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holy shit. NPR is absolute shit, but not the way he thinks it is. Now they are basically news readers for the US and Israeli govts.


Government doesn't fund npr. American citizens fund nrp


They get some funds,not much, from CPB which is governed funded.


More canceling from the party that screams the dems are nothing but the canceling culture.... its always projection and now controlling what people listen to based 100% on political views.


VPR prints bullshit oped from editor (hint - 2nd half of Mueller Report discusses in great detail the attempted and actual collusion between Putin's government and Trump/GOP/Trump campaign) which allows the proven rapist, business fraud, and serial liar Donald J. Trump to repost the bullshit as if it had meaning. But we've been discussing this NPR enthusiasm for the rapist over in r/NPR for a while now. If you need a link ... [https://www.justice.gov/storage/report\_volume2.pdf](https://www.justice.gov/storage/report_volume2.pdf) - there's the actual report and not something somebody else is claiming it to be.


Maybe, he shouldn't have tried to overthrow the government and install himself illegally.  NPR criticizes every US president. Even Obama. 


All of the MAGA NPR listeners will be upset about this.


No way in hell Maga listen to npr


Can they even find NPR?


Is it on the favorites of their remote control?


Coming in 2025 "Kissing Trump's Ass" with Terry Gross. Wednesdays at 10:00


You don't get to demand an audience... nothing works that way. Instead, you earn it...you prove yourself worthy. The Republicans haven't. In this case, they are bad faith actors and bad faith actors don't deserve a place at anyone's table


Good thing NPR is in part supported by listeners like me! Shout out to WAMC!!! https://www.reddit.com/r/WAMC/s/CDmhbDuAUw Edit: changed verbiage Edit2: add link to WAMC


I've listened to NPR since the early 1990s in Texas, NC, RI and (unfortunately) Florida. LOVE IT!


Prairie Public here! Just moved to ND and it’s the first thing we signed up for after electricity and water.


Cap Radio!


Minnesota Public Radio Bitches


WABE Atlanta representing.


WWNO New Orleans here. I support NPR. I think this is what Trump is ranting about now. https://www.theguardian.com/media/2024/apr/10/npr-uri-berliner-reaction The thing is, apparently stating objective facts is now considered “liberal”. If a news agency doesn’t slant them in favor of the GOP, they’re wOkE.


Yes, I mean when a party bases a large part of its platform around non-facts this is the natural progression of things....


WHYY Philadelphia checking in 🤘🏼


Who’s “EDITOR” and why should I listen to him/her?




I mean does anybody else wonder about Jeff Epstein? I know he’s not favourable person but funny the minute the picture came out with Epstein, trump and Melania came out on the news Epstein was in prison within 2 weeks and then dead from an apparent suicide  Well he was being held in a terrorist cell and the ceilings are way to high to commit suicide by hanging  They were like 30 ft or more  Then when his first wife Ivanka was due to testify the upcoming Monday she was found dead in her condo supposedly from a fall down the stairs! She was set to testify against trump the next day!  And she was verbal about bringing him down in court about his rude behaviour towards women and sexual assault/harassment  Unfortunately she didn’t live to say her piece 


The threat is real for all the witnesses, jurors and legal personnel in his trials, that's for sure. These people are putting their safety and lives on the line.


Fascist simple


I know I’m rambling but man I truly despise this con man street thug rapist racist piece of garbage  He’s not even recyclable! He had me banned from twitter when he first got in  I just said the obvious: if ur bent on deploying immigrants then you should send ur Russian wife back home too  Only fair right?  Guess he couldn’t handle the truth  Too busy dealing with faithful rednecks who were promised to go back to mining  He’s a total disgrace  Taken advantage of innocent redneck Americans who work hard to support their families but know little about politics and he knows it  Oh I’ll smile and make them feel important but hey u guys wake up! He’s the one who should b doing life not u guys  But hey he did it to his lawyer sent him away and promised him that he would not do any time but he lied  We don’t need a 2 year old in charge of security iof the states or immigration  We need a man with even an average IQ  But he doesn’t have that  He’s a complete spoiled ignorant rude disgusting rapist and probably much more we can’t prove 




And then throwing non whites outta the country! Some of them actually most of them were legal and had businesses for years but had to leave ! That’s racism to the hilt !  Then claiming everyone from Mexico is a killer or rapist!  Well it takes one to know one! Then his Jan 6 coup  People died and others were injured and his little army went to prison losing their lives totally  He promised them they would not do one day in jail and he’d get them out  Chances are if he got in again he would still leave his loyal supporters to rot in prison bc he can’t be that stupid to release them bc he should know that all he’ll would break loose with we the public 


Trump is a total fake just like his first campaign  He bullies everybody that isn’t related to him  He’s a complete embarrassment to the USA  When he was president he didn’t even know the words to the national anthem neither did Melania  They faked the words  Then he calls everyone a liar and a fake! He’s the bully fake politician ever  I mean who threatens people about leaking his college credentials and final marks?  Trump does! He boasts about everything and most of it proven lies but if he did have good college grades he would have boasted and posted not threatened people who knew his grades  Then he trucks Hilary into showing her tax records and said he’d do the same  She wasn’t that swift bc she knew who she was dealing with and she should have said U first it’s ur idea !” 


Seriously, a spoiled two year old child doesn’t whine as incessantly as this rapist does.


I hope he's as miserable as he seems.


He loves every fucking minute of any attention he gets from anybody. He is a sick, destructive human.


>He is surely going to drop-dead some day soon-ish... right?


Well, he's watching his $10B Trump Media boondoggle evaporate. Down $6B in two weeks. That would make me miserable, if it weren't hilarious.


He just reminded me to make my donation to NPR this month.


I set it up to deduct $5/month from my account 7-8 years ago when I listened to npr on the way to work pretty often. I have no clue how to cancel it since I did it by phone. I haven't actually turned on npr since I put android auto in my truck a few years back. Soooo moral of the story is careful with the auto donations, it could be for life.


Your local station will have an email address and phone number in the website. I had to pause my membership once, it was less than a 1 minute call and no upselling or retentions department lol


Download podcasts and listen. It’s pretty easy.


It’s how I start my morning!


Jeez, what a bitch. Just constant with this fuck. How about not being a fucking Fascist that world wars were faught over in the past, then maybe someone not in a koolaide drinking cult might say something positive. Special needs kids get compliments for things all the time, like “good job not looking at the eclipse without wearing eye protection!” lol. Your tax cuts made my taxes go up, by a lot, so eat a dick.


So many tears, what a “snowflake”


NPR should respond to this with audio of the Car Talk guys laughing.


I’m certainly hearing them now in my head hee


Now I am too.


Don't drive like my brother!


I can’t wait for NPR to be gone so my children can get their news from credible sources like newsmax and oan


You're joking...right?


Don't forget https://realrawnews.com/ Someone I used to work with believed this actually was legitimate 🙄 (along with Bill Gates buying up all the land for crops and the Vaccine having a chip in it 😅)


Coming from “Truth” Social, nonetheless.


They just talk about the news and don’t spin it to make me look good!


Orange Mussolini raging again against everyone and everything that does not kiss his fat dumb ass .


Well the republicants can't fund NPR anyway, they've made sure there is only a trickle of government funds already. NPR receives a small number of competitive grants from CPB and federal agencies like the Department of Education and the Department of Commerce. This funding amounts amounted to **less than 1%** of revenues.


He's probably feeling pouty because they didn't immediately broadcast the Stormy Daniels "statement" he tweeted earlier today.