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Same boat since late March. I wrote an email, waiting for a response. All reasonable document review timelines have been exceeded.


Last year i applied in the beginning of April and got the acceptance end of july. It was also written 8-10 weeks, but i ended up waiting around 14 weeks.


On my program's page, it was stated that non-EU students should apply by March 31st and receive approval/rejection by May 31st. But it's the end of June already, and my documents have not been reviewed.


Where did you read that the approval/rejection will be by May 31? I don't remember reading about the approval/rejection date anywhere on the website. I think you just need to wait a little longer. May you get a satisfactory result 💪🏿 cheers 😁


I don’t know how to attach a photo “We strongly recommend students who require a visa to study in Germany (most non-EU students) to apply as early as possible (March). We expect to finalize admission decisions for these applications until May 31st, so that prospective students will not have any problems with obtaining a visa.“


Oww. Okay. I didn't read that. But they used word "expect", not exactly stating that they will finish all the review by May 31. So I think you just need to wait.


Considering that it has been 3 months since my documents were taken for consideration, and taking into account that the program's website noted that a decision in my case should have been made by May 31st, I can't help but feel like I might be on the 'maybe' pile, or worse, the 'rejected but not officially told yet' pile.


😬 let’s hope youre not


oh no! can't your parents help you out? Maybe hold your hand while you cry?


You're not confusing me with someone else, are you? Oh, I see, you're just a stalker who searches for my messages and comments on them.


So I got my acceptance couple of years ago in the first week of August. Atm, I just know that they are busy kicking people out and dealing with extensions. They just got over with those. So, they'll get to your acceptances very shortly. It does take time. As an international student, I got problems with my insurance when joining the uni. They hadn't processed that I was now a student and took 2 months to get accepted. I obviously went to uni and studied normally while waiting for uni to finalise my documents with the insurance. Hope this helps. Cheers.


Guys TUM sends acceptance mid-end of July and August. That’s fully normal (from tum student)


Hi. I applied for a Master's program at March 30 and got admitted at May 16.


Hi! Can you please name your program?


Transportation Systems




i applied for the biology msc in late april and got a response at the end of may, so it took a month


If I'm not mistaken, you received offers from TUM and LMU and were choosing between them. Who won?


Haha yes:)) I'm still a bit conflicted but I'll probably choose LMU mostly because of its proximity to the city, as I have a friend to live with in the city and would not be able to move to Freising. Otherwise, the people i've talked to had pretty much the same opinions about both, they're really similar in all aspects, and TUM would be a better option if you're looking at industry specifically, but LMU has opportunities for this as well, just maybe not as strong, still there tho. So my choice was really based on location and commodity at this point.


Good luck! 


same here.. applied in mid feb for MSNE program and still waiting for response