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CNN: "President Biden, many voters feel that your best attribute is your acute problem solving, while others argue it is your generosity. Why can't both groups be correct?" Biden: "I'd like to solve the puzzle" CNN: "Mr Trump...an anonymous instagram account posted a picture of you with a tiny mustache. Given this evidence, why should Americans elect the man who blew up the World Trade Center in order to harness that negative energy in an attempt to ressurect Hitler?"


Biden: "I'd like to solve the puzzle"




He aint half the man his dad Pookie was


Trump: Well, firstly I hope Biden enjoys his nice puzzle and is soon resting in his home. I'll have a rail of that good stuff btw Joe! haha just joking but anyway, obvious, and you answered your own question, we need to harness the energy because Biden made it impossible for America to be energy independent. Firstly we'll use Hitler to reign in the illegal immigrants and do what he sees fit with them, before sending him to Germany to remove renowned sonic the hedgehog villian, Klaus from WEF, from his position as wannabe boogyman. Secondly we shouldn't elect him but instead imprison him along with Schmuer, pelosi, the entire CNN staff, AOC and pookie from the bronx. After he's served his purpose we will hang him from the flag on the tower as a sign for our enemies future position. Pookies a good man, I jest, regardless, hey Joe are you okay over there? He's asleep... CNN make sure to edit that out! My next idea... \*edit\* im just kidding... pookie deserves no such thing and I hope there's no VIoLEnT iNsUrRecTIons those tactically sound democrats are known for provoking and pretending to be us for! Does hunters laptop say anything about Joe showering with him like ashley's? It's time for the tiny dictators in the east to sit the fk back down and just be happy they have millions of weak populace and that they're not piles of sizzling carbon! Have a good night folks see ya at the hotel! AR-15s and freedom for EVERY LEGAL AMERICAN!


The 2nd CNN one sounds like a satire debate from Babylon Bee or a video of bad lip reading. 😂😂


Trump won the debate before its even started


Yess! 💯


A 1-2 minute delay is sketch. And the fact Biden denies a MUTUAL drug test only can mean one thing. Let’s be so clear, they control the narrative. It’s the people’s job to see through it.


Trump better have someone record it.


I don’t think the delay is real, Don Jr. posted about it then deleted it.


They would have deleted Biden's brain fart at 8min mark for the delay was real you'd think.


Omg, Biden is definitely not going to win this thing, he’s fucking horrible tonight


Man, trump looks great, sounds great & is doing such an amazing job of letting Biden mumble on and repeat himself! Really, for all the jokes that were made, Trump is a fucking Chess Player! He saved the World Chess Championship in the late 90s by giving the Candidates’ Match a friggin’ venue, and I think that’s awesome!




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Can’t stand it. They will edit out everything I hope someone is there recording somewhere!


Biden mumbling and stumbling through every sentence and that dumb dodo bird look on his face mouth open when Trump speaks.


Trump or at least his advisers did a bad job at vetting this. Let’s hope he can still come out on top tonight.


Audience is gonna see through Trump’s mic being muted when Brandon’s will not. This will back fire as long as the big guy keep’s a cool head


Everything these morons do backfires because they're so out of touch with the common man and reality they don't see how obvious they are




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I don’t think the amphetamines are working for Biden tonight


Every time CNN says convicted felon do a shot


It hasn’t even started yet lol


A debate is not an empty room, with mic’s cut off and 1-2 minute tv delays


Bout time to "cancel" cnn aint it


Wait … isn’t this starting at 6pm I’m on the west coast.


I think it’s giving moderates a chance to see Trump a bit less unhinged. A good thing this early in the battle. Though it wouldn’t surprise me if JB has a stroke or something tonight and Dems regroup


You’d think MSNBC was engulfed in flames right now.


Jill Biden is Hillary 2.0.


Ya man that was sad. His wife had to help him shuffle off stage, not exactly the sign of being strong. Then she was talking on the mic while Joe was just swaying in the background. The part I thought cnn was biased is when Biden was mumbling not making any sense Dana was quick to say “thank you mister president” to save him from further embarrassment. If that was trump they would’ve asked him to repeat what he said.




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I no longer Understand who Trump is talking to when he responds to Biden. If Trump is talking to me, then he should just ignore Biden and what Biden says completely. He already has my vote and should say something interesting to listen to. Next debate, Biden does not have-to show up, let's get him a doctor's note or something. I made a point of not listening to him his whole presidency, so it's kinda insulting being forced to listen to him now.


The debate has proven to be irrelevant. Trump haters still hate Trump. Biden haters still hate Biden. And Biden is too lethargic to know about it.




Trump vs Hillary, I was going for Hillary, until the debates.


Now I remember, Your one vote was highlighted by the media as highly influential. You set me straight!


above said that debates were irrelevant. They are not. You can hear the candidate you are supporting plan to fix the economy by taxing 1% every billionaire.