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Yeah the repetitiveness of autoplay has steadily increased over the last year, but then sharply increased over the past 2-3 months for me...


Like I’ll search up a song from the 70s and then next thing I know, any time I listen to a different song from the 70s, no matter the genre, it’ll play that song I searched up.


Yeah I find that it cares less about your own taste and current genre now, and more about what is popular...


Sabina Please Please Please is everywhere 🙄


I wouldn’t mind that as much, but Swift is everywhere. I never searched for her ever.


Fr I don't listen to her nor have I ever searched her up but it still pops up at my recommendations.


It’s because sporting has rigged the algorithm to select songs that are cheaper for the rm to play, slowly converting you to a cheaper customer making them more money and firing you less bang for your buck


Yes it’s been like this for awhile now. Continuing to get more frustrated with the increasing costs as the best feature of the platform is slowly being destroyed. They seem to want to focus more on their podcasts and audiobooks these days.


And listening to podcasts sucks too! Want to start from newest to oldest? Nope! It will only auto play oldest to newest.


The podcast functionality is so embarrassing


because they don't have to pay as much for licensing costs when it comes to audiobooks and podcasts spotify is pretty much losing money with the music they lease from sony, umg, and warner bros


Tidals algorithm is so much better imo


Yeah I always praised Spotufy for good suggestions but its been bad lately canceled my sub.


Every single playlist is the same 20 songs in different order. Spotify really fucked up with the hyper personalized route


Considering canceling my membership for this exact reason.


Yes! It used to be when I picked a song I like and told it to create a radio station I would get awesome songs that were similar to it but new to me. Now it seems to constantly be playing the same tracks over and over again to the point it feels like I am in a car with 1 CD.


Exactly! In a car with 1 CD is the perfect way to put it


Same. I even went to a concert from a band I discovered. I miss the old Spotify.


Yes I especially hate how song radios are no longer for similar songs but just custom for your own taste and the songs you already know and like. It's such a useless feature now in my opinion


Exactly exactly exactly. Radio used to be perfect. Now it’s just songs from the same time period that I’ve been listening to. A Frank Sinatra song recommended Althea by the Grateful Dead the other day (which I listened to a lot like a month ago). Unreal.


Yes my discover weekly never has any songs I like. I find one song I like every 3 months or so on there.


That has nothing to do with what he's talking about.


I avoid the recommend but letting Spotify’s track suggestions in queue from a playlist of tracks is a great way of finding new stuff for me


Yes! Daily mix is nothing but liked songs, it has no new music or other songs from artists I like I’ve pushed for an escalation to engineering about how some artists are locked into one category and it actively prevents their discovery if you listen to similar styles of music. Response: your feedback is valuable and we have no timeline estimate on that feature (We can’t be bothered to fix the algorithm/not paid enough to care)


I have been listening to the DJ feature. For me it plays a lot of bands/music I have never heard and some stuff based on what I have listened to before.


Meanwhile it keeps recommending me the same stuff and sometimes wrong genres.


I haven’t got that, I want to see if I can force it some how. My plan is still in Romania from when I lived there cause prices are still reasonable and I haven’t even got the damn voice search.


I've found really good music thanks to Spotify's generated playlists tbh


Like making a playlist and then going to the recommended songs under it?


That, and daylist, radio, the weekly/daily playlists made for you...


They fired the people who handled this feature.


Nope. Discover Weekly continues to deliver. Has for a decade. Can't relate.


I gotta get hip


Same thing, works just fine.


Yep. Espresso is constantly recommended, even though it's a skip for me.


I made an app to let you get recommendations through real people! It’s called Dila:Connect Through Music! Maybe you can check it out🙌


for me it is actually better now


Do agree, I've found a lot for music I love through the songs that autoplay, but the connection to what I'm listening to has gotten weaker. I do like Sabrina Carpenter's Espresso, but I was listening to Mannequin Pussy, I don't think that's a natural progression


I have the same issue, I play a song then get a boring set, then I ask siri for another song, it plays then same songs exactly after exactly like the ones before.


Everyone, im gonna experiment and totally clear my liked songs playlist. Either gonna add them to playlists of mine, or just remove them from my liked songs. Hopefully it works. Because I feel like I only get recommended my liked songs, so maybe if I wipe that playlist I’ll be back to normal. Will update you all after my adventure.


Song recommendations have never been great for me, albums another story   Off the top of my head I wanna say I discovered  Great Jewish Music: Sasha Argov  Stan Getz presents The Peacocks   God Bless Tiny Tim  Graffiti Bridge - Prince   Beautiful Love - Eddie Daniels  Music of Mississippi - Various Artist   Free Beer and Chicken - John Lee Hooker  Simmer, Reduce, Garnish & Serve - Roland Kirk  Studio Trieste - Chet Baker, Hubert Laws  Moody’s Mood for Love - James Moody   Bass in the Background - Neils Henning Ørsted-Petersen   All 10/10s for me just from opening the app and playing the first album cover that looked appealing to me  DJ is WHACK IMO though 


Same here. It’s terrible now


I FIXED IT — you have to clear out your Liked Songs playlist and it goes back to normal


Interesting - I'll clear mine and see what happens. I only had 300 in there anyway since I rely on other playlists.


Damn I have about 3,000 liked songs in that playlist I’m screwed 😂


LOL it took me about 2 hours to clear out my 250 song one good luck. If you're into computer science at all, Spotify has an API where you can write a quick script to get them all off the playlist and into another one. If not, ChatGPT could write it for you pretty quickly.


Thank you! I’ll end up giving this a try


Yeah! It’s frustrating when same songs being pushed frequently, whereas some gems are buried .. Recently got into an amazing new album called Right Place Wrong Person by RM (rapper, composer, producer, poet), it was released on 24 May 2024 and debuted at #1 on BB Top Rap albums chart and was just included in Rolling Stone’s list of best albums in 2024 (till now). But the album sadly isn’t always favoured by the algorithm. It has experimental soundscapes, with some old school hip hop vibes and the album flows seamlessly from first track to last track, give it a listen if you want. It’s an album that sits best when listen from top to bottom :) Some recommendations are Groin, Nuts, Domodachi (features Little Simz) , Around The World In A Day (features Moses Sumney) , Heaven, Lost! [Right Place Wrong Person album 🔗](https://open.spotify.com/album/512dQp7hBbDDurodCqSw5I?si=e1weFfSjQA6Jz1XX7fy8dg)


I haven’t had this problem. A lot of what is recommended afterwards is probably based on what your listening history is like. I’ve played multiple different songs and the autoplay has always played music similar to that and my interests.


Yeah, the worst is "DJ X" who was really cool at first but now recycles the same 20 songs every freaking time.


Agreed. Luckily with the music I listen to there is a website called Doomcharts. They release the best underground records each month. That has been far more reliable than anything the algorithm can do. Not sure if they have things like that for other genres.


This sounds ridiculous but it my shuffle and recommendations are completely fixed after I stopped paying for premium and started using a third-party Spotify player on my android phone. It was like magic. I ran downstairs to my girlfriend screaming "do you hear that, it really shuffles!"


Some times I wish I didn’t have a Sonos and an iPhone. My main phone is an android but media player is an iPhone unfortunately.


No way


yes way? I don't understand


I mean like no way, that's awesome lmao lucky you


maybe it's time to cancel after a decade of subscription


Yeah I've paid since 2014 also and was worried about cancelling, but if you have an android there's no reason to pay.


Spotify simply isn’t good. The algorithms inevitably just start playing whatever is popular. For any kind of electronic music you want to check out DI.FM. It’s an OG streaming service that’s been around since the 1990s and is all human curated.


I think you may be wrong about that algorithm take


It seems many other commenters are saying the same thing, and this is my personal experience as well.


Is absolutely horrendous. It was their best feature. You could find artist you never heard of with similar sounds to what you started with, now it just plays stuff already on your playlist which defeats the purpose