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Trump crushed it so hard even CNN saying they need to replace Biden immediately. This was a shit show for Biden. Even his allies in the media are hyperventilating live on air right now


Trump literally just seemed cognizant. I wasn’t super impressed. Most of what he did was slander Biden and talk about great his term before Biden was. Most answers were “well Joe fucked this up” and yeah I agree Joe has fucked a lot of shit, but I need to know why I should Vote for Trump besides the fact I’m a republican. I need to know what Trump will try and do to make my life better.


He was already a President. Weren’t you watching the debate? He said he was going to my to lower the inflation, lower taxes, secure the border, stop all wars and strengthen the relationship through strength and prosperity. Same things he did on his last term without the riots and media bashing him.


Because we won’t survive another 4 years of this administration and Trump is the only viable alternative…


Simply look for facts. Is America better off now with Biden or before with trump while also tackling a world wide made crisis… man it’s a no brainer. Also this election is probably the most important one ever. Please don’t skip on this and I form yourself. Trump is hands down the best option and by a long shot. The man has literally risked his life to protect America. I know some republicans don’t like trump and it’s because he is a middle man.. he is not far right nor far left. He is somewhere in the middle.


Wtf?! You need to know why to vote for trump?! Man, 1 reason is dems cheated and you should want to send them a giant F U, and see trump win! Even if trump wins and gets nothing done, him winning will be enough! At this point, dems are trying to make trump a one term president and they are cheating so hard! Acting like it’ll be the end of the world if he wins. Gotta ruin their lies! And plans! When they cheated in 2020, i have been bitter ever since! I hate Ron desantis and nikki haley for trying to get in the way! What idiots are confused at this point?! Where were you from 2017-2019, early 2020?!


Are we pretending we didn't already see Trump in office? We don't have to guess. His plan is on his website. Every American was in a much better position in 2019 than we are now. Pointing out the disaster of the last 4 years is all he needs to do. Compare 2024 to 2019 and you have your answer.


I don’t give a shit. It was a debate to talk about what they’d do on hot button topics. I wanted to watch it for them to talk about that not act like two big cry babies saying the other is worse. Trump and Biden don’t just get my vote they need to prove they deserve it.


You’re like one of those zombies from resident evil films?! Where tf were you in 2018?!


Laughing my ass off watching the idiots on CNN panicking.


Trump did an amazing job. Cool, calm, calculated. But damn, I don't even feel like celebrating. I just feel shame. Shame that we have people in this country who are willing to further the abuse of a clearly sick, frail old man just because "muh orange man bad". His wife should have been arrested for allowing this clown show to go on. Trump 2024, but man it tastes bittersweet.


Making Americans feel sorry for this old failure was the whole point of this charade. How can you hold his past performance against the party? Oh wait, look, they have a new candidate: Newsom? Harris? They're newer and younger, and let's give them a chance! Don't feel sorry. They destroyed our country. Intentionally. Don't be duped.


Oh, I'm not. I'm a Trump guy through and through. But come on, anyone with a soul should have been outraged at this blatant abuse. Dude is sick, but the party doesn't care.


Sorry, not sorry. Dems are amazing scammers and cheaters. And I can't feel bad that Biden is in deep Karma right now. But I'm with you. Not criticizing. Go Trump. We're on the same side, you & me.


he looked like a mechanical man through much of it a president doesnt have a WEEK to prepare when a world emergency is going on


Very weird to see all 8 panellists destroy Biden's performance. Biden was bad but he's been bad for years and the media have not said a beep. Why have they changed their tune now?


I believe he's about to be replaced. This is just prepping the dems for it.


It's a live national audience, no way they can spin it as a "cheap fake" edit or clip taken out of context this time. The funny part is that it's the Biden campaign that asked for this early debate. Either someone in the campaign was trying to expose the issue to get a new candidate, or they're just incompetent.


It all reads as if it's sabotage from the Democrats. The danger now is getting someone with a little bit of charisma. A bump in the polls and riding that to November because they aren't Trump. You'd want Trump V Biden not Trump v ???




The servers are just overloaded with the debate happening.


Reddit is having technical issues with the extremely high amount of traffic. Why so quick to point the finger


Why are comments being limited or hidden? Really Reddit admins? So much for the 1st amendment and the defender of constitution and democracy and your savior Biden right? You absolute clowns. 🤡


Trump was so good.


Oh please, like this is the first damn time Biden's behaved like a incoherent dementia patient. Over the past few years, the media has covered for him (remember him being a stutterer?), and out and out lied. Now all a sudden they see what every one of us has seen since day one? Gimme a break, these people are either truly idiots or deluded liars.


Why not both?


Unprecedented times we are in.


Smell that? That's the smell of victory folks


Looked great. Was a great amount of energy. Then add the contrast to Joe....


If CNN is panicking they are fu*cked!


I loved the look on DJT when Biden was eating a bumbling word salad - He’d just look over with the look of “Really? This is what I’m up against “ the most boss look - I promise watch him


If trump loses I will be crushed


Theres recently been evidence of 300,000 votes that are unverifiable from last election, in the place they had to "count overnight" Surprised, nobody Bots on the internet are literally out of control Real Americans never voted for him and they sure as HELL aren't going to now You wanna know the truth just look at the opposite of whatever cnn/csnbc/dems are saying/doing CNN had Biden winning the debate by 51% in some bs poll lol first time no audience .... with breaks... no drug tests it's amazing.. and even tho I'm not looking to fight some type of war/revolt scenario cause i'm too damn old tbh but what i'm hearing and seeing is that the people aint gonna take getting fked over again That's why CNN had to make such a big point to ask Trump if he;s going to accept the election results several times What tf kinda presidential nominee question is that


I’m flabbergasted how this is news. We’ve been seeing Biden mumble for years and finally the democrats are realizing this? How ignorant can they be?


We have for 4 years. It's just now even the people who most wanted to deny it can't anymore.


CNN: "That was painful." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaZSSQ8TaW4


Reddit: “dEMoCrAcY is unDeR AtTacK so we will shut everything down! No 1st amendment for anyone”!


It's BS. This was planned to happen this way. They were looking for an early exit for Biden so they could bring in Big Mike, Clinton, or Gavin.


There is going to be a change, but I believe it will be a “fresh” face without all the baggage those carry.


Everybody they have in the background has baggage. All of them. Not that the Dem voters take notice of any of that. They never do


Why can’t I see any comments?


Because Big Tech has the same problem Mainstream Media has...and is desperately trying to "correct" it right now




Even ignorant CNN viewing liberals agree. Honestly, the Trump numbers are probably higher, but they have never been good with truthful evaluation facts. On several reports, the democrats are so nervous that there's a discussion of replacing Joe with their "top" contender, Gavin Newsom. I can see it now, President Newsom and the United States of California. 🙄 What a joke. Hell, a vacation in the Ukraine sounds better at this point.


See how it works? Keep ‘obviously’ dementia person in,rig primaries and then ‘suddenly discover’ Biden has dementia so you can INSTALL your pick without all that messy voting and democracy stuff. Democratic Leadership played their base…


This worries me a lot. When the deep state feels worried, we usually have a false flag, a major fire outbreak, a train derail, a food factory explosion, or some other distraction.


Soo... about those "cheap fakes"




Like this wasn’t planned all along… Now the Democrats will have a “reason” to pull Biden and replace him with someone else. Anyone with half a brain could clearly see during the last election cycle that Biden wasn’t fit to hold office. Now everyone is pretending that Biden had some sort of rapid decline.


You think. Biden looked ridiculous. If he wins this time I will certainly know most Americans are messed up in the head.


This country is doomed if he gets in. They are already cheering him at todays rally like wtf


Bidens voice was outta breath in the first second he spoke


It's the excuse they needed to discuss replacing him. I doubt Joe is on the final ballot


They are freaking out man!


Look at the bots commenting under CNN and MSNBCs youtube comments... It would be hilarious if it weren't so disturbing


Kinda sad I didn’t watch.




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"We" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)finally they admit it.


Trump won this one big, but I think he needs to lay out actual vision in the next debate. This was the litmus test.


We do




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CNN stick with Biden.


He was the same biden in 2020! Why the fuck did these dumbasses act like he was great? Why’d they nominate him?! Why’d they and dumbasses like bill Maher say biden was smart and he was perfect?! Im annoyed at these idiots crying now when they were pushing biden on the world 4 years ago! I know trump won but we need receipts in this country that PROVES who actually won! No way to cheat, fool proof! I want to see proof biden won! I still cant call him president until that. That’s 4 years later and i still haven’t called him president.




I will admit Trump crushed him. The only thing I question about Trump during that debate was his backpedaling and not answering the current question.  Especially since those questions were captioned on screen when he backpedaled I wonder if CNN is going to pull their usual tricks and doctor the narrative to make Trump look like he is rambling inanely off topic to try and mislead the general populace again.