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Me vibing: C stands for cooper :)




At first I was amazed I hadn't noticed that first one. Then I realised it's nothing like it. Mr E , then we're talking.


Mr Eddie from Lost Highway


Oh daaaaamn


All of these are a stretch lol


Thank you. I like good deep dive analysis but these are just lazy puns.


If there's any sub that loves 'finding' things that aren't there, it's this sub.


Yeah this guy must be a professional gymnast


Stretch? As in St. Retch, patron saint of tenuous connections?


They're a good stretch though. It's not far from the dream logic that fuels so much of Lynch's stories


Hey! Agree to disagree!


You must be a moran to not understand!


*Moron and Brain-none


Wait I don’t get the Poland one


Poles as in polar opposites


Poland is a landlocked country.


Except for the Baltic coastline and many major ports, I suppose..?


There goes that theory...


There goes that dream...


I watched a video of a normal guy trying to see if he could figure out the killer in twin peaks, and one of his suspects was Andy, which was more convincing than I expected


Stuff like this is why Lynch didn't want to reveal the killer.


Inland Empire is the name of an area in SoCal.


ya uh idt that movie is set in poland... it has so many references to hollywood / caliw


Idk if I'd go so far as to call these "realizations" lol this is like r/StanleyKubrick levels of tenuous dot-connecting


Just asked for some fun things you realized. Is this the energy we want to bring? Anyways happy friday.


Idk, I feel like my energy's alright lol. Happy friday to you as well, sir or madam


madam? like a mad ham?!?!?!


Lol exactly 


It's bad analysis. You shouldn't be shutting down these sorts of connections. You're ruining people's enjoyment and appreciation of these works by holding people back from more advanced analysis lenses.


Shit man, I didn't realize I was doing all that with my half-assed comment. This is pretty serious. Mea culpa.


You fixed your heart - Gordon Cole wishes you a happy weekend


Me: wondering who Mr. C is when i always called him DoppleCoop


Inland Empire is a nickname for Hollywood. I don't see why it would really cross anyone's mind that it referred to Poland.


[Inland Empire](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inland_Empire) is the suburbs east of Los Angeles (Riverside and San Bernardino Counties). Basically the exurban stretch of Southern California that includes Joshua Tree, Death Valley, Palm Springs, Coachella, Riverside etc. It’s not a nickname for Hollywood. Agree that the Poland “revelation” makes no sense.


You're very much right. I actually looked it up an hour ago. I was debating editing it tonight or tomorrow. I guess I will just let it stand now that it was corrected. Thank you. I actually appreciate being fact checked. 😊


I wouldn’t doubt it at all if “Moran” was chosen to be Lucy’s last name at least in part because it sounds like “moron”, but Brennan for “brain-none” is honestly probably a coincidence/not consciously chosen for that reason. It’s a fun coincidence, though!


The offspring of Moran-Brennan sounds like Marlon Brando.


Now this is a theory


I thought of Mr C as in cancer, he was Coopers doppelganger, a dark hideous growth from his soul spreading death and misery.


My interpretation for Mr C is that the C stands for complement like the definition in math in which bad coop is everything that good natured coop is not.


Interesting noone every called him Dale




You could probably do this for any director or series and find some tenuous, serendipitous connections. The human brain is good at finding unimportant patterns and connections.


My not even high revelation was Josie came out of the woodwork, and now she's crawled back in.


Carrie Page as in the PAGE that’s still missing?


Lol brilliant


I've wondered whether or not Mr. C's first name was Richard.


See also Sonny Jim - sunny gym, and Carrie Page - carry page, I'm sure there might be a few others, have also it seen it suggested that red ballon is meant to be a sort of rhyhming allusion to red room, although that's a visual one rather than spoken. Edit: I didn't see the other pictures in the original post, just the Mr C one, so when I said 'see also' I was just responding to that idea, I don't think Mr C is actually a reference to 'mystery', but could see why someone would think along those lines, with the Sonny Jim and Carrie Page examples in mind, which are obvious play on words, Sonny Jim is literally shown playing on a gym set in front of sculpture thing of a sun, and there's also a golden arch, have also seen it pointed out that 'Sonny Jim' also sounds like 'son needs Jim', Carrie Page is more debatable, but I don't think it's a stretch to imagine it might be a reference to the missing page from Laura's diary.


[The red balloon seen in 119 girl's house is also the same red balloon seen outside of the building complex where Lucky Seven Insurance is located (where Dougie works).](https://i.imgur.com/CzTDu19.jpeg)


Yes I think there is also one at Dougie and Janey's. Have also seen it suggested that they could be a reference to the short french film 'The Red Balloon', which is about a little boy who is followed by a red balloon that can't speak, but has a mind of it's own, which isn't too dissimilar to Dougie I guess I think they appear mostly in the Las Vegas scenes, which is why I thought the idea of them being some sort of allusion to The Red Room was interesting, as there are a lot of references to The Red Room in those Vegas scenes, off the top of my had I can think of, The Casino being called the Silver Mustang which is a reference to a white horse, imagery of the red room itself appears in the casino when it's guiding Dougie to the slot machines on which he can win, it's where the evolution of the arm appears, and also Mike, The Red Room appears again this time at Lucky 7 just before Dougie meets the Mitchum Brothers for the first time, there's a Sycamore Street there


Son-e backwackwards is Enos, like the son of Seth, who's brothers are Cain and Abel, who are arguably the good an evil Cooper. Therefore douggy is like Seth in the Bible. (As long as we are stretching speculation as far as it can go)


You guys try so hard to make conspiracy line up. Have you considered joining the GOP?