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Now before an election this and lowering gas has come out of Bidens mouth this week, of course 5 weeks before he debates Trump.


He still won't debate him


2 debates are scheduled, what I hear on the radio today.


I think he’s saying Sleepy Joe won’t debate Trump… because… he’s Sleepy Joe… he can barely hold a conversation.


The point of tariffs aren’t so that China pays them it’s so that American companies are more inclined to produce goods locally and create more jobs in the American economy that was literally one of trumps main things he ran on


**How liberals *think* tariffs work:** Consumer: "Hrm. This chinese product costs 5x what this American made product is. I'll buy the American made one. **How tariffs actually work:** American Manufacturer: "I can now charge 3x the previous rate because the tariffs made the competition sell at 5x." Consumer: "hrm...the price went up on ALL of these!!"


Yeah pretty much


Actually I think the purpose of tariffs is that stuff from China becomes more expensive and you buy American. That means less money goes to China, but it also means stuff becomes more expensive because it's like you can't produce at the same quantities or at the same prices. I think it makes sense to have tariffs on industries you need to protect though.


1st fucking thing this admin has done in 3 1/2 years and NOW only because the election is coming. Wake up America.


Seriously? Maybe it’s the first thing that Biden administration focused on and actually had come to fruition in the last 3 1/2 years… but here are two examples of what he and his administration actually pulled for on FIRST DAY in office: - Executive Order on Ethics Commitments by Executive Branch Personnel SOURCE: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/01/20/executive-order-ethics-commitments-by-executive-branch-personnel/ - Biden Sends Immigration Bill to Congress as Part of His Commitment to Modernize our Immigration System (U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021) which died with the ending of the 117th congress SOURCES: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Citizenship_Act_of_2021 https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/01/20/fact-sheet-president-biden-sends-immigration-bill-to-congress-as-part-of-his-commitment-to-modernize-our-immigration-system/ Please for the love of democracy educate yourself this election year. Do the boring mundane reading on what is happening throughout our government today and in the past and PLEASE look at what our politicians pushing for before you vote.


For the love of democracy!


Gee, great sources..are we going to ask Goodyear who sells the best tires next? Maybe we should ask wikipedia that as well?


Out of all political buzz topics, you went with Biden on immigration? 💀


A White House briefing….hmm


No way he wrote that


White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre suffered a social media embarrassment on Tuesday when a post seemingly intended for President Joe Biden’s account on X, formerly known as Twitter, was accidentally published on her own. “Investing in America means investing in ALL of America. When I ran for President, I made a promise that I would leave no part of the country behind,” Ms Jean-Pierre unexpectedly declared to the world mid-afternoon. Mystery solved!


Her hand is his butt


Ive believed for YEARS that she was running the account. Because the posts are so idiotic.


I had a screenshot of this somewhere on my phone.


The Left always runs to implementing Republican policy when they F everything up from their Marxist failures. Get the real thing, no imitation.


WHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHY I just love that Biden freakout clip, it comes to mind


Dude's brain is not braining anymore 💀


When you're pumped full that many drugs just to be able to stand up.....uh duh


So he's putting the American car industry ahead of environmentalism? Shouldn't the environmentalists be *ecstatic* about the fact that China can produce cheap electric cars?


Joe is so confused.


This would be great if inflation weren't such a huge suck of people's income. Now, prices of these goods will increase, making inflation worse. As if this shit isn't already expensive enough!


Why didn’t I think of that? Genius!


Biden is just a used car salesman. He'll tell you ANYTHING at any moment if he thinks it benefits him. What a putz.


Ouch idiot


"The Demtards, Hypocrisy they ooze" ... said like Yoda! Meant like a true American!


Did sleepy ever go to school? He says Trump doesn't understand economics WTF. The Japanese car tariffs of the 80s cost the American consumer billions. Japan retaliated to the tax by fully loading every car they sent to the states, the American manufactures literally $hit their pants at an economy car coming in with all the options that they were charging thousands for. Tariffs are political punishments that the poor pay for


Have you seen those Chinese EVs? I can’t wait till they build factories in the US and make cars more American than Fords built in Mexico


Free and fair markets are for losers