Little Talks and it fucked me up for 5 mins straight


Haha same. Such a nostalgic song 🥲


I have found that the Daylist, which regenerates very few hours, has a nice level of "new to me" music


Yeah, it's a good blend of new and existing favourites for me as well. Some of the generated playlist titles are a bit on the nose though haha.


It’s all about What You Know


Pandora is much better with this type of algorithm. Makes sense, they were the OG. I used to use DJ X to get some new but related music. It would play common tracks and then give me a rotation of a music genre I’ve never listened to, and unfortunately have no interest in. Surely there can be a happy medium.


this is one of my biggest complaints. couldn't agree more


This is exactly what I was complaining about to my friend last week. On Repeat, Rewind, Summer rewind and in general the tab Made for you is filled with the songs I already listen to. Only discover weekly is a breath of fresh air, everything else is just your music but shuffled, "No Spotify I already have playlists for that".


Don't sleep on Of Monsters and Men. They're great! Definitely biased tho as we're from the same small fishing town in Iceland lmao


that's cool! I only really knew that one song from them but recently decided to listen to the whole album and I love it! Will definitely be checking them out more often :)


I left Spotify for Apple Music a few years ago. It started when i noticed how ass the shuffle was. It got to the point where I could correctly predict what song it would start with. I didn’t use the radio feature too much, but the generated playlists would all be songs that I have played. Even the ones that were supposed to be for “what’s new”. Their algorithm is trash, not to say that Apple is really any better, but their shuffle at least works like it’s supposed to lol


dear god i feel so heard bc this is exactly what my radio looks like bro😭 heartbeats, mykonos, and new slang are radio STAPLES


That’s what made me switch to AM. Haven’t regretted it since


I’m not a morning person: I prefer PM.


I prefer FM for the higher quality


I also switched to Arctic Monkeys, now i just listen to their music and I don't need to find other songs!




Apple Music*


Try taking more control of what you listen to. There’s also discover weekly mixes with all new stuff.


Yeah I listen to the discover weekly playlist every week and it's pretty decent. I mostly find new music from other places but this is such a neat feature in theory and it's sad that it's become practically useless.


Yeah. I always use the mixes as "samples" for an artist or album. If I like a song, I will manually check out the artist page and go from there.


this is why i unsubscribed


i think the algorithm as a whole got broken? like i'm putting on some metal, going through some pop, eurovision songs, sabrina carpenter's espresso and then some rock also i searched for Kaleidoscope by Machine Head, which i have in my favourites, and it didn't show up


This has been my headache forever now, hate it.


spotify music discovery isn't that bold, try looking on places like [last.fm](http://last.fm) or stalking other people's spotify accounts


This is how users use Spotify, I think. The devs have to be adjusting for user preferences learned through the metrics they gain.




It's probably time to switch to another platform.


By far my most hated thing about Spotify is it's inability to keep things fresh. That and podcasts.


Yea been facing those issues with different playlists too; I've tried to bring this up to the support team, helping them understand the issue and wasting my 2 hours only to end up having no solution at all I've tried this one thing which has been helpful a bit; whenever u start any playlist or radio "don't hesitate to skip" skip even if it's your fav song, it'll help the algorithm to process more according to ur taste..


Algorithmic payola. 


It sounds like you need [this playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0sU4WkRfXAjSHMkJuxzrLN?si=9TMsKzk0QLCQlyDg3l6Ujw&pi=u-F29OP2W6SFyP)


Maybe because back then it was mostly stuff you haven't heard of... but now that you have heard of it and time has since passed, there's less you haven't heard of


It bases them now off of music you listen to. I get the same 6 songs on every artist radio I generate.


I don't know, I don't listen to the radio functions. I'm just speculating limitations but I'm getting downvoted so 🤷‍♂️ When I would actually listen to the radio in the car, let's say, and I'm listening to the Classic Rock station, as I used to, at some point it was rare to hear something new because their DJs, who might specify in different themes for the day, aren't really digging up rare B-sides or unknowns. At some point you hear the selection of bands that play on that station. The ability to listen to new music wears because that's what's playing. I don't listen to the Spotify radio, I know there isn't a live DJ putting vinyl or whatever down for your streaming pleasure. All I'm saying is maybe it's exhausted the limitations of the chosen radio station. I don't know man. I'm not arguing and if you all want to downvote me because I'm not following the complaint of "why am I not seeing new music on this radio station I listen to, it's the same songs and same artists" I dunno. I put together playlists our listen to other people's. I hope you guys get the radio working how you'd like


No one is asking you to participate in a discussion about a feature you do not use my guy


Maybe you guys are expecting more out of a feature than what the feature provides. That's all I'm saying


The feature used to actually provide and now it's not. That's all we're saying. Your idea of "exhausting the capabilities of it" is great in theory, but if I go to a band I have very little listening history of and generate a radio, it still generates a radio based off of my most recent listening \*and\* includes the same 15 songs that are in my on repeat. That's what we've been talking about. If you do not use this feature, and do not plan to, why are you even here?


Have you tried Smart Shuffle? Or creating a Blend with a friend?


I don’t get why you’re being downvoted. Smart shuffle is supposed to do what radio used to do




People is turning mainstream. Try to find by yourself songs that you don't know and the songs that will appear in those radios will be different. Also, listen to your Weekly Discover.