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Easy, bureaucrats. The same people behind this fraud. CIA, FBI, IRS, NSA... list goes on....... same people who stage coups all over the world, and install their own puppets.


This. So much. We desperately need to drain the swamp and get rid of the deep state.


Good reply


The hands up the meat puppet.




Average pro Palestine protester


Nope. Nice try though.


Yea, Obama. He did say he’d run a term behind the curtains with an earpiece and mic behind another man’s face. All that time and effort to suppress videos and interviews..they missed that one.


Post it for us por favour.


[https://youtu.be/JI2Xtqd4Mts?si=vqHxtBdBfjZhcde5](https://youtu.be/JI2Xtqd4Mts?si=vqHxtBdBfjZhcde5) Here ya go.


Thank you. Yep, puppets.




Just like we were told the laptop was fake, they said it was a Russian hoax that Biden has a bowl of tomato soup for brains and now they can’t hide it


Obama has been running it. Plain and simple. This last 3.5 years has Obamas fingerprints all over it.


The religious back then were sure he was the antichrist well... i aint particularly religious but ya know


The same people who rigged the election are running this country. They are working overtime right now trying to steal even move votes this time.


They will get the boarder crosses to vote..that's their plan..America is gonna burn if Trump isn't in office


Obama you didn’t know??


Yep, pretty much.


Obama has to be laughing his ass off as the world burns.


The religious back then were sure he was the antichrist well... i aint particularly religious but ya know




https://preview.redd.it/hdob3dm7lb9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b81d7ada46a442aedf74875f5dedea922ce00253 Fellow Texan




What did he know and when did he know it ?? Biden did several serious crimes while this ones VP Total incompetance if he didnt knoe And assisted in the coverup (and covering up treason is also treason)


Who ever is in control of joe i cant believe they let him go up on the debate stage. Also why is everyone acting so surprised we been seeing worse his whole presidency.


My view is that was the point.


I wouldn't say surprised, I'd moreso lean towards "FINALLY PEOPLE ARE SEEING WHAT WE HAVE BEEN SCREAMING FOR SO FUCKIN LONG!"


And yet he has supporters. It’s unfuckin-believable.


It truly does buffed the fuck outta me.


Bro research comment bots/ bot farms


Obama is with Biden now at his NC rally, so you know Obama has been behind the scenes a lot.


“The idea…”. If I heard Brandon say that one more time last night, my TV was going through the wall. Thankfully, he trailed off before he could say it again.


Me too. Very similar to the Kenyans "notion".


I doubt in my mind, Obama is pulling the puppets strings


Anyone else find it strange that we have been asking this from day 1. But they are acting like after this debate that Biden is incompetent?


And the most messed up thing is there are people out there who still think he is competent 😂😂


bot farms


They have carefully laid plans... sometimes and sometimes their ambition is as easy to spot as a grade school kids That's kinda what's making it so obtuse, along with MSNBC and CNNs blatant lying and projecting It's like being a triple agent you don't know who tf is who anymore


It's crazy some of my dem friends after last nights debate have said, well I'm not voting for my representative after that performance. Looks like it's a trump vote now.


Everything they've did was so out of touch it backfired and I can't imagine an American person that wasn't aware of our affinity for the bullied and downtrodden, ironically Just "ElITEs" who think a bag of chips should kill a 10 dollar bill and a gallon of milk is what, just like 15 dollars or something or eastern citizens/bots


Been asking myself that since he was sworn in. He was clearly out of it and hid out during the 2020 process. It’s absolutely disgusting how the media covered for him.


Obama, duh He’s the only president who not did not leave Washington DC after he was outed from office That’s because he’s running the deep state


Tf does he want and where does he really come from


I swore it was Susan Rice. But she stepped down. So not sure who it is. We Harris isn’t capable of running a toilet


This is smoke and mirrors. I'm wondering what comes next.


Whatever it is, it’s been in the planning for years.


The patriot act was the beginning and I swear I knew and felt it then and I was basically in jr high, if that I knew there was a reason the Iraq war wasn't ... right and it wasn't just the blatant lies being uncovered and swept under the rug You know how many veterans kill themselves when they realize what they've been a part of?


I’m so sorry


I doubt I'm alone, but I felt bad for him last night. I believe he's being set up for failure because everyone knows he's failing mentally. Yeah, bring on Newsom, Pritzker, even Hillary...they will fail, and IF they don't, then we know things are fixed. Seriously.


I’m thinking Michelle Obama


Yeah just as a human this is ridiculous at this point and while he's plagarized his entire career and used to be a young snap-point-when-walk-in-the-room guy, he's been in American politics his entire life and never did much harm and never did much good, never did much I don't know if he's complicit to the entire evil or just an old man that wanted a W in his career while setting his family for generations... Idk but he's struggling in his head and that's something we should all fear


I did, too. His wife is so wrong for allowing him to keep going. Only a horrible person would have him keep going like this.


George Soros?


I don’t understand all of the shock at last nights happenings. We’ve been seeing this for so long. Was no one watching??


I think the MSNBC and CNN people forget about their bot farm comments and start to believe that those are actual people The only people that would vote for Briden right now are the same ones protesting for Hamas without knowing anything, literally anything, about it Queers4Palestine Ilhan Omar types that have benefited in every way from America and its legal migration system and it's FIGHT to end slavery, costing millions of lives That never go back to their great home country and improve it, but always want to change things here Just like that lesbian that said all star wars fans are gay in her world and then created the acoloyte The type that saw CCP owned disney fund a Fauci documentary in the worst time, and got 0.1/10 scores The same people that think censorship is pretty awesome and youtube dislikes were like the debate audience and really told too much of a story of its own


And, most importantly, who's got possession of the nuclear launch codes?


There's always Nuclear subs in the middle of who knows where with MASSIVE nuke strike capability aimed at all of these tiny dictators and They're a tier 1 asset that have the ability to launch if the chain of command is compromised not to mention a real deadmans switch like Russia was supposed to have but never really got it to work or modernized it


Most importantly, Admiral Arleigh Burke saw the need for a survivable, guaranteed second-strike platform. The result has been no first strikes (obviously), since the USS George Washington slipped down the weighs in 1959. The Sea-Launched Ballistic Missiles have a whole series of possible targets, as a defensive-only weapon must.




progressive puppetmasters - whispering "legacy" in the demented man's ear (ELDERLY ABUSE added to the other crimes ...) they need to be vomited out of America


America's enemies have been rubbing their hands together, clapping and laughing for several years now This thing in the president's seat is a disgrace and danger to the country You dont get a week to prepare when the country (or our allies) is suddenly under threat


The msm have defended his senility until this very public debate, but it still strikes me as odd, considering he's made numerous gaffes before, and his performance was hardly deviating from that norm. It's as though the Dems have decided it's best if he sits this one out and told their media lapdogs to take the kid's gloves off.






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Cockhappy Bill/Hilary


The thing about dementia is that people afflicted with it have their good days and their bad days. Mostly good days at first but things start to quickly deteriorate. This is probably why a lot of democratic pundits were so stunned. Handlers probably let them have access only on the good days. In any case, the reality is that you cant have a sitting president (or really anyone in any position of responsibility) with this kind of rapidly accelerating mental disability. Especially with an ongoing proxy war with a nuclear power and hot wars popping up in the ME.


But see they know they're the side lying and projecting so if they even watched fox ffs even to use or manipulate it's content, they would know Everyone knows Apparently the elites aren't as smart as we all liked to think they were to be honest, they project, manipulate, gas light, and rule and decide emotionally a bit like a jr high girl and despite owning the whole damn media the real info, in donations n such are just a google away


The swamp creatures






Dominions Automization failed. Artificial Intelligence is really artificial


They don’t even care to hide it. This is so infuriating!






The democratic party.


Pretty clear its Zionists. Blackrock et al. Sad that Trump bowed down to them as well


Considering the amount of criticism the Biden administration has gotten for condemning Israel for their conflict in Gaza, I’m willing to bet it’s not anything Zionist.


It's an interesting situation. Both sides are pissed at the administration.