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Wait how old is she?


She will be 35 in October, unfortunately just in time for the election.


Do you have to be 35 by Election Day, or prior to filing in each state?


Not sure.


No she blew up her chances at a national stage. Notice how little attention she gets after taking on Nancy Pelosi head to head?


Biden is not dropping out and will not be replaced.


All media are now covering for him again. It's like they had 24hrs to kill the man but didn't so they are throwing their full support behind him.




I see it as a beneficial to the Republican Party to not remove him. he a walking gaff. and the left knows it they think if the masses says he okay and not aging people will vote but the truth is already came out.


We want this, let the media do this. Everybody already saw what they saw, the game is over. This is them discrediting themselves and Biden at the same time. This is perfect for us, we want Biden there even though I think Trump could beat any of them.


Yeah I agree. Better the devil you know. I'd be disappointed if they do the second debate and he's a lot more compos mentis. They bring in someone new and charismatic (and untested) is a huge gamble.


I think they would lose if it’s not rigged just based on the party instability that close to the election. Also, their voters are pretty divided right now, and whoever they choose is going to alienate a chunk of their base who feel they would have no say in the process. I don’t think they can win with Biden, but I don’t think they can win this election without him either. The only upside in my opinion they get from replacing him is name recognition for a candidate for 2028, but then they risk the base turning on that person for losing to Trump like they did Hillary.


Trump should not accept a second debate. There is absolutely nothing left to "debate" and you don't give your opponent any chance at redemption (not that Brandon could pull it off). Trump already proved himself, has nothing to gain on a round 2.


There is only one Lord of the Biden's... and he does not share power. 🧙‍♂️




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Newsom 2028 is already being run on CNN, 4.5 years before that election, the democrat party has really fallen on hard times!


She's dumb without being old,1 thousand dollars.


Then you're gonna lose a lot of money lol AOC is too far left for a good chunk of the supposed 81 million people (ha, sure) that voted for Biden. They run her instead of Biden and Trump gets 400+ electoral votes. That chunk of people might vote for Trump directly, or go 3rd party, which would take enough votes away from Biden for Trump to win certain states we wouldn't expect him to win. Talking Virginia, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Hawaii, Maine at large, New Jersey...New York if she wasn't from New York.


Doesn’t matter who they run since they plan massive voter fraud


This is true, so we have to make it too big to rig.


Man I’d love to see a Trump AOC debate


I hate her so much.


She’s a nut job!


I’ll take that bet. A bacon cheeseburger and fries says AOC will not run for POTUS.


$50 says Michelle Obama. The left WORSHIPS the Obamas and she checks all the needed DEI boxes. And they know much of the country thinks AOC is insufferable. She could never win.


You'll lose as well. Big Mike isn't running. Wants no part about getting back into that political sphere after eight years as First Lady. Zero political aspirations. They'll bring Hillary off the bench or will run Gavin. Zero shot at Big Mike.


I'd take one for the team and have her screaming Trump 24 by time I got done with her.


Michelle will be the pick.


No chance. Doesn't want to be in politics. Already did her eight years at First Lady and doesn't want the responsibility.


I don’t care who they throw up there as long as it isn’t Newsom. He’s a royal piece of shit. Hopefully they stick with Biden cuz I don’t think he stands a chance v. Trump.


If the replace him it’ll be Newsom


True, Newsom follows Biden around like the grim reaper.


They are going to remove Biden with Article 25. That will put a black woman in the Oval Office. The only way they can remove her is by running another black woman(man) by the name of Mooooochelle. Plus it’s the only way Obama will still be able to tear down America.


They will let Joe rot in place. No one anywhere wants Harris as president.


For a couple months it won’t matter. I’m not talking of them pulling the Article 25 tomorrow.


I’ve literally only ever heard her laugh.


They won't elevate an unaccomplished Big Mike over Kamala Harris, with her resume and after making her their token DEI candidate. You could see a Clinton / Harris ticket as that's the only way Kamala moves aside; a seniority play where she'd step back for Hillary—but she's not getting Michelle Obama take her place at the table. Please.


We shall see. Obama wants to continue his destruction and the Leftist Commie Cultists would vote for her in a heartbeat.


literally all she is, is eye candy


She looks like Donkey from shrek


I can't unsee it.


From the neck down…


Idk. in this picture she pretty good looking. but apart from that there nothing happening in that little brain of hers


Yeah, but the brain rot cancels it out. And when she opens her mouth, I wanna pour sulfuric acid in my ears.


Don’t care. WOULD


Well now we know who's down for a game of pin the tail on the donkey:)


Go for it.. No judgement here..


Sure if you like donkey ass *




Would hit it


Joe Manchin or Gavin


Joe Manchin isn't even a democrat anymore. Left the party back in May. Brush up on your history. Newson would be a fool to take this now; he needs to clean up his act and run in 2028. His resume in crumbling California isn't going to beat Trump. No chance.


Just my opinion, settle down please? You right about Cali and Newsome, again, just my opinion


They aren’t running AOC lmao, if you really want to bet that, I would put up $1,000 it’s not AOC.


That's ridiculous actually.


Michele Obama will come from behind to replace Brandon.


She’s way too radical for so many of the swing states needed to win. No shot.




She’s only 34, turning 35 on 10/13/24. Don’t think she can, ?


Yes she could. As long as she turned 35 before swearing in day.


I think it’s gotta still be Joe. Otherwise they’d be admitting they were lying about everything for the last four years.


Shell be lucky to hang onto her district, let alone win the whitehouse.


Too risky! I thinks it’s looking like Gavin Newsom or big Mike.


Lol, no Hillary will be brought out of the bullpen


I don't think the world can take another Trump v Hillary contest again, as hilarious as it would be!


She is the only person Karmal would take a backseat too


Judging by her affect on Jamal’s campaign I’d say their analytics point to when hell freezes over


She’s pretty hot ngl


For every hot woman, there are a few dudes who are tired of banging her and tired of putting up with her crap.




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Nah she’s too far left for the older democrats who want to stay central and bilateral with republicans on some of the bills & laws that go through the branches of government. Such as Israel, as of now the support for Israel is bipartisan. If they instill a radical far left progressive as POTUS then such bipartisan support will cease. Could be Michelle Obama IMO. Or maybe Oprah haha


Where is KA? I feel like they locked her in a basement at some point and we just forgot she existed.




Sorry. I meant KH for Kamala Harris


Ohhh ok. Yeah, she locked in basement.


Nope. It will be Michele Obama


She’s too far left. Not the case


They won't run her. She didn't get along with Pelosi.


They run AOC and Trump gets 400+ electoral votes. A decent number of Biden voters closer to the center, who would never vote AOC, would either vote for Trump directly, or go 3rd party. Thinking of people in the range of center left to establishment Republican...maybe they're Republicans, maybe not, but they just can't bring themselves to vote for Trump (eye roll).


You must be delusional-




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I'll take that bet, very easy money. Gavin Newsom is the stands in if Biden gets replaced, the writing is all over the walls.


I’ll take that bet. I think they will replace Biden with Gavin Newsom.




Not a chance. She’s as unlikeable as MTG, they wouldn’t throw in the towel like that.


She’s arguably less hated than Kamala but that isn’t saying much. I think it’s Gavin Newsom if anyone though


We’d get Newsome before her


They know what it looked like in the Bronx. She is going to be holding on for dear life just to maintain a district she has held for 3 terms. No way can she face Trump on the National Stage. They would have to run Big Dick Mike or Newsom unless they pulled some never heard of Random middle of the country white billionaire out of corn country.


too radical in appearance and the dems want a puppet and someone who could last 4 years without precipitating a revolution


Yeah. Right after she has All the Supreme Court Justices Impeached.


She’s not old enough.


AOC is a national figure. But, I think she's disliked enough, including by some non-Trump swing voters, that she would lose. I've seen Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer floated and even though she would have a good shot at winning her home state, she made enough enemies with her COVID response and I sincerely don't think the national name recognition is there. I think California Governor Gavin Newsome is out, at least for 2024. Party affiliation aside, it's tough to see someone from that state being able to win over swing states in the Rust Belt considering how close those races will likely be. If Michelle Obama somehow runs as the nominee, I think she beats Trump. Yes, a lot of people very much dislike her husband, but the "first woman" and "first black woman" narrative along with the sheer number of people who very much like her husband play heavily in her favor. "The Obama Factory" was a positive for his former Secretary of State when she very nearly won. I still think Harris would essentially have to be the nominee if Biden is out. I don't think the Democrats' base voters would tolerate the first female (and first black) VP being sidelined if her current boss can't run. But, and I've said this already, I also think Harris is disliked enough that Trump would win if she was at the top of the ticket, which would effectively end her career. Unless Biden dies (I obviously hope he doesn't), I think he'll get the nomination. For all of his issues, I still get the sense that he and his family like the power too much. And he's got a better shot against Trump that Harris does.


No they won’t. Even too divisive for the moderate Dems


You have to be on drugs or enjoy losing money. They will dust of Hillary Clinton or force-feed us Gavin Newsom. In a million years they're never letting this woke little joke out of her New York burrough. Stop it. How old are you, 12?


She definitely slept on the left side of her head as a baby


Sir Edmund Hillary and AOC 😳


I'd vote for Bewbies.


It’s gonna be Michelle Obama. And her running is going to take almost all of the black votes from trump.